PCMIN 07 25 1995 MINUTES
regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampieo, La Quinta, CA
July 25, 1995 3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 3:19 P.M. by
Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Adolph to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Adolph, Anderson,
Barrows, Butler, Newkirk, atxd Chairman Abels. Absent: Commissioner Gardner.
Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk moved and seconded a motion to excuse
Commissioners Gardner.
-- B. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attomey Dawn
Honeywell, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Start Sawa, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Continued - Zoning Ordinance Update; a request of the City for a review and
approval of the Zoning Code Update.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa informed the Commissioners of the Chapters
that had been reviewed and explained a request by the La Quinta Chamber
of Commerce for review of a proposed temporary sign program.
2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the proposed
program would fall under the Permitted Temporary Sign regulations. He
went on to explain the history behind the request and that it consisted,of a
directional sign program for the Village.
-- 3. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that because there are still concerns
about opening, the issue of off-premise signs, if the Commission decides to
add this sign. program to the Ordinance, they need to make findings that
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July 25, 1995
exceptions can be made in the Village District. Such fmdings would show
it is difficult to fred business locations in the Village District and because of
these peculiar situations, findings can be made for off-premise signs for these
businesses. It would need to be called the Village Directional Sign Program
and would be limited and applicable to the Village District only. In addition,
the sign patrons would be rotated on a basis not related to content and must
be open to everyone in this Zone.
4. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that if the
Commission agreed, staff would add this to the Permitted Temporary Sign
section of the Sign Ordinance with the modifications as noted by the City
5. Chairman Abels asked if the representatives of the Chamber would like to
speak. Ms. Michelle Dallas, Executive Director of the La Quinta Chamber
of Commerce, stated she was here to answer any questions the Commission
may have. The program stems from their Business Development Task Force.
She stated this would not be a revenue generator, but an asset to local
businesses to held draw business.
6. Commissioner Butler asked what options were available to the City if the
signs were not maintained; would there be any objection to adding a clause
to the sign program that would allow the City to remove them if not
maintained? Ms. Dallas agreed with the addition of the clause. It was the
Chamber's intent that the money received would be for the installation and
maintenance of the signs.
7. Ms. Dallas asked if the sign program had to be opened to all businesses and
not just Chamber members. Commissioner Anderson stated that if it was
limited to just Chamber members it would be discriminatory. Ms. Dallas
then asked if they could provide a lower rental rate for members of the
Chamber. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this would be difficult as
the only fees to be charged were those for the installation and maintenance
of the signs. In addition, as the signs were to be installed in the public fight-
of-way it would be a problem. The Chamber would need to determine a
method of selecting businesses for the sign program that was not
discriminatory. Commissioner Anderson asked if the signs used for Chamber
members could be made differently. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman suggested the Chamber dues reflect a discount for those who are
members rather than discounting the sign program. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated this could be an incentive to join the Chamber.
; .
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8. Ms. Dallas asked about Conditions #5 and #6 regarding rotation of the
panels, and asked if the Chamber could continue the contract for 11 months,
rotated off for a month then continue on. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell
clarified this was correct, but a mechanism needs to be put in place that if
there are more businesses than panels, a method of rotating the signs that is
fair to everyone is somehow put in place.
9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the program
was limited to only those businesses within the Village boundaries.
Discussion followed regarding those businesses that were out of the
10. Mr. Greg Shannon, Chamber President asked about placing a sign at 52nd
Avenue and Bermudas to direct traffic. Mr. Herman stated this area was not
within the Village. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that since the sign
was for assistance to direct traffic to the Village, a sign would be needed at
this location to direct the traffic to the Village.
11. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the size of the signs was not addressed
in the memo. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that
the signs would be the same size and structure as the BIA sign program.
12. Commissioner Newkirk stated the current ordinance allows 12 square feet in
size and questioned whether this sign would be larger. Community
Development Director clarified that he was unsure whether or not the entire
monument would be larger, but the individual signs were for the individual
13. commissioner Adolph asked if the Planning Commission would be
approving the generic sign and staff approving the individual signs. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it was up to the Planning Commission to
determine whether or not they would want the signs to come back to the
Commission for approval or just have the Planning Commission approve the
locations and have staff approve the business signs. Discussion followed
regarding the wording on. the signs and their locations.
14. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt the location and number of signs should
be brought back to the Planning Commission for approval.
