Millis & Lundw 6:` �/ � Z Y.V. DVX 17U9 f La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA (619) 564=2246 . �-;�i. =rs�� 11111111111111111111 r`y or �,<.��` HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION 29 Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IAPPLICANT'S NAME L 1-1-5 Luwl PHONE PROPERTY OWNER PHONE PROPERTY ADDRESS "-4 YO AVC 0,f19tZA,4Uf,4 TYPE OF RESIDENCE single multiple, mobile home, etc.) TYPE OF BUSINESS K 1 9 6 to ij F o n l 7 i BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS W L OPERATF, /7L10 C- -J" i . r .r ✓ ii -r .tGY /Y_" �/ �Z U - /Y A, /"01 /L7 int 0 } i NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS �- LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED Ajo ��Zl DGd UtZ"S . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN MOO A�x HOUSE ( EXCLUDE GARAGE) -2!!4410 VAS jffiAMP C LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF JUN 171993, X/(o3S • BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (EXAMPLE. "BEDROOM - 125 S.F.") BY DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BLIVU USED IN -THE' BUSINESS OPERATION I t::AX �C°®/Jc! `yl I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME.. OCCUPATION IS ALLO D (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). APPLICXNVSIGNATURE IDAT9 IF APPLICANrff-IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE. DATE f IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying i your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Build,inq and Safety Department �( G APPROVED BY ATE - - l> CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED BY DATE 4 HOME OCCUPATION CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: 1. No one other than the resident of the dwelling shall be employed on the premises in the conduct of the home occupation. 2. The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the enclosed area of the main building and shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the total area of the structure. 3. A home occupation shall not be conducted within an accessory structure. There may be storage of equipment or supplies in an accessory structure. Garage space may be used for the conduct of a home occupation only when it does not interfere with the use of such space for the off-street parking of vehicles required by Chapter 9.160 of the Zoning Ordinance. • 4. There shall be no outdoor storage or display of equipment, machinery, supplies, materials, or merchandise. 5. There shall be no sales activity, either wholesale or retail, except mail order sales, nor shall there be the maintenance of an office open to -the general public. 6. There shall be no more than a one -day's supply of hazardous materials stored on the premises at any given time (i.e., pool chlorine, paint thinner, etc.). 7. There shall be no dispatching of persons or equipment to or from the subject property, including the use of commercial vehicles which operate to and from the premises. 8. No vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental to residential use shall be stored or parked on the site. 9. There shall not be involved the use of commercial vehicles for the delivery of materials or items to or from the premises, other than a vehicle not to exceed a rated one -ton capacity. 10. There shall be no use of any mechanical equipment, appliance, or motor outside of the enclosed building or which generates noise detectable from outside the building in which it is _..'� located. s HOME OCCUPATION Page Two 11. There shall be no signs or other devices identifying or advertising the home occupation. 12. In no way shall the appearance of the building or lot be so altered, or the home occupation be so conducted, that the lot or building may be reasonably recognized as serving a non-. residential use (either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations, etc.). 1.3. No home occupation shall create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference, traffic, or other causes. 14. The use shall meet reasonable special conditions as established and made of record in the Home.Occupation Permit, as may be deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this Section. • s • k B BL14 BUSINESS MASTER DISPLAY X2 17/93 16:19:25 siness 447 INACTIVE Phone: 619-564-0026 Cat: Bus. Grp: 4 Location: 1 Class: 328.410 LUND CONSTRUCTION Legal St: INDIVIDUAL Chg.Pen: N 52010 DIAZ Location: 52010 DIAZ LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA CA 92253 Parcel Number: Open Date: 8/15/85 Gross Cur.: BEAN #: Last Bill: License Date: License Exp: Penalty Date: Last Pay: LICENSE PENALTY Unap.Cr. . Balance CKEY 1 -END DISPLAY • Ll Gross Prev: St.Lic#: 475-655 Paid for Per: Fed ID#: Adj. for Per: SIC #: 82 Bus.ID#: Deposit Dt: Rate --- Units --- Desc. Deposit Amt: Code Cur. / Prev. Code ---Aging--- Current: 1 Month: ---Manager's Name & Address --- 2 Months: POOL CONTR 3 & Over: CKEY 2 -HISTORY CKEY 3 -OWNER CKEY 4 -CONTACT BL14 Bus.