PCMIN 07 11 1995 MINUTES
regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
July 11, 1995 3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 3:12 P.M. by Vice
Chairman Gardner who asked Commissioner Adolph to lead the flag salute.
A. Vice Chairman Gardner requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Adolph,
Anderson, Butler, Newkirk, and Vice Chairman Adolph. Absent: Commissioner
Barrows and Chairman Abels. Commissioners Adolph/Butler moved and seconded
a motion to excuse Commissioners Abels and Barrows.
13. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Senior Planner Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and
Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Continued - Zoning Ordinance Update; a request of the City for a review and
approval of the Zoning Code Update.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa informed the Commissioners of the Chapters
that had been reviewed.
2. CHAPTER 9.160 - Signs
Page 007, Table 9
Eliminate "Building-mounted" from apartment building ID signs and change
"top of wall" to six feet.
For multi-tenant buildings or complexes eliminate "top of wall or".
For free-standing apartment rental change the maXimum area to six and
eliminate "top of wall or", and require 15 or more units rental information.
Change "Church and Institutional Uses" to "Other Residential Uses".
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Page 008, Table 9
Add to note: "Signs required by law shall be allowed at the minimum size
Eliminate "Permanent window signs".
Add, "Free-standing center or complex ID sign".
Add, "Building-mounted permanent window ID sign"; add under maximum
area, "Under canopy sign maximum three square feet, one square lineal foot
of lease frontage up to a maximum of 50 sq. ft., eliminate top of wall and add
eight feet and second story in interior access no outside sign".
For Building-mounted ID sign for individual commercial or office building
for maximum number add "(one per side of building)".
Eliminate Hotels and motels line.
Page 009, Table 9
For Gas/service stations change the maximum area to 50 sq. ft., and eliminate
12 sq. ft.
Vice Chairman Gardner recessed the meeting at 5:17 P.M. and reconvened at 7:02 P.M.
A. Public Use Permit 95-016; a request of Desert Sands Unified School District for
approval to construct their District Educational Services Center of approximately
164,000 square feet of floor space located northeast of the intersection of Dune Palms
Road and 48th Avenue.
1. Staff informed the Commission that the applicant had requested a
continuance to the Commission's July 25th meeting.
2. There being no questions of staff, Vice Chairman Gardner opened the public
hearing. As no one wished to address the Commission, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Butler/Adolph to continue this item to July 25,
1995. Unanimously approved.
B Zoning Ordinance Amendment 95-046; a request of the City for an approval of an
amendment to the. La Quinta Municipal Code by adding a new Chapter 5.80 and
amending Chapter 9.154 relating to Adult Oriented Businesses (AE).
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1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department. In addition, staff informed the Commission of the
necessary corrections to the draft Ordinance.
2. Commissioner Anderson asked if the Ordinance allowed the signage to be
visible from the street. Staff clarified that signage would be dealt with as part
of the Sign Regulations of the Zoning Code Update.
3. Commissioner Butler asked staff to clarify the locations where the AE
businesses could be located and the location of the La Quinta High School
and the proposed District Facility on 48th Avenue. Staff displayed the
locations on the map and explained the distances from the proposed AE sites.
4. Commissioner Newkirk asked if a new businesses located on Highway 111
and sold alcoholic beverages, would this business reduce the areas that would
allowed AE businesses. Staff stated it would.
5. Commissioner Adolph asked if the Red Robin restaurant, which sells
alcoholic beverages, was within the distance of an AE business. Staff stated
it was not within the distance limitations.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Gardner opened the
public hearing.
7. Mr. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Valletta Court, asked if the proposed Ordinance
was as stringent as other cities in the Coachella Valley, and if not, why not?
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated in principal, it was as stringent, but the
City is uniquely different in that it does not have any industrial zones.
Therefore the City must address the issue in other ways that are defensible.
In addition, a ban on nudity has been included as it was an area that the
community was concerned about. The more uses and restrictions placed in
the Ordinance the more challengeable to defend. It leaves more areas open
to challenge.
8. Mr. Tyler asked why the City even allowed areas for AE businesses. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that in dealing with the areas of free speech
- - and the First Amendment, it is not possible to completely prohibit an adult
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9. Mr. John Detlie, 48-546 Via Amistead, reviewed the ordinance and stated
he wished all AE businesses could be eliminated in their entirely.
