PCMIN 05 23 1995 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, CA
May 23, 1995 3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 3:12 P.M. by Chairman Adolph who
led the flag salute.
A. Chairman Adolph requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler,
Gardner, and Chairman Adolph. Commissioners Anderson/Barrows moved and seconded a motion
to excuse Commissioner Newkirk. Unanimously approved.
B. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney, Dawn Honeywell,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Associate Planner, Greg Trousdell,
Department Secretary Betty Sawyer, and The Planning Center Consultant Debra Ezra-Rogoff.
A. Continued- 7oning Code Update: a request of the City for review and approval of the Zoning Code
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented an update on what material had been covered and
what was to be discussed.
2. Chairman Adolph opened the discussion and reviewed of the document page by page.
3. Page 004
Section 9.110.030.
B. Change "maximum structure height" from 30 feet to 28 feet. Do the same
-- wherever it is referred to.
4. Page 005
Section 9.110.080.
4. Add somewhere in the text "Santa Rosa Mountain National Scenic Area".
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5. Page 006
Section 9.110.060
A.8. Identify the structure height starting from a point- 28-feet from the mien.
Eliminate "Minimum Building Site."
C.l.e. Add Sections 4 and 5 to T7S RTE.
C.l.b. Change TSS, R6E, 36 to T5S
C.l.b. Add Section 25 and delete from e.l.a.
C.l.d. Add Section 33.
6. Page 009
Section 9.120.020..
Table 9-5 Other Uses. Public flood control facilities and devices should be
permitted ("P)in the "G C" category.
7. Page 010
Table 9. Change maximum height to 28-feet on all zones.
8. Page 011
Section 9.140.030
A. 1. Same changes as a.5 Section 9.110.060 C. 1.
9. Page 012
C.3.d. Eliminate "or painted".
C.3.e. Change to "Transmission lines (properly screened or undergrounded)"
10. Page 013
E. Add "design review by the Planning Commission".
11. Page 014
G.3.b. Add "Native" drought tolerant plants.
12. Page 015
H.3. Add "at such time as the new property owner occupies, or a HOA" accepts
the responsibility...
13. Page 019
Section 9.140.030
M.2. City Attorney to rewrite.
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14. Page 021
Section 9.140.050
Adult Entertainment Overlay District to only contain the Overlay District and
everything else moved to the Business District Section and deleted from Planning
Commission review.
15. Page 034
Section 9.150.050
C. Eliminate the entire paragraph.
16. Page 036
Section 9.150.060
Table 9 - Off-street Parking Requirements - add 4 bedrooms or more a 3-car
garage is required and add "For houses with a room such as a den, study, or
sewing room shall count as a bedroom.~ For room additions it shall be based upon
the value of the addition to the overall house. Less than 50% of the current value
you are exempt from the garage addition.
17. Page 039
Table 9- Office and Health Care Uses- General offices, other than medical or
dental- change from one space per 250 square feet to one space per 350 sq./ft.
18. Chairman Adolph asked that staff bring the Parking Chapter back to next meeting. In
addition, staff was to obtain information from Palm Desert for a comparison. Staff stated
they would prefer to compare it to the existing Code. Commissioners thought the City
should be compared to other cities of the same size and diversity (Palm Desert, the
existing, and the proposed). In addition, the Village Specific Plan would be considered.
Chairman Adolph recessed the meeting at 5:23 P.M. and reconvened at 7:02 P.M.
A. Continued- Street Name Change 95-006: a request of the La Ouinta Volunteer Fire Department to
change the street name of Old 52nd Avenue to Frances Hack Lane.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report,
a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Abels informed the Commission that the Coachella Valley Recreation and
Parks District (CVRPD) had been contacted regarding La Quinta's request to change the
name of the Community Park. At their May lOth meeting it was determined that since
the CVPRD had no policy in place to approve such a request, a policy should be put in place
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first. They agreed with La Quinta's request to rename the Park but, they would have to
adopt a resolution establishing a policy first. Based on this information, Commissioners
Abels/Butler moved and seconded a motion to continue the public hearing to June 13,
3. Commissioner Barrows asked if any other names had been submitted for Old 52nd Avenue.
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated that the Fire Department would still prefer their
request of Frances Hack Lane. As to another name, general conversation among City Hall
staff was to name the street after the Fritz Burns family.
B. Tentative Tract 78149: a request of KSL PGA West Corporation for approval to resubdivide 20
acres into 84 single family residential lots and four common lots.
