PCMIN 02 13 1996 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 13, 1996 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by
Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows,
Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio,
Principal Planner Start Sawa, Associate Planners Greg Trousdell and Wallace Nesbit,
and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Ms. Karen Ralke Kuenzler, 44-450 Camino La Vanda, stated she and her husband
are new property owners at the Rancho Ocotillo development, and her concern that
two story houses could be constructed behind their home (i.e., Quinterra). They
purchased their home, the lot had premium price because of its location and view.
They were told by Century Homes that no two story homes would be built behind
them. Based on their good faith representation, they purchased the home. They
visited the Quinterra models (the tract of homes being constructed behind theirs) and
a two story model was planned for the lot directly behind their house. This would
diminish the value of their home and reduce their outdoor privacy. She would like
to request that the City prohibit the construction of any two story houses adjacent to
the Rancho Ocotillo development. She submitted a petition containing signatures
that she had obtained of those who were in objection to the proposed two story
-- B. Ms. Barbara Irwin, 44-065 Camino La Cresta, stated she supported the petition. She
was concerned that the present builder was not building within the 5% rule of the
: Compatibility Ordinance.. It would be detrimental if two story houses were built on
the perimeter of their tract. She thought that Ordinance 242 should be interpreted to
maintain the integrity of the tract.
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February 13, 1996
C. Karen Ralke Kuenzler, 44-450 Camino Lavanda, stated she had a problem with the
La Quinta Palms development as they had a raised parkway on their side of the wall
behind her house. A resident of the La Quinta Palms could stand on the parkway and
have a direct view into their backyard. The wall is easily climbed making their yard
a thoroughfare to the local school children. Their pool had even been used while
they were not home. The wall height has created security and liability problems
because they own a pool. They had requested Century Homes to raise the wall, but
Century denied the request as the wall belonged to La Quinta Palms. Both Century
Homes and La Quinta Palms share this responsibility. She was requesting guidance
from the Planning Commission to solve this problem. Chairman Abels informed Ms.
Kuenzler that the Planning Commission had no authority to render any comment.
It was the responsibility of the Code Compliance Department and referred the matter
to staff. ·
D. Mr. Craig M. Wright, 44-420 Camino La Vanda, stated he too was concerned about
the height of the existing block wall. The fence height is inadequate and with the
construction of a pool, accidents could be a problem. Chairman Abels again referred
the matter to Staff.
A. Zoning COde Revision for IncorPoration into Zoning Code Amendment 96-050 - Re-
evaluation of Chapter 9.117: Equestrian Overlay Zone.
I. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the
staff report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff stated this was not a public hearing and no action would
be taken by the Commission.
2. Chairman Abels opened the matter for public discussion.
3. Mr. John Benoit, 39-740 St. Michael Place, Palm Desert, stating he was
speaking as an individual in support of the Reese/Reeske Ranch. He was not
aware of all the allegations that had been made, but his daughter has ridden
at the ranch for five years and on every visit he found it to be a very
wholesome and positive environment for the kids. The site is well
maintained and a positive influence for the kids and he would like to see this
operation continue.
4. Ms. Sarah Benoit, 39-740 St. Michaels Place, Palm Desert, stated she had
been riding at Rancho del Sol for five years. It has been a positive
experience. She strives to keep her grade point average up in order to
continue this sport. She has only ridden on the Reese property and has never
seen anyone leave the property or do any damage.
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5. Mrs. Sharon Garcia, employee of the Desert Feed Bag, stated she has known
the Reese family for the last fourteen years and found them to be very
responsible, business people. The Reeses have put a lot of time and effort into
the ranch. The horses are cleaned twice a day and fed three times a day. It
is a positive environment for the kids and the landscaping has been increased
to enhance the beauty of this equestrian center. There are so very few
equestrian centers at this end of the Valley for children. Her children have
maintained straight A's and high scholastic goals and would never vandalize.
In addition, the children are always supervised. The equestrian environment
is decreasing due to the development of the area. To rezone this area for
more tract homes is discouraging. As to the complaints about the manure, it
is chopped up and worked into the soil and is therefore good for the
environment. As a special feature, this year a Christmas Party was given to
show the parents what had been accomplished by their children. A
demonstration was given for the parents and a public address system was
used for this occasion.
