PCMIN 02 28 1995 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA FEBRUARY 28, 1995 7:00 P.M. I. cALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Adolph. Commissioner Abels led the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL: A. Chairman Adolph requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph. B. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Special Advertising Device 95-064; a request for approval of temporary off-site directional signage for Legends of Golf Tournament in April, 1995. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Gardner suggested the number of signs be expanded to allow the applicant to place additional directional signs along Washington Street. 3. Commissioner Abels suggested that 25 signs be allowed. Staff stated that the Planning Commission was the approving agency and could approve any number they so desire to. Staff would like to have a condition added to require the applicant to provide the location of the signs and coordinated their lo~:ation with the Public Works Department and obtain staff approval. PC2-28 4. Commissioner Anderson suggested that they approve up to 25 signs subject to staff approval for location. - 5. Commissioner Abels/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-010 approving Special Advertising Device 95-064, subject to conditions as noted in the staff report and a limit of 25 signs, subject to approval of the Community Development Department. Unanimously approved. B. General Plan Consistency Findings for Coachella Valley Water District; a request of CVWD for approval of a General Plan consistency finding for the construction of the Cahuilla Zone Reservoir north of Lake Cahuilla. 1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff' report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Adolph asked how this would affect the City's Hillside Conservation Ordinance regarding building on the hillside. Staff clad'fled that the ordinance makes exceptions for public agency structures. 3. There being no further questions of staff, Mr. John Carella of CVWD gave the background information for a 10 million gallon Reservoir. He then _ introduced Patty Schwartz, Project Engineer for the project, who went into detail regarding the project and the areas it would serve. 4. Commissioner Ables asked if this would take care of furore development in the area. Ms. Schwartz stated it would take care of the immediate needs. 5. Commissioner Barrows asked if the developments to the south of The Quarry would be covered by this reservoir. Mr. Carella stated the new developments are not within the zone and the Travertine and Green projects will have to provide their own reservoir. However, the developer would be under the guidelines of CVWD for the construction of the reservoirs. 6. Chairman Adolph asked where the Sheriffs shooting range was located in relation to the reservoir. Ms. Schwartz explained the location of the range and stated it would be about a mile away and the access road to the reservoir would have a gate to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. 7. Chairman Adolph asked about the previously installed storage tanks above the Cove and why they had not been required to be landscaped. Mr. Carella stated these were installed under a different CVWD policy. They were installed with the sole purpose of being useful. Since then the Water District's policy had changed and the tanks installed had been installed at a lower elevation so it would not be seen. This tank would have native landscaping and berming. It was now the District's policy to provide PC2-28 landscaping and berming on all new projects and hopefully to rectify the old ones as repairs or modifications were needed. 8. Chairman Adoph expressed his concern that the Planning Commission had requested landscaping at the installation of the last tank requested by the District and the tank was not landscaped. Now they were asking to install another tank. Chairman Adolph asked what guarantee does the City have that the District will landscape the tank? Ms. Schwartz stated there was a $200,000 landscaping budget for the designing and landscaping Of the site. In addition, they will meet with all three PGA West Homeowner Associations and KSL Recreation Corporation to inform them of the District's plans. 9. Commissioner Barrows asked if the plants to be used would be native and desert landscaping used. Ms. Schwartz stated they were being very specific to be sure they were native to the extent some of the seeds were hand gathered and replanted. 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Anderson/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 95-011 to fred that the CVWD Cahuilla Zone Reservoir is consist with the General Plan. Unanimously approved. C. Sitna Apl~lication 95-791; a request of La Quinta Cliffhouse Restaurant for approval to construct a new freestanding monument sign to supplement their existing sign program. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is file in the Community Development Department,. 2. Chairman Adolph asked if the applicant wished to address the Commission. Mr. Richard Boudreau stated his reasons for requesting the additional signage. 