A re~ol~ meeOn~ held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
DECEMBER 13, 1994 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairman AdolplL
Commissioner Butler led the flag salute.
A. Chairman Adolph requested the roll call Present~ Commi.qsioner Abels,
Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, and Chairman AdolpiL
B. Staff Present~ Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Department Secretary Betty
Mr. Robert Tyler, 41-215 Valleta Drive, asked if there had been any public hearings before the
Pl~tnning Commission or City Council regarding the Auto malL Chairman Adolph stated there
had been no hearings before the Planninf~ CommLqsion nor the City CounciL Mr. Tyler
questioned why the City of Indlo had been holding hearings regarding the Mall, and La Qulnta
had not. Chairman Adolph stated the City had held no heatings regarding the subject.
~ a request of Jascorp (Mr. Joseph Swain) for approval to 1) revise an
approved tentative tract map to reduce the number of bulldable lots from 116 to
106; and 2) to revise the adopted Conditions of Approval for the project's
approved specific plan.
1. Chairman Adolph stated the applicant had requested the issue be
continued to January 24, 1995. Commi~sioners Abels/Butler moved and
seconded a motion to continue the item to January 24, 1995.
_ Unsnimonsly approved.
B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94.015: a request of J. I~ Jarnagin (La Qninta
Carwash) for approval of a full service tunnel carwash and detail shop.
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Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff recommended two additional conditions regarding the
access easement off Washington Street recommending a triangular
island be installed to avoid illegal left turns onto Washington Street,
and the closure of the Washington Street access in the future if
alternate access can be provided. Staff then handed out additional
letters to the Commissioners that had been received. Staff further
stated that a setback variance will be needed if the conditional use
permit is approved.
2~ Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified the staff report
regarding the findings for the conditional use permit (in the report it is
written *'findings for the plot plan*'~
3. Chairman Adolph asked if there were any questions of staff. There
being no questions of staff, Chairman Adolph opened the public hearing.
Mr. Jim Jarnagin, applicant, gave a presentation of the project. He
gave a slide presentation showing examples of what the public can
perceive as a carwash.
Mr. Duane Yonker, applicant/designer, also spoke on behalf of the
project. He asked that the Pl~nninff Commission not Judge the product
on what is perceived of a carwash but judge it on the merits of what
the applicants are presenting.
5. Commissioner Anderson asked if the study the applicants conducted,
showed whether there was any other area or site in the City that would
work as well for the project. Mr. Jarnagin stated that in their opinion
this is the finest and most cost efficient site.
6. Mr. Fred Shannon, representing Pomona First Federal Savings and Loan,
who is the property owner of the land for the proposed project, stated
the land had dtmini.~hed over the years due to the easements that have
been acquired or are needed for setbacks, etc. As owners they decided
to sell the property to move it along. He further stated that Mr.
Jarnagin's project was a viable commercial venture and a viable use of
the property, and as owners of the property they would recommend the
Planninl~ Commission approve the project.
7. Mr. Dan Shephardson, 54-839 Shoal Creek, La Quinta, stated he and his
wife have been full time residents since 1989. Many people in La Qninta
feel there should be a car wash closer to home than Palm DeserL He
has known the applicant for a number of years and he knows him tO be
of good character and will produce a beautiful facility. He would ask
that the Planning Commi.qsion approve the project.
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Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
8. Mr. Robert Tyler, volunteer driving instructor and resident of La Quinta,
stated this corner has always been a traffic problem. He would not be
in favor of in or out access onto Washington Street. Any access should
be on Simon Drive. He further stated his concern that there had been a
continuing dialog with Simon Plaza to deVelop their project and he felt
the carwash people should be required to pay for the same items that
Simon Plaza had been conditioned to pay. He pointed out to the
Commissioners that a carwash was currently under construction on
Ad~m.q Street north of Highway 111 as part of Wal-Mart Center and
there was a sign at Country Club and Washington Street stating a
carwash was to be constructed. He asked if the community could
support three car washes. In addition, he was concerned about a
carwash being located at the opening to La Quinta but, after seeing the
pictures presented by the applicant, he had changed his mind and felt
the project would not be an eyesore.
9. Mr. Dexter Barr, resident of Cathedral City, speaking for Mr. Jim Loggia,
the land developer of Lake La Qulnta and Mr. Andrews, the land owner
_ of Avante at Lake La Quinta who were the closest residential developers
to the project. Mr. Barr stated Mr. Loggia and Mr. Andrews were not
opposed to the carwash but to the location as this is the gateway into
La Quinta. He further stated he did not believe the residents of La
Quinta would want a carwash at this location. He felt that given the
setbacks and land use proposed for this piece of property, that the land
could not support a project as depicted in the slides.
