PCMIN 04 25 1995 MINUTES ~G COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Qninta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampieo, La Quinta, CA APRIL 25, 1995 3:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Pl~mnin~ Commission was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Chairman Adolph- Commissioner Abels led the flag salute II. ROLL C~T,T.' A. Chairman Adolph requested the roll call: Present~ Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newklrk, and Chairman Adolph. B. Staff Present~ Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. WORKSHOP: Continued- La Quinta 7,onin~' Ordinance Update. 1. Commissioners and staff discussed with the consultants the following changes to the Zoning Ordinance update. a. Section 9.60.140.- Screening. B.l.b. change to 1325 feet; B.~ Include pool spa equipment; B.3. Commissioners discussed solar panels and the requirement that the underside cannot be seen. Commissioner Barrows stated she did not want the ordinance to be so restrictive as to prevent someone from using solar. Commissioner Anderson asked if a property owner could use curbside collectors (screened like a skylight) if screened and the underside was not seen. Staff stated as long as it is aesthetically screened. Commissioner Anderson asked if the panels were ground mounted will the City require it to be screened. Staff stated that as long as the neighbor could not see it, they would not require screening. b. Commissioner Anderson requested that staff put the requirement of solar water heating be added to the code. - c. Section 9.60.150., B.I: 12-foot high chitin link fence blocks the view of the mountains. Need conditional use permit to control height of fences; B.3.: .Lighting should require a conditional use permit; increase the setback or recess the tennis courL Consultants stated that anything over &feet must increase the setback, and the City will need to address sideyards as well on a ratio of 3:1. Section 9.60.160: all outdoor lighting must conform to the Dark Sky Ordinance. e. Section 9.60.180: Manufactured Housing and Mobile homes. Concern that there is no mention of modular buildings. How does the City inspect something that is already built; C.2. Foundations should be checked to see that it addresses earthquake standards and that the units must be placed on a slab. Staff stated the City requires them to be compatible with existing units. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained that a manufactured home is the same as a modular house. They must conform to the residential neighborhoods they are going into. Staff further stated the units are required to be connected to the foundation. The City requirements for modular homes are that you can put a mobile home on a lot in the Cove if they can meet the requirements for a single family home. They must refurbish the trait to appear as a single family house. Commissioner Gardner asked that the wording mobile homes should be eliminated as they are all Commercial Park, Office and Tourist Commercial, Urban mit as well as major community facilities. Page 13- should tennis courts be added as an accessory use? Chairman Adolph recessed the meeting at 525 P.M. and reconvened at 7:08 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT: Audrey 0strowsky, La Quinta resident, spoke regarding her concern about the Zoning Ordinance in the Cove in that commercial businesses are working out of their homes. It affects the residents as well as the commercial property. Need to restrict this in the future. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Tentative Tract 28150: a request of KSL PGA West Corporation for approval to resubdivide 3.6 acres into 14 single family residential lots. 1. Commi~sioners Anderson and Gardner withdrew due to a possible conflict of 6. Chairman Adolph asked When the houses would be turned over to the H0A to manage and maintain. Mr. Hosea stated that as the property closes escrow, the property is developed, and assessments paid, or as soon as they selL Chairman Adolph stated they could not have one house in a tract being a H0A so this would force those property owners into the current HOA. Mr. Hosea stated the logistics would be there to ~nnex into the current HOA, but again their concern was that they not set a precedent to be required to annex into the existing H0A for future tracts. 7. Chairman Adolph stated the current HOA's were not interested in having three HOA's. They wanted standardization and compatibility and three or four HOAs would make it almost impossible to maintain these standards. Chairman Adolph asked if Hosea had t~lked to the current HOAs regarding their proposed plans. Mr. Hosea stated they had spoken with them regarding annexation into the current H0A and the problem was the fiscal responsibility of the current H0A and pending litigation matters. 8. Commissioner Butler asked what the advantage would be to a third H0A if that had to be. Mr. Hosea stated there would be little or no advantage. They were -- only concerned with setting a precedent of requiring participation in the current H0~ A different H0A could provide the same level of services and maybe for less fees. 9. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the City has a different obligation when it comes to a tract map with phases partially built out. It is more appropriate on an undeveloped tract to allow the developer to create a HOA. A revision is different as compared to a new map. Chairman Adolph stated they did not want to change things that are already existing. 