10. Ms. Karen Holgate, Indian Wells, distributed a letter and stated she had met
with staff and they had included a number of their concems. Some areas that
still remain to be addressed were:
a. The Ordinance needs to be reworded as a "Sexually Oriented
Ordinance" to agree with State law wording.
b. Page 3 of the Ordinance, the 6th "Whereas" clause, is in conflict with
Page 20, #Q and should read "two years for a misdemeanor and five
years for a felony", or "five years for two or more misdemeanors", to
be more consistent with court cases.
c. Page 10, "his performances are not theatrical performances in
theaters" the theatrical performance part leaves the City open to legal
d. Page 10, the fourth paragraph, "Adult Motion Picture Theaters", add
wording to address machines that now can take any denomination of
e. Does not contain under definitions "Adult escorts, arcade, escort
agency, massage parlors, nudity, state of nudity," etc. These need to
: be defined in the Ordinance.
f. Page 2, revocation, needs to be included in the ordinance, as well as
suspension clauses.
11. Rev. Bracy Ball, 44-430 Buttercup, in the enforcement procedures, is it
spelled out how the enforcement procedures are to be accomplished. There
are guidelines, but how are they enforced? If it is a violation of the Code, is
their license withdrawn or does an appeal period begin, what is the time
factor? City Attorney Dawn Honeywell informed Mr. Ball that in the
revocation part of the Ordinance the reasons and procedures can be found.
She went on to explain the procedures.
12. Rev. Ball asked if on Page 19.D, if the 1500 foot distance limitation
supersedes the 500 foot requirements in this portion. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell clarified the larger distance-1500 feet, only relates to schools;
each is separate. Churches have a 500-foot distance provision. Rev. Ball
asked that the larger distance be expanded to include churches.
13. Rev. Ball asked that if the Ordinance required a rear entrance only? If it did,
he would recommend the Commission reverse this and require the patrons to
enter through the front facing Highway 111. This would hopefully be a
deterrent to the youth.
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14. Ms. Catherine Neneman, 78-805 Irwin Circle, as a new resident of La Quinta
from Los Angeles, where this type of business is second nature, moved here
to get away from that type of lifestyle. They live north of Highway 111 and
the City wants to keep this type of business away the Cove, yet the City
intend to allow them to locate near their homes. Isn't there an area that could
be re-zoned that would be more conducive to this type of business? She
stated her concern about the welfare of the children, not for protection only,
but because this type of business always peaks the childrens' interest.
15. Ms. Connie Baty, 78-900 Sonesta Way, who formed Citizens for a Quality
Community. Clarified a comment in the newspaper that stated the group was
formed from a "worry" of hers. They are a group of people that have a deep
concern for the community, and feel they can have some control, and were
not formed "out of a worry". They are pleased with the amendments that are
proposed. They felt the Ordinance would help to protect the children and
deter the businesses from coming, but there needs to be more work done. By
addressing the areas mentioned by Karen Holgate it would help to strengthen
the ordinance. She then stated the four points that were of major concern to
a. Why do all the other cities call this type of Ordinance a "Sexually
Oriented Business Ordinance" and La Quinta wants "Adult
Entertainment". This is too vague and needs to be changed.
b. Zoning is a major concern. They understand there needs to be an area
allotted for these businesses, but they are requesting to be shown
other areas of the City that have been considered for re-zoning.
c. Distances - can the City explain why there are inconsistencies in the
distances being reqUired. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained
the City did not want to allow the businesses in the entire City
therefore, the Overlay Zone was created to restrict the areas it could
be placed. The primary areas the City wanted to keep it from were
schools and areas of high children activity. From there the City
scaled down. The distances are arbitrary in that there are no hard
lines. The City must show there are areas available for them to
· locate.
d. Inconsistency in the Ordinance such as on Page 17,#22 referring to
items the applicant must submit. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell
explained the City was asking the applicant to show what was located
within 500 feet of the proposed business to indicate to the City what
uses could potentially be affected. This would then bring to the
City's attention what is located in the area, help to orient the location
of the use, and determine if the use could be located at the proposed
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e. The Planning Commission should take their time to get this finalized
as a good ordinance.
16. Ms. Lee Merryman, 51-345 Avenida Rubio, supported what had already been
stated. Maybe rezoning could be considered further. Her concern is for the
safety of the children as well as property values.
17. Mr. Joe Cook, 54-075 Avenida Juarez, stated that he had lived in La Quinta
for six years and found it to be a nice community and felt this was a mistake
and we are catering to the lust and wants of a small portion of the
community. The City talks about distances from schools, distances from
churches, parks, etc., when right across from the areas that allow AE
businesses, are fast food restaurants with a high attendance of children. This
should also be considered. The City of La Quinta doesn't need this type of
business. The City needs to observe every legal restriction that can be
considered to restrict such businesses.
