PCMIN 05 24 1994 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION- CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California May 24, 1994 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows. Commissioner Adolph led the flag salute. H. ROLL CALL A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows. B. Commissioners Abels/Ellson moved and seconded a motion to excuse Commissioner Marrs. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. D. Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved to amend the agenda to place Public Hearing #3 (Plot Plan 93-495-Simon Plaza) as Item #1 and reorganize the agenda accordingly. Unanimously approved. Ill. PUBLIC HEARINGS - A. PLOT PLAN 93-495; a request of Simon Plaza for a one year extension of time for a commercial project at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 111. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Adolph asked staff what the status of the street dedication __ was. Staff stated the dedication had not taken place as of yet but the street dedication would have to take place prior to any building permits beingissued. PC5 -24 1 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 3. Commissioner Adolph asked if the restaurant planned for the comer was still required to have the two copulas on the top of the building and if the signage would remain the same. Staff stated ail the conditions originaily approved would remain. 4. Commissioner Ellson asked if the project could be built in phases. Staff stated it could as long as it met ail the conditions. 5. Commissioner Ellson asked if the upper level patio would have a trellis cover. Staff stated the originai approvai did not require a trellis patio cover. 6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Mark Moran, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission regarding the project and the concerns they had with the modified conditions. In particular was an objection to Condition #38, in place of Condition 39. 7. Mr. Paul Seltzer, co-owner in the project, elaborated on the objections to Conditions #38, #40, #42, #43, and #44. Mr. Seltzer stated the project did not cause the problem for the widening of the street. They had paid to put the street in once and they should not be required to do it again. 8. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained the conditions were added to the project as this was a new development that came after a circulation specific plan was adopted by the City. She further stated that only the City Council can waive any costs by entering into a Development Agreement or Owner Participation Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency. 9. Mr. Seltzer reiterated that the Planning Commission and City Council approved Condition #39 last year and he can't understand why it cannot be done again with this request. Discussion followed as to why the street is being widened and who is responsible for that widening. 10. Mr. Fred Simon, co-owner, addressed the condition regarding the funding of the street improvements as required by Condition #38. He stated that if the additionai costs of the street improvements are placed on the project he will be unable to fund the project and it will not be built. 11. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated that since the City had not been able to widen Washington Street for two years and since Simon Plaza had been unable to get their project started, staff went to the City Council to discuss the widening of Washington Street in two phases. The City would fund the first phase and Simon Plaza would incur the cost of the second phase. PC5 -24 2 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 12. Commissioners Ellson and Abels asked staff to clarify what the difference was between Conditions #38 and #39. Staff stated the difference was in regard to how much of the street Simon Plaza would be required to improve. Whether it would be all of the right-of-way east of the centerline for Washington Street or, east of the curb and gutter improvements and contiguous to the project site. Discussion followed relative to those improvements. 13. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion. 14. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ellson/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 94-015 to recommend a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 93-495 as conditioned. The motion carried with Commisisoner Adolph voting No. Commissioner Abels withdrew from the Chambers due to a possible future conflict of interest on the following item. B. PLOT PLAN 94-522; a request of DoDco Construction Services for approval to develop a two story retail/office building in the C-V-C Zone on a 0.37 acre site. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Adolph asked what the sign program was for the project. Staff explained the sign was to be painted on the southeast corner of the upper floor of the building. Discussion followed regarding the lettering and size of the sign. 3. There being no further comments of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Dan Featheringill addressed the Commission regarding the project and stated they were able to modify the sign if the Commission so desired. He further stated his concern regarding the condition to require French doors in the rear of the building as this would be a security problem. Mr. Featheringill went on to explain his development request. 4. Mr. Greg Butler, draftsman for the project, stated his objections to requiring decorative ceramic tile around the door frames and display · windows on the north elevation. The Pueblo style architecture does not PC5 -24 3 Planning Commission Minutes _ May 24, 1994 use decorative tile around the door openings. As they were an office building and not a retail building, there would be no need for display windows. He further stated his objection to the requirement for a pedestrian access through the building as the building was only 75 feet from Desert Club and the Specific Plan called for a mid-block accessway. At the present time there is one possible tenant for the lower floor but, if the accessway is required they would lose that tenant. 