1. Commissioners Gardner and Anderson withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest.
2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report,
a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
3 Chairman Adolph asked staff to identify the difference between Attachment 2 and 3 of the
staff report. Staff stated they were submitted in different years and additional land had
been acquired.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Adolph opened the public hearino. The
applicant, Mr. Chevis Hosea, Director of Real Estate for KSL Recreation Corporation,
explained their request and that they were moving toward a reduction of density in order
to increase the amount of golf amenities available. He went on to explain the distribution
of swimming pools and spas in their tract (i.e., three recreation lots and one common lot).
5. Commissioner Abels clarified that Mr. Hosea was requesting to by-pass Planning
Commission approval for the recreational amenities (Condition 49) and work with the
existing homeowner associations within the area for an agreeable result. Once they had
obtained the HOA approval, they would seek staff approval and hopefully by-pass the
public hearing process to save time. Mr. Hosea agreed.
6. Commissioner Butler asked what recourse the HOA would have if the Planning Commission
approved this request. Would they still be able to stop the process and bring the matter
before the Commission? Mr. Hosea stated that it would be an intense review process with
the PGA West Homeowners' Association (HOA), as the alternative would be to form a new
HOA to oovern this area. Mr. Hosea went on to explain that they had made a significant
reduction in density and to be required to renotice for recreational amenities was an
extreme burden on. ,
7. Chairman Adolph asked if KSL hadn't agreed verbally to annex this section into PGA West
Association #1. Mr. Hosea stated they had no problem with this.
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8. Chairman Adolph asked if the problem with the notification of the homeowners on
Interlachen had been corrected and the homeowners notified for this meeting. Staff stated
that notices were sent out and staff had verified that the residents across the street were
9. Chairman Adolph questioned Condition #50 clarifying that the worker restrooms would be
separate from the HOA restrooms. Mr. Hosea stated they would have separate restrooms
in the same building. Chairman Adolph asked that the condition clearly define there would
be two separate restrooms.
10. Mr. Dick Lutes, 54-424 Tanglewood, homeowner and member of the existing PGA West
HOA, addressed the Commission regarding the project. He currently was the Pool
Committee Chairman so he receives numerous complaints due to the number of people
being served by the existing pools. The added maintenance costs have increased
respectively. He addressed the number of pools that were to be constructed and the
number of units they would be serving. He stated the Commission must review this tract
and future tracts as they relate to maintenance and the amount of open space they were
promised. He requested the developer be required to construct the four pools promised on
Southern Hills and one pool on Winged Foot. In addition, he asked how the golf carts
would get from Golf Hole #8 to Golf Hole #9.
11. Commissioner Abels asked why the County was inspecting pools. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated that it was the responsibility of the County Health Department to inspect
community pools.
12. Discussion followed regarding the number of existing pools, the number to be constructed,
and the number that had been promised by Sunrise Company.
13. Commissioner Butler asked for clarification as to location of the golf cart crossing. Mr.
Lutes showed the location on the map and stated there should be a maintenance access
as well at the other end of the street across from the maintenance yard.
14. Mr. Augie Romano, 54-205 Oakhill, homeowner, addressed the Commission regarding the
open space areas being retained and the construction of the number of pools promised.
Pools are heated in the winter and with the amount of chlorine used this can become a
health issue with the number of people currently using the pools. He would like to see the
developer construct what was promised by Sunrise Company.
15. Commissioner Butler asked if the applicant was downsizing the density and eliminating the
need for Item Condition #49 to take before the HOA and Pool Committee. He questioned
what enforcement measurers were available to the HOA if the Planning Commission
approves their request. Chairman Adolph stated probably none.
16. Commissioner Butler stated he understood the need for the pools and even though the
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applicant stated he would install some pools, it did not seem adequate. Chairman Adolph
stated it comes down to the fact that KSL had purchased the property from the RTC, and
as they were now constructing single family homes instead of the open space
condominiums, they were justified in not constructing the same number of pools.
17. Mr. Chevis Hosea stated that in regards to the golf cart crossing, one of the lots would be
eased to provide the golf cart access. Commissioner Abels asked about the access for the
maintenance vehicles at the other end. Mr. Hosea stated there was an existing easement
for that access.
18. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant would construct an additional pool if the need
became apparent. Mr. Hosea stated he would not like to have that obligation. They were
reducing the density and it would be burdensome to them to provide these additional
amenities. They will continue to have the problem of completing what Sunrise Company
had promised, but as they were the new developer, they did not believe they should have
to assume their promises. Discussion followed regarding the location of existing pools.
19. Commissioner Butler asked if the HOA were aware of the dues that would be altered due
to the amenities. Mr. Hosea stated that with the amenities being submitted now, they
would make a request to the HOA for the needed charges.
20. Commissioner Abels stated he did not feel it was necessary to obligate the new owners
with the past promises. Chairman Adolph stated he did not agree. When KSL placed their
bid on the packaoe they were buying the entire package requiring the six pools and green
belt areas. Discussion followed.
21. Commissioner Barrows stated there was a concentration of pools in one area and asked
for clarification on the location of the pools. She asked if the pools across the street
would be accessible to the people across the street. Mr. Hosea stated they would be
accessible. Mr. Hosea stated they were giving more back to the community by reducing
the number of units to be constructed.
22. Mr. Lutes clarified that each existing pool is are being used by 30 homes and with this
construction the load will be increased. He felt the Commission was ignoring the complete
community and just addressing a phase.
23. There being no further public comment, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Abels stated the issue seemed to be swimming pools. He asked if the
applicant would be adverse to installing at least one additional pool to relieve the load.
24. Commissioner Butler stated he aoreed, but looking at the plot plan he was concerned as
to where they would be placed. He was also concerned that the people on Southern Hills
were traveling a great distance to use a pool. Discussion followed.
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25. Chairman Adolph stated he was looking at the density and he felt the number of pools
could be reduced according to the number of units dropped. Possible only four pools and
two green belts. Commissioner Barrows stated the original plans had one pool for every
21 lots; if four pools were required it would meet the density of the prior development.
26. Chairman Adolph stated he would like to obtain a consensus between the HOA and KSL
as to what would be agreeable. Commissioner Barrows stated that if the reduction in
pools met the reduction in units, it would be acceptable to her.
27. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that ultimately it would be up to the Planning
Commission to make a decision. She suggested the item be continued to let KSL and the
HOA work out the problem. Mr. Hosea stated they would rather install a pool than have
a continuance. They would incorporate a pool in the green belt at the intersection of
Southern Hills and Oakmont. They would prefer not to lose any additional lots for open
space due to the density reduction. He suggested the land owned by the HOA be utilized
for open space area.
28. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Barrows to adopt Resolution 95-017 recommending approval with an additional pool.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked for clarification on the request to
change Condition #49 allowing staff to approve. Condition #50 would be amended to
allow separate restroom facilities from the homeowners for the workers. The restrooms
may be attached but separate entrances provided.
29. Chairman Adolph stated he was not in agreement because the green belt area was being
utilized for the pool area and common areas are being eliminated. He suggested that an
additional pool be constructed, but not in the common area.
30. Commissioner Abels/Barrows withdrew the motion. Discussion followed regarding the
common area.
31. Mr. Hosea stated that common area is provided for air-space condominium developments.
He understands the sensitivity for pools, but they are supplying common areas for the
individual lots and they are not as needed as in the attached unit environment. KSL has
given back to the community 50 + homes to create a more open environment. The area
proposed for the pools are large areas and would still provide ample open space.
32. Chairman Adolph stated that other areas in PGA West have similar situations, so this
request is not unique. Is there some way KSL can help this situation.?. Mr. Hosea stated
he did not see a void for green space. Four common areas are provided. Chairman Adolph
suggested that the open area be tied into the golf course access area. Mr. Hosea stated
the objection was the requirement to provide amenities for detached homes that are
required for attached homes. Discussion followed regarding the pool/open space locations.
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33. Commissioner Abels/Butler moved to adopt Resolution 95-017, subject to the modification
of Conditions #49 and #50, and with the addition of a fourth pool.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Barrows, Butler. NOES: Chairman Adolph.
ABSENT: Commissioners Anderson, Gardner, and Commissioner Newkirk.
C. Environmental Assessment 93-756 and General Plan Amendment 93-092: a request of the City for
a recommendation to approve the adoption of the La Ouinta Housing Element into the General Plan.
1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department and introduced The Planning
Center consultant Debra Ezra-Rogoff who went on to explain why the Housing Element
needed to be adopted.
