Foster• • 111111111111111 IIII 34 FEE $35.00 4 4v CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O.Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. BUSINESS NAME PROPERTY OWNER _ PROPERTY ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF RESIDENCE TYPE OF BUSINESS BRIEF DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS a LIST NAME OF PERSONS EMPLOYED A/o n C Z o wKc�S SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) �1 S00 LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (EXAMPLE, "BEDROOM -125 S.F.") DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUI,, BUSINESS OPERATION PU.ce. cog - AREA CG h -1qj c ( 6 e v s e -Q fo •^ 5 `f �9 4�k� e. ?MENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE foie. cs 6e- e I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATIQN IP ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). OZA/4- /11AL( APPLICANT SIGNATURE IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT IS REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR. HOME OCCUPATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Bu&lding_and Safety Department i APPROVED DENIED CONDITIONS ATTACHED 1. .N0 fRF]97/UCAIT - .S 13E -- A J 3E--,N L-�?�&77 04, THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE HOLDER TO EW GAGE IN ANY BUSINESS COMRARY TO LAWS REGULATING THAT BUSINESS OR TO POSSESS OR OPERATE ANY ILLEGAL DEVICE. Not valid at any other address BT -442 -R -LZ REV. 10 (6-90) CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SELLER'S PERMIT ACCOUNT NUMBER x10/1/1994 SR ERC 99581343 DESERT TENNIS COURT SUPPLIES 51255 AVE. DIAZ LLA QUINTA, CA 92253 J IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO SALES AND USE TAX LAW TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION THIS PERMIT IS VALID UNTIL REVOKED OR CANCELLED BUT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. IF YOU SELL YOUR BUSINESS, OR DROP OUT OF A PARTNERSHIP, NOTIFY US OR YOU COULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SALES AND USE TAXES OWED BY THE NEW OPERATOR OF THE BUSINESS. DISPLAY CONSPICUOUSLY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR WHICH ISSUED NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS INFORMATION FURNISHED TO THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Information Practices Act of 1977 requires this agency to provide the following notice to individual taxpayers who are asked by the State Board of Equalization to supply -information: The principal purpose for which the requested information will be used is to administer the California Sales and Use Tax taws, Special (Excise) Tax Laws, or Timber Yield Tax Law. This includes the determination and collection of the correct amount of tax As an individual taxpayer, you have the right of access to personal information about you In records maintained by the State Board of Equalization. Please contact your local Board office listed in the white pages for assistance. The Board officials responsible for maintaining this information are: Sales and Use Tax, Deputy Director, Sales and Use Tax Department, 450 N Street, MIC:43, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone (916) 445-6464; Excise Tax and Environmental Fee Tax, Deputy Director, Special Taxes and Operations Department, 450 N Street, MIC:31, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone (916) 327-4208; Timber Yield Tax, Deputy Director, Property Taxes Department, 450 N Street, MIC:63, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone (916) 445-1516. If the local Board office or Deputy Director Is unable to provide the information sought, you may also contact the Information Security Office in Sacramento, telephone (916) 324-1627. The California Revenue and Taxation Code, Parts 1, 1.5 and 1.6 (State Sales and Use Tax), 2 (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax), 3 (Use Fuel Tax), 7 (rax on Insurers), 13 (Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax), 14 (Alcoholic Beverage Tax), 18.5 (Timber Yield Tax), 19 (Energy Resources Surcharge), 20 (Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge),. 22 (Hazardous Substances Tax Law), 23 (Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup and Maintenance Fee Law), 24 (Oil Spill Response, Prevention and Administration Fees), and 26 (Underground Storage Tanks Maintenance Fee Law); Government Code, Title 7.3, Chapter 6 (Tire Recycling Fee); Public Resources Code, Div. 30, Part 7, Chapter 4 (Oil Recycling Fee); Health and Safety Code, Div. 1, Part 1, Chapter 2, Article 4.6 (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee); and Chapter 1 of the Public Utilities Code (Hazardous Spill Prevention Fee) require persons meeting certain requirements to file applications for registration, applications for permits or licenses, and tax returns or reports in such form as prescribed by the State Board of Equalization. It is mandatory that you furnish all of the required information requested by applications for registration, applications for permits or licenses, tax returns and other related data. Failure to provide all of the required information requested by an application for a permit or license could result in your not being issued a permit or license. In addition, the law provides penalties for failure to file a return, failure to furnish specific information required, failure to supply information required by law or regulations, or for furnishing fraudulent information. Pursuant to California law, the information appearing on the face of any permit or license issued by the Board is a public record. Information you furnish to this agency may be used for the purpose of collecting any outstanding tax liability and may be given to federal, state and local government agencies as authorized by law. GA -324-A REV. 5 (6.93) BUS. LIC. NO. 1994 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION FORM ***************** * *APPROVED BY * DATE AO^ ************************** ......PROOF OF WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE -IS REQUIRED........ 1. IS THIS BUSINESS LOCATED AT YOUR HOME: YES— NO 2. Business Name: [�PSP�f TCK�I�S Co���. SVDOII�S 3. Business Address: 4. Mailing Address: R .S°'JL 15 2 S I -�,55 Aue Adn Ut5i , L -L Q�tw+ti l.y l?,;t.4 C 5. Business Phone:( 6. Owned By: CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL 7. If Corporation or Partnership Tax I . D . # 33 - 09 6 d311 8. If Individual Owner: Social Security # 9. Name of Owner Fos�i1e..^ Title • poesla e4 toOr Officers 10. Type of Business: Te -1-11'f Cov�TS�pp�[e3 w 11. IF YOU ARE A FOOD VENDOR, DO YOU HAVE A COUNTY HEALTH PERMIT: YES NO ol 12 SBE Resale Number: 0�� �G�HC- 12. 13. BUSINESS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (Does Not Apply To Building Contractors): WN B. Estimated Gross Business ceipts s - for New Bus Previous Year Gross Receipts For Established $ 3 .5 4 o o ********GOOD ONLY FOR JANUARY 1,1994 THRU DECEMBER 31,1994******* I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information supplied by me is correct and any licenses required by the County, State or Federal Government have been issued to me'and are in full force and effect. o,G�tc,Y�� Signat Title Submit Form To: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION 78-495 Calle Tampico' La Ouint-.a. rA g22c;l Da