3. Commissioner Butler asked if the signage would give additional visibility to the night traffic. Mr. Boudreau stated it would help. 4. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant would have any objection to removing the existing freestanding sign. Mr. Boudreau stated he would like to keep the original sign as it added character to the building and mountain. 5. Chairman Adolph asked if the applicant didn't feel the additional signage would be overkill. He understood the reason for a westbound traffic sign, but the eastbound sign would be too much. Mr. Boudreau stated he did not think it would be overkill. Commissioner Abels agreed that it would not be too much. PC2-28 6. Commissioner Gardner stated he agreed with Chairman Adolph that the eastbound traffic would have two signs and that was unnecessary. 7. Commissioner Butler stated he felt the two signs were necessary because of the amount of rocks used in the landscaping and visibility problems the property has because of the Point Happy mountain. 8. Commissioners Barrows and Abels stated they agreed they would rather have the added signage for safety and in addition the signs were not obtrusive and blended in with the mountain and landscaping. 9. Chairman Adolph stated his concern that he did not want to set a precedent by allowing too much signage. He understood the reasoning behind the request. He addressed staff if this location had been determined to be the best location for the signage. Staff stated they had worked with the applicant to determine a new location. Mr. Boudreau thanked the Chairman for his concem. 10. Commissioner Abels read from the staff report that the applicant could apply for additional signage if certain findings could be made. Commissioner Barrows stated the findings showed the request did comply. 11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 95-012 approving a sign adjustment (Sign Application 95-291) for a new freestanding monument sign to supplement their existing sign program. Unanimously approved. D. Plot Plan 94-529; a request of Century Homes, Mr. Dennis Cunningham, for review of the Conditions of Approval regarding fencing at the Rancho Ocotillo subdivision. 1. Commissioner Butler excused himself due to a possible conflict of interest. 2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Adolph asked if the applicant wished to address the Commission. Mr. Dennis Cunningham stated he did not agree with staffs recommendation requiting the installation of the return stub walls on the fence. The walls being required had no impact regarding compatibility. The existing walls were not an aid to the developer but to the homeowner. They have found that as the property owner wishes to add a pool or patio, they tear out the wall to gain the extra access and it becomes an added expense to the property owner. He reviewed the existing Compatibility Ordinance before installing the gates and felt that he was ih compliance with it. The gate and panels are 40-feet back from the street and PC2-28 painted white to be compatible with the existing fencing. They installed pedestrian gates and the double gates can be added at an extra expense. 4. Commissioner Abels asked the applicant what he meant by "value engineering". Mr. Cunningham stated it was how they could best satisfy the needs of the property owner and create privacy. "Value engineering" would mean the property owner would only have to dismantle the gate to gain access to the rear yard without demolitioning a newly built slumpstone wall. The cost therefore, would only be $100-200 instead of $1,600. 5. Commissioner Abels asked if a conveyor belt could be used to bring out the dirt' from the backyard rather than tearing out the' wall and pedestrian gate. Mr. Cunningham stated the cost was too high. He bad received complaints from property owners because of the problems they were incurring building swimming pools. Commissioner Abels stated that conveyor belts are used widely in the industry to remove the dirt from unaccessible areas. Mr. Cunningham stated he had not seen them used once in the desert and it would be more costly than removing the gate and panel proposed by their company. 6. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant felt the Polaroid picture shown of _ the gate was consistent with what the City wanted. Mr. Cunningham stated a. metal panel would be added to the wrought iron fence to screen the side yard. Commissioner Abels stated concern that the gates are two different types of gates. Discussion followed regarding the difference in the gates. 7. Commissioner Abels asked why the Commission should change the conditions. Mr. Cunningham stated he was asking for a modification, for the betterment of the community. The applicant went on to explain his reasoning. 