April 8, 1998
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Sales, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Brown, Bulgrin, Irwin and Chairman Sales
ABSENT:. Board Member Frame, Lewis and Osborne
OTHER PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director'and Debbie DeRenard, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting for March 11, 1998 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Brown advised that the attendance needs to be corrected
to reflect that she was present at the meeting and that Board Member
Frame absent.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Bulgrin to approve the
minutes of March 11, 1998 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for February, 1998.
Mr. Falconer advised that at the last meeting it was requested that a brief
description be added to the projected liquid cash balances. He advised
that this has been added.
Investment Advisory Board April 8, 1998
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the large
balance in the Wells Fargo Bank is due to the Commercial Paper
investment maturing. He further advised that it was wired to the
account on February 27, 1998.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Bulgrin to Review,
Receive and File the Treasurers Report for February 18, 1998. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Fiscal Year 1998199 Investment Policies
Mr. Falconer advised that the Investment Policy is red-lined to reflect the
changes per discussions from the last two Investment Advisory Board
Meetings. He reviewed the changes with the Board advising that the
Commercial Papers section has been defined.
Chairman Sales advised that he noticed from the minutes from March
that the Board is discussing the LAIF percentages.
C. LAIF Percentages (Correspondence & Written Material)
Mr. Falconer presented the Staff report advising that there are three
separate LAIF percentages. The analysis is for the period of 7/1/96 to
1/31/98. Between these months the actual LAIF balances ranged
between 12.35% - 35.95% and surplus LAIF balances ranged between
11.25% and, 37.77%. The LAIF average actual and surplus percentages
were 23.22% and 23.80%.
In response to Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that Staff has not
proposed any change to the LAIF percentages.
Board Member Irwin advised that he has proposed a change to 25%.
Board Member Brown advised that she was happy to see the portfolio
more diversified. She further advised that she feels comfortable with the
percentages as reported in the Staff Report.
Investment Advisory Board April 8, 1998
B, Continued discussion of Fiscal Year 1998/99 Investment Policies
Chairman Sales questioned if all the Board was satisfied with LAIF
percentages at 35%.
Board Member Irwin advised that he feels that LAIF should be lowered to
25 percent. He doesn't feel that LAIF is a bad investment, although they
are not subject to an audit by a big six audit firm. He further advised that
he would hope that the Board would vote on the Investment Policy
tonight because he is unable to attend the May meeting. .
In response to Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that Staff would like
to see the LAIF balance remain at the same percentage. He further
advised that at the current LAIF percentage, it gives Staff flexibility.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that it has
always been Staffs intent to reduce the actual portfolio for LAIF
investment down to 25%, he further advised that he did not believe it
was Staff's intent to change the policy limit from 35%.
Mr. Falconer advised that the Board can meet with the City Manager and
City Attorney as early as next month. The Investment Policy does not
specify a month, it states that the Board will meet with the City Manager
and City Attorney before the policy is submitted to the City Council.
Board Member Irwin questioned if reducing the LAIF percentage to 30%
give staff the flexibility.
Mr. Falconer advised that reducing the LAIF percentage to 30% is worthy
of consideration, and would return to.the Board at the next meeting with
an answer.
In response to Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that if the LAIF
percentage .was to be decreased, he would have to look for another
investment vehicle to maintain liquidity needs of the City. He further
advised that he can clarify Staffs' position on reducing the LAIF
percentage at the next meeting.
Investment AdvisOry Board April 8, 1998
In response to Chairman Sales, Board Member Brown and Bulgrin advised
that they would like to see the LAIF percentage remain at 35 percent.
Board Member Brown advised that she prefers to have 'the LAIF
percentage stay at 35%. She added that this does not mean that it
would remain at that level. She would prefer to see the investments
diversified. She further adviSed that if there is a vote on the Investment
Policy at the next meeting, the Board can convey Board Member Irwin's
feelings toward the LAIF percentage.
Mr. Falconer advised that Board Member Irwin can submit written
correspondence. He further advised that the Board has held special
meetings in the past and they can be scheduled again.
Board Member Irwin advised that the Board is aware of his views and he
will let it stand at that.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Bulgrin to continue
the Fiscal Year 1998/99 Investment Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Workplan for Fiscal Year 1998/99
Board Member Brown advised that this issue is an important one with
regards to how the Board approaches its investments. She further
advised that she would like to see more diversification and continue to
work hard toward alternatives to LAIF.
In response to Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that a staff position
was upgraded from Account Technician to Financial Management
Assistant. This position does not deal with the day-to-day activity of
Board Member Irwin advised that he would like to review the Internal
Policy procedures.
In response to Chairman Sales, Mr. Falconer advised that the City did not
receive a management letter from the Auditors. The Auditors did not find
any exceptions, so there was no need for one.
Investment Advisory Board April 8, 1998
Board Member Irwin advised that this Board is different from other Board.
This Board is a monitoring board, where others are goal oriented.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Brown/Irwin to develop a
Workplan for Fiscal Year 1998/99 to include alternative investments and
also incorporate the reviewing of internal controls to review procedures.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - March, 1998
In response to Board Member Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the LAIF
interest rate can be found on the web site. The rate is a monthly rate.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports -January 1998
Noted and filed
C. LAIF Percentages (Discussed during Business Session Item B)
D. Collateralization of Certificates of Deposit
Noted and filed
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Bulgrin to adjourn the meeting
at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.