6. Mr. Michael Neatherton, 44-060 Dalae Circle, Cactus Flower, Administrator
of Betty Ford Center, stated he was here in support of Rancho Del Sol and
the only complaints he knew about were those that had been stated. His
oldest daughter was involved in riding lessons and in the year she has been
taking lessons, everything he has seen is evidence that this is a well nm
operation. He stated this was the exact type of operation needed in this
community. The impact on his daughter has created a greater respect for the
environment, animals, and authority. As a community, the City should be
doing anything and everything possible to retain these types of operations.
The City has talked about ways to make it more livable and inviting to those
with young families, and this is what is being offered. He would oppose
anything that will change this operation.
7. Mr. Bo Ford, 78-659 Avenida La Fonda, stated he was uncertain as to the
affect of the ordinance on Rancho Del Sol, but if it affects the operation of
the ranch, it would be to the detriment of the community. Rancho Del Sol is
well kept and is a positive influence for his daughter. It is a safe activity and
something she can do that is a positive influence on her life. He has always
found the ranch to be clean and well maintained.
8. Ms. DeeDee Vicknair, speaking on behalf of Southwest Landscape, 79-900
Horseshoe Road, La Quinta, stated her purpose for attending this meeting
was to support Rancho Del Sol, as they have purchased large amounts of
supplies to control the dust and beautify the property. The property to the
rear of the Reeses' has not been maintained and is overgrown with weeds;
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February 13, 1996
fencing material to the rear is not in accordance with the City's standards.
The Reese's and Reeskes are meeting all the Municipal Code requirements
of the City.
9. Mr. Mike Reeske, 54-415 Avenida Vallejo, stated he was here to support his
in-laws and wife. He has spent three or four years before the Planning
Commission and City Council regarding this same issue. They have met all
requirements placed on them by the City Council and he is concerned that
these issues are being repeated over and over again. Code enforcement has
had to send out their officers numerous times and never has the ranch been
cited. All accusations have never been substantiated and it is difficult to hear
such things stated in an open forum especially when they have invested so
much work into this ranch. He and his wife have bought a new home in La
Quinta, and have been recognized twice by the La Quinta Chamber for their
home. Property values have decreased due to the economy not because of
anything caused by local people. Rancho Del Sol is a positive influence on
the community and it would be a detriment to make any changes in the
operation. Changes would be a punishment for abiding by the rules to date.
10. Ms. Peg Ray, 78-441 Orcabessa Drive, Bermuda Dunes, sent a letter to the
Council and Mayor and would like to read a portion of that letter. She was
here on behalf of Rancho del Sol as her daughter was taking lessons. She and
other parents were outraged that these things were happening to this Ranch.
The horses are always maintained and cared for. This gives the City of La
Quinta a good reputation due to its look and gives nothing but good values
to the children attending. Their daughter too has been taking lessons for one
year. This has been the niche their daughter has needed and she has learned
the value of a hard work. It is a detriment to see the Ranch threatened for any
11. Ms. Lora Cathcart, 78-947 Darby Road, Bermuda Dunes, stated she was here
as a teacher speaking on behalf of her students. Many students ride at the
ranch and it is a positive influence on them. It is a wonderful experience for
her daughter. They live on the border of La Quinta and have been considered
for incorporation by the City. She and her family have always considered
having horses and, if they were annexed into La Quinta theses new
regulations and setbacks suggested, if adopted, she would not be allowed to
have horses. Their daughter has stated she likes the facility and it means a lot
to her. It is making an outstanding impact on her life. As the Planning
Commission is making a decision, they should consider the entire Overlay
District and the impact the change will have on the entire zone
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12. Mrs. Wanda Reese, 80-209 Avenue 50, La Quinta, stated that their students
and customers have stated all that is needed to be said. She was concerned
that she has never been cited for any violations, nothing has every been found
wrong, and she resents what has been stated about her. They have invested
a lot of money in the horses and the facility and they would never jeopardize
the operation by allowing insects that cause diseases or smells to jeopardize
this facility. She thought she was being penalized for doing the right thing.
This should not have to be gone over again and again. She did not
understand why this has to be repeatedly brought back to the Planning
Commission and City Council. This is all being caused by one person.
13. Ms. Kathy Cole, 80-041 Avenue 50, lives next door to the Reese ranch and
they purchased their home here to keep the lifestyle the area provided. The
lifestyle is the best thing for their family. To have someone question what
you believe is fight for your family, is not right. They were all striving to
keep this lifestyle going.
14. Mrs. Julie Reeske, 54-415 Avenida Vallejo, speaking on behalf of the ranch
stated she was not sure why it has to be addressed again. They have been in
accord with all the zoning regulations since the Overlay has been in place.
