MASCORROCITY OF LA OUINTA HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT ION 78-105 Call* Es1ad P.O. Box 1504 La Ouln1a, CA 922 (819)564-2246 • -�yOI TM,�� . APPLICAT CITY Or +-K QUINTA Read each condition listed on tr.e attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. AUG2 U 1991 (TYPE OR PRINT. IN 1NK)__________________________________________________________ • IMPORTXNT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. BUILDING J,4kFETY DEPAR NT / APPROVED B S v DATEc% / CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED BY DATE f ,I' I I'll(' VIII I'll llll 2% E7//e-,r\ C•t_1.S r (�C> PHONE 5b4 -2. i3(R APPLICANT'S NAME Y / \ PROPERTY OWNER )::-aY-e.'s+ G� Ct D� - PHONE 5by--3220 " 1 PROPERTY ADDRESS 5!Z -1g6P n �d(Ae l Q% �-0. C� LU V+a , Com,. `I 2 •SE�3 ` TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.) TYPE OF BUSINESS ��� d+► r C` itr. o.S�Cir �SS�S BRIEF DE CRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WIL OPERATE C=Yyi o t '� d t ci of door +-o o v\ C t� NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS 4 LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED A0 -Vi ,r0.-Yna-SC0rC-C) O(SIC-V\,Q SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE„FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) 1,9942 _ VALIDATION STAMP LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (EXAMPLE,. "BEDROOM - 125 SQUARE F ET") 0 OF. MACHINERY EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIE `SEIN rI ED0I 1JLB45.00 SINE55 DESCRIPTION OPERATION GL1f1I' . YOX Yl O -7 -HAVE READ/ UNDERSTAND,• AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). APPLICANT SIGNATURE. DATE/� IFA APPLICANT IS THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT R I ED. �»77 % LO Cz .9 1 OWNERlA NT SIGNATURE DATE • IMPORTXNT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. BUILDING J,4kFETY DEPAR NT / APPROVED B S v DATEc% / CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED BY DATE f ,I' I I'll(' VIII I'll llll 2% *' 4 CITY OF lA-CU1NTA HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION 78-10,6 Celle Eats P.O. Boz 1601 Le Oulnts, CA O (6117)661-2216 Read each condition Iisted'on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. (TYPE OR PRINT. .IN INK) APPLICANT'S NAME T A �'► F I l G•L1+S1 � r (_Ci PHONE 5/1L1I —� �3G PROPERTY OWNER �C)Y'e's+ Gru.�A,,//�� _70' PHONE 5b�t!`.3ZZC)) YROP.ERTY ADDRESS 2 �gO /P 1�llCin kJ (Q? u -t Ih0. V� _ `I `2 4} +Q .�1 TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single,, multiple, mobile home, etc. ) .31 Y). 1,e TYPE OF BUSINESS t^�Slciel^k'1 C� (,t_rh nx i e.SSeS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW,,THE BUSINESS WZLP OPER.TE A C' M Q1 o NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED 1C0yle.r0_-MOSLOr-rp 0 Y\, c>, SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) 7.4 Giy_ LOCATION AND, SQUARE FOOTAGE. -OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (EXAMPLE,. "BEDROOM - 125 SQUARE FT") • DESCRIPTION OF, MACHINERY EQUI 'T, AND OPERATION QS rl CLI A m . VALIDATION STAMP 9- V B4 14 BUSINESS 5°QQ I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND,• AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS'ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). APPLICANT SIGNATURE � •�DATE/ IFA APPLICANT IS THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT R ED. zo c/ c1 l ER/A N? SIGNATURE ZDATE IMPORTA."1T: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. U ING i SAFETY DEPAR J APPROVED BY DATE / CONDITIONS ATTACHED 0.1 T DENIED BY. DATE °ter• .,. r • Tity 4 4a Qum& 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 •September 3, 1991 Ellen Mascorro 52-780 Avenida Diaz La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Mascorro: Your application for a home occupation permit has been approved. It will be mandatory that each person involved.in the business carry a copy of this letter of approval at..all times while soliciting. The names listed below are the only people approved to solicit for your company: Xaviera Mascorro • Duana Mascorro Asigh Mascorro Ellen Mascorro Also, enclosed is a copy of.the curb house numbers standard which indicates the size,.paint color, etc. of the curb lettering to be used. Should you have any questions and/or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely., BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT IDnAW helchel Code Enforcement Officer Tom Hartung Director of Building and Safety DW/lc enc. C, MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 STANDARD 6" CURB 0 LOCATION NOTE: Lettering style shall be Gothic Paint: Background shall be reflective white Latex water base paint Letters: Shall be non -reflective green latex water base paint _l f ",9 • WN17E 0%.r%vnVVV4W ED TYPICAL DES/CA, CITY OF LA QUINTA Curb House Numbers Standard C C_ • Z BUS. FrI C . NO. 44J 1991 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION FORM 1' .-*y ,•**r �****,t****,t***,tit******,t***,k************,t**,t***� ,t*,k*****,t* ;':%P" ROVED INITIALS DATE *DE IED INITIALS DATE_ THI` -3USINESS-LOCATED AT YOUR HOME: YES_ NO ness Name: is iness Address :� - —; �� jam= 4. Mailing Address r � ness Phone:( ed F CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL.' -poration )r Partnership: Tax I.D.# It Individual 9K. er: Social Security # S7 /,? f 7 7 7. ? (-i.S/- 2 L7 Ll5R2 Na is _ Df Ownerr (C1SC'rr('c1 Title: ';1,�.�: �.Y"' )_ ricers_\cc 1. �. of Business:- C" 11 S - Res e Number: r CNESS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (Does Not Apply To � -:i-ng Contractors) : :slim -ted Gross Business Receipts for New Busesses ,�y•> us Year Gross Receipts For Established Businesses: T R} ;:.:RTIFY that all the information supplied by me is ,orrect and an isas required by the County, State or Federal Governrient have been is :-3( o me and are in full force and effect. 40 'Si gat ure Title _ ate Submit Form To: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION P.O. Box 1504 La Ouinta, CA 92253 f September 3, 1991 Ellen Mascorro 52-780 Avenida Diaz La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Mascorro: Your application.for a home occupation permit has been approved. It will be mandatory that each person involved in the business carry a copy of this letter of approval at all times while soliciting. The names listed below are the only people approved to solicit for your company: Xaviera Mascorro Duana Mascorro Asigh Mascorro Ellen Mascorro Also, enclosed is a copy of the curb house numbers standard which indicates the size, paint color, etc. of the curb lettering to be used. Should you have any questions and/or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Don Whelchel Code Enforcement Officer Tom Hartung Director of Building and Safety DW/lc enc.