10. Mr. Skip Berg, 55365 Firestone, La Quinta, stated he was well aware of
what a carwash woUld look like as he had dealt with many in his sign
business. He felt this location was considered to be the gateway to La
Quinta and even though this is a very nice presentation it does not
represent what should be located at the gateway to La Quinta~
11. Mr. Michael Shultz, 78355 Crestview Terrace, stated this location was a
pretty good location but it was not the right location for a carwash. A
lot of effort had gone into making this entry a beautiful place and the
PlanninE CommLqsion should keep it that way.
12. Mr. John DeLeo, 52990 Avenida Obregon, after researching the growth
potential of the Coachella Valley, knew the Coachella Valley contained
the necessary elements for growth and he, as a real estate broker,
chose to move to this ares. He chose La Quinta because of its tract
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December 13, 1994
record of pro-growth and the elements of the General Plan that La
Quinta stood out over all the other cities in the Valley. As a real estate
broker he could not explain to his clients the inappropriate use of land
at this location nor could he explain the traffic delays, problems, etc.,
that would be created due to the proposed use. La Qninta needs a
carwash but not at this location. He further stated the applicants had
presented a project that appears to be the type of carwash this City
needs and wants but, not at this location.
13. Lucia Moran, P0B 1305, La Quinta, informed the Commissioners that she
had served on Planninf.~ Commission during the adoption of the
Washington Street Specific Plan. She then submitted a letter to the
Commissioners stating her reasons why she felt the project was in
nonconformance with the Specific Plan, did not meet the requirements
for a conditional use permit, was in violation of the La Quinta Municipal
Code, could not show hardship to allow a variance to be granted, and
did not comply with the recorded CC & R's for the parcel of land. She
further had contacted Mr. Jim Collins regarding the American's With
Disabilities Act and he cited requirements for sidewalks that she felt the
project could not meet. She further stated she supported the idea of a
carwash but not at this location. In summary, she stated, the
conditional use permit requirements, the Washington Street Specific
Plan, the La Qninta Municipal Code violations, variance requirements,
recorded CC & R's, and the American's with Disability Act compliance all
do not allow for a carwash_ The project does not meet the requirements
of the above noted.
14. Mr. Wallace Woods, who submitted a written request to speak, declined
to speak.
15. Mr. Stephen Miller, who submitted a written request to speak, declined
to speak,
16. Mr. John Sanborn, Sanborn Webb Engineers, Palm Springs, and one of
the partners in the Simon Plaza project stated that after reviewing the
staff report he felt the Plsnning CommLqsion must deny the request. He
cited reasons for the denial as being setback requirements, landscape
setbacks, and the Environmental Impacts. He felt a focused EIR should
be required as the land use planning showed a definite conflict between
the Washington Street specific plan ref~ardlng traffic congestion, safety
hazards, and parking spaces. He further stated he felt the
recommended Conditions of ApprOval were inconsistent with City policies
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Planning Commi~sion Meeting
December 13, 1994
regarding a variance, staff recommendation for deferred street
improvements, and no on-site retention was shown~ The CC & R's for Lot
2-7 of the parcel map, Item B-1 states the uses that can be built on this
parcel, and a carwash is not listed. He stated the Planninl~ CommLqsion
must deny the conditional use permit as it does not meet the
requirements as stated above. He further stated the applicant does
have a beautiful product but it is not appropriate for this site.
17. Mr. Fred Simon, Simon Motors/Simon Plaza, 78-611 Highway 111, La
Quinta submitted a letter to the Commission written by Mr. Paul Seizer,
a partner in the Simon Plaza project, and asked that it be entered into
the record. He then addressed items listed in a letter written to him by
Pomona First Federal (Pomona) that he received at 3:00 P.1VL on Friday:.
a. *'A rather significant taking of property has made the site
unsuitable for a branch office.'* Mr. Simon stated the property
was originally bought by Pomona for a branch office early in
1980, and the decision not to build was made before the
Washington Street Specific Plan.
b. **Pomona First Federal Savings and Loan does not have an
alternative source for the sale of their property." He stated it
was Pomona that decided not to extend their proposed sale and
took the $25,000 they had put up as a deposit for the land
purchase. He then presented to the Commi~qsion a letter on the
history of the financing to develop the Simon Plaza project. He
went on to state that Simon Plaza had made every effort to meet
all the requirements put on them by the City and this required
the project to be changed four times.
c. He stated that Pomona was very aware of what the City wants
to see on that corner to the point they made the allowable uses
a. part of the CC & R's.
d. In the beginninl~, Pomona delayed the purchase of the property
by holding out for more money. He believed the bank had
reduced the land cost for the carwash.