It has been working for all ranches since it was adopted. She would like to
enlighten the Commission about their facility and its use. They provide a
number of services to the public including a riding school for children,
teenagers, and adults. It is clean and immaculate. They have gone to a great
expense to upgrade the ranch to please the City and Mr. Kanlian. T.o explain
what is involved in training the children and horses would take too much
time. They currently have the number one Hunter Hack horse in the nation,
boarding at their facility. Students that are talented are focused to become
world competitors. Olympic horse have been kept at this facility as well.
They have achieved the requirements to maintain a horse of this quality to
meet national requirements. They have been falsely accused by one neighbor
and the only thing that will change is if the zone is removed. This is the
lifestyle most people dream of, having horses, and that is what unique about
this area. Please consider the request of the people this will directly effect.
15. Ms. Kay Menefee, 45-525 Aladdin, Indio, was there speaking on behalf of
the Reeses and the Equestrian Overlay District. She attended the Council
meeting three years ago when this Overlay was first adopted and the ranch
has continued to be well maintained in a manner that is well kept. Her horse
is in training at this ranch and it is the number one Hunter Hack in the nation
and this id due to the hard work of Wanda Reese and Julie Reeske.
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16. Mrs. Sharon Kanlian, 50-400 Jefferson Street, La Quinta, stated they have
been here for 30 years and are here regarding the Equestrian Overlay. The
City approved these four parcels for the Overlay in 1993, and this mixed
planning should not be considered, but segregated. The City approved the
Overlay as a whole, and the surrounding property owners were concerned
that horses could not be accommodated on this small of a parcel. The
surrounding property owners are now suffering liability concerns because of
the horses tiding on their property. They can't tide anywhere without
impacting the surrounding property owners. The recommendations being
requested are similar to those used by the City of Indio. The Conditional Use
Permit, however does not address the use of lights and/or a public address
system. These directly affect the surrounding neighbors. These must not be
permitted. She also spoke regarding the manure as it pertains to small parcels
and stated it must be removed from the premise. The commercial benefit of
the ranch must submit to the same standards as all other businesses. She
went on to list the studies that should be conducted before this type of
business should be allowed. They are subject to farming inspections
regularly. Testimony from boarders should not affect the development role
of the taxpayers of the City of La Quinta. Rancho Del Sol is not a
community activity, but a private business operated for private benefit. Equal
fights and good planning should make sense for the City. You have to have
laws that regulate the development of the City. The investment they have in
their home is jeopardized if the current rules are not maintained. The
proposed recommendations need to be adopted and you must consider what
is best for all property, owners in the City. Mixed uses must have strict laws
to maintain the whole area.
17. Mr. Walter Hansch, adjacent property owners to the Kanlians, stated he was
against the Overlay at its inception. If you put two dozen homes together you
will have a ton of manure and you have to find some way to get rid of it.
There needs to be a method of removing the manure on a regular basis and
reducing the smell.
18. Mr. Sonny Kanlian, 50400 Jefferson Street, La Quinta, stated he had given
considerable time to making a recommendation for things he felt might be a
solution to the problem. He went over the items he had proposed (on file in
the Community Development Department). He too was against the Overlay
Zone from its inception. A zone change must be made and the City needs to
have an area for equestrian uses, but you need a larger area. This is a special
case and it needs special zoning. Indio faced opposition to a five acre
development as it was too small an area for equestrian uses. This ranch has
too many homes for the size of the land. The Reese's now have 13 acres and,
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February 13, 1996
with the current zoning, they could accommodate 65 horses. Additionally,
there is the problem of removing the manure. Thatching it into the ground
does mix and separate it. He has no problem with the manure on the pasture,
but the barns and stalls accumulate manure'and urine. When water is applied
to the manure and mixed with the straw material after it is removed, it
increases the smell as the sawdust holds the smell in. The manure needs to
be removed weekly. Before the Equestrian Overlay Zone was implemented,
it was a small breeding and riding ranch. With the school and added
activities, the dust, smells, etc., have increased. The use of lights and loud
speaker would have to be eliminated as they are a nuisance. There should
be an inner fence holding animals apart bom his fence. He would hate to see
a rider bucked off and land on his pasture fence. Sprinklers should be
adjusted to keep water off adjoining properties.