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15. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified the Planning
Commissioners' direction: l) accept the amendments of the City Attorney;
2) a requirement added concerning the City's authority to remove
deteriorating signs; 3) clarifying the use of the revenues; and 4) the program
would be reviewed by the Planning Commission for the number and locations
of the signs. Staff stated this would be a new section entitled "The Village
Semi-Permanent Directional Sign Program" under Permitted Temporary
Signs. Chairman Abels asked about the boundaries. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman clarified the boundaries.
16. Chairman Abels stated his concern about sign pollution. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell commented that this was what the Commission was to be
17. Commissioner Adolph asked if the Planning Commission was the final
authority for approving the signs. Staff stated yes, but all projects go to the
City Council if approved. Staff clarified the procedure the ordinance would
go through for adoption.
18. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern that the number of signs to be
allowed not become visual blights. One of the findings for approving the
sign program could be the lack of development in the Village. At such time
as the Village is developed, the Ordinance could then be reviewed for any
changes needed. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this would give
credence to proving the sign program was temporary in nature.
19. Staff clarified they would send a draft copy of the Ordinance to the Chamber
so they would be prepared to address any problems at the public hearing.
20. Commissioner Anderson stated the sign appeared to be constructed out of
wood. He suggested the Chamber clarify with the sign company how the
signs would be changed without deteriorating the sign frame.
21. Commissioner Butler questioned how the City could put some enforcement
behind the Sign Ordinance to see that illegal signs are removed. He
suggested that perhaps during the application process, the applicant could be
informed that the City has the fight to remove any illegal signs that are not
maintained. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the Ordinance now
allows the City to remove any illegal sign and impose fines. Staff clarified
this was the responsibility of the Code Enforcement Department. Discussion
followed regarding the process.
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22. CHAPTER 9.160 - Signs
Page 010, Section 9.160.060
D. Maximum Height. Add, "No higher than eave line or top of wall building
or 8-feet whichever is less."
23. Page 014, G. Time Extensions. Add "maximum of a one time extension".
24. Page 016, 2. and 5.a. and 5.b. Remove reference to Design Review Board
and replace with Community D~velopment Department.
Chairman Gardner recessed the meeting at 5:17 P.M. and reconvened at 7:02 P.M.
A. Public Use Permit 95-016; a request of Desert Sands Unified School District for
approval to construct their District Educational Services Center of approximately
164,000 square feet of floor space located northeast of the intersection of Dune Palms
Road and 48th Avenue.
1. Staff informed the Commission that the applicant had requested a
continuance to the 'Commission's August 8th meeting.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
As no one wished to address the Commission, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Adolph to continue this item to August 8, 1995.
Unanimously approved.
B Municil~al Code Amendment 95-045; a request of the City for an approval of an
amendment to the La Quinta Municipal Code by revising Title 13-Subdivision
1. Associate Engineer Fred Bouma introduced Mr. Jim Morrissey, of NBS
Lowrey, who presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Following the presentation, Commissioner Adolph asked what the public
response had been. Mr. Morrissey stated it had been received very well and
they felt they had achieved their purpose in the public meetings.
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3. Commissioner Butler asked why the bond for labors and materials was
increased to 100% of the contract price. Associate Engineer Fred Bouma
stated that most of the cities contacted during the study were at 100% for
security. Legal advice from the Ventura and Los Angeles County attorneys
stated the City was at risk and exposed for labor and material claims that are
closer to 100% of the improvements. These claims have been filed around
the State and the City would be well advised to go to the 100%. Staff
reviewed this in committee meetings and the response was that the bonding
would not cost any more.
4. There being no further questions of staff', Chairman Abels opened the public
hearing. Mr. Chevis Hosea, representing KSL, stated they were working with
a bonding agent and if this policy was continued they would be penalized for
supplying a form of collateral instead of a surety bond. The new ordinance
would increase the amount of collateral. Discussion followed.
5. Commissioner Butler elaborated on the problems that have been encountered
with bonds and Letters of Credit. Associate Engineer Fred Bouma stated the
City could make a decision to make an exception when Letters of Credit are
posted. The City is required by the Subdivision Map Act to have at least
50% labor and materials security. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she
would need to determine whether or not the City can discriminate between
the different types of security offered. City is required under the Map Act to
take a variety of types of security. It is not the City's choice but the
developer's choice.
6. Commissioner Adolph stated it was a little high to post $2 million security
for $1 million in work.
7. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
8. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt the Ordinance was well written with the
exception of clarification on the bonding issue. He asked if the City Attorney
could define in more detail what the developers would need to do in regards
to bonding. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the issue is whether or not
the City can have a different requirement level where one developer is putting
up cash collateral or a Letter of Credit rather than posting a bond.