2. Ms. Ezra Rogoff stated the Housing Element meets the fundamental issues the City faces
and what the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) will look at when
evaluating the Element for State compliance. HCD focuses their evaluation on seeino a
mixed and balance of housing needs to meet the components of the community. She went
on to explain the areas HCD evaluates. The City does have adequate land resources to
accommodate the future housing needs based on the population trends. The City and
Redevelopment Agency have become actively involved in providing new housing
opportunities for the very Iow and Iow income families. She went on to explain the
Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) objectives which shows how the City has met
these objectives.
3. Chairman Adolph praised the consultant on the work performed.
4. Commissioner Anderson asked about the surplus deficient for the three levels being for five
years. Ms. Rogoff stated it was for a seven year period. Commissioner Anderson stated
this number would be on-going for the next evaluation of the Housing Element. Ms. Roooff
explained how the future needs would be addressed and how they relate to the Housing
Element. Commissioner Anderson stated the numbers were based on past growth trends.
Ms. Rogoff stated that it is based on a formula that is used for determining the number of
units needed for our region.
5. Commissioner Anderson asked if the State felt the breakdown was fair. Principal Planner
Fred Baker stated that CVAG works with SCAG to determine the formulas to see that the
formulas are realistic for each of the communities. He went on to explain how the numbers
were determined and what was used to estimate/project the needed housing numbers.
6. Chairman Adolph asked how often the City was monitored. Principal Planner Fred Baker
stated staff is required to annually report to the City Council and update them on their
progress. Chairman Adolph asked if there was a way the City could encourage Iow income
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development. Principal Planner Fred Baker explained ways in which the City was presently
encouraging affordable housing developments. Discussion followed.
7. Commissioner Barrows asked about the reference made to the parking requirements.
Some of the senior projects and multi-family projects could have excessive parking needs.
She asked if it was appropriate that the recommendations made in this report to be put
into the Zoning Code Update. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this was customary.
8. Commissioner Barrows stated that innovative building techniques, lot configurations,
creative forms of residential developments to create incentives or bonuses for the
developers should be included in the Zoning Code. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
they would.
9. Principal Planner Fred Baker stated that the polices must first be incorporated into the
General Plan before the City can adopt them into the Zoning Ordinance. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated this process provides the framework to allow the Plannino
Commission to be more specific in what they want included in the Zoning Ordinance.
10. Commissioner Anderson stated they would probably be incorporated in the planned
residential units that are submited. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated some of these
incentives are already in existence. She stated the Planning COmmission could allow
greater densities if they so desired. In addition, they could also have inclusionary zoning
to assist in the creation of the needed units.
11. There being no further discussion, Chairman Adolph closed the public hearing. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified corrections to the resolution as follows:
a. Title be changed to add "recommending to the City Council certification of a
Mitigated Negative Declaration'
b. "Whereas, the Community Development Director has determined that the said
Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment due to
the mitigation measures required in the General Plan EIR and incorporated herein
by this reference and that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact should be filed; and,
c. Whereas, pursuant to AB3180, a mitigation monitorino prooram which is included
in the General Plan EIR and sets forth monitoring and reporting procedures for
maintainino the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures and which is
hereby incorporated in this Mitigated Negative Declaration; and,
d. The proposed Amendment as mitigated according to the mitigation monitoring
prooram will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or oeneral welfare of the
community, either indirectly or directly."
12. Commissioners Barrows/Butler moved and seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-018,
subject to the changes as stated by the City Attorney, recommending to the City Council
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certification of a Negative Declaration for the La Quinta General Plan Housing Element in
accordance with the findings set forth.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, and
Chairman Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Newkirk.
13. It was moved and seconded by Barrows/Butler to adopt Resolution 95-019 recommending
to the City Council approval of the adoption of the La Ouinta Housing Element into the
General Plan.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, and Chairman
Adolph. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Newkirk. ABSTAINING: None.
A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of May 9, 195, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Abels to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved
A. Commissioner Newkirk being absent was unable to present a report of the City Council meeting of
May 16, 1995.
B. Commissioner Anderson gave a report of the City/Chamber Workshop meeting of May 10, 1995.
C. Chairman Adolph asked staff to write a letter to Ms. Judith Sanders thanking her for her letter and
stating her concerns and stating the Planning Commission would take the issue under consideration.
D. Commissioner Abels stated he attended a Postal Advisory Committee meeting and gave a report of
the meeting.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Abels to adjourn this meeting
of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on June July 13, 1995. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 9:08 P.M., May 23, 1995. Unanimously approved.
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