Austin & Barbon/ 1 I IIII'I IIT IIII IIII ,2 CITY OF LA OUP► HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 90140 • - .. ►.o. pox 004•,,' = APPLICATION k,'G!22 L. oVlft»,CA.t::t 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION -�p ) p3 6/s7 Read each condition listed on the reverside side of this form to nee the proposed activity can comply with the City's Nome occupation Regulations. $35.00 fee TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Sf - /4-,4oj APPLICANT'S NAME Ar- M PAA,-? nl PHONE ¢ \ PROPERTY OWNER Pt= T k R ,i- I)EN i n F M. AAA 11ON PHONE l - _ , PROPERTY ADDRESS _ T i y u ei a v e N, n IStreet) CA (City) (State) Type of residence (Single. Multiple, mobile home, etc.►_ S/N6 L r Type of business -AlmiFL 1, 111, l AMt=.A/ / ti & Brief description of how the business will operate fes//C7` ry�A,u���Qi ice! A/nRfA LA- n,/k�/1 �>n A,,1,1< d- D.� E-nn�a ._ _ >...^ „ _ „ Number of persons involved in business List names of persons ' �SeS Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) -g"It Wt Validation Stamp Location ands "0j00 S� FT 005182 10 M4 OS -i9-90 10 quare footage of area of 10 CASH i TOTAL 1 35.00 business activity in home (example: bedrooms; 125 square feet) ' ,7 IAA RF kM14 i3Fic a,-- kirGHC-AI Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies being used in the business operation _7'v n6 Ri f�R rF./raNlin/,c l r n �.. ,-r I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a hone occupation is allowed (Condition's on reverse side). APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE If Applicant Is other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Nome Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. I/JJ f APPROVED g Initials \—\-L Date CONDITIONS ATT DENIED Initials Date LQHOMOCC.PRT