BREWERi� U • P8010Boxa1504Estado Z 16 La Quinta, CA 92253 /� CITY OF LA QUINTA (619) 554-2246 a HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION Read eachcoa&ftion listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. APPLICANT'S NAME PHONE v PROPERTY OWNER 52,A9 nn PHONE PROPERTY ADDRESS s3`� 5 Ayw t JCti J TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.) `P TYPE OF BUSINESS �1Y Q�' �Gc r- r--OVd &.r,'Dk NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINnES]S (� LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED !V I SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOG AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) rq5 p LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME.(EXAMPLE, "BEDROOM - 125 S.F.") HOME- WSP DESCRIPTION OF MACHI E Y, EQUIP T, AND BUS�NESS OPERAT14N o< A�,}r n 4G7 ffidgN A STAMP . MAY 121992 d 4 X97 I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). Z APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying ' your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. r Buildin nd Safety Department APPROVED BY DATE --YOGI CONDITIONS ATTACHED ` DENIED BY DATE C)0 N , - I RON BREWER j Account Agent Allstate Insurance Company 78060 Calle Estado, P.O: Box 5132 La Quinta, CA 922.53 Bus. (619) 564-2516 • ij. 0006; All , - I RON BREWER j Account Agent Allstate Insurance Company 78060 Calle Estado, P.O: Box 5132 La Quinta, CA 922.53 Bus. (619) 564-2516 • COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4065 County Circle Drive Riverside, CA 92503 Facsimile (FAX) Cover Sheet FAX No. ( 619) 863- 8320 Location Indio - EHS To: (619) 564-0369 (FAX NUMBER) Attn: Ron Brewer From: I`'Macha:el K: Garcia, REHS Riverside County Health Services Indio field Ofd,_ Date: May 14, 1992 Time: 10 s 433 (a.rr). p.m. Charge to•( ) Program: Transmitting 2 number of pages (including cover sheet) Subject: Message: if you do riot receive all of the pages, or if (fie copy is illegible, please call our office at ( ) Distribution. White - H1F Canary - Originator r%nw A& naK (APV AIAM r ' `Y COto •. Appiicatioas must be submitted to the • La Quint& Chamber of Commerce A minimum of 15 days prior to Offiao• the date Of aotivity. ALX, -FEES FOR THE PERMITS BE PAID WHXN APPLICATION IS FILED, V1II.� Sw .= t L ft 67z� .�t n t � . } JW-ns-Iea Cpl ezcc: * DATE OF ACf'Z'ViTYt_ - S-�(,,=gG,. IF ONGOING, ROWOFTEN? (DATES J � � (� ! 1 12 `r 6 V&0l V 6 NAME OF BUSINESS or GROUP CONTACT PHON$__� ADDRESS • r NUMD9ft OF PERSONS XNVOLVB'D P YS NLNCTRXCAL POWER INVOLVED (If ysa, power cords x be supplied by applicant, and parmiss-IQ obtained to use private ,Power source) IS THIS A NON- Pfi0, 'IT ORGANIZATION? TRS f.0 _. _..._ SELLER'S PERMIT NUMBZR_ LR CITY DusxjwSS bSCENSR' Nvxvj R The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the rules and regulations outlined and agrees that he/eche will comply with the rules. Noncompliance will result in removal of thetr activity from the streets. Undersigned further certifies that he/she is the • responsible person referred to in the rules and that he/she is authorized to execute the permit and release the waiver forms an behalf of the group. MAY- i 4-& ►tau i w e i Village at La Quinta MainstreCt Market.pl%ce • Application Page 2 the undersigned has read- the release and w&iver clauaA in the permit and 'hereby agrees to be bound by' its terms. Failure. to comply with all rules and regulations will result• in forfeiture of right to paztieip06te, in future Lei Quint& Mainiitreet Harketpl.ace activities and/or removal from event sits. Direct sales vendors must submit samples with their application. If actual samples cannot be submitted, or in the case of food vendors, the Reviewing Committee may consider a clear, distinct photograph. (Exceptions ars made for the Farmer's Harket) these samples will be available for pick-up the morning' -following the regularly scheduled committee meeting. If photographs are to be returned, please includo a stampede self- addressed env lope. Date: / Signature; print name rrr--wr-wwwwA/tiM-��I.+���wMly-r�rw.�r -www.��-�rww��..�,� MI�+r�r1�w��-�----w----�•w FQ�U� V�rT1f7ARs AN�'X Prior to submitting this APPlioaticnp you must get approval from the Riverside County Department of Health. Applications without their signature CANNOT be considered. Date: Riverside County Health DepaatmOnt: Authorised Signature W Telephone Number Approved with the following criteria: all food and ingredients must be from an approved source. BBA okay for cooking gabobsonly, any nrocessino such as assembli must be done in an enclosurEDO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Eaintain raw kabobs a mi 4507 and�c�ol4ec-abc -� -ci w.•-7»4AR�.��avci.da..ar.t�s - (.]a0,�� s o and paper towels, Once kabobs are cooked, can sell off BBr unit. Approved: Deniedi Space Assignment: : ._ Electrical Power?: Committee Comment/Recomendation: Authorization; ­9 lk/292