July 8, 1998
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Acting Chairperson Irwin, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Bulgrin, Lewis, Mahfoud, Moulin, Osborne and Acting
Chairperson Irwin
ABSENT: Board Member Brown
Mr. Falconer introduced newly appointed Board Members Cyrille Mahfoud and Don
Board Member Moulin advised that the position should go to a Board Member
who has been on the Board, he felt that he shouldn't be considered.
Acting Chairperson Irwin opened the nominations for the position of
Board Members Osborne/Lewis nominated Board Member Irwin for the position
of Chairperson.
MOTION - It was moved by Board 'Members Lewis/Bulgrin to close nominations
and appoint Board Member Irwin as the Chairperson. Motion carried
Chairperson Irwin opened nominations for the position of Vice Chairperson.
Board members Lewis/Bulgrin nominated Board Member Osborne for the
position of Vice Chairperson.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Bulgrin to close nominations
and appoint Board Member Osborne as the Vice Chairperson. Motion carried
Investment Advisory Board July 8, 1998
Mr. Falconer. advised that an amended copy of the minutes from the June 10,
1998 meeting has been added to the Agenda.
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of June 10, 1998 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Moulin advised that the minutes need to reflect Thomas
Genovese and' Dawn Honeywell as present at the June 10, 1998
meeting. He further advised that the dates on pages 2 and 3 should be
changed to the meeting date.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Chairperson Irwin advised that he
voted NO on the investment policy due to his opinion on LAIF.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Bulgrin to approve the
minutes as corrected. Motion carried with Board Member Moulin
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for May 31, 1998
Board Member Moulin questioned why the bank account has a book
overdraft in the checking account and why it's larger now then it has
ever been. He further questioned what causes the overdraft.
Mr. Falconer advised that outstanding warrants are usually the cause of
the overdrafts.
Investment Advisory Board July 8, 1998
Board Member Osborne explained that the City has a "Sweep Account".
The general checking account as of any one day and all checks processed
as of that day could have a large negative balance because the monies
in the sweep account have not been transferred into the general account
until they are needed by the bank.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
sweep account and the balance is listed on the Treasurers Report.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
has next day funds available. He further advised that this is effective
cash management.
In response to Chairperson Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the City has
had the Sweep Account for approximately one year and it works well for
the City.
Board Member Osborne commented on the point spread that the City
currently has, further advising that the diversification appears to be
working well.
In response to Board' Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
purpose of the Reconciliation of Actual and Surplus Funds Report is to
track the surplus funds and make sure that the percentages are not
exceeded in investments. Surplus funds are described as any funds that
are not required to be spent in the next 7 days.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Osborne/Lewis to review,
receive and file the Treasurers Report dated May 31, 1998. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Meeting & Time Schedule for Fiscal Year 1998/99
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Council took action at their June 23,
1998 Special Meeting and changed the meeting time for the Investment
Advisory Board from 7:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Investment Advisory Board July 8, 1998
Chairperson Irwin advised that the Investment Advisory Board is only
required to meet once a quarter per the Ordinance. The Board has been
meeting monthly and in the past the Board has tended to go dark in
Mr. Falconer advised that historically the Board has been dark in the
months of August and December. In the middle of last year, the Board
decided to meet on a month-to-month basis.
Chairperson Irwin advised that under the Ordinance it states that the
purpose of the Investment Advisory Board is to monitor, advising that it
would be hard to monitor if the Board met quarterly.
Board Member Moulin advised that Section 19 of the Investment Policy
states that the Board will meet monthly. He further advised that the
Ordinance states that the Board can meet quarterly since the Board just
adopted an Investment Policy that states they will meet monthly, its his
feeling to meet monthly. He further advised that he agrees to go dark in
August and possibly December.
Board Member Osborne advised that he would prefer meeting monthly.
He further advised that he would like to keep a close watch on LAIF and
the other issues that are 'before the Board.
Board Member Lewis and Bulgrin both were in agreement with meeting
Board Member Moulin advised that the Staff Report indicates a meeting
on October 13, 1998 and it should be October 14, 1998.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Bulgrin to have the
Investment Advisory Board. go dark for the month of August, 1998.
Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Osborne to approved
the amended monthly schedule for the Investment Advisory Board.
Motion carried unanimously
Investment Advisory Board July 8, 1998
A. Month End Cash Report -June, 1998
Chairperson Irwin advised that this report is presented to give the Board
a report for the current month ending. It is not intended to give detail.
B. Distribution of Investment Policies for Fiscal Year 1998/99
Board Member Moulin advised that he has questions regarding the
Investment Policy that he planned on discussing under Board Member
Items. He further advised that upon receiving the previous Investment
Policy he noticed items that need clarification.
Chairperson Irwin advised that this' could be discussed under Board
Member items.
Mr. Falconer advised that a LAIF Answer Book was included in the
agenda packets for the new Board Members.
Board Member Moulin advised that he has questions regarding the type of
investments (Fannie Mae) and Section XIX in the Investment Policy. He further
questioned if the Board would want to wait until next April 1999 to
review/change the policy or could it be placed on the agenda earlier.
Mr. Falconer advised that it would be Staffs recommendation to place the
Investment Policy on the next agenda.
After further discussion, the Board agreed that the Investment Policy needs to
be discussed and placed on the agenda in September 1998.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Bulgrin to adjourn the
meeting at 6:25 PM. Motion carried unanimously.