9. Chairman Abels asked if this was on an individual basis. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated it would have to be available to everyone.
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10. Following discussion, the City Attorney was asked to determine whether or
not different methods of credit were available.
l l. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Adolph/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
95-030 recommending to the City Council certification of a Negative
Declaration for the Subdivision Ordinance Update.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Barrows, Butler,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Adolph/Barrows to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 95-031 recommending to the City Council
approval of Municipal Code Amendment 95-045 amending the Subdivision
Ordinance with review by the City Attorney to determine whether or not the
City can have different requirements for Letters of Credit and cash securities
as opposed to posting a bond.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Barrows, Butler,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Vesting Tentative Tract ?7031 (Minor Chani, e. Amendment # l) - First F. xtension of
Time; a request of Washington Square Property Owners for approval of a one year
time extension.
1. community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Mr. George Marzicola, one of the Washington Square Partners speaking on
behalf of the applicant, stated they had no objection to the Conditions of
Approval and he was there to answer any questions.
3. There being no questions of the applicant or any further public comment,
Chairman Abels closed the public hearing.
4. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Anderson/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 95-032
recommendir~g approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2703 l, Amendment
#1, Minor Change, first time extension, subject to the amended conditions.
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Barrows, Butler,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
D. Conditional Use Permit 95-020; a request of Harold and Harriet Harris for approval
of an 11 room Bed and Breakfast Inn.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of .which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Anderson asked if there was a sample of the stone represented
in the elevations. Staff showed an example and gave an explanation.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Mr. Charles Martin, architect for
the project, stated he would answer any questions.
4. Commissioner Butler asked for an explanation of the field stone to be used.
Mr. Martin explained that it was a quarry, limestone rock of different sizes
that has been hand cut and stacked up. He went on to explain the look and
method of installing.
5. Commissioner Anderson asked if it was a natural stone or cultural or
fabricated, and grey in color. Mr. Martin stated it was grey in color and
natural. Discussion followed regarding the placement of the stone.
6. Commissioner Adolph asked if the fireplaces were wood burning or gas. Mr.
Martin stated they would be gas.
7. Commissioner Adolph asked why the architecture would be changed from
French Normandy to Scandinavian for the units by the lake. Mr. Martin
stated they were looking for a trellis effect, but he would study the
application to have it blend in more.
8. Commissioner Adolph asked that since the pool would need to be fenced,
would the lake also be required to be fenced and if so, what type of material
was intended to be used. Mr. Martin stated he did not know at this time.
9. Commissioner Adolph asked what the diameter of the tree trunk to be
installed would be. Mr. Martin stated that a growing contract has been made
with one of the local nurseries to have the trees as large as possible before
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being installed. Mr. Martin asked if there was a specific size to be installed.
Commissioner Adolph stated they would like to have full foliage or as they
appeared on the plans. Discussion followed regarding tree sizes.
10. Mr. Hap Harris, the owner, addressed the Commission regarding his project.
He clarified that full grown trees would be two-three years down the road.
The trees installed would be mature trees, but the cost of installing full grown
trees, was cost prohibitive.
11. Mrs. Harris addressed the Commission regarding their project. She thanked
the Commission for their time and hoped the project would be an asset to La
12. Mr. Charles Martin asked staff for clarification on Condition #6 regarding an
archeologist. Their understanding was that they were purchasing a
developable lot and these requirements had already been completed.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa clarified that the grading and archaeological
study had been completed, but this condition was to be sure that any remains
discovered during site preparation would be recorded and an archaeologist
13. Mr. Martin questioned Condition #18 as this would requiting redrawing of
some of their plans. Associate Engineer Fred Bouma stated it would have to
be determined plan by plan, as it is a requirement that the City must retain the
Mylar, they will have to be in the size as stated in the Conditions. Discussion
14. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
15. Commissioner Butler asked if the waterfront would have to be fenced. Staff
stated that if it is required it would be required by the State Health
Department and staff would not need to address the issue. Commissioner
Adolph stated the Homeowners' Association might want to address it for
liability concerns.
16. Commissioners expressed their approval and anticipation of seeing the
project completed.
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17. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Adolph/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
95-033 approving a Negative Declaration of environmental impact.
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Barrows, Butler,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
18. It was moved and seconded bY Commissioners Adolph/Newkirk to adopt
Minute Motion 95-029 approving Conditional Use Permit 95-020, subject to
conditions. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Gardner being
E. Plot Plan 95-559; a request of Stonington Properties for approval to allow
construction of a commercial building of approximately 6,960 square feet of floor
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Adolph asked what would happen along the east property line
in regards to the landscaping. Staff stated there were cross easements for
parking but there was an aisle and a double row of parking with no bumper
stops. Commissioner Adolph asked how the shade requirements would be
met. Staff stated this was part of a Master Specific Plan and it was approved
prior to that requirement.