10. Chairman Adolph asked if Mr. Hosea would like to address the swimming pool issue. Mr. Hosea stated that they will upgrade the general standards for the design and construction quality (i.e., custom pools~ This product is not designed for a community pool as the prior units were as these units are single family units. 11. Commissioner Butler asked for clarification regarding prior tracts that were built with the understanding that pools were to be built across the street. 12~ Commissioner Abels asked why this tract should be burdened with -- constructing a swimminl~ poo]Jcommunity pool for the units across the street. Chairman Adolph stated that the Trophy units were not large enough for pools as they are condominiums and the prior developers were conditioned to provide the common pools. Commissioner Abels stated he did not see a reason for requiring these 14 homes to build a commnnity pool for the houses across the street* Mr. Hosea stated that the property across the street is R-2 and this property is R-1. Chairman Adolph stated his understanding was they were zoned R-1. 13. Mr. John Sayer, KSL PGA West Recreation, clarified that Residential #1 (HOA) was to be on the north side of PGA West and run through the middle of the complex; Residential ~ was everything south of that imaginary line. In fact, there was a checkerboard among the developments. Thi~ property, along with a number of other properties along the Nicklaus course, had been .annexed Into Residential #1. To de-annex would require too many ~mendments to the existing tract documents. This property had been annexed Into Residential #1 and they were comfortable leaving it there. Residential #1 and #2 will have to come Into some agreement regarding the maintenance. Again, the concern is not for this tract but one of Jurisdiction for the future tracts. 14. Commissioner Butler stated that if the Planning Commission approved the change from condos to single f~mily and setting up a new HOA, that he did not believe the pool issue was valid at this time. Chairman Adolph stated the Planning Commission needed to determine whether the pool should be required or not. He did not believe that Residential #1 would want to maintain the pool and landscapIng as to its location beIng so far removed. 15. Commissioner Butler asked staff why it was not brought up to the Plsnning Commission. Staff stated it was in the original report. Commi~sioner Abels stated their request was to change from condos to sIngle family residences and the pool should not be an issue. 16. Chairman Adolph asked about the restroom facilities for the gardeners. Mr. Hosea stated that due to the logistics problems there is a need to have some' type of shared agreement with H0A #2. If this is in place, the restroom facilities are available at the pool area on Interlachen. 17. Commi~sioner Barrows asked if thi~ issue should be Included In the Conditions of Approval City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated they could not as the facilities were not a part of this tract. 18. There being no further public comment, Commissioners AbelsiNewkirk moved to adopt Resolution 95-015, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 28150, subject to conditions. 19. Chairman Adolph asked if this would come back before the Plnnninff Commission. Staff stated that the next item on the agenda would come back before the Planning Commission, but this item would not* Mr. Hosea stated that the Heritage Collection would be the units built for these 14 houses. ROLL CALI~ AYES: Commissioners Abels, Barrows, Butler, Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Anderson and Gardner. ABSTAINING: None. Plot Plan 95-55~ a request of KSL PGA West Corporation for approval of a sales center with model complex and eight new model units. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Abels asked for clarification on the number of garages in the Masters collection. Staff stated there was a three car garage. 3. Commissioner Butler asked if the Department of Real Estate (DRE) would approve this project. Staff replied that a maximum of 30 tennis courts were allowed and they were not familiar with DRE requirements. City Attorney -- Dawn Honeywell stated the PlP~nnin~ Commission should not be concerned with the issue. It is the responsibility of the developer to see that he meets the DRE requirements. 4. Commissioner Butler asked if there was a problem with the number of garages. Chairman Adolph stated that the number of I~arages was not an issue as most of the tenants are part-time homeowners. 5. Commissioner Barrows inquired about the roof styles and a requirement for an 18-inch eave. She asked if the popouts addressed the concern for the ~mount of shading needed. Staff stated that in regards to the rear there was a patio cover that was significant and generally in the front there are extended eaves over the front entries. On the side elevations, the popouts are required and they would help minimally. 6. Chairman Adolph pointed out that this was primarily for the units facing west and soutlx Chairman Adolph stated that whatever standards were approved before must to apply to these units as welL 7. There being no further questions of staff, Mr. Chevis Hosea addressed the Commission and stated that the designers of the units were there to answer - any question of the CommLqsion* 8. Chairman Adolph asked about the entry entering the parking lot area and if they talked with the Master Association regarding this. Mr. Hosea stated they had spoken with the Master Association and they were aware of it. Chairman Adolph stated the Commission had not received any communication from the Association regarding their approving or disapproving and his concern was that communication was taking place. 