18. Ms. Cheryl DePrew, 78-965 Sonesta Way, understood the City had
conducted a poll of the businesses in La Quinta. She had spoken to some of
these businesses that had received the survey and would like to have a
questionnaire sent out to all the residents as well on this issue.
19. Mr. Paul Quill, 51-245 Avenida Rubio, agreed with what had been stated,
reaffirms the comments of Karen Holgate and suggested the City Attorney
be challenged to make the Ordinance even more restrictive. Stated his
concern that the people looking to locate these businesses in our City, see our
Ordinance as easier than the other cities to process through. The City needs
to stretch the Ordinance to its limit to keep AE businesses out of the City.
These uses could be very detrimental to the community. Supports the
comments that have been made and would like to challenge the Planning
Commission and City Council to tighten up the Ordinance as much as legally
20. Mr. Brent Phillips, 78-820 West Harland, stated he supported the comments
that had already been made, and asked that the distances be increased to the
maximum to keep the allowable areas even smaller. He asked that the
Planning Commission take their time to see that the Ordinance is done right.
21. Mr. Don Hay, 77-250 Femando, asked if there was anyone who wanted these
businesses. Why isn't the City fighting this with everything they had. Fight
it and write an Ordinance that keeps them out.
22. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained the reasons massage parlors are
dealt with in a totally different section is that they are required to have a
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July 1 l, 1995
different type of licensing and therefore, are not considered under this
Ordinance. She thanked Ms. Holgate for her input as her knowledge was
more detailed about certain areas due to the length of time she had been
fighting this cause. Staff will continue to consider her comments and input
as the Ordinance is again revised for the City Council.
23. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell addressed the comment that "nobody wants
these businesses and why doesn't the City just ban their existence". The real
concern in doing this is, that the City could be left in a situation where the
courts turnover the City's ban and the City is left in a situation of having to
allow a businesses that is worse than what would have been allowed under
the proposed Ordinance. The City wants to defend itself against the
secondary effects. With the current limitations, the City is very close to the
ultimate limits and is still defensible. Even though there are nine areas still
available, two of the sites are too small. The number of locations will
naturally be reduced as building occurs, to restrict AE businesses from being
24. Mr. Emie Brazell, 44400 Buttercup, stated the schools, churches, and parks,
have many children in attendance, why do we need to have the distances
different for each. Locate the AE businesses at Eagle Mountain.
25. Mr. Robert Metkus, La Quinta Highlands, asked why the City was in such a
hma3r to pass this Ordinance. Don't hurry, we want the City Attomey and the
Community Development Director to do their job. How were the distance
circles reached? What is the purpose for these circles and why did he not
address how these areas came to be. Why is the City using Palm Springs'
Ordinance to draft ours after? Palm Springs has the most concentration of
these businesses. Are we opening ourselves up to allowing as many as Palm
Springs has? Why not use Indio's Ordinance who has a very restrictive
Ordinance instead of Palm Springs that has an Ordinance that has allowed so
many of these businesses.
26. There being no further comment, the public hearing was closed.
27. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the City has
an Urgency Ordinance in effect at this time and it is in place for 45-days only
unless Council decides to extend it. If the City continues to rely on the
Urgency Ordinance, then we must rely on the distances in that Ordinance to
approve any proposed use submitted to the City. As to how the distances
were arrived at, staff started at one end of the Highway and worked across
measuring the distances. As to where in the City an Industrial Zone could be
created, Mr. Herman went on to explain that most of the City is zoned
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Residential and a desirable location for these type businesses. The only
alternative left was the Commercial area. Therefore, staff felt it was
important to keep the AE businesses isolated in the commercial areas. If the
City decreases these distances even further, the areas available are reduced
and it makes the Ordinance less defensible. Staff went on to expand the
distances and show the alternative distances that could be possible.
28. Commissioner Butler asked about re-zoning other areas in the City to
Industrial. If the City started the process to re-zone, would this slow down
the process of putting this Ordinance in place, or do we mn into a problem
that while we re-zone the City, we take the chance of allowing the AE
businesses to occur. Staff stated that to re-zone an area of the City, the
General Plan must be amended. State law only allows the City to do this four
times a year. This process could take a minimum of four months just to get
the re-zoning before the Commission. The Urgency Ordinance is only in
effect for 45-days to give the City time to put the strongest Ordinance that it
can into effect.