5. Commissioner Adolph questioned why the windows, doors, and columns were not balanced on the second floor. Mr. Butler stated that this was an orthographic view and on each floor the windows and doors were symmetrical. The design was based on the leasable spaces inside the building. 6. Commissioner Adolph questioned the building being offset from Anchovie's Pizza to the west and the building did not tie together and was not compatible with the neighboring buildings. 7. Commissioner Adolph inquired why peeled logs were being used. Mr. Butler stated they were using the logs to keep with the Pueblo look. Discussion followed as the style being a departure from what is there. Commissioners asked for a site plan and street view elevation that showed the neighboring building(s) in relation to the proposed building. 8. Commissioner Ellson stated this design was a complete departure from the Village theme. The building was too much of a deviation from what is there. The windows needed to be in balance along with the columns. She further stated the vehicle access needed to be from the alley rather than from Desert Club as there was no way to turn around without backing out of the deadend parking lot. Commissioner Ellson further stated the windows were all on the south side and provided no sun protection. In addition, there were no windows on the north side. She questioned the stairway as to the materials to be used and asked that more detail be given. The columns on the north should be over each other and not in front of the doorways. The plans call for Palo Verde trees as the shade trees for the project but there doesn't appear to be enough space for the tree at the southeast corner of the site. She stated her concern that the two story overhang may not be earthquake proof. Mr. Butler explained the landscaping plan and stated they had no objection to the staff recommendation for a raised planter on Calle Estado. He went on to address some of the issues raised. PC5 -24 4 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 9. Chairwoman Barrows stated her concern for window treatment on the south elevation and encouraged windows on the north side as well. She would like the windows recessed 12-inches into the Calle Estado facade. Mr. Butler stated they had planned on recessing the windows 3-inches. 10. Mr. Dan Featheringill asked the Commission to give him an indication of whether they would approve the variance before he went to the cost of drawing new plans. Commissioners stated they had no objection to the variance request but the building needed to be redrawn. 11. Commissioner Ellson again asked if the parking entrance could be from the alley. Mr. Featheringill stated if he were to do this he would lose the required number of parking spaces needed. Discussion followed regarding the circulation pattern of the parking lot and whether the variance could include the reduction in parking spaces. 12. Commissioner Adolph asked if the parking could be tied in with Anchovies. Mr. Featheringill stated Anchovie's parking was angled and would not be conducive to his needs. 13. Chairwoman Barrows asked that the applicant make the Pueblo design match more with the existing buildings and align the windows, doors, and columns on the buildings two floors. 14. Commissioner Adolph asked if staff had any objections to not requiring the pedestrian access. Staff stated they had no objection. Discussion followed regarding how to open the parking lot access to the alley. 15. Commissioner Adolph asked if the landscaping plan would come back before the Commission. Staff stated it would. 16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ellson/Adolph to continue Plot Plan 94-522 and Variance 94-025 to the next meeting of June 14, 1994. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Abels abstaining. Commissioner Abels rejoined the Commission. C. PRECISE PLAN 94-846 (THE CLASSICS AT TOPAZ); a request of Century/Crowell Communities for compatibility review of new model homes for the Topaz project (Tract 23935). PC5-24 5 Planning Commission Minutes _ May 24, 1994 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department and showed a video of the area. 2. Commissioner Adolph asked who put the landscaping in on the existing units. Staff stated the developer did. 3. Commissioner Ellson asked who installed the original building trellises on the existing homes. Staff stated it was an option offered by the developer but required by the City in 1991 and 1992. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Dennis Cunningham, representing Century/Crowell, gave a history of the project and noted they had been working with the staff and homeowners in the area to come to a workable solution for the development needs. 5. Mr. Ed Munson, Topaz resident, stated his objections to the new units. He stressed the need to have the same architectural features as the existing units. He further stated the smallest unit (Plan 2X) should be eliminated, the gabeling was essential for the houses, the back elevation was flat with no detailing, 3-car garages were needed and, the guest houses should be continued as well as additional window detailing. 6. Mr. Lance Eldred, Topaz resident, stated he was in favor of growth for the tract but wanted responsible compatible units. His concern was for the product mix and allow the guest house as an option and consider a sign to distinguish between the two homes such as "The Estates" (existing) and "The Classics" (new). 7. Commissioner Adolph asked Mr. Eldred is there was a Homeowners' Association. Mr. Eldred stated there was only an architectural committee controlled by the developer until such time as they turn it over to the homeowners. They do have CC & R's. Discussion followed regarding Ordinance 242 and whether or not the original Plan 4 included or excluded the guest cottage in the square footage sizing issue. 