9. Chairman Adolph stated that the old Sunrise models to the north had a wall that blocked off the street from the models. Mr. Hosea stated that mounding would be used. Chairman Adolph asked how the developer planned to get to the street behind the tennis courts after these units were all sold without wiping out the tennis courts. Mr. Hosea showed how they planned to do this on the e~hibit. 10. Chairman Adolph asked if the building heights would exceed 28-feet and did they have any intention of building any two story units. Mr. Hosea stated they had no intention at this time. Chairman Adolph asked if they had any objection to removing this statement from the conditions. Staff clarified that they were given permission on a previous tract. 11. Commissioner Barrows asked if there was a condition and if not could they add one stipulating no two story units. 12. Chairman Adolph asked about the five foot sideyard setback as the current units have 10-foot setbacks and the updated ordinance would require a minimum 10-foot clearance. Mr. Hosea stated he thought a five foot sideyard per house was adequate. 13. Mr. Hosea asked if Condition #11 could be amended to allow a five year approvaL Commissioner Abels stated that if all the conditions are met each year there was no problem extending the approval period. Stated this was a watch-dog issue and the Pl~nninl~ Commission would not stop anything. Commissioner Barrows stated this was at the discretion of the Community Development Director and she would like to reword the condition. Chairman Adolph asked if this was a request by the applicant or a verbal request. Staff responded that they would have to submit a letter of request for an extension~ Staff stated they could change the last sentence to read "Model complex is in compliance with the conditions." Mr. John Sayer, stated his concern was that the financing going forward. The lender, or lenders counsel, had a concern about lending with this condition~ Commissioner Butler asked if the proposed chanl~e was agreeable with the applicant. Mr. Hosea stated it was. 15. Mr. Hosea asked about Condition//15 being reworded to read: "to existing 300- foot access or to the satisfactiOn of the Fire MarshaL' Staff stated this is the Fire Marshal's condition. 16. Mr. Phil Hoe, architect for the Masters and Doral units, stated that the overhangs were generous with ten feet in the rear. The front is occupied with garage or semi-walls and the sideyard is a minimum amount of glass. He further stated that all houses would comply with Title 24 requirements. They had purposely oriented the houses 'to the interior yard or to the rear. Discussed the garage entrances having varied streetscape appearances. The sideyard of for the Doral units was five feet and they had made allowances for the mechanical equipment. The project's sideyard are designed to ~ive a variety so sideyards vary dependln~ on the unit type. Changed the composition of the roof styles and heights again to create a variety. 17. Chairman Adolph asked if between the buildings it was too tight as they were within ten feet of each other. How about a block wall in between each property line? 18. Commissioner Abels stated he would rather have wooden roll-up doors rather -- than metaL Mr. Hoe stated there was a combination on the doors. Chairman Adolph stated they had used several metal doors and you could not tell the difference from the street. 19. Commissioner Abels asked that the applicant not use windows in garage doors facing west. Mr. Hoe stated he would take that into consideration in their final desing. 20. Chairman Adolph asked how the applicant would so the on-site concrete work. Mr. Hoe stated he would prefer Mr. Forrest Haag answer that question. 21. Commissioner Barrows asked if the Doral unit eaveswould be a mininlum of 18- inches. The other units would have roar patio structures but, the Masters and Heritage units would have an overhang cover the entire rear. Mr. Hoe stated that on the Masters they would. He did not know about the Heritage units. 22. Commissioner Butler asked where the air conditioning condenser for the Plan //3 of the Doral units and Plan #1 of the Heritage unit would be located. Mr. Hoe stated he did not know about the Heritage as he Only drew the Masters and Doral series. 23. Mr. Richard Wey, architect for the Heritage Collection stated that on Plan #1 it has not been determined as of yet as to where the air conditioning units would be placed. In regards to the overhangs, the styles would be very similar and he had no problem with providing an 18-inch overhang. 24. Chairman Adolph asked what standards would be taken to protect the foundation slabs. Mr. Hosea stated they would take extreme precautions to protect the slab and gave an explanation of what they would be doing (Le., visqueen with gravel~ 25. Mr. Hosea questioned Condition #15 as it would restrict the number of units they would be allowed to construct. He would like to discuss this with the Fire Marshal and offer an alternative before going to CounciL He again requested that the condition be rewritten to state "or come to a satisfactory resolution with the Fire MarshaL" 26. Chairman Adolph asked if the homeowners on Interlachen had any problem with the conditions for these units requiring architectural compatibility and approval by the Architectural Review Board of PGA West. Mr. Hosea stated he would speak with them before submittal of building plans to the City. 27. There being