29. Commissioner Butler, asked if the City did go through this process, if
somebody applied during that time, could the City prevent him from coming
in. City Attomey Dawn Honeywell stated the City could pass a moratorium
to prevent it from happening, but this would complicate the issue and the
: applicant could prove the City was trying to prevent the applicant from doing
his business. Staff could take this recommendation to the City Council and
they could continue to look into seeing if the Overlay Zone was in the proper
place; or the Planning Commission could hold up the process until further
review was completed to be sure of the zoning. This would require extending
the existing Urgency Ordinance to allow time to see if there were any other
areas that would be more beneficial to zone for these types of businesses. In
addition, the Planning Commission could determine there was some merit in
saying there might be some other area in the City more appropriate for the
Overlay Zone, but did not want to hold up this Ordinance and therefore
recommended approval of the Ordinance to the City Council to put this
Ordinance in place. Another option to the Planning Commission, is to
determine, that based upon the Commission's knowledge of the City at
present, the City is predominately residential and has not wanted to have an
Industrial Zone. Therefore, the Planning Commission could determine that
it is not worthwhile to rezone any part of the City.
30. Commissioner Anderson stated that if the Planning Commission were to take
the City's most intensive use and change it to Light Industrial, this would not
relocate the AE businesses to any more desirable locatibns. There is no other
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place except the Highway 111 corridor to places these businesses. No area
in the City would want to have this type of use any closer to their area.
Commissioner Anderson stated he was not opposed to reducing some of the
distances, but maybe staff could draw the map showing the different
distances as options to determine if any other areas were possible. Options
could be given to the Council to consider, by showing the selected areas with
different distances. The City however, does not want to open itself up to
court litigation.
31. Commissioner Adolph asked staff to explain Page 19, how these figures
compare to other cities in the Valley, such as Indio. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated the ordinances that were used to draft this Ordinance
included ordinances from the City's of Palm Springs, Palm Desert and Indio,
as well as personal input from the community. Due to the amount of input,
the Ordinance has taken on a character of its own. By using the distance of
1,500 feet, the City is now requiring a distance that is further than any other
City now requires. Each city has its own area of being more restrictive than
other cities and this is due to the different needs of each. With La Quinta
having seven to nine areas available for AE businesses, the Ordinance
remains defensible.
32. Commissioner Adolph stated the distance from schools is just as important
.: as parks and the distances should be increased. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated this could increase some of the other distances. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman showed on the map, areas that could be
increased and the results. He further stated that unless you increase the
residential distances it will have no effect on the current AE areas.
33. Commissioner Newkirk asked if restaurants that cater to children were
included, would this help to eliminate some of the areas. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman explained there were two areas that
could be affected, but due to the size of those parcels, it was unlikely any AE
business could be located there anyway.
34. Commissioner Butler asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the areas of
concern submitted by Ms. Holgate. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
she had not seen the list before this meeting, but some of the areas of concern
had already been included in the Ordinance. She would be carefully
reviewing the list while preparing the Ordinance for Council review. She had
no objection to changing the name to "Sexually Oriented Businesses" if it
would make it more consistent with State requirements. Discussion followed
as to whether the Planning Commission should continue the public hearing
or recommend the matter to the City Council. Of course the question still
remains as to whether the City Council wants to consider it further.
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35. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she would include a section on family-
oriented restaurants and distances to be required.
36. Commissioner Butler stated he felt the Ordinance should be recommended
to the City Council for approval to see some of these areas protected.
37. Commissioner Anderson stated he was prepared to recommend approval with
the distances increased. He felt this Ordinance was stronger than the one
currently in effect. In addition, he would like to recommend that a thorough
and complete review of Mrs. Holgate's statement listed in her "areas of
concern" be included in the Planning Commission recommendation.
38. Commissioner Newkirk asked if the Planning Commission could recommend
continuance and instruct staff to review and evaluate the changes brought up
at this meeting and bring those changes to the next Planning Commission
meeting. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated this could
be done however, it would only allow the Council one meeting to consider
their recommendation.
39. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked the Planning
Commission to clarify whether or not they wanted to include family-oriented
businesses in the Ordinance, was the entrance to the AE businesses to be a
rear or front entrance from Highway 111, and did they want the distances
measured from the property to the structure?
40. Commissioner Adolph asked if it would be appropriate to condition the
Ordinance to contain the changes suggested by Ms. Holgate? City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated she did not feel it was necessary as she was quite
sure Ms. Holgate would address her concerns at the Council meeting.
41. Commissioner Adolph stated he had a concern with the usage of the word
"appropriate" on Page 2, F. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it meant
the Planning Commission felt these locations were the "most appropriate
places of all the places the City has available". Discussion followed.