At the study session he had heard the comment **put up or shut up".
This was in reference to a letter that he had received from Pomona on
December 9th at 3:45 P.M. making an offer to sell the land to Simon
Plaza if they could come up with a $100,000 deposit by 5:00 P.M. on
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Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
Monday. As Mr. Seizer, a co-applicant, was out of the City and he did
not have the time to put the escrow together, he asked Pomona for ten
days to put the escrow together. He told Pomona they would accept the
offer as stated in their letter if Pomona would allow him ten days to put
the deal together. Pomona refused to do so. Pomona then stated they
would give the ten days if Simon Plaza would not object to the carwash
if Simon Plaza was unable to complete the deaL Mr. Simon stated he
was unwilling tO do this. Mr. Simon then stated he was agsinst the
carwash at this location as it is not commensurate with the City's goals
for this corner.
18. Mr. Mark Moran, 52-385 Avenlda Madero, La Quinta, stated the PlAnning
Commi.qsion had received the inside story on this site. He felt the
carwash project located at another location is a very beautiful project.
In 1980 this was not a city and La Qninta was at the mercy of the
county. It was the County's idea to create a community that was more
of a ghetto than a community. The residents decided this was not fair.
They created a city and put standards in place so that La Quinta would
not have a ghetto and not a carwash at the entry to La Quinta~ This
carwash is not consistent with the Washington Street Specific Plan. If
the PlAnning Commission sets a precedent to deviate from the Specific
Plan then it is a dangerous step and developers .will take advantage of
thl~ deviation~ Mr. Moran stated he was proud of La Quinta and the
Commission needs to continue to retain the beauty that is La Qninta~ He
informed the CommLqsion that the Chamber of Commerce had received a
presentation on the carwash, and they felt it should be located at a
different location~ They are standing behind the Washington Street
Specific Plan. He than presented the CommLqsioners with 94 letters from
residents objecting to the project.
19.~ Mr. John DeLeo stated the Mr. IL Crockett had to leave but that he
agreed with the statements that had been made in opposition and he
apologized for having to leave.
20. Mr. Jarnagin stated his concern about subjects he was not aware of.
Some of the codes stated have no relevance to his project. The traffic
generation is only 1.5% of the total traffic. He stated he was confused
as to what he was to mitigate. He stated it was difficult to understand
what he was being asked to do and no one was offering a suggestiolL
He had presented the City with the required information and
applications necessary to receive approval for his project.
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Phmning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
21; Mr. Duane Yonker, stated he had been keeping score on the bn~ words
that had been used such as **Gateway to the Community** and he felt
they did not need to be mitigated. This is a piece of property that has
a lot of problems and this project has complied with all the
requirements they were asked to do. Staff has reviewed the project and
agrees with approving the project* He stated he was sympathetic with
Mr. Simon but, they also have their problems and he would ask that the
Plannin~ Commission only consider the project on the merits of the
project and not on what has happened in the past. They were willing to
meet all the requirements of the City, but did not feel it was fair to ask
them to deal with the problems of the past. The economic study they
had done showed there is not a commercial project that can Justify the
cost of developing that corner, as their project could.
22. Mr. Fred Shannon, Pomona First Federal, stated he had come to the
heartn~ for the purpose of supporting the project and did not want to
address past projects. He further stated he does not agree with Mr.
Simon's interpretation of the CC&R's. Mr. Simon's relationship with
Pomona has taken a long time with extension after extension and their
CEO instructed them to divest themselves of their project as it was
going on too long and they needed to move on~ Mr. Shannon stated the
Planning Commission should consider what is before them tonight only.
23. There being no further comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public
24. Commissioner Anderson asked staff about the findings relative to the
Washington Street Specific Plan and the setbacks. He asked if there
was a request to vary from the setbacks as stated in the Washington
Street Specific Plan. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
clarified by stating that setbacks were not mentioned in the Specific
Plan. The Plan only addresses the fight-of-way. The variance was
necessary .because a 5(~foot landscaping setback is required along
Highway 111 and a a 20-foot landscaping setback along Washington
Street. The project as proposed would encroach into the setback as
required in the parking requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
25. Commissioner Anderson asked if the variance was for parking.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated it was for an
encroachment into the landscape setback as required in the parking
- standards.
