PCMIN 02 14 1995 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Qninta City Hall 78~,95 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA FEBRUARY 14, 1995 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER This meeting of the Plsnnin~ CommiRsion was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman AdolplL CommiRsioner Barrows led the flag salute. H. ROLL CALL Chairman Adolph requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph B. Commissioners Abels/Barrows moved and seconded a motion to excuse Commissioner -- Butler. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Senior Engineer Stove Speer, Principal PlJtnner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. Community Development Director Jerry Herman requested to have Business Item ~, an interpretation of the Plannin4~ Commi.qsion's rllllng on sideyard gates for the Century Homes- Rancho 0cotillo units, added to the agenda. There being no objections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners AbelsIGardner and ttn_nnimously approved. IlL PUBLIC COMMENT- None IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Tentative Tract 28118: a request of KSL Recreation Corporation for approval to resubdlvide vacant condominium lots into 35 single fstmily residential lots, three maintenance yard lots, one golf course lot, and for common lots. ~.. 1. Commissioners Anderson and Gardner excused themselves from the hearing ~ due to a possible conflict of interest. PC2-14 1 Plallll~g C0mmiRsi0n Meeting February 14, 1995 2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Following the report, staff asked that the PPtnnin~ CommLqsion modify Condition ~o3 to read as follows: **...~including fire hydrants or other means of providing adequate fire flow shall be installed...** in addition, staff brought up the areas of concern stated by the Commi~sioners during the study session. 3. Chairman Adolph asked staff if the access road to 58th Avenue would be built as a part of the Jefferson Street realignment. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that the connection would be made as a part of the street improvements. Staff hopes to have these plans before the Plannin~ CommisSion and City Council within the next two months. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained that the purpose of the access was for the residents to use as a main gate. Staff further stated they were not opposed to amending the condition regarding the access to 58th Avenue as it was applied to a previously approved map. Staff would recommend that no full turn access be given and gave an alternative to the plan. Chairman Adolph stated he felt that it was important for the maintenance workers to have an entrance to the yard from 58th Avenue. The applicant gave staff their proposed plans for the access. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Adolph opened the public hearing. Mr. Chevis Hosea, KSL Recreation Corporation, addressed the Commission and stated he would answer any questions. 5. Commissioner Abels asked about the restroom facilities. Mr. Hosea stated they would provide restroom facilities for the workers. He displayed an aerial photograph and showed where they proposed to provide restroom facilities at the corner of Hermitage and Riviera and at the existing common pool area on Interlachen. Discussion followed regarding the restroom facilities and its location. 6. Chairman Adolph asked if the applicant had spoken with the homeowners* association regarding their assnming the maintenance of the swimmin~ pools. Mr. Hosea stated they had not had any discussions as of yet. 7. Chairman Adolph asked if the applicant was planning on selling lots or building the units. Mr. Hosea stated they were semi-production lots. .. Planning Commls~lion Meeting February 14, 1995 & There being no further discussion, Chairman Adolph closed the public heating. Commissioners Abels/Newkirk moved and seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 954}03, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 28118, subject to the conditions as modified and with the addition of Condition ~5. 9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified the language for Condition Jlq33 to read: "The required water system including fire hydrants or other means to providing adequate fire flow shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency and Fire Department prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot." ROLL CALI~ AYES: Commistsloners Abels, Barrows, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph; NOES: None; ABSENT: Commissioners Butler, Anderson, Gardner, ABSTAINING: None. B. Tentative Tract 25691 (Amendment 1~ a request of Richard Deman for approval to emend a previously approved subdivision map which permitted 39 single family lots on approYimately 9.3 acres. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff informed the Commission that a request to modify Condition ~e25 was received by the Engineering Department. 2. Commissioner Anderson asked about Condition #10.C. With the signal at Dune Palms and Miles Avenue and with this tract's circulation designed so the homeowners can get to the existing signal, was it necessary to have this additional signal? In addition, was this a requirement of staff or the applicant? Staff stated it was a request of staff. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern for so many signa~ along Miles Avenue. 3. Commi~sioner Gardner stated that if the adjoining property is to be a church then a signal would be essentiaL In addition, he questioned the staff regarding street paving. Staff stated it was 3 1/2 inches of asphalt over an aggregate base. 4. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained why the signal was necessary. Anytime a full turn movement is allowed, the City requires the applicant to bond for the signal to be installed when the traffic count requires it. Commissioner Anderson asked if this was determined by monitoring? Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained the process whereby the need for a signal was determined. P02-14 3 Pllmntng Commi~slon Meeting February 14, 1995 5. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained that in reference to grading, this was becoming a standard condition required by the Engineering Department. He went On to explain the reasoning behind the requirement was to ensure what the neighboring homes would be viewing. 6. Chairman Adolph asked who would be responsible for the knuckle design of the street for the tract next door. Senior Engineer Stove Speer stated they would require the church to dedicate the land for the knuckle and in addition they would only be allowed to have a right-in and right-out at that access. 7. Chairman Adolph asked if the Church had been informed of this. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that discussions had taken place with the church prior to the submission of this tract. Discussion followed regarding street improvements. 8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that with the development in the North, the City*s policy was to required as much access as possible to the local streets in all the tracts. He explained the access points on the map eYhibit* Chairman Adolph stated his concern about the church being made aware of what would be required of them~ 9. Senior Engineer Speer explained that he did not believe the church people were aware that when the knuckle was to be created, they would be required to dedicate the land that would be needed for the swinging out movement of the knuckle. 10. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Adolph opened the public hearing. 11. Mr. Richard Deman, applicant/owner, stated he would answer any questions of the Commi.qsion. There were no questions of the applicant 12. Mr. Sonny Kanlian, representing the church, stated the church had been consulted about the use of the secondary road for access but, they thought it would be a 15~foot access for the purpose of a water line. They were not made aware of the knuckle designed street. Further, they had not receive any notification of the meeting tonight. He understood the need for the street access for the other tract, but the amount of land they were requesting was too much. He felt the applicant could use his own land to create the knuckle by taking land from Lot 23. The church will have an entrance to the south with the main entrance being to the west. They would not use this access. In addition, he felt the developer should be required to install a wall to secure PC2-14 4 Plannlllg Commi~d°n Meeting February 14, 1995 their property. The church members would not using this access. He stated the church had no objection to the road but, objects to the additional land being taken for the knuckle. 13. Chairman Adolph asked Mr. Kanlian to clarify what he agreed 'witlL Mr. Kanlian asked if they would be required to finish the street if they had to dedicate the land. Chairman Adolph explained that they may be required to improve the street to City standards when they submit their project, Mr. Kanlian stated that if an access was installed, the church would have no plans of utilizing it and the applicant should be responsible for the improvements, the wall and the purchase of their land. 14. Commissioner Anderson stated hi~ concern about the notification to the neighboring property owners. Mr. Kanlian stated that it could have been a mistake of the church for not notifying Mm. Staff explained that the legal owner of the property as determined by the Assessor*s Office was the Seoul Bank of Korea. 15. Mr. Norris Bernard, Cactus Flower resident, stated his concern about the traffic lights along Miles Avenue between JeffersOn Street and Dune Pslm~q Road. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the tract to the east is no longer valid and the area will have to be redesigned and resubdivided and there will be only one signal between Jefferson Street and Dune Palms Road. 16. Commissioner Barrows asked staff what indio planned to do with that land. Staff explained that a proposed residential project was being planned. 17. Chairman Adolph asked Mr. Deman if he had any comments regarding the requirement of the knuckle. Mr. Deman stated his understanding was that it was an Engineering requlremenL He stated he felt the church should have been aware of the requirement of the street access. He went on to explain the history of the surrounding tracts and access points. He stated he was doing what was required of him by the City staff. 18. There being no further public comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing. 19. Commissioner Abels asked if the wall could be required and whether or not Condition ~J) addressed the question- Staff explained that the applicant cannot build on the right-of-way and it would be the rospousibillty of the church to build the wall However, the City did expects the church to take emergency access to this point but, the church had not yet submitted any plsn~ and until then staff was unaware of their plans. Pc~4 5 Plpnning Commission Meeting February 14, 1995 20. Chairman Adolph asked Senior Engineer Stove Speer how long this design had been available to the church property owners. He explained that staff received the maps in late December. The issue of the access streets was known since 1990. The knuckle design came to be by virtue of this application. Community Development Director Jerry Herman went on to exp!~in the City*s reasoning for requiring the knuckle. 21. Chairman Adolph stated his concern that this requirement was a surprise to the church. 