LAYTON( I IIII'I'llll'lll III 50 CS'if O'F.LA QUINTA 78-105 Calle Estado P.O. Box 1504 HOME OCCUPATION PERMI la oulnta, CA 92253 (619)564-2246 APPLICATION 9�- Read each condition listed on the attachment to thi to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ (TYPE OR PRINT IN INK) APPLICANT'S NAME PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.) -5, TYPE OF BUSINESS J BRIEF DESCRIP Ot7 HOW THE 3US NESS WILL OPERATE O}� NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (EXAMPLE, �aFiJ� "BEDROOM - 125 SQUARE FEET") DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, OPERATION 4 - /i / do 001y t?�;�9- VALIDATION STAMP IES BEING, USED IN THE BUSINESS I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATIONS XJLLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE, DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation; failure to comply with conditions listed on the attached page shall be grounds for revocation of permit. PLANNING b DEVELOPMENT ✓APPROVED BY DATE ? CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED BY DATE Na ^402�E' r7l-� -70 0 3,, -7- th Ljy Yituuy i4'Z.9A Ta /s£ UT7vi'�'Z'ip ------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- COfDE�ENFORCEMENT APPROVED BY# ATE CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED BY DATE MR/FORMJH.004 REVISED 08/89 14 3:5.00 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMMENTS .-A;r T CITY OF LA QUINTA., CALIFORNIA CODE COMPLIANCE FOR BUSINESS LICENSE I, the undersigned hereby state that I have read the following: The issuance of a License to do business in the City of La Quinta does not exempt the owner of the business from the burden of responsibility to comply with all Codes and Ordinances of the City pertaining to the use of this property. Conducting a business within the City without a certificate of occupancy issued by the Building Department when required, will cause the owner to cease all operations upon notice from the City., Phone number TZ, t/ —�, r:) . d Owner AS A PART OF THE CITY STAFF REVThV OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A NEW (OR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL), THE FOIWWIM INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: 1. Name of Applicant 2. Name of F' 3. Business 4. Mailing irm Location j-gec=> � r Address Y' //t , • -` �'-r� r • NATURE OF BUSINESS (Excluding Apartments, Motel, Hotel & Trailer Parks) 1. General activity (e.g., laundry, retail)��� 2. The use involves the following conditio r a. Maxiannn number of persons employed (Incl. owners) b. Does the use involve: (Check one or more) (1) Construction Wholesale Manufacturing _q 4 Transportation Finance Real Estate:- � Retail ' • �* ., Warehousing -Sezx s •,'to Individual or Businesses .i rL l .y r ; �.;,• (2)}O47"Packaging Prbcessing CmPOundinq``` ' Blending Assembly Painting or Conditioning c. Are the products pr,,oduced from raw material previously prepared products ? ' Explain, if yes d. Does the us involve flamable.liquids? Quantit Type and Character �� 0 �(�! � Haw stored v t(� µ e. List the. primary machine,.including power equipmen • y` Maxie = horsepower f. Total building. floor area R .;q. ft. - Sales . area % Office area % Fabri6alfion and Assembly % Storage % Other % g. Restrocnm avilable y -over- w� 09/07/89 AVAILABLE OFF-STREET PAR1UNG SPACE: P 1. NiAnber of off-street spaces on this parcel Other located feet from the property, or in CBD Parking District. 2. Condition of parking area: Paved, Gravel, Dirt. OUTSIDE STORAGE: 1. What materials, products or trucks are stored outside? 2. Is the storage area fenced or galled by block, d, wire, or is it open ? APARTMENT HOUSES, Mg=, HOTELS AMID TRAILER PARKS: i/0 1. Use classification- No. of units- No. of buildings - Motel, Hotel, Apt, Trailer Park (circle one) (spaces) (trailers) PLANNING DEPARTMENT USE 1. FIRE by date 2. HEALTH by date 3. PLXQUM Q!K by h/ date �3p�8�_ /°mss 1-+r 79 ,a.JV0*Ar."0-.0 ~ cow, ^awcE. w110 444 Planning Case approval Case Number Date Approved 4. Building by Certificate of Occupancy Number date Date Issued I•