19. Mr. Robert Kuhl, 54-721 Monroe Street, La Quinta, stated he also has a horse
operation similar to Rancho Del Sol and raises Hunter Jumper horses. He
was not aware of this meeting and he hoped no decision would be made
tonight. He gets along well with his neighbors and they use his place as a
sales tool. These changes need to be considered further before making a
20. Mrs. Julie Reeske, clarified her opinion as to Mr. Kanlian's suggestions. The
Polo fields disposal of manure is the same as theirs and the smell is not that
intense after it is dried. In summer months when it is so hot, the only time
to ride is at night. Mr. Kanlian's fence is not legal because it is made of hog
wire and not allowed in the Residential Zone. If he is concerned about the
danger that could be caused by his fence, he needs to change it. Of great
concern to her family was what they could do with the land created by the
proposed 50-feet setback, if these requirements are put into place. The turn
out of horses is a practice by all horse owners. The arena is not used as a
corral, it is a turn out area used to exercise the horses. All horses need to be
turned out before riding if they have been in a corral for a week. She did not
see any reason for the suggestions made by Mr. Kanlian.
21. Mrs. Cole stated she drove by the properties in question and she believes they
are doing what is fight and the surrounding properties landscaping is all dead
and dying and the owners are not maintaining them. She asked if the
Commission was aware of other areas where equestrian uses are mixed with
residential uses. This is not uncommon. Other cities tell them horse property
is a sales tool used to sell their homes.
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22.' There being no further discussion, Chairman Abels stated the Commission
would be making no decision on this issue but would refer the matter back
to staff for 30-days to study and bring back to the Commission for a decision.
23. Commissioner Newkirk agreed that the Commission was not ready to make
a recommendation at this time. They will need to review both sides and
make a recommendation to the City Council.
24. Commissioner Barrows stated the Commission had received new information
and she would not like to make any decision until this has been thought
25. Chairman Abels asked staff to research this further and remm to the Planning
Commission in 30-days, March 12th. He thanked everyone for their
comments and hopefully they would reach a solution to the benefit of
Chairman Abels recessed the meeting at 8:24 P.M. and reconvened at 8:30 P.M.
A. Continued - Tentative Tract 24890; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation, Inc.
for approval of a third one year time extension for Phase 9 to create 37 lots consisting
of three single family, 37 duplexes, and five lettered lots on ten acres within Specific
Plan 85-006.
Commissioners Anderson and Gardner excused themselves due to a possible conflict of interest.
1. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the City had been contacted by
the applicant's attorney to continue this item to the meeting of February 27,
1996. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Butler to
continue Tentative Tract 24890 to February 27, 1996. Unanimously
Commissioners Gardner and Anderson rejoined the meeting.
B. Plot Plan 95-558. Amendment #1 (Conlpatibilily Review); a request of Landau
Development Company for approval to add a new single family housing prototype.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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February 13, 1996
2. Commissioner Gardner asked what affect the needed lot line adjustment
would have on the other lots. Staff stated the adjustment would only impact
one lot to the south. There would be no problem with constructing on either
lot with the lot line adjustment. Staff stated it would depend on what they
build. Staff clarified that a lot line adjustment is only allowed when both
resulting lots are buildable.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public '
hearing. Mr. wendell Veith, architect for the project presented drawings
showing the back of the house with metal awnings added. He stated this
prototype with metal awnings, has been built in other areas of the United
States. He went on to explain the proposed changes and stated they agreed
with the conditions imposed and requests they be able to work out the
location and design of the awnings with staff.
4..- Commissioner Anderson asked if the metal awning would be painted white
or a contrasting color. Mr. Veith stated it would be as compatible with the
house color so as not to draw attention to the secondary feature.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the CC & R's for the other develoPments
on the lake would prohibit awnings. Mr. Veith stated there are retractable
awnings on existing homes. They could consider using vinyl, but would
prefer to use the metal awnings as proposed. Commissioner Anderson stated
that as long as the CC & R's do not prohibit awnings, he would agree to this
design solution.
5. Chairman Abels asked if the other properties in Lake La Quinta were in
agreement. Mr. Veith stated Mr. Loggia, representative for Lake La Quinta,
was in agreement with their design.
6. Commissioner Tyler asked that the awnings not block the mountain view.
Mr. Veith stated the awnings would be 7'6" to 9'6" high to the bottom of the
7. Commissioner Gardner stated that he agreed that the wood trellis would
detract from the look of the homes and he had no problem with the metal
awnings. He was concerned with the lot line adjustments and stated the lots
should be split before the homes were purchased., Mr. Veith stated the lot
line adjustments would be completed before any sales took place. There
would be no surprises for the buyers.
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February 13, 1996
8. Mr. Irv Green, President of Landau Development Company, showed a picture.
of the vinyl awning that could be used on the houses. Commissioner
Anderson asked if the product would bleach out over time in the desert heat.