PC12-13 '~
Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
26. Commissioner Barrows questioned staff as to whether the Simon Project
had been given the same setbacks. Mr. Herman stated that they
complied with the required landscaping setbacks.
27. Commissioner Butler asked if it would it be appropriate, due to the new
information the Commission had Just received, to continue the project as
he would like to review the information before ruling. Commissioner
Barrows agreed that she would like to review the environmental reporL
Commissioner Gardner also agreed.
28. Chairman Adolph stated he still had a problem with the building wall
along Washington Street as he did not feel the setback was adequate.
The corner needed to be more open, the traffic flow was not what it
could be nor was the landscaping. Chairman Adolph stated he felt this
could be resolved but he did not feel it was adequate as it was laid out.
The setbacks that exist create a nice green belt but, the wall being so
close to the street is too close. The applicant needed to change the wall
and open up the corner.
29. Commissioners Abels stated that in view of the remarks made by the
commissioners he was inclined to go along with continuing the proJecL
30. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Barrows to continue Conditional Use Permit 94.015
to January 10, 1995. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the
public hearing portion of the hearing was closed and the continuance
was for Planning Commission discussion and their vote.
31. Commissioner Barrows expressed her concern that this would be an
attractive addition to La Qninta but the location was a problem. She
was ~er concerned about the landscaping and setbacks on
Washington Street. Also, the plant materials proposed to be used,
Pampas Grass and Purple Fountain Grass, were too invasive and needed
to be replaced. The project calls for walls and berms yet the conditions
do not require them and should be added to help screen the facility.
32. Commissioner Gardner asked that the minutes state the reason for the
continuance. The motion to continued was based on the following
reasons as stated by the Commission:
PC12-13 8
Planning Commis~on Meeting
December 13, 1994
Time needed to review new information submitted during the
b.. Time needed to review the environmental information;
c. Setbacks on structures;
d. Landscaping;,
e. On-site traffic flow and circulation; and,
f. More openness at the corner of Washington Street and Highway
33. There being no further comment, the motion carded un~nimonsly.
Si~n ADDlication 94-270; a request of Skip Berg for approval of a corporate sign
program for both Carl's Jr. and The Green Burrito.
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in
the Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Adolph asked if the
applicant wished to address the CommLqsion.
3. Mr. Skip Berg spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Berg stated that his
client had to close his facility down for a week in order to remodel the
building. He could no afford to wait until January to receive Plannin~
Commission approvaL Mr. Berg went on to explain their request. He
then introduced Mr. Carl L. Karcher, Jr., Rancho Mirage, owner Carl's Jr.
Mr. Karcher stated that Carl's Jr. and the Green Burrito were in the
process of conducting a test of the Joint use at three locations and if
successful, they would be extending to 15 locations.
4. Commissioner Abels, asked if there were any other Carl's Jr. restaurants
in the Valley that had been changed. Mr. Karcher stated there were
none in the Valley. The other two were located in Dana Point and
5. CommLqsioner Newkirk asked if this was the corporate logo. Mr. Berg
stated it was.
6. Commissioner Butler stated he was having a hard time picturing what
the signs would look like from the drawing. It appeared to be too busy.
He felt the CommLqsioners needed to know whether or not this would
interfere with what was going on in the center. Mr. Berg stated there
was only one more color added and he realized it was difficult on this
small scale. He went on to explain the signs. CommLqsioner Butler
PC12-13 9
Planning Comm1881on Meeting
December 13, 1994
asked if it was an urgency to have the signs up for a grand opening.
Mr. Berg stated it was already open. He went on to state that if they
waited for the January Planninf~ CommLqsion meeting, it would mean
they would not be able to have their signs installed until February. The
business would be there for almost three months without signage.
7. CommLqsioner Anderson asked if there was a hierarchy between the two
business or were they completely equaL Could the Carl's Jr. sign remain
and the Green Burrito sign be lower. Mr. Berg explained and showed the
Commissioners a picture that showed the wall would not support two
signs designed as the Carl's Jr. sign is now.
8. Commissioner Barrows asked if they were the same operation. Mr. Berg
stated they were.
9. Chairman Adolph asked if the signs would be the same on all four sides.
Mr. Berg stated they would.
10. Commissioner Anderson asked if one of the Carl's Jr. signs would
remain as is. Mr. Berg explained that the signage on the drive-thru
would go to another elevation and one would be relocated.
