PCMIN 05 14 1996 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City.Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 14, 1996 7:00 P.M.
A.. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by
Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows,
Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels.
B. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit and Greg Trousdell,
and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Continued - General Plan Amendment 96-052 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment
96-050; a request of the City for certification of the Environmental Assessment,
approval of the General Plan Land Use Element Text Amendment, and update of
Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code and a recommendation to repeal various
Municipal Code Chapters.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff pointed out that a fax had been received from the Building
Industry Association addressing five items they still have a concern with. As
the fax was received late, staff has not responded to the concerns.
2. Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff; there being none,
the public hearing was opened.
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3. Mr. Robert Kuhl, Monroe Street, stated he was still concerned about the
Equestrian Overlay. It was his opinion that the City was attempting to
legislate a situation that is not evident. There has been no problem with the
zoning except for this one neighborhood dispute and it is taking a toll on the
entire equestrian area. This dispute needs to be handled in the court, not by
the City. He would recommend that staff reconsider some of their changes.
4. Mr. Sonny Kanlian, 50-400 Jefferson, La Quinta, stated he agreed with Mr.
Kuhl that his area should have a special equestrian zoning rather than
involving the entire community. His requests were not meant to affect all the
equestrian facilities. No accommodations have been made to address his
concerns. Why couldn't a more flexible zoning be placed next to his
approved residential tract? The requirement for an inner fence, which he
believes is the most crucial, is still not addressed. Is the City prepared to
share the increased exposure to injury and liability on his fence? Now they
are facing the issue of lights and loud speakers and as it is not addressed in
the Equestrian Overlay District, staff states that it cannot be denied. Again
not enough time or effort has been spent to address all the issues. The lights
should have netting on the west and east facing properties to maintain the
Dark Sky Ordinance. Weekends should be declared free zones with no
equestrian activities so they can enjoy their lifestyle. If this is allowed all
seven days there is no relief for him. Loud speakers have not been addressed.
This could have been controlled through the conditional use permit process
that would require this equestrian facility to be conditioned.
5. Mr. Marvin Roos, Building Industry Association, apologized for responding
so late to the changes that had been made since the last meeting and thanked
the Commission for their patience. He felt there were only a couple of areas
still to discuss. 1.) The areas of major concem have to do with the increased
setback requirements. SideYard setbacks on small lots, cul-de-sacs in
particular, would be difficult to construct, especially for two story units.
They would suggest leaving the existing 5 yard setback for lots less than
10,000 square feet. There is ambiguity of how an irregular lot is de£med on
the rear setback. The restrictions on gate widths, limits the property owner
on how he can access his property. A thirty-six inch gate does not allow
certain types of equipment to pass