Mr. Green, stated they received a limited five year warranty and they could
use a blue anodized aluminum awning or the vinyl. Commissioner Anderson
suggested that the metal product would give a long term maintenance free
10. There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed. There
being no further discussion by the Commission, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Anderson/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 96-004,
approving Plot Plan 95-558, Amendment gl, subject to conditions as revised
to require the shading of the west side of the project with a metal awning as
presented by the architect and approved by staff. Commissioner Gardner
asked for clarification on Condition #2. Staff revised the last sentence and
changed the wording "trellis or patio cover" to "metal awning". Staff asked
for clarification on the cave overhang over the living room that should used
on the back of the house. Six feet was determined. The motion was
unanimously approved.
C. Zoninl, Ordinance Amendment 96-049; a request of the City for consideration of a
recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Sign Ordinance pertaining
to sign regulations throughout the City.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Mr. Greg Shannon, speaking on behalf of the La Quinta Chamber, presented
their proposed changes to the Village Sign Program. He went over each of
his concerns regarding the Village directional sign program.
3. Commissioner Butler stated his concern that the comer of Calle Tampico and
Washington Street would be overcrowded with signs. Mr. Shannon stated
this was a big comer and a major comer for identification. Commissioner
Butler stated there had been no discussion of what the cost would be and
whether or not the Chamber would be maintaining the signs.
4. Staff clarified for Commissioner Anderson that the ordinance stipulates a
non-profit organization would have jurisdiction over the signs. If it was the
Chamber, the Planning Commission could grant the Chamber' s request.
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February 13, 1996
5. Commissioner Barrows asked if this was something the Planning
Commission should be addressing. Staff stated the final decision was up to
the Council and went on to explain the procedure for adoption.
6. Commissioner Anderson stated that since the Chamber has spearheaded this
section, they should be given some leeway.
7. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked for clarification as
to why the Chamber wmated a two-sided sign on Calle Tampico at
Washington Street. Mr. Featheringill stated they were asking the' sign be
placed on Washington Street for people driving north from 50th Street.
Discussion followed as to the location of the sign.
8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked for clarification on
where the sign would be placed. Staff suggested the Chamber wait till the
sign locations are identified, then decide whether or not it should be two-
sided. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the locations be discussed
when a final design was presented. Staff stated the section would be
rewritten; "f. The five structures shall be allowed at locations to be
determined by the Planning Commission."
9. COmmissioner Anderson asked about Item C., Maximum Time Periods. All
businesses would be on a rotation system and he has no idea about the length
of time for the sign. Mr. Featheringill stated multiple applications would be
all right with a rotation method. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated rotation was required to keep it from being a permanent sign
which is not allowed. This is a temporary sign program to stimulate
business. The one month of vacancy keeps it from being permanent.
10. Commissioner Anderson asked if the businesses were requesting specific
signs in specific locations. Mr. Featheringill stated the owners want the sign
that will direct people to their business. Staff stated the concern of the City
Attomey was that a specific business would not be frozen out of the program.
Staff did not address whether the entity on the sign would be on all five signs
thus having a monopoly. This would need to be addressed by the sign
operator who would need to create their own policies.
11. Chairman Abels stated that the businesses in the Ralph's center were not
included. Staff stated the Center was not a part of the Specific Plan area.
Discussion followed regarding the location of genetic signs directing traffic
to local restaurants.
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12. Commissioner Anderson stated he felt the rotation was good and agreed with
the staff's recommendation.
13. Commissioner Anderson asked that the sign be more substantial than the BIA
signs. It should not be in the right-of-way and the image should have a solid
base that would be an enhancement to the businesses.
14. Commissioner Tyler asked about the longevity of the BIA signs. Staff stated
that the signs do sometimes get hit. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio
stated that requiring a solid monument base is consistent with the revised
Sign Ordinance.
15. Community Development Director Jerry Herman questioned Item D.4. and
stated that if the Chamber is given the flexibility, the Planning Commission
should be allow the latitude. Commissioner Gardner stated it should read
"City of La Quinta" somewhere on the sign. Commissioner Barrows stated
that the sign copy would come back to the Planning Commission for
16. Commissioner Anderson stated he was in agreement with the staff's
recommendation and the only change needed was that the locations be
finalized at the time of implementation.
17. Community Development Director Jerry Herman questioned Item D.4. The
last sentence should be deleted and add the word "text" to Item D6.