no further public comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing. 28. CommLqsioner Barrows recommended that a condition be added relative to the eave overhangs being a mintnlum of 18-inches and no two story units being allowed with a maximum building height of 22-feet. Staff clarified amendments to Conditions #11, #15, #40 adding that the median cut have a requirement that they must obtain H0A approval and they added a new Condition ~51 requiring an 18-inch overhang and Condition ~52 setting the maximum building height at 22-feet. 29. There beIng on further discussion, Commissioners Barrows/Abels moved to adopt Minute Motion 95-017, subject to the conditions as amended and with the new conditions added. UD~mimonsly approved. Commissioners Gardner and Anderson returned to the meeting. C. Conditional Use Permit 95-017: a request of Jim t, Jarnagin for approval of a full service tunnel carwash and detail shop within the One Eleven La Quinta ShoppIng Center. 10 _ 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Comm!-~sioner Butler asked if the water was goin~ to be recycled and where in the report did it refer to this. Staff stated it was referred to in the Initial Study. Commi~qloner Abels asked if you had to turn left from Highway 111 into Street and west into the shopping center to access the site. Staff explained the entrances. 4. Chairman Adolph asked if the triangle between the site and Shell 0il site would be landscaped. Staff explained which areas were to be landscaped. Chairman Adolph asked what would happen at this point of the property line. Staff stated it would be determined by the Engineering Department. 5. Chairman Adolph asked if any walls were proposed. Staff stated that no walls were proposed. 6. Commissioner Butler asked about street landscaping. Staff stated that it would be bermed as it was along Highway 111 to the west. 7. Commi.~sioner Abels asked if the doors on the tnnnel would be closed at night. Staff stated that the roll-up doors on both ends would be closed at night. 8. Commi.~sioner Butler asked that additional landscaping be added to buffer the site as requested in the letter submitted by the Chamber of Commerce. Staff recommended additional canopy treed be planted. 9. Commissioner Barrows asked about the south elevation signage and landscaping. Staff explained where the landscapin~ would be. Commi.~sioner Barrows stated she would like to see more landscaping. Commissioner Butler asked if the Commt.~sion would review the landscaping at the same time as the signage. Staff noted the landscaping required staff approvaL 10. Mr. Duane Yonnker, representing the applicant, spoke on behalf of the applicant. His primary reason for having a misting system is to provide as much cooling as possible to prevent the front shield of the cars from breaking. There would be a business section providing a fax machine and telephones for the patrons use. He had no objection to the additional landscaping. - 11. Commissioner Butler asked how many entrances there were into the tunneL Mr. Yonnker stated there was only one going into the carwash tunnel but, three lines for vacuums. The stacking area would have misters for a comfort zone for the patrons as well as the workers. 11 12. Commissioner Barrows asked what percentage of the water was recycled. Mr. Younker stated they would use 12 gallons per car and they would be recycling 90% of the water used There was no discharge to the sewer system. Discussion about the residues from the washing detergents followed. 13. Chairman Adolph asked if the raised parking area would be concrete and couldn't a planter be added at the northwest corner. Mr. Younker stated he had no objection to the additional landscaping. They were intending to have golf cart services for shuttling customers to the shopping center. 14. Chairman Adolph asked why the auto detailing was not under cover. Mr. Younker stated the area was covered except for a 3-foot area. 15. Chairman Adolph asked if the storage area was secured. Mr. Younker explained how it was to be secured. 16. Commissioner Gardner asked what sanitary sewer system they would use. Mr. Younker stated the outside water would go to the storm drain and anything under the roof would go to the clarifying holding system. 17. Chairman Adolph asked it the lighting fixtures mounted on the wall would all face upward and what kind of wattage would they use. Mr. Younker stated they were the same as the City required under the CC & R's for the Center. Staff stated they would comply with the Dark Sky Ordinance. 18. There being no further public comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing. 19. Commissioner Anderson approved the site selection for the project. He felt the signage was too large but, he would consider it at a later date. He was concerned about traffic flow and would like additional screening of the cars from Highway 111 with a wall or berm similar to the existing fast food restaurants. Commi~ioner Butler questioned the location of the berming and whether Anderson was requiring a double berm. Commissioner Barrows suggested this be reviewed at the time of the landscaping plan review. 20. There being no further discussion, Commissioners Barrows/Butler moved and seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 954~16, approving a mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Conditional Use Permit 94-017. ROLL CALI~ AYES: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, 'Newkirk, and Chairman Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: None. 12 21. Commissioner BarrowslAbels moved and seconded a motion to adopt Minute Motion 95-018, with an amendment to Condition ~ requiting the landscaping to return for Pl~tnnin~ Commission review. Ull~mimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS A. SDecial Advertlsin~ flevice 954)66: a request of investors' Property Services for the La Casa La Quinta Apartments for approval of a temporary banner for the La Casa La Qninta Apartment Complex. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Commissioner Abels asked if this request was for 60-days. Staff stated it was a 60 day request. Commissioner Abels asked how many extensions would be allowed. Staff answered as many as the p]gnning Commission wanted to 3. Chairman Adolph asked for the location of the banner. Staff stated it was the intent of the applicant to hang it on the building. 4. There being no further questions, Commissioners Anderson~Barrows moved and seconded a motion to adopt Mlnute Motion 95-019 approving Special Advertising Device 95.06 ~ subject to conditions. Unanimously approved. B. Plot Plan 95-551: a request of Firstbank, NA. for approval of a plot plan application to allow construction of a freestanding bank building. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Butler asked if staff was aware of the retention basin problem at the shopping center. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that staff was .currently looking at the plans for a pumping station and the center developer will then start construction on it. Commissioner Butler stated his concern was that the retention basin be approved prior to the bank approvaL Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the City will insure that the developer installs the pumps and the water taken out. 3. Commt~qioner Gardner asked whose responsibility it was to get the water out and where would it go. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated it was the responsibility of the developer and the water would be pumped out of the retention basin and into the City storm drain. He further stated the developer was currently developing plans for the primping system. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the retention basin was designed 13 to be adequate to protect the bank as well as the other buildings, but, the City was trying to get a more adequate method of getting the water out of the basin. 4. Chairman Adolph asked why the roar door which was an emergency exit, lead directly into the retention basin. Staff replied there was a fiat area before the retention basin which was adequate to lead away from the retention basin. Chairman Adolph stated he felt there should be some type of walkway around the basin. Commissioner Anderson stated he felt the City Code would require it to be an accessible walkway. 5. Chairman Adolph stated his reservations about the skylight, that it might be a flashing beacon at certain times of the day. Staff stated it would be frosted and installed at a vertical angle so as not to shine on the cars. It will be a high energy material and will meet energy requirements. 6. Commissioner Abels stated that bank branches were reducing in number throughout the United States and branches are being taken over by bigger banks leaving empty buildings. He was concerned that this not become another empty building. 7. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-020 approving Plot Plan 95-551, subject to the attached conditions. Unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR- None COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Abels gave a report of the City Council meeting of April 18, 1995. B. Chairman Adolph spoke concerning a letter received from Norris Bernard regarding the detached garage in Rancho 0cotillo. Chairman Adolph stated that in regards to compatibility issues, the garage did not conform, but when a tract is completed property owners can make any changes they so desire pursuant to City requirements, unless there is a homeowners' association to restrict them~ City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that compatibility restr~ints do not continue on once the tract is completed, but, the Commission could ~mend the City Code to not allow any accessory use to be higher than the primary structure. They could also do a lot coverage ratio. Chairman Adolph asked who determines compatibility. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the main reason for the noncompatlbility, in this instance, was the height of the structure. Commissioner Abels asked if these changes didn't have to go through the - Building Department and couldn't the Planning Commission make a list of criteria to 14 control these problems. Commissioner Anderson stated they could make an overall requirement and add it to the Zoning Ordinance to control the problem~ Chairman Adolph asked staff to bring this issue before the Commission during the Zoning Ordinance review and make sure it is addressed~ 3. Chairman Adolph asked staff if the Water District was to bring the construction of a water tank before PGA West Association for their approvaL His understanding was that CVWD was to notify the Association to make sure the tank did not obstruct the moun~. Staff will address a letter to CVWD regarding the problem and give a copy to the Commission. 15 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, this meeting of the Planning Commission was moved and seconded by Commissioners AbelsIButler to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on May 11, 1995. This meeting of the PIP~nnin~ Commission was adjourned at 10:04 P.M. The motion was approved unanimously. 16