8. Mr. Robert Tyler, Topaz resident, stated his objection to the proposed units that they were not compatible with the existing units. He did not understand why Acacia could build comparable units and make a profit and Century could not. He stated that as the houses are laid out on the lots in the La Quinta Vistas area, the headlights from passing cars created a glare for the units in the cul-de-sac. PC5-24 6 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 9. Mr. Thomas Mulcahey, Topaz resident, stated he did not feel the homes looked like the existing units. He asked if two story units would be built behind or next to single story homes. 10. Mrs. Flannery, Topaz resident, stated her concern that a two story unit would be allowed behind her one story home. Staff explained that as they are conditioned they would not be able to build a two story behind her house. 11. Mrs. Jeannie Plantz, Topaz resident, stated her concern that the proposed units do not reflect the existing units. She also would like the signage to show the existing homes are "The Estates" to help increase their property values. 12. Ms. Christine Kutt, Topaz resident, stated that the existing two story units are very imposing from the street and the proposed two story homes are not comparable in size. She felt the name distinction would help. She felt the developer should build what is existing. 13. Ms. Mary Black, Topaz resident, stated she felt the new units would reduce her property values as her house will be next door to one of the new units. 14. Mr. Dennis Cunningham, applicant representing Century/Crowell addressed the Commission regarding the concerns raised by the homeowners. He strongly objected to the Commission regulating the mix as it needed to be dictated by buyer demand. He further stated his objections to Conditions g24,//25, and g28 however, he would be willing to utilize popout windows for the two story units on the rear elevation for detail but, didn't feel it necessary on the one story design as they are not seen from the street. 15. Mr. Ernest Vincent, legal representative for Century/Crowell, stated the market has changed and they needed flexibility with the mix to handle the market changes. He then stated the Compatibility Ordinance does give the Planning Commission the right to set mix but it doesn't have to be the same as the existing. He then asked the City Attorney to explain the Ordinance. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained the purpose of the Ordinance and stated the Ordinance is flexible as "compatible" is in the eye of the beholder (i.e., Planning Commission). Discussion followed. PC5-24 7 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 16. Commissioner Ellson suggested sites to place the "The Estates" tract signs. Mr. Cunningham stated it was difficult to come up with an appropriate location based on the placement of the existing homes and future homes. 17. Commissioner Ellson asked why the developer could not build the same units as is existing. Mr. Cunningham stated he could build the same unit but he would sell it for less than what the existing homeowners paid for theirs and it would hurt their property values. 18. Commissioner Ellson questioned whether pivot garage doors versus sectional doors would be used. Mr. Cunningham stated that studies showed that there was no difference because the length of cars purchased today are shorter. 19. Chairwoman Barrows asked that the developer use 24-inch box specimen trees. Mr. Cunningham stated he should not be required to use the 24- inch box trees for the homes north of the existing homes. Discussion followed regarding trees sizes. 20. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. 21. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Plans 5 and 5L meet the requirements of Condition ff24. Staff noted Plan 5 would not since it is a one story home. Discussion followed. 22. Commissioner Adolph expressed concern that the dramatic features on the existing units are not present in the proposed units nor was the balance in the mix what it should be. Mr. Cunningham stated he would built what the market demanded. Commissioner Adolph stated the developer needed to develop a unit mixture similar to the existing Topaz homes. 23. Commissioner Abels stated he sympathized with both sides but due to the lateness of the meeting, the discussion should be continued. He further stated the proposed units needed to be designed closer to the look of the existing units. Discussion followed regarding market demand and unit mix. 24. Commissioner Ellson stated her major concern was for the six lots closest to the existing units. There needed to be more similarity between the houses. PC5-24 8 Planning Commission Minutes May 24, 1994 25. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Adolph to continue Precise Plan 94-846 to June 14, 1994. Unanimously approved. It was further suggested that the developer meet with staff and existing homeowners and try to come back with plans that resembling the existing units. Mr. Cunningham asked for clarification on the rear elevation. Commissioner Adolph suggested that the developer add trellis work to give some additional depth. Staff pointed out that the existing units have architectural detail on all four sides. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: None V. BUSINESS SESSION: None VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of May 10, 1994, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Ellson to adopt the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. VH. OTHER- None VHI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Abels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on June 14, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 11:08 P.M., May 24, 1994. PC5-24 9