18. Commissioner Butler stated the process needed to be put on a fast track. Mr.
Featheringill stated that the monument bases could put it out of the
Chamber's price range. Mr. Shannon stated their initial bids were $5,000 for
the initial outlay. Mr. Featheringill asked that the copy be stricken as it
would be brought back.
19. The Commission consensus was to add wood to the materials that could be
used for the base. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this needed to be
defined in the Ordinance. Discussion continued.
20. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about the black and white colors
chosen by the Chamber. Discussion followed regarding the colors.
Commissioners decided they would like uniformity with the BIA signs.
21. Commissioner Barrows questioned the exclusion of the businesses in the La
Quinta Village Shopping Center. Staff stated the intent of this sign program
was to get traffic directed to the downtown Village area due to their unique
location problems.
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February 13, 1996
22. Mr. Feathingill asked about businesses that are on the perimeter of the
Village that would not be included in the sign program. Commissioner
Anderson pointed out that businesses located on Eisenhower were on a very
busy thoroughfare and did not suffer the same unique circumstances.
23. Staff asked about the signs being exempt from encroachment permits and
stated they would check with the Public Works Department to see if the fees
could be waived.
24. Ms. Michelle Dallas, Executive Director, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce,
78-371 Highway 111, La Quinta, informed the Commission that the
Chambers's second office had been opened at the Von's Center on Highway
111 frontage to facilitate prospective businesses and residents. She indicated
a need for directional sign to help people fred the new Chamber location.
Discussion followed regarding the size of the signs and the maximum number
of signs.
25. Commissioner Tyler asked about the location of the signs. Mr. Featheringill
showed a map of the proposed signs on Highway 111 and Washington Street
and discussion followed.
26. Chairman Abels asked if the Planning Commission was to approve the Sign
Ordinance as drafted. Staff clarified that the Planing Commission was to
approve the dm~ed Sign Ordinance, but clarified that the Chamber is
requesting six signs and the way the ordinance is written if the Chamber does
not agree with staff, they would have to appeal to the Planning Commission.
Commissioners stated they had no problem with this.
27. S.taff stated that if they have to appeal, the ordinance could be changed to
take the issue directly to the Planning Commission to eliminate the cost of
the appeal. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that "non-public" needs
to be added to eliminate this problem. Discussion followed.
28. Commissioners asked for clarification on Table 9:1, #16 in that 25% may be
too much for temporary window signs. Discussion followed as to the amount
that should be allowed.
29. Commissioner Tyler asked about Table 9-3 regarding the number of free-
standing signs for shopping centers with wide long frontages. Staff clarified
that review of sign programs would allow the Commission the latitude of the
number allowed. Following discussion, it was determined that the ordinance
should allow applicants flexibility to come to the Commission with
justification for wanting a deviation from the ordinance regarding the number
of monument signs.
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20. Commissioner Tyler questioned whether a tenant could have a sign facing the
parking lot and Highway 111. Staff stated they would reword this to make
it clear. Commissioner Tyler asked for clarification on Page 23, Item # 13.
Staff stated they would change the wording from "radio equipment vehicle"
to "emergency vehicle" only.
21. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
22. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Gardner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
96-002 recommending approval to the City Council of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration and approval of Zoning Ordinance 96-049 for Sign Regulations.
ROLL CALL AYES' Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk,
Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
Chairman Abels recessed for a break at 10:04 P.M. and reconvened at 10:09 P.M.
D. Tentative Tract 26148 (2nd Time Extension); a request of Mainiero, Smith and
Associates, Inc. for approval of a second one year time extension for the subdivision
of 14 acres into 54 single family lots with a retention basin.
Commissioner Gardner withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and Mr. Bob Mainiero spoke on
behalf of the applicant indicating concurrence with the recommendation.
There being no further comment, the public hearing was closed.
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Anderson to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 96-003 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative
Tract 26148 (2nd Time Extension).
ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk,
Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
PC2-13 14
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996
Commissioner Gardner rejoined the Commission.
E. V, nvironmental Assessment 96-311. Conditional Use Permit 96-023. and Plot Plan
96-571; a request of Keith International, Inc. for certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impact; approval of the development of a 116 unit
affordable apartment complex on 11.6 acres of property in an R-2 zoned area;
approval of a deviation from the development standards to reduce the gross livable
area from 1,400 square feet to a minimum of 750 square feet and larger; approval of
a 25% density bonus to allow ten units per acre where eight units per acre are
allowed in the medium density residential General Plan designation.