3. commissioner Anderson stated there was a large difference in the size of the
signs of the two uses. Staff stated the sizes of the signs and pointed out that
the "Chief Auto Parts" was longer than the "Radio Shack". Discussion
followed regarding the size of the two signs.
4. Mr. Gene Scarcello, developer for the project, stated he was there to answer
any questions.
5. Commissioner Butler asked if the Bouganvilleas growing on the trellis' on
the Highway 111 frontage, would be able to within ~~l~sert weather.
Mr. Scarcello stated it would be maintained three times a week by their
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6. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern about automotive maintenance
occurring in the parking lot. Mr. Scarcello stated that the shopping center is
swept a minimum of once a week. In addition, their lease with the tenant
requires policing and maintaining of the parking lot on a daily basis.
7. Commissioner Adolph asked if the applicant intended to berm the east side
with landscaping. Mr. Scacello stated they created their landscaping plans
from the original plans and allowed for the growth. They would have no
objection to additional landscaping being added to the easterly side.
8. Commissioner Barrows stated this could be added to Condition #13, to
require additional landscaping to the easterly side and trash enclosure.
9. Mr. Rob Sanford, Irvine, spoke on behalf of the applicant, and stated he
would address the sign requirements of the applicants. He explained the
problems that they faced to give both tenants sign visibility on Highway 111.
10. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Adolph to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
95-034 approving a Negative Declaration of environmental impact.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Adolph, Barrows, Butler,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Adolph to adopt
Minute Motion 95-030 approving Plot Plan 95-559, subject to amended
conditions. Condition #13 modified to require additional landscaping to
screen the trash enclosure and the traffic at the southeast comer be provided
and allowing the south facing sign for Radio Shack. Unanimously approved
with Commissioner Gardner being absent.
A. Continued - Specific Plan 90-015; a request of KSL PGA West Corporation/Foster
Land L.P. for approval of their fu-st Annual Review of an approved development plan
that allowed 1,060 dwelling units and a neighborhood commercial project on 265
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Commissioner Anderson withdrew to a possible conflict of interest for this and the next Specific
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if there had been any changes in the Specific
Plan since it was originally brought before the Commission. Staff stated
there had been no changes.
3. There being no further comment, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 95-031 approving
the First Annual Review of development plan for Specific Plan 90-015 for a
two year extension of time. Unanimously approved with Commissioners
Anderson and Gardner being absent.
B. Continued Specific Plan 90-016; a request of KSL La Quinta Corporation/KSL
Grove L.P. for a First Annual Review of an approved Development Plan that allows
1,208 dwelling units and a Neighborhood Commercial project on 327 acres.
1. Commtmity Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if the commercial comer was a viable portion
of the project. Staff stated it was part of the Specific Plan but not owned by
KSL and is still viable.
3. Commissioner Adolph asked if the applicant had any problems with the
conditions. Mr. Chevis Hosea, representing the applicant, stated they had no
objection to the conditions at this time, but they would bring the applications
back for infrastructure review at a later date for a more feasible plan.
Commission Adolph asked if they would update the Specific Plan at that
time. Mr. Hosea stated they would update the Plan then.
4. There being no further comment, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Adolph/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-032 approving
the First Annual Review of a development plan for Specific Plan 90-016 for
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a two year extension of time. Unanimously approved with Commissioners
Anderson and Gardner being absent.
Commissioner Anderson rejoined the meeting.
C. Sl;n~cial Advertisini, Device 95-068 0,cf, ends of GolD; a request of Liberty Mutual -
Paul Levandoski for approval of temporary off-site directional sign and flag bunting
for the Legends of Golf Tournament at PGA West in March, 1996.
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is onfile in the Community
Development Department.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Adolph/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-033 approving Special
Advertising Device 95-068 for the Legends of Golf Tournament directional
signs and flag bunting. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Gardner
being absent.
D. Plot Plan 95-554; a request of Caal Theatres Corporation for approval of a sign
program and landscaping plan within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Cemer for
an 8-plex movie theater.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on the height of the sign. Staff
3. Commissioner Adolph asked how many monument signs had been approved
for Highway 111. Could the Commission anticipated another tenant applying
for another monument signs? Staff' stated this request was in-lieu of one of
the other monument signs. To date all of the monument signs that were
approved have not been built.
