PCMIN 03 12 1996 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA March 12, 1996 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Anderson to lead the flag salute. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. B. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attomey Dawn Honeywell, Public Works Director Dave Cosper, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, .and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. WORKSHOP: A. Zoning Code Revision for Incorporation into Zoning Code Amendment 96-050 - Re- evaluation of Chapter 9.117: Equestrian Overlay Zone. 1. Chairman Abels stated this was not a public hearing and no action would be taken by the Commission and the item was being continued to March 26, 1996. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Conditional Use Permit 96-024. Variance 96-024. and Environmental Assessment 96-313; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation, Inc. for certification of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact; approval to expand the existing La Quinta Resort & Club Golf Course Maintenance Facility onto the adjoining lot to the east; and approval of a variance from the development standards of the Special Residential Zone District to allow a six-foot high wall instead of a four-foot high wall along Avenida Carranza. PC3-12 1 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell informed the Commission that staff had received a request from the applicant to continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of March 26, 1996. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk to continue this item to March 26, 1996. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Special Advertising Device 96-094; a request of Investor's Property Services for La Casa La Quinta Apartments (Mr. Michael McLeod). 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked how many units there were. Staff stated there were 34 units. Commissioner Tyler asked how long the banner would be displayed and if the applicant has followed the past requirements. Staff stated that in the past the applicant had kept to the time frame approved (i.e., 60 days). 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Newkirk to adopt Minute Motion 96-006, approving Special Advertising Device 96-094, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Motion passed on a vote of 6-1, Commissioner Tyler voting no. B Street Vacation 96-028; a request of the City for the Planning Commission to make a determination of the La Quinta General Plan consistency finding with the proposed street vacation. 1. Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Butler asked if the landowner on the west side would gain an extra 20 feet to his property and if he constructs a wall, how would the Water District gain access. Staff explained the landowner would have to supply access to the easement or the Water District would remove the existing wall at the owner's expense. PC3-12 2 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 3. Commissioner Newkirk stated the property owner gains a great deal of land. Staff stated he would gain more land but, he still had less buildable land due to the easement. 4. Commissioner Tyler asked if all the property owners had agreed to this. Staff stated they did and staff was in the process of recording the necessary documents 5. Commissioner Gardner asked about the access to the easement. Discussion followed regarding the easement and construction of the perimeter wall. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 96-007 making a determination that Street Vacation 96-028 is in compliance with the adopted La Quinta General Plan. Unanimously approved. C. Cove Area Urban Forestry Project No. 95-10; a request of Ray Lopez, for approval of a concept reforestation design plan adjacent to the Bear Creek Bike Path. 1. Public Works Director Dave Cosper presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department and introduced Ray Lopez, landscape architect for the project. 2. Mr. Ray Lopez stated the Bike Path consisted of 15,000 linear feet. As designed by artist Allan Sonfest, the Path would consist of four zones denoting the landscape evolution through time; from the past to the present. Staff explained that the installation of the plant material would be done by volunteers from local organizations and the adjoining neighborhood and the City would coordinate the work program utilizing a landscape architect. 3. Chairman Abels asked what the lifespan of the Oleander was anticipated to be. Mr. Lopez stated approximately 30-years unless infected by disease. 4. Commissioner Anderson asked about the water element at the south end. Mr. Lopez stated it was designed to be a watering hole for the local wildlife and described the site, vegetation, and plant life to be used. Commissioner Anderson asked what was happening at the intersection of Avenida Montezuma and Calle Chillon. Mr. Lopez stated this area was a natural ~ transition between Zones 1 and 2 and would be a rest area. Discussion followed regarding the rest stop locations in respect to the local streets in the vicinity. PC3-12 3 Planning Commission Meeting , March 12, 1996 5. Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Lopez to go into more detail as to what trees would be planted in each zone. Mr. LoPez stated the trees to be used would typify the era of each time period and would be low maintenance. 6. Commissioner Anderson asked how the formal planting zone would transition to the next. Mr. Lopez stated it was an informal breakup and would continue down the path to the more drought tolerant plants. Discussion followed regarding the type of corridor to be created. 