Commissioner Butler excused himself due to a possible conflict of interest.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff stated they are recommending Conditions//6, #14, and
//65 of the Plot Plan be modified.
2. Commissioner Anderson asked about the density and stated it was not in the
conditions for the Plot Plan. Staff stated it was contained in Conditions//42
3. Commissioner Tyler asked about Condition #2 (bedroom size) regarding the
Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Staff stated it needed to be clarified that this
is the minimum bedroom size allowed but that this provision could be
4. Commissioner Gardner asked for clarification on the time line for the CUP,
specifically Condition g4 of the CUP. Staff clarified when the CUP would
have to come back to the Planning Commission for review/extension in the
year if the project is not under construction.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public
hearing. Ms. Emily Hemphill, attorney for the project, asked that the
approval period be for a period of more than one year. She also stated the
project size was reduced from 128 to 116 which meets the State requirements
for affordable housing. They had reduced the density as requested by the
Commission. She then addressed the Commission's concern about the mixed
uses, the parking requirements, and stated this project not only meets, but
exceeds the City's parking requirements. The applicant is asking for the
density bonus, but not any financial assistance from the City Redevelopment
PC2-13 15
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996
Agency. The developer is financing the project with private money and the
Tax Credit Program which requires a long term investment by their investors.
The noise study has addressed traffic noise from Washington Street. The
changes proposed reflect what is drawn on the plan.
6. Commissioner Gardner stated his concern about the Washington Street traffic
signal.' Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that this traffic signal will be
installed when it is warranted.. The traffic engineer who completed the traffic
study stated in the report, that a signal may never be warranted.
Commissioner Gardner asked staff to further explain this provision and asked
what factors determine if a signal should be installed. Staff explained.
Commissioner Gardner expressed his concern that without the signal there
isn't ample space for people to stop to enter the project. Mr. Rowe, Keith
International, stated that they will be bonding for the traffic signal.
7. Commissioner Gardner asked, if the developer would cease to exist, is there
any type of bonding tO require anyone to take over the project. Ms. Hemphill
stated it was a valid concern and that the debt to equity ratio is 50 to 50. In
the unlikely event something should happen to the developer, the investors
will have the first trust deed on the property and if the developer does not
meet the debt, they can foreclose on the first trustee and they will still be
under all the requirements placed on the developer by the City and the State.
8. Commissioner Tyler asked Mr. Bob Kahn, Kahn and Associates, if the slope
of Washington Street helps the acoustical analysis. Mr. Kahn stated it would
and went on to explain what was considered in the calculations for the study.
Commissioner Tyler asked if five foot barriers would be placed on the
balconies facing Washington' Street. Mr. Kahn stated that the buildings are
reoriented so the balconies would be shielded. Commissioner Tyler asked if
the windows facing Washington Street would be fixed. Mr. Kahn stated they
could be opened and explained the Uniform Building Code requires this type
of window for residential units. Commissioner Tyler asked about the height
oft he wall reducing the noise on Washington Street. Mr. Kahn stated it was
six feet and would meet the requirements of the noise study.
9. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Mike Rowe about his prior statement that if this
project was not approved, the project would be dead. Mr. Rowe explained
they had hoped to have an approval before the end of 1995. Since this did
not occur, the applicant purchased the site. Chairman Abels asked if the day
care was eliminated. Mr. Rowe stated it would not be included.
PC2-13 16
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996
10. Chairman Abels stated his concern about not having a mixed use project. Mr.
Rowe stated that originally the commercial element was moving forward
with the residential element. However, the commercial area was developed
and the proposed residential project was sold.
11. Commissioner Tyler asked if any attempt had been made along the west wall
to reduce the houses to single story so they would not be looking into the
baCk yards of the Season's houses. Mr. Rowe stated they had all been
reduced to single story buildings.
12. Commissioner Anderson stated his original concerns were density, site
excavation, fill dirt, and the limited amount of open space between the
buildings. His concerns had now been addressed and stated how this was
accomplished. However, a shared driveway does not make this project a
mixed use development.
13. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Anderson/Gardner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
96-004 approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact
(EA 96-31 l) according to the findings set forth in the Resolution.
ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, and Tyler. NOES:
Commissioners Newkirk and Chairman Abels. ABSENT: Commissioner
Butler. ABSTAIN: None.
14. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Anderson/Gardner to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 96-005 recommending approval of
Conditional Use Permit 96-023 and Plot Plan 96-571 to allow a 116-unit
affordable apartment complex with a 25% density bonus and to allow a
reduction in the gross livable area to permit units less than 1,400 square feet,
subject to the Conditions of Approval.
ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Gardner. NOES:
Commissioners Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. ABSENT:
Commissioner Butler. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION FAILED.
15. Commissioner Barrows stated a new motion would be needed to address the
concerns of those voting no. Chairman Abels asked if the Commission
wanted to let the vote stand and let the applicant appeal to the City Council.
There was no response from the Commission.
PC2-13 17
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996
16. Mr. Mike Rowe stated he would like to believe that whatever concerns the
Commission has, they could be worked out.
17. Commissioner Newkirk stated his concern that no garages were proposed and
even though there was covered parking, there was no place for storage. Mr.
Rowe stated that there is storage on all the balconies as a three by five foot
cube locked storage cabinet would be installed. Mr. Rowe stated they would
agree to a certain percentage of the parking spaces being garages. Discussion
followed regarding on-site storage facilities.
18. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern was the number of parking spaces.
Mr. Rowe stated that if there was a party, this being a rarity, cars could
possibly spill over into the Center's parking lot, but this was not the norm.
If the Planning Commission wanted more parking, they could reduce the
amount of open space and provide additional parking areas. Discussion
followed regarding where additional parking could be added.
19. Commissioner Gardner clarified that in the rental agreement it would
stipulate no boats could be stored on the premises. Mr. Rowe stated that all
tenants would have to register vehicles they would be parking on site and that
they could be restricted.
20. Chairman Abels asked if Mr. Rowe could convince him that this is a mixed
use development. Ms. Hemphill stated that this property and the adjoining
property were originally proposed to be developed at the same time. Because
of financial considerations, the residential units were not built. It was
proposed and designed as a singular project with one single access on
Washington Street. The f'mancing caused the project to change hands several
times, but the design elements have not changed. To utilize the inability of
an individual to complete his project is a mistake to prohibit this type of
housing. The State demands that the cities do their best to provide affordable
housing. Chairman Abels stated he did feel the Seasons project was a mixed
use development. Mr. Rowe went on to explain further how the joint access
was developed.
21. Commissioner Anderson clarified that a mixed use development is a blending
of two different uses rather than two like uses. He went on to explain the
project is not the optimum blending of uses, but it is not possible to have the
different solution based on the past history of this site.
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996
22. Commissioner Tyler asked for clarification on the original map submitted if
it called for the same immber of units. Mr. Rowe stated it was the same.
23. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked if the Planning Commission
wanted to add any conditions requiring storage and parking. It was
determined that 20 additional storage spaces shall be provided for the use of
the tenants and shall be reviewed at the same time the landscaping plans are
24. Commissioner Gardner stated this project does not specify any age
restrictions. Mr. Rowe stated that was true.
25. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that Condition//68
would be modified to add: "additional storage units shall be provided and
reviewed at the time of landscaping review"; and "if parking spaces are
removed to accommodate storage, the parking spaces must be replaced on a
one for one basis plus an additional ten spaces.
26. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Anderson/Gardner to adopt Planing Commission Resolution
96-005, recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 96-023 and Plot
Plan 96-571 to the City Council, subject to the attached conditions as
modified by staff, and with the additional language added to Condition//68
regarding additional storage and parking spaces.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, Newkirk, and Tyler.
NOES: Chairman Abels. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler. ABSTAIN:
Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission.
A. Sign Application 95-306; a request of The Lube Shop-Imperial Sign Company for
approval to increase the sign size from eight square feet to 18 square feet and change
the non-illuminated individual letters to internally illuminated individually mounted
channel letters on the east elevation.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
PC2-13 19
Planning Commission Meeting
February 13, 1996 -
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Gardner/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 96-005 approving Sign
Application 95-306, subject to conditions. Unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Abels asked that the Minutes of January 23, 1996, be amended to show the
Commissioners attended the Conference in Long Beach not in Redlands.
Commissioner Anderson stated he had not made the motion pertaining to the
continuance of' Tentative Tract 24890. There being no further corrections, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Barrows to approve the Minutes
as corrected. Unanimously approved.
A. Building Industry Association of Southern California-Desert Chapter - discussion
pertaining to the Public Officials Luncheon. The Commission determined that they
did not want to attend the luncheon as it could be perceived as giving special interest
to one group. Staff would address a letter stating their concern.
B. Commissioner Abels gave a report of the City Council meeting of February 6, 1996.
C. Department update - staff stated there was nothing new to report.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Anderson
to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on February 27, 1996.
This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Unanimously approved.
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