8. Commissioner Abels stated this was not consistent with the conditions. Conditions #14 calls for six foot high walls and these walls do not appear to be six feet high. Mr. Cunningham stated they were to be between 5'4" and 6'0". Commissioner Abels asked if this was consistent with the requirements? Commissioner Abels stated what was the reason for the Commission to give conditions if they were not going to' follow them. Mr. Cunningham stated that in their estimation they do meet them. 9. Chairman Adolph asked how often homeowners approached the builder regarding changes such as pools. Mr. Cunningham stated they have _ approximately 30% of the homeowners request the pool before the wall is constructed. Chairman Adolph stated that for those cases a double gate was not needed. Mr. Cunningham stated they installed the single gate unless the homeowner requests the double gates. PC2-28 10. Chairman Adolph stated this was not approved by the Commission and for the developer to do this was in violation of the Commissions approval. If the - homeowner desires to change it after the close of escrow, that is their prerogative, but the developer will follow the conditions as set forth by the Commission. 11. Commissioner Abels stated he was not anti-development but he was in strong support of seeing that the Commission passed conditions are followed and it did not appear that Century was willing to following those conditions. The Commission expects the developer to follow what is given them. Mr. Cunningham stated he felt sometimes it is an interpretive decision that is not 'understood. 12. Commissioner Gardner stated this was the purpose of the Commission and the reason they were here and it did not appear to be the way Century was going. Mr. Cunningham stated he agreed that on some issues that was correct. The sales department will do what is necessary to make the sale. Commissioner Gardner stated yes, the sales department will give away the farm to make a sale. If the sales people are selling these homes on the condition that they can put an RV in the backyard they are wrong. Mr. Cunningham stated they were not selling the double gate, only installing at the request of the property owner supposedly before the close of escrow. 13. Commissioner Newkirk asked the applicant to clarified that the developer was installing the gate only at the request of the homeowner. Mr. Cunningham stated they had taken liberties to place a gate and panel at the request of the homeowner. Most are single gates with a fixed panel. 14. Commissioner Abels stated this was a pattern with the developer to keep coming back and back when the condition did not meet the developers needs. This was upsetting to the Commission. The Commissioners stated they felt it was up to the developer to tell the homeowner that the developer cannot install the double gates. Thereafter, is the homeowner wishes to install the double gates after close of escrow it is his option. 15. Chairman Adolph stated the Commission had discussed this far enough. Commissioner Abels stated he did not want to beat the horse to death because it had already died. Mr. Cunningham stated he was still limping. 16. Commissioner Anderson was concerned that with the wrought iron panels, Century had not come to the Commission before they were installed. The problem is the liberty being taken by Century. They were installing the gates before asking the Commission and the design was not as appealing as the existing front yard fencing. PC2-28 -- 17. There being no further discussion with the applicant, Chairman Adolph asked for further comment. Ms. Barbara Irwin, Raneh~ Ocotillo resident, addressed the Commission regarding the fencing issue. She stated that she had spoken to one of the new homeowners who had a home with a double gate and he stated that he had not asked for the double gates. In addition, there is no landscaping. Staff informed the applicant that'no Certificate of Occupancy would be issued. At present there are four homeowners with the double gates occupied and the homeowners are not aware of the problem with the gates. She went on to cite other objections and situations that were in violation of the conditions. 18. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Anderson tO adopt Minute Motion 95-013 to deny the request of the applicant to install the wrought iron double gates with metal panels. The applicant was to conform to the terms as stated in Conditions #14 and #17 and with their determination of February 14. The Commissioners stated this was their decision. Unanimously approved. 19. Commissioner Butler rejoined the meeting. _ E. l.a Quinta Zoning, Ordinance Update; a request of s~ff for a work session on a portion of the Zoning Ordinance update. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the. Commissioners did not have enough time to review the update, therefore, staff will schedule this item for the March 14th Planning Commission meeting as a workshop. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Anderson/Barrows to approve the Minutes of February 14, 1995, as submitted. Commissioner Gardner asked that the names of the Commissioners be corrected. There being on further corrections, the minutes were approved as corrected. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Anderson reported on the City Council meeting of February 21, 1995. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Abels to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting at 4:00 P.M. on March 14, 1995. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:22 P.M., February 28, 1995. Unanimously approved. PC2-28