LITHOGRAPHBUS. LIC. NO. 1993 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION FORM 11111111111111111111�s- 23�/s- d U 3-q- 93 ......PROOF OF WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE.IS REQUIRED........ APPROVED BY BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT U.e S 1. IS THIS BUSINESS LOCATED AT YOUR HOME: YES ✓ NO 2. Business Name: !n/ 3. Business Address: S - S/.� .0/AZ4 . Mailing Address:- 5.. ddress:5.. Business Phone: 6. Owned By: CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP NDIVIDUAL 7. If Corporation or Partnership: Tax I.D.# 8.. If Individual Owner: Social Security # y%. 9. Name of Owner �,g (I cA ii. i�i'I � 02 ,4Lritle : 41Q . Or Officers / 10 . 'I'i rc of Business: 4j / d 1 e sz9,/e, 11. SBE Resale Number: 12. BUSINESS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (Does Not Apply To Building Contractors): A. Estimated Gross Business Receipts for New Businesses Only: It B. Previous Year Gross Receipts For Established Businesses: ********GOOD ONLY FOR JANUARY 1,199 ARd DECEMBER 31,1993******* I' -dl I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information supplied by me is correct and any licenses required by the County, State or Federal Government have been issued to me and are in full force and effect. S gnature Title • Submit Form To: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 3- q— Date I n U Tliht 4 BUS. LIC . NO. 1992 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION FORM ***************************************************************** *APPROVED INITIALS DATE *DENIED INITIALS DATE ****************************************************************** 1. IS THIS BUSINESS LOCATED AT YOUR HOME: YES NO 2. Business Name: Lee�z>s Z� 3. Business Address:54-S%O A,,e%%4& 71>;0,2 4. Mailing Address: 5. Business Phone: ( (01'k ) .564 -G5o4 6. Owned By: CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL 7. If Corporation or Partnership.: Tax I.D.# 8. If Individual owner: Social Security # 9. Name of Owner S.- M--zojo aL� Title:W NCR Or Officers 10. Type of Business: W No Lam' -SALE ^9.T s ALE 11. SBE Resale Number: 12. BUSINESS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (Does Not Apply To Building Contractors): A. Estimated Gross Business Receipts for New Businesses Only: B.. Previous Year Gross Receipts For Established Businesses: $ NrT YE—T c""1.C-U LA-TL-Z-1� ********GOOD ONLY FOR JANUARY 1,1992 THRU DECEMBER 31,1992******* I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information supplied by me is correct and any licenses required by the County, State or Federal Government have been issued to me and are in full force_ and effect. Signature Title Submit Form To: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION P.O. Box .1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Date CITY OF LA QUINTA (619) 564-2246 7nA HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed_ activity_ can comply with _the _City's _Home -Occupation -Regulations. APPLICANTS NAME M `-.moo w �,,� PHONE Co q-5(64 -0So ,�- PROPERTY OWNER SawnE PHONE PROPERTY ADDRESS S`k -SSD TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.) S\t�GI.E TYPE OF BUSINESS Mp.\L oR�E'i� ,SRT sAu�S BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE SA\.Z'S ORA STAKE N VIA- PElOAI�, A),7 Ln•T41mq- SN\PPVM FRoFA FiE`QE oQ R6^F�3QQF- Ta Ck-1.TTRA1 . LoCA-t \o�J 1N MAOG E C-0 NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS J/ LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED to --1e NAL ---b SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) ^ 1800 ST VALIDATION STAMP LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF .AREA OF �'"`� BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME.(EXAMPLE- • "BEDROOM - 125 S.F.") �INNW&- goopi - /50 5 DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE BUSINESS OPERATION Cow\pVTeP-, SH\PF�N6- QaXEs I.HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE =M—z) -:;1": False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. Build• and Safety Department APPROVED BY DATE_CONDITIONS ATTACHED d �� DENIED BY DATE Al, 11vs 11 P.O. 78-105 LA QUINTA,* ol" 'I"V BOX 1504 CALLE ESTADO CALIFORNIA 92253 DON WHELCHEL- CODE ENFORCEMENTI BUILDING SPECIALIST (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 5645617 0FFICIAL NOTICE 0 No -1489 IMPORTANT — Please Read S IWARNINGS To Whom It May Concern: You are hereby notified that the following condition(s) exist: ❑ VEHICLE: ABANDONED INOPERATIVE WRECKED DISMANTLED STORED UNLICENSED Lic. No Exp:. ❑ ACCUMULATION OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS CREATING A FIRE HAZARD OR MATERIALS OF AN UJ/NSIGHTI-Y�NAATURE. exists on property located at: This condition constitutes a violation of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Section ❑ 11.80 E]11.72 Please abate and / or remedy this situation within days in the following manner: ❑ REMOVE VEHICLE FROM PUBLIC VIEW, PROVE IT IS OPERABLE, OR HAVE TOWED AWAY (out of city). ❑ REMOVAL OF SAID HAZARD OR MATERIALS TO DUMP. ❑ OVER FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Failure to comply witA the orders coritained on this notice will subject you to penalties as required in the La Quinta Municipal Code. Those penalties may include a citation to appear in court which may result in a fine and/or imprisonment and/or the city may abate the violation at your expense. If you have any ques- tions concerning this notice, please contact the undersigned at the Building and Safety Department at 564-2246 within the time period specified for abatement. SIGNED: (SL TITLE: C • E. S . DATE NOTICE ISSUED: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT 78-105 Calle Estado / La Quinta, CA 92254 / (619) 564-2246