4. Commissioner Adolph asked how many of the large monument signs are
allowed per the approved Specific Plan. Staff stated that two were approved
for Highway 111.
5. Commissioner Adolph asked about the six or eight poster signs that are
requested. Staff stated that the previous plans that were approved, did show
them and staff, included a condition to permit them. Commissioner Adolph
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asked how this would affect the total square footage allowed for signs. Staff
stated the Commission has the fight to modify the amount of square footage
and it can be approved as part of the Commission's decision.
6. Mr. Bill Hughes, representing Caal Theatres, stated that due to the location
of the building in the rear of the Center, their marketing information has
shown that by having a marque on the street, it eliminates a lot of traffic
problems. People are able to read the movies showing without having to
drive through the parking lot. Discussion followed as to the signs.
7. Commissioner Adolph expressed his concern that vehicles passing as fast as
they are traveling would not be able to read the sign. Mr Hughes stated his
experience shows they will.
8. Commissioner Anderson asked if the readers were in an open position. He
asked if the lexan would close over the face. Mr. Hughes stated they would
be closed.
9. Commissioner Butler stated that when the use was originally approved, the
height of the building was reduced and the applicant, at that time, felt the
City was taking away his advertising to the street. The Commission did not
understand the applicant would be installing another sign on the street. If this
had been known, their signs on the theater would have been reduced even
further. Once it is known that the theater is in the Center, additional signs
will not be needed on the street, especially this large.
10. Chairman Abels stated that from a business standpoint, it was necessary.
11. Commissioner Adolph asked how large the "La Quinta 8" sign is on the side.
Staff stated it was 52 square feet. Commissioner Adolph stated this was a
total of 69 square feet and is over the amount allowed. Discussion followed
regarding the sign size.
12. Commissioner Barrows expressed her concern about the size of the sign
being on Highway 111. Staff clarified this was the same height as the other
monument sign.
13. Mr. Robert Tyler, resident, stated he was concerned about the traffic
problems on Highway 111. In addition, the name of the complex lacked
imagination and had nothing to do with the building.
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14. Commissioner Anderson stated he was opposed to the large signs on the front
of the building, the signs on the side of the building, and the monumem sign.
In addition, the type style was mundane and lacked character.
15. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see additional landscaping
and seating provided.
16. Mr. Hughes stated they did not want to provide a lot of seating as this would
encourage teens to hang around. In reference to the name, they were proud
to be in the City of La Quinta and consequently named the theater after that
and the "8" is the number of theaters. In addition, he had no objection to
removing the east side sign.
17. There being no further discussion, i.t was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Anderson/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-034
approving Plot Plan 95-554 landscaping plans with the additional
landscaping and benches, and deny the sign program for an 8-plex movie
theater. Discussion followed by Commissioners Anderson/Barrows
withdrawing their motions.
18. Commissioners Barrows/Adolph moved and seconded a motion to adopt
Minute Motion 95-034 approving the landscaping plans with the addition of:
a. Two additional trees and three benches (seating 34 people);
b. Approval of the requested signs with the monument sign reduced to
11-feet 6-inches;
c. The elimination of the eastern side sign; and,
d. Reducing the entire large marque sign and making it one line "La
Quinta 8".
19. Discussion followed among the Commissioners regarding various options of
reducing the signs. Mr. Hughes stated the in-line wording would not work.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the sign could be 36" and arched. Following
the discussion, staff clarified the motion as follows:
The motion was to approve the Plot Plan with the modification to the
Conditions as follows:
Conditions #1, 2, 3, 4, 6 as stated
Condition #5 amended to require two additional trees and three
benches with seating for 4-people per bench.
ConditiOn #7 amended to prohibit any east wall sign.
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Condition #8 amended to require the "8" be reduced to three feet tall
and the "La Quinta" arched the same as the parapet.
The motion was approved unanimously with Commissioner Gardner being
A. Commissioner Anderson asked that the Minutes of July 11, 1995, Page 11, Item ~47
be corrected to read "the City should be at the edge of defensibility of the
Ordinance." There being no further corrections to the Minutes of July 11, 1995, it
was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Anderson to approve the
Minutes as amended. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Gardner being
A. Commissioner Adolph gave a report of the City Council meeting of July 5, 1995.
B. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern about reviewing a project without having
complete elevations/plans. The applicant needs to submit complete sample boards
with colored elevations before presentation to the Commission.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Adolph
to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on August 8, 1995. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:39 P.M., July 25, 1995.
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