7. Chairman Abels asked where the flood channel was in relationship to the path. Mr. Lopez showed the channel location in relation to the Bike Path on the map. 8. Commissioner Barrows stated she appreciated the idea of walking through time, but she was concerned about the location of the formal native landscaping. Mr. Lopez showed the location of the native and formal planting on the map with discussion following concerning the impact of the omamental planting. Mr. Lopez stated there would be no visual impact from the street as most of the Bike Path was not visible from the street. 9. Public Works Director Dave Cosper stated the City was working in conjunction with the La Quinta Arts Foundation to create rest stops that would contain a description of the area as well as an explanation of the. water and shade features. Commissioner Anderson asked if the rest stops would change as you progress along the path. Staff reiterated that the rest stops were a project of the Arts Foundation and it was hoped that each rest stop would be different. It was the intention of the Arts Foundation to create rest stops representational of the theme presented. 10. Commissioner Tyler asked if public hearings had ever been held. Staff stated there were no public hearings held, but staff did have public meetings with property owners adjacent to the Path to develop the plan. 11. Commissioner Tyler asked if the'basic planting would be within ten or fifteen feet of the path. Mr. Lopez stated the width of the landscape area varied as you progressed through the path. It varied from 2-3 feet wide to 25-feet wide. Discussion followed as to the location of the plant material on the path. 12. Commissioner Tyler asked about a Council report that indicated there would be 2,700 trees planted and he did not see that number represented on the plan. Mr. Lopez stated that due to the monetary constraints, the irrigation system PC3-12 4 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 was addressed first and the plant costs kept down. The City would not be purchasing 2,700 trees for the Path; probably only half that number. Cost will dictate the number of trees and plants that are installed. 13. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about adding a water feature to draw wildlife because of the potential nuisances caused by local children. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about the cost as well. Public Works Director Dave Cosper explained the grant the City had applied for and received. Commissioner Tyler stated he was not opposed to the idea but, felt it was beyond what was needed. 14. Commissioner Barrows asked staff about the Oleanders to be used to provide screening at the bottom of the Path. She thought a more creative plant could be used. Mr. Lopez stated the Oleander was used due to its rapid growth to provide shade, as well as being drought tolerant plants. 15. Commissioner Barrows stated the water feature was desirable but, the reality of its use was difficult to understand. In addition, she was concerned with the taking of a natural area, which preserves the viewshed, and planting materials not natural to the area. Perhaps artwork should be used in some other location in the City. In addition, the plants/trees were being planted at · regular intervals and should be broken up to not appear so rigid. She would encourage the use of native plants that are flowering and beautiful from our native environment. She would strongly discourage the use of Brazilian or California Pepper trees, and replace them with native trees (i.e., Blue Palo Verde, Mesquite, etc.). 16. Chairman Abels stated that since there was so many questions by the Commissioners this item should be continued to allow staff time to supply more information. 17. Commissioner Butler concurred that staff should consider the comments made by the Commission and present that information at the next meeting. 18. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Anderson/Barrows to continue this subject to the meeting of March 26, 1996. Unanimously approved. D. Consistency Finding for the Proposed Acquisition of Property; a request of the City to certify the proposed acquisition of property at the northwest comer of Highway 111 and Washington Street as being consistent with the City's General Plan. PC3-12 5 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 1. Public Works Director Dave Cosper presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 96-010 certifying the proposed acquisition of property located at the northwest comer of Highway 111 and Washington Street as being consistent with the City's General Plan. 3. Commissioner Anderson asked staff to explain the process whereby the land would be acquired. Staff stated it would be through the eminent domain process. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. E. Sign Application 96-335; a request of Carl Karcher (CKE Restaurants) for approval of internally illuminated individually mounted channel letter and logo signs for the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito restaurant on the east side of the building. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Abels asked staff what signs had been approved by the Commission originally. Staff gave the history of the original request. 3. Commissioner Tyler stated he did not believe the sign would be visible from Highway 111. 4. Commissioner Butler asked staff if the total square footage being requested exceeded the City regulations. Staff stated it would be within those limits of what had been approved in the past for the north and west building elevations. 