42. Commissioner Adolph questioned the wording used on Page 3, concerning
the "conviction" that as soon as they are out of jail they could start again. It
should state, "from the time released". City Attorney Dawn Honeywell
stated she was obtaining information from a law firm that has a great deal of
knowledge on this subject as well as First Amendment cases. The Ordinance
would be reviewed again and staff would be discussing the issue with the
firm as to changing the wording.
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43. Commissioner Adolph stated he did not think AE businesses, as stated here,
fall into the category of freedom of speech, but rather freedom of expression.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the courts would not agree with this.
44. Commissioner Butler asked if the City went to 1,000 feet for uses other than
the ones listed, including the family-oriented restaurants, would it restrict the
AE businesses further? City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this would put
La Quinta beyond other cities in the Valley and she would prefer adding
family-oriented restaurants with a 500-foot limit and increase the church
distance, even though it will not affect anything. In addition, the City could
look into seeing if increasing the residential would cause any effect.
45. Commissioner Anderson stated he would like to see 750 feet from residential,
1,500 from recreation areas and public building, between businesses of like
kind to 750 feet, and family-oriented restaurants to 750 feet. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated staff would need to map this out and see how many
sites were left. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell asked staff to determine what
effect the Desert Sands Unified School District Administration Center would
have if the distance was increased to 1,500 feet. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman made measurements on the map and stated this would
decrease the number of sites available to about four. Staff could still increase
.: the distance from liquor stores to 750. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
that three to four areas allowing the AE businesses is barely defensible. If
anY new use were to come in and knocked out any of the current sites, the
City would have to come back and loosen up the other areas.
46. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt the City should worry about that at that
time. If we are more restrictive than other cities, hopefully they would go to
another city.
47. Commissioner Anderson stated he didn't want to open the floodgates by
being too restrictive. The City needs to be at the edge of the defensibility of
the ordinance. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she felt that three to
five a sites were enough locations to make it defensible.
48. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she would increase public parks to
1500 feet and add family-oriented restaurants at 750 feet and give this to the
Council for their review.
49. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Anderson to adopt Resolution 95-029 recommending
to the City Council adoption of the Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance as
drafted with the addition of the amendments as listed below:
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a. Add family-oriented restaurants with a distance of 750 feet.
b. Staff review the prepared statement submitted by Karen Holgate and
incorporate it into their recommendation to the City Council.
c Relocate the entrance to the businesses to the front of the buildings.
d. The distance from similar businesses be increased to 750 feet.
e. Recreation and public buildings be increased to 1,500.
f. Churches increased to 1,000 feet.
g. The distance from any liquor stores increased to 750 feet.
h. Change the name to "Sexually Oriented Businesses".
I. As well as amendments recommended by staff.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Butler, Newkirk, and
Vice Chairman Gardner. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners
Abels, Barrows. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Specific Plan 90-015 and Specific Plan 90-016; a request of the KSL PGA West and
KSL La Quinta Corporations for approval of a First Annual Review.
1. Staff informed the Commission that as two members of the Commission
would have to withdraw due to a possible conflict of interest and as two
.: members of the Commission were absent, this item would be continued to the
Commission's next meeting of July 25, 1995.
B. Conditional Use Permit 95-017; a request of Jim L. Jamagin, La Quinta Car Wash
for approval of preliminary landscaping plans for a car wash.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Anderson asked if there was berming in the front area of the
landscaping. Staff stated that none was indicated.
3. Commissioner Anderson asked if the signage had been reviewed. Staff stated
that it had been reviewed and approved.
4. Commissioner Butler asked if there was going to be any berming/landscaping
on Highway 111. Staff stated it was to be completed as the other property
was developed.
5. Commissioner Anderson asked how far the landscaping was set back from
Highway 111. Staff stated it was approximately 100 feet.
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6. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt it was an excellent job that addressed all
the Planning Commission's concerns.
7. Commissioner Anderson thanked the applicant for his presentation.
8. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Adolph/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 95-028 approving
Conditional Use Permit 95-017 subject to conditions. Unanimously
A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of June 27, 1995, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Anderson to approve the Minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Butler gave a review of the Council meeting of July 5, 1995.
B. Distribution of Commission packets. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated the Planning Commission packets would be available by noon on the
Friday prior to the Planning Commission for pick up. It was suggested that the
Commissioners make arrangements to pick up their packets on Friday at City Hall.
C. Vice Chairman Gardner stated he had received a letter from someone in the audience
stating the screen was too difficult to see. Staff stated they would address the
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Newkirk
to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on July 25, 1995. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:13 P.M., July 11, 1995.
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