22. Commissioner Newkirk asked staff if this design wouldn*t give the church additional property. Staff explained what the church would lose and gain regarding the land. 23. Commissioner Newkirk stated that the area locatod next to Verbena Avenue would also give the church added property. He asked what the square footage would be that the church would have to give up. Staff statod nothing until they go through the process and submit an application. Staff further stated that the applicant was giving up more on Lot 24 and on the south side, and the church would be giving up an equal amount on their side but, the exact amount was undeterminable at this time. 24. There being no further discussion, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing. Commissioners Barrows/Abels moved to adopt Resolution 9~004 approving Tentative Tract 25691 (Amendment 1~ subject to conditions. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler. ABSTAINING: None. PUSIN~SS ITEMS A. SDecial Advertisin~r nevice 95-063: a request of the La Qulnta Arts Foundation for approval of tomporary off-sito directional signage for an upcoming Arts Festival at the downtown Village park in March, 1995. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy o! which iS--on file in the Community Development Department~ PC2-14 6 Pisnning Commission Meeting February 14, 1995 Commissioner Anderson asked if the Arts Festival had plsn.q to change their location. Staff explained that the Foundation had p!_~nned on moving the event to the Ahmsnson Ranch, then they cs, ne back and stated that would not work for them and they were going to use the original Park site. The sig~lage will give the correct directions. $. Chairman Adolph stated that Susan Francis of the Foundation had contacted him and apologized for not being able to appear and stated they would have the signs down by the Tuesday following the event. 4. Commissioner Abels commended the Foundation for their thoroughness in meeting all the conditions and returning the Park and the streets to their original condition in a rapid and orderly manner. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Commissioners Abels/Anderson moved and seconded a motion to adopt Minute Motion 954~09, approving the temporary off-site directional signage for an upcoming Arts Festival at the Village Park in March, 1995. UD~tnimous]y approved. B. ReQuest for an interiJretation of the Pl~mnin~ Colnmi~ion*s rnllr~ re(rardlno* ~'ate8 at the Potnch0 0COti]]0 Droject built by Cent, liy Homes. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission that staff had received a letter from Barbara Irwin regarding the gates that were being installed at Rancho 0cotillo by Century Homes. He then read Conditions #14 and #17 from the Tract Conditions of Approval as the conditions that staff would like the Plsnning Commission to interpret. Staff presented pictures of the gates as they are existing and explained their appearance. The second set of pictures showed the gates as proposed by Century to be large gates and not pedestrian gates. Staff asked if it had been the Commission's intention to have the gates be pedestrian size to be compatible with the existing gates or, were the wider gates acceptable to the Commission. Staff was asking for the Commi-qsion's interpretation of what they were requiting for the gates. 2. Commissioner Abels stated the interpretation was for a pedestrian gate to be compatible with the existing homes. The proposed gates by Century were too large. It was not meant to allow a motor home, but to be a decorative pedestrian gate. PC2.14 7 Pllmnlng Comml.~ion Meeting February 14. 1995 3. Commissioner Anderson commended Ms. Irwin for pursuing these matters and thanked her for bringing them to the attention of the Commission and he was in total agreement. Chairman Adolph stated his agreement. Commissioner Abels asked what action would be taken. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that staff would write a letter to Century Homes informing them that they were not in compliance with the conditions. Century Homes could then appeal to the P]pnnin~ Commi~qsion and then to the City Council if they wished to pursue the matter. 5. Commissioner Gardner asked if they would be stopped from inst~llinff any future gates. Staff stated they would stop them from installing any gates. 6. There being no further discussion, Chairman Adolph asked for a voice vote of the Commissioners as to their agreement with the stated interpretation of the Condition regarding the gates to be pedestrian in size. Uli~tnimous]y approve& CONS~NT CAI.~ND~tR: A. Chairman Adolph asked that the Minutes of January 31, 1995, be amended on Page 3 Item ~ to change the wording from "wainscape" to "wainscot". There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Anderson to approve the minutes as corrected. Unsnimously approved. COMMISSlON~.R ITEMS A. Commissioner Abels gave a report of the City Council meeting of February 7, 1995. B. Staff asked the Commissioners to inform them as to their intention to attend the League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute Conference and their method of travel as soon as possible. 1. Chairman Adolph asked the Commissioners notify him as soon as possible as to which sessions they would like to attend. His desire was to cover as many of the sessions as possible and have each Commissioner report back to the Commission. ?~ Commissioner Abels suggested that this be done upon arrival when a final .... agenda would be available. PCZ-14 8 Pl~nnin~ Comml~lon Meeting February 14, 1995 3. Staff explained that the Commissioners had the option of giving staff their receipts and being reimbursed or requesting a cash advance. Staff will see that each Commissioner has a copy of the polices and allowable expenses. 4. Commissioner Barrows asked what a **Grant Planning Commissioner** was. Staff explained possible answers. C. Staff asked that each Commissioner inform them of their intentions to attend the Wlmams Development luncheon on Thursday, February 15, 1995, as soon as possible. /mJOURNI~NT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Anderson to adjourn this meeting of the Pinning Commission to a regular meeting on February 28, 1995. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:29 P.M., February 14, 1995. Unanimously approved. PC2-14 9