11. Chairman Adolph asked how important the portion of the logo with the
thatched roof and palm tree were. Mr. Berg stated it was part of the
corporate logo. Chairman Adolph stated he felt it looked too busy with
the **Star", "Thatched Roof*', and "Palm Tree*'. Commissioners
discussed with the'applicant the amount of signage that was currently
on the building and the possibility of not having The Green Burrlto on.
the gable ends. 'Mr. Karcher stated how important it was to have the
signage for visibility now that they were reducing it and he wondered
how viable the Commission request was. Mr. Berg stated he would like
to see both signs with 24~inch sets. Chairman Adolph asked if there was
another place that was not as congested that the signage could be
placed. Keep the Green Burrito in Just two locations so not to clutter up
all four sides.
12. Commissioner Barrows stated she felt the north and west sides seems to
be the busiest. She had no problem with the linear signage but, maybe
they could place the Carl's Jr. sign on the north and west sides only.
Mr. Berg stated the gable areas are the entry and this is where the
people will look.
13. Mr. Karcher stated the building had only two windows that could be
seen from Highway 111 and he felt that hl~ signage was not as busy
as the other fast-food stores in the Center. The only visible signage is
what was on the bnilding, as no windows could be seen.
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Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
14. Commissioner Abels asked if they could be granted a temporary banner
so the Planning Commission could continue this over to January. Mr.
Berg asked if the Planning Commission wanted to see the photos to see
what the two elevations would look like so they could approve two of
the elevations tonight and they would come back for the other two in
15. Commissioner Anderson stated he had little concern for the linear
facias, Items C & D, on the south and east where the two signs are and
not over each other. He would support those elevations. The gable ends
are the ones in question~ Commissioner Anderson asked if the applicant
could bring those back. Discussion followed.
16. Commissioner Newklrk asked what the Planning Commission would do if
they were to come back and then the Pl~mninf~ Commission did not like
the redesign~
19. Commissioner Anderson stated the Plannirtf~ Commission was concerned
about the appearance of the signs as there seems to be a lot more
signage and information than before even though the letters are
reduced in size.
20. Commissioner Barrows stated that with the two corporate logos it was
very busy.
21. Commissioner Anderson stated the Corporate lol~o was important.
22. Commissioner Newkirk stated the Commissioner needed to approve or
disapprove the project as they are not going to change the signage.
23. Mr. Berg stated that on Items A & B, on the facia board where it is
blank, they could put The Green Burrlto sign there. Commissioner
Anderson stated he would rather see the signs together than all over.
Mr. Berg stated he could place The Green Burrlto on Item B and reduce
the Carl's Jr. sign. Discussion followed about alternatives.
24. Commissioner Anderson suggested that The Green Burrlto sign go
between Item A & B on the plan, and that The Green Burrito may be on
the new facia so it could be seen on both sides.
25. Chairman Adolph stated that when the Planninf~ Commission approved
the signage, the building, and the flag pole, they were conditioned that
the only flags that could be flown were the American or California flag.
At that time a logo flag was deemed to be a SiglL Carl's Jr. flag is now
flying and that is signage. Mr. Karcher stated he was unaware of this
and would take the corporate flag dow~
PC12-13 ~.~.
Planning Commission Meeting
December 13, 1994
26. Mr. Robert Tyler, La Quinta resident stated his senses were irritated by
the searchlights that were being used to advertise the business. He
wanted to know why the City would approve such a searchlight when
there was a Dark Sky Ordinance prohibiting their use. Community.
Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the only people that
could approve searchlights and banners was the City Council and none
had been approved. Staff can only approve banners for **Grand
Opening" or '*Under New Management'*.
27. There being no further comment, Commissioner Anderson moved to
approve Sign Application 94-270 with following conditions:
a. On Signs A & B, on the gable ends over the entries, the Carl's Jr.
sign lettering would be reduced in size and no new Green Burrito
signs would be allowed. On the facia, as discused, on the north
elevation between Signs A & B, a Green Burrito sign as shown in
the ~Thibit would be allowed on the buildings eave. Signs C & D
would be approved as submitted.
28. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the Commission
wanted a condition added to require the removal of the flag and
searchlight City Attorney Dawn Honeywell pointed out that as they are
illegal a condition is not needed.
29. Commissioner Barrows seconded the motion and it passed tlD~tnimonsly.
There being no changes to the minutes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Ables to approve the Minutes of November 22, 1994, as submitted. UnJtnimously
Commissioner Abels reported on the City Council meeting of December 6, 1994~
There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners GardnerlAbels
to adjourn this regular meetln~ of the Plannin~ Commission to a regular meeting on January
10, 1995. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:.10 P.M., December 13,
1994. Unanlmonsly approved.
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