HERRAN• P.O. Box 1504 78-4.95 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247 COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Permit Number: 13-00000496 (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-701 1 Please read each condition listed on the attachment in this packet to see if the proposed activity complies with the City's.Home Occupation Regulations. Applicant name(s): (List all owners, partners, and/or corporation officers) CORNELIO DE LA HERRAN Property address: 51271 AVENIDA HERRERA Phone: (760) 485-4287 1 D Mailing address: P.O. BOX 387 Q Property owner: CORNELIO DE LA HERRAN �PR �6 2013 "hype of business: Landscaping and Maintenance �InOV AQ�I TTA pINANCEO EP Brief description of how the business will operate: 'Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) 1400 square feet Location and square footage of area of business activity in home (Example: Bedroom — 125 sq ft.) dining room table, 9 square feet Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies being used in the business operation: I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OC N S A OWE (Conditions Attached) e APPLICANT SIG TURE DATE If applicant is other than the property owner, authorization of owner or rental/leasing agent is required. Your inspection has been scheduled for Home Occupation Inspection between 10:00-10:30 on 4/30/13. Your inspector will be Wayne Campbell. ------ -------------------------------------- I SPECTO USE ONLY ---------------------------------------------------- • PPROVED L� DENIED Ins Pee r Sig natur Date p ce -1-rn P.O. Box 1504 7.8.-495' CALL Tmf-lCo. ` ~ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNI4.92253 (760.) 777-7000 FAX (7.60) 771-7101 .:_AggLIG-ATION FGR-R MiZ--OC-eUYA- JN OF A BUSINESS F`EE.$70.OQ INSPECTION DATE: Please read each condition listed on the attachment in .this packet to see if the proposed activity complies with the City's:Home.Occupation -Re gulations. APPLICANT NAMES: (List all owners, partners, And/or corporationotBcers Corne�lbDcLGi ` .l-{errtn ulr.N car C(2253 . PROPERTY ADDRESS: PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS; Po box' DIFFERENT PRoI ABOVE)^ PROPERTY OWNER _ i'. d t^ ne l r La I- r r Ll TYPE OF RESIDENCE; .( /SINGLE, MfJLTIPLE, MOBILE HOME, ETC.): Sl:, Cole - TYPE OF BUSINESS: � 4 h dS CO l h "a f nic 116 BRIEF DESCRIPTION. OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILI:-OPERATE: S . S S Sjo ro v ! . UM8ER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS: ; SQUARE FOQTAGE OF. USABLE FLOOR .AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE,GARAQE� . . :LOCATION AND SQUARE FO.OTAQF, OF AREA Of :BUS ACTIVITY IN HOME• (EX.:BEDROOM 12:S.SQ FT.): DESCRIPTION OF MAC RY, E UIi'MENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE BUSINESS OPERATION.. I r (�l alfa Fbr-f-icnv�. �, ; �; i WORKER'S COMPENSATION • If your company has employees,, a co � of the Workmen's Com e COPY p nsation -Policy must accompany the'business license application, indicating dates of coverage and dollar amount. This proof of coverage must -be received before -the business' license'can be processed. you do notTiave employees; :please .check the' last section on this: page: "I Certify that......" if your business is being operated from your home in La Quinta, a Home Occupation Permit is required beforea' business license is issued. .if you have.any questions,'please contact the Code.Compliance Division at 777-7050.. Every: employer who :applie$ for any license or renewal of any license for a business issued pursuant to Section 3710d of.the government Code'or Section 7284 of the Revenue and Taxation code shall complete and ign a declaration that states the following �V.. OMA, 0 NS ''ION DECLARATION hereby affirm.under. penalty: of perjury; oiie of.the following declarations: have and will maintain .a certificate of consent to self :insure for Worker's Compensation,.as.provided by Section3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted -for which this license is issued. Thave and will maintain.Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section . 3700 for. the duration of any business activities conducted for which this license is issued. . Ivry Worker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy number: Carrier: Policy Number. Expires: A COPY OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND -EX— P ATION;DA:TE,FOR.WORKER'S COMPENSATION IS REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. I certify that in the performance'of any business activities for which this license is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner was to become subject to the worker's compensation laws'of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700, Iwill provide the City. with. a. policy or .certificate copy within, ten (10) days of the change in requirements: PLICANT SIGNATURE DATE - WARNING: Failurelo secure Worker's Compensation coverage is unlawful;: and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties`and civil 6nesup to $100,900. In addition to the cost.of compensation., damages, interest, and attorneys fees may be assessed to you as provided in Section 3706. of the Labor Code. . HOME OCCUATIdN,CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA WL. HOME OCCUPATIONS.SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND 1tEQUIltEMENTS:. 1: No one,. other that the resident of the dwelling shall be employed on the premises in the conduct of the Home Occupation. _ _ .....:.._...:... -.:. , ..- - -- _-------------- - ... .- 2. The Home Occupation small be conducted entirely within the enclosed area of the main building and shall not occupy more.than 25%: of the total area of the structure. 3. -A Home Occupation shall not be conducted within as accessory structure. There may be.. ofequipent of. supplies in an accessory structure. Garage space n' be used -for the conduct of it Home Occupation only when it does not interfere with the. use of such space for the off-street parking or vehicles recjuired-by Chapter 9.160 of the. Zoning Ordinance: 4. There shall be no- outdoor storage of equipment, machinery, supplies, materials, or merchandise. 5.. There shall be no sales: activity, either wholesale or retail, except.mail order sales, nor sha11 there be the maintenance of am-6ffice opera to the geiieW public. . 6:. There shall be no- supply of hazardous materials stored on the premises -at any given. time (4e..pool: chlorine,. paint thinner, etc:); unless -the hazardous materials. &re stored in a manner approved by the State FireMarshal. or any other X-et;lilat*gmency. 7. Them -shall be no dispatching -.of persons or equipment to or from -the subject propeity, inchtding.the use of vehicles. which operate to and, from the premises. 8. No vehicles or trailers; except those normally incidental to residential use,. shall be parked at the residence at any time. 9. Where shall be -no use of any mechanical equipment, appliance, or motor outside -of the enclosed building or which. generated.n.oise detectable from-butside the building in which it is located:that is related to the business. 10 There shallbe no signs or other devices identifying or advertising the home occupation. 1.1. Iti=no vs+osliiill the appeamce of.1he building -or -lot be so -altered, or the home.occupatior<be saconducted, that the lot or building may be reasonably zecognized as serving a non-residential.use (either by color, materials, construction, lighting;'soutids;vibrations; 12: 'No Home Occupation shall create a nuisance by reason of`rioise, odor, dust, vibrations, fumes, smoke, electrical interference, -Offic; or other causes. 13. The -use shall meet reasonable special conditions as established.and made of record in the Home Occupation Permit; as maybe deemed neeessary to carry out the intent of this section. CITY.OF LA QPINTA MUNICIPAL CODES: 9.60:1 k0;.9.160, azid .