#: 1686 17/93 ivity 6—� LICENSE ate Src FEE 1/19/93 C 21.00- 1/11/93 B 21.00 1/17/92 C 21.00- 12/26/91 B 21.00 1/14/91 C 21.00- 1/08/91 B 21.00 8/01/90 U 43.00- 7/31/90 B 43.00 7/20/90 C CKEY 1 -END DISPLAY • • HISTORY DATA DISPLAY PENALTY Unapplied Credit 43.00 43.00- Balance Due 21.00 21.00 21.00 CKEY 5 -MASTER 43.00- X2 16:21:54 Gross Receipts 14500 14500 17400 17400 2000 2000 60000 60000 �statr of &IT-fornin 1Boar Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and the Rules and Regulations of the Contractors State License Board, the Registrar of Contractors does hereby issue this license to: Signature of Licensee LUND DANIEL WARREN to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor In the following classification(s): DEPARTMENT OF C53 - Swimming Pool B - General Building Contractor Witness my hand and seal this day, April 27, 1989 Issued June 25, 1 69M q — CERTIFIED COPYY . Registrar of Contracto 4W5 This license is the property of the Registrar of Contractors, is not license Number Signature of License Qualifier transferrable, and shall be returned to the Registrar upon demand when suspended, revoked, or invalidated for any reason. It becomes void if not renewed. M-24 (REV. 1$9) No- 216642 0F . r Y Signature of Licensee LUND DANIEL WARREN to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor In the following classification(s): DEPARTMENT OF C53 - Swimming Pool B - General Building Contractor Witness my hand and seal this day, April 27, 1989 Issued June 25, 1 69M q — CERTIFIED COPYY . Registrar of Contracto 4W5 This license is the property of the Registrar of Contractors, is not license Number Signature of License Qualifier transferrable, and shall be returned to the Registrar upon demand when suspended, revoked, or invalidated for any reason. It becomes void if not renewed. M-24 (REV. 1$9) No- 216642 r �. V-�-j A;. J �fafr of California C�IIntructurs ifnfr 'LFirense 'ZnzcrD Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and the Rules and Regulations of the Contractors State License Board, the Registrar of Contractors does hereby issue this license to: CARRIBEAN POOLS P.~' to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor *� in the following classification(s): Slale or 1` J P001.eli�rnm \ (� " * -• � ; oe rlmm,t of C53 SWIMMING P ry..Consutmr cAffairs 'qF 1F O{ - Witness my hand and seal this day, January 20, 1993 Issued October 25, 1939 t�eJ Signature of LicenseeCERTIFIED COPY Registrar (If Cuntrartrlrs 579831 This license is the property of the Registrar of Contractors, is not Signature of License Qualifier transferrable, and shall be returned to the Registrar upon demand License- Number when suspended, revoked, or invalidated for any reason. It becomes / void if not renewed. 13L-24 (REV. 4-91) 91 62972 Iii •w,� No '.iv I^ ^•.1 • PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ` I This Space For use of Counly Clerk WILLIAM E. CONERLY NOTE t. Submit Original and 2 copies. COUNTY CLERK 2. Filing Fee: Statement including one registrant. E1:44 each additional name at same location, add $7.00; each additional registrant, add P.O. BOX 751 3. Provide self-addressed stamped envelope, if mailed. RIVERSIDE, CA 92502-0751 4. Must be legible - make no erasures, whiteouts or other alterations. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS: Fictitious Business Name(s) CAR r ►3 T3 Ci'ttAJ Po"DC S Street Address, City & State of Principal Place of Business in California Zip Code Full Name of Registrant (one) Full Name of Registrant (two) Residence Address Residence Address 7 rr-€'i s- .1-q - Vj�a /4r/t�,G4,t��A. City I State Zip City State Zip C A Q I ,v T.g C :-A , 2 2 i �rA ©rle cr,�4 . �%1� 71 ZS'3 (If corporation, show state of incorporation) Full Name of Registrant (three) Residence Address City . State Zip (If corporation, show state of incorporation) (If corporation, show state of incorporation) Full Name of Registrant (four) Residence Address City State Zip (If corporation, show state of incorporation) p" mury nmio . nayuu ams — n .". anem ---y vwnm nnur,nauunr This business is conducted by: ❑ an individual ❑ individuals—Husband and Wife a General Partnership ❑ a Limited Partnership ❑ a Corporation ❑ a Business Trust ❑ Co -Partners ❑ a Joint Venture ❑ an Unincorporated Association—other than a Partnership ❑ Other (Specify) This registrant commenced to transact business under -the fictitious business name or names listed above on If Registrant a corporation sign below Sign g_/ Corporation Name Typed or Printed�N' i ,_. L ` ,VC) Sinnature & Title G DATE O G 19 93 ' NO. 9647 DOLLARS $ �t �;X, ' � I tiro ,.. :• � .;., ��IC11L i � NESS NAME )E) MP ABOVE COPY :E. DEPUTY