5. Commissioner Anderson asked what the distance was from the elevation with the majority of the sign copy to the adjacent wall where the "Happy Star" was proposed. Staff stated it was approximately eight to ten feet. PC3-12 6 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 6. Commissioner Newkirk stated he felt the proposed sign was too busy. It would be better to delete the corporate logosl 7. Commissioner Barrows asked if the Commission was being asked to approve the lettering as submitted with staff's recommendation. Staff stated they were also recommending the signs be centered on the fascia. 8. Mr. Skip Berg, representing DGI, the sign company, stated that the Green Burrito originally funded the project and there had been a dispute between the two companies at the time of the original application. Since that time, the dispute had been settled and a determination was made that these signs were needed. He went on to explain the history of the project. He stated the object of moving the sign to this location was to have the Highway 111 exposure. They would like to retain the letter height and the Carl's Jr. logo as requested, but would be willing to eliminate the Green Burrito logo. 9. Mr. Carl Karcher, Jr., owner of the restaurant, stated that it was important to have the Carl's Jr. sign and logo in this location for the Highway 111 visibility. 10. Commissioner Anderson stated the lower case letters in Carl's Jr. were larger than the Green Burrito letters. He would agree to all the lower case letters being the same height as the Green Burrito sign, and the "C" and "Y' in Carl's Jr. being upper case. He was however, concerned about the sign being so close to the end of the fascia and agreed with staff's recommendation that the sign should be centered. It was a heavily signed building and it would be advantageous to have signs centered. He had no objection to the Happy Star logo sign on the adjacent elevation. 11. Commissioner Newkirk stated he had no objection to the logo signs, but he was confused as to the size of the letters. Discussion followed as to the size of the letters. Commissioners agreed that the Green Burrito logo should be eliminated. All lower case letters of the Carl's Jr. sign would be 12 inches with the exception of the capital letters, "C"arls's and "J"r. being 16 inches. 12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 96-008, approving an internally illuminated individually mounted channel letter sign, subject to the Conditions of Approval and as follows: 1. The upper case letters on the words "Carl's Jr." shall not exceed 16 inches and the lower case letters shall not exceed 12 inches in height. 2. The copy "Carl's Jr." and "Green Burrito" on the east elevation shall PC3-12 7 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 be reorganized so the spacing between the edge of the fascia and drive-thru trellis are proportional and/or centered on the 19 foot long building fascia 3. The Green Burrito logo shall be eliminated. Unanimously approved. F. Plot Plan 95-555; a request of KSL La Quinta Hotel Corporation for approval of conceptual landscape design of median islands for Eisenhower Drive from Coachella Drive to 50th Avenue. Commissioners Gardner and Anderson withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest. 1. Public Works Director Dave Cosper presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Barrows asked if the proposed mounding in the medians would cause excess water to flow into the street. Public Works Director Dave Cosper stated the medians would be graded to keep the water contained within the medians and drip irrigation where possible. 3. Chairman Abels clarified that the theme for the plant material changes as you progress toward Avenida Femando. Staff explained how the landscaping would progress from native to a more formal and lush landscape scheme the closer you got to the Hotel. Chairman Abels asked if there would be any problem with the fruit from the citrus trees. Staff stated problems were occurring on Washington Street due to the fruit falling (or being harvested) from the citrus trees and staff was seeing a lot of grapefruit on the street. Chairman Abels asked if the added maintenance would be done by KSL. Staff stated KSL would enter into a contract with the City to take care of all maintenance on the medians that was beyond the customary and ordinary maintenance currently being done by City crews. The City portion would be funded through the Lighting and Landscaping'District Assessment. 4. Commissioner Tyler asked staffto explain the source of funding. Staffwent into to added detail regarding the funding for landscaping of the medians. 5. Mr. Scott Dalecio, representing the La Quinta Resort and Club, stated that with the expansion of the Hotel they were eagerly anticipating the completion of the median landscaping. It had been their experience that lush landscaping is not overly maintenance intensive. Trying to identify the front entrance for PC3-12 8 Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 1996 the visitors has been a problem and this will help with that problem. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Newkirk to adopt Minute Motion 96-009 recommending approval to the City Council of the conceptual landscape design of median iSlands for Eisenhower Drive from 50th Avenue to Coachella Drive. Unanimously approved. Commissioners Gardner and Anderson rejoined the meeting. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of February 27, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk to approve the Minutes as submitted Unanimously approved. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS -- A. Commissioners discussed the Expense Travel Policy as they related to the League of California Cities Conference they would be attending. Commissioners discussed what sessions of the conference they would be attending. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on March 26, 1996. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Unanimously approved. PC3-12 9