PCMIN 11 08 1994 MINUTES PLANNING COlvlI~ISSION - CITY OF LA QMINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta aty Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Qulnta, California November 8, 1994 7:00 P.M. !. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:01'P.M. by Chairman Adolph. Commissioner Abels led the flag salute. il. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Adolph requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph. B. Commissioners Anderson/Abels moved to excuse Commissioner Gardner. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslle Mourlquand-Cherry, and Deparanent Secretary Betty Sawyer. !!!. PUBLIC COlqlq~- None IV. PUBLIC HEARIN~ Commissioner Barrows left the diocese due to a possibJe conflict of Interest. A. Continued - Zoning Ordinance Amendment 94-044:. a request of the City for amendments, to Chapter 9.145 - Hillside Conservation Zone and Chapter 9.146 - Transfer of Development Rights. I. Staff presented the Information contained In the staff report a copy of which Is on file In the Comrnunlty Development Department. 2. Commissioners Abels asked what the difference was between a public hearing and non-hearing transfer. Staff. explained that a non-hearing transfer is a transfer process where there is no concurrent development application In conlunction wtth a request for transfer of density credits. The public heating Is lust the opposite. A development application that is flied in conlunctlon with a request for a transfer of density credits. !~11-8 I Ptumin~ Commi~4ion ~ November 8, 1994 3. There being no further questions of staff, the public hearing was opened. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed. 4. Chairman Adolph questioned Page 4, Items//5 and//6 (power poles, transmission lines, etc.) as he felt these Items listed should not be allowed and perhaps the Ordinance should have a condition that would eliminate//4 and//5 from receMng any approvals. This will not stop an applicant from requesting, but it wtll not give an applicant cart blanch to go ahead and build. Cky Attomey Honeywell explained that no project could be approved without a conditional use permit. Discussion followed as to the wording of the ordinance. 5. Commissioner Abels asked if a height limit could be added. City Attorney Honeywell stated an applicant would have to come before the Planning Commission for approval and at that time the Commission could determine what requirements they want to place on the application regarding location, screening, etc. Community Development Director Herman stated If the applicant cannot meet the conditions placed on the conditional use permit, then the application cannot be approved. City Attorney Honeywell stated the Planning Commission can eliminate whatever uses they so desire m, but they needed m remember that since each application would come before them they would have the right to condition each application or deny a use at that time. 6. Chairman Adolph questioned the uses allowed. Staff explained that only the uses listed are allowed in this zone. 7. Chai~ Adolph asked about the akerations m the toe of the slope as he fek Page 10 Section 9.145.065 needed clarification. City Attomey Honeywell stated k was not clearly written, if a project was approved and structures placed on it and k changed the point of where the alluvial fan was, then the area of the toe of the slope would not be changed but would keep the same location and the density allowed would remain as it was. Chairman Adolph asked that the ordinance be written in a way' that it was understandable. Staff would rewrite the sectiono 8. Community Development Department Director Jerry Herman asked that the wording on Page 5 regarding design review be elmlnated as the City no longer has a design review process. 1~11-8 2 ~ Comml,__~ November L 1994 There ~iq no ~~r~¢~men~, ~ w~ move~ an~ s~on~ ~y ~mm~l~e~ ~]~e~on ~ adop~ g~olu~n 9~026 recomme~lng m ~e ~ ~uncll ce~fl~Uon of a Negate D~la~n of ~~~~ lm~ ~ ~d~m~ul ~~ent 9~ 281. ROLL ~LL: AYES: ~m~l~en ~, And~, BuUer, Ne~, and ~ai~n Adolph. NOES; None: ABSENT: ~~i~ ~~, Gardn~. ~STAIN: None. 10. it was moved and s~d~ by ~mm~ionen A~k/~denon m adopt R~~ 9~27 r~ommending to ~e ~ ~n~ approval of ~e ~o~ed ordinance amendmenu and ~e propos~ appllcaUon ROLL ~LL: AYES: ~mmksionen ~~, ~d~, BuUer, Ne~, and ~ai~n Adolph. N~S; None: ~SENT: ~~i~ ~, Gar~. ~STAIN: None. ~mmksioner Ba~ws re]o~ ~e ~mm~n. B. CondiUonal ~e Pe~k 2527-E, (Amendment '~1 ): a r~u~ of Affiance .. ~e S~n ~ approval m dele~ ~!1 se~ce ~oline pum~ and pro, de Self'se~ce on~. I. S~ff p~ ~e ~f~~ c~~ ~ ~e ~ff re~ a copy of ~lch k ~ file ~ ~e ~uni~ Develop~nt Depa~~ 2. ~e~ ~g no ~~ of ~ff, ~ai~an Adolph ope~ ~e public hearing. Hn. Susan ~lson s~t~ ~at ~e ~h enc~u~ ~ being addressed and ~e ~!! se~ce pumps a~ r~u~d m ~ remov~ ~use of ~e lack of ~ln~. 3. ~~ B~ ~ hk concern a~ handi~p ~~. ~uk~ ~ ~ey w~ld conUnue m pm~de ~11 ~e m ~e handl~~ and elde~. 4. ~e Piing ~~~ ~ked if ~e~ wa a ~ar~ ~at ~e condlU~ w~ld ~ co~li~ wi~ prior ~ ~e elimina~ of ~e ~!! se~ce ~~. S~ff inked ~at ~nd~ ~1 ~e~ ~ui~ compile, ~t ~e con~ could ~ ~~en~. Iqannml Commissioe Minmes November 8, 1994 - 5. Chairman Adolph asked the applicant how they would operate with the services they now have. Mrs. Coubon stated they operated with a computer for the pumps there b was an ESO on the exterior and interior. Chairman Adolph asked if the patrons pay first. The applicant stated they do. Chairman Adolph asked if they would be changing the signage or modifying it. Mrs. Coulson stated they would modify It to say "self service" and it would be a metal sign. 6. There being no further public comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing and opened the Issue for Commission discussion. 7. There being no further comment, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Buder/Barrows to adopt Hinute Hotion 94-036, subject to the amended conditions. The morion was unanimously adopted. V. BUSINESS S~SION: A. Plot Plan 94-529: a request of Century Homes for approval of circular driveways for homes at the Rancho Ocotillo subdivision. 1. Staff asked that the Commission continue this to their next meeting to gtve the applicant time to complete his application. Commissioners Anderson/Abels moved to continue Plot Plan 94-529 to November 22, 1994. Unanimously approved. B. Specific Plan 94-024: a request of E. G. Williams Development Corp for approval of a retention basin landscape plan. I. Commissioner Buder left the diocese due to a possible conflict of Interest. 2. Staff presented the information contained In the staff report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Chairman Adolph asked if the vehicle access was for picnics, etc. Staff stated there was to be no public parldng lot. It is to be a place for maintenance vehicles only. Chairman Adolph asked if there was any way to keep the pubic out. Staff stated the City could Install a bollard with padlocks to control the area. 4. Comrnissloner Anderson asked If pathways were to be constructed of gravel or concrete. Staff stated it would be concrete. PCII-8 4 Planninf C'ontm~ssion Mimm November 8. 1994 5. Many Butler, spoke on behalf of the applicant and stated the park Is a passive park with a sidewalk that will circle around the entire park for exercise purposes. Concrete sidewalk will be Installed with Iow Intensity lights to light the sidewalk all the way around. She showed a picture of the proposed play equipment that would be used. 6. Commissioner Anderson asked if the concrete to be used on the pathway will be beige in color as shown on the exhibit. Ms. Butler stated It would be grey concrete. 7. Chairman Adolph stated it was a nice addition and treatment of a retention basin. Ms. Butler stated she hoped it would serve as a multi- purpose function. 8. Commissioner Abels stated his appreciation to the applicant for having a complete application for the Commission to review. 9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the applicant that before the lights are Installed they must comply with the Outdoor Ughdng Ordinance. Ms. Butler stated they would make sure they meet the requirements. 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Newklrk moved to adopt Minute Motion 94-037 approving Specific Plan 94-024 retention basin landscaping plan. Unanimously approved. Vi. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commissioner Anderson asked that the Mlnutes of October :25, 1994, be amended on page 7, #26 to change the word "competence" to "confidence" and "stafff to "professionals'. There being no further corrections, It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Barrows to approve the minutes of October 25, 1994, as corrected. Unanimously approved. Vii OTHER: I. Commissioner Barrows reported on the Council meetlng of November I~ 1994. She suggested that the Planning Cornrnlssion have a member present when the Council and Chamber meet Jointly regarding the ¥111age area. After discussion, It was determined that Chairman Adolph would write a letter to the Mayor requesting Commission participation at the furore meetings. PIMmi~ CommJnion Minutes November 8. 1994 2. Staff Informed the Commission of the next iolnt meeting with Oty Council on November I 5, 1994, regarding the Subdlvblon Ordinance update. All Cornmissloners were encouraged to attend. City Attorney Honeywell explained this was a time for the consultants to present their process for the updating of the SubdMsion Ordinance. 3. Chairman Adolph asked if there were any projects about to be presented to the Planning Commission that would be requesting one piece alit up garage doors. Staff explained the possibility was there. Chairman Adolph asked If the Planning Commission could decide the Issue now. Staff asked Chairman Adolph If the Commission wanted staff to process a zoning ordlnance amendment to address thIs Issue now before the Zoning Code update. Chairman Adolph stated his concern that this was a safety issue because there was not enough room in the driveways with the tilt up doors Staff stated they would monitor the Issue and if it appeared to be an Issue, staff would present a zoning ordinance amendment to address the Issue. 4. Chairman Adolph asked staff to add the Issue of cancellation of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on December 2 7th to the next agenda. VIII. AD]OURNIq~T: There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Barrows to adiourn thb regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a special meeting of the Planning Commission on November 15, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber. Thb meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:51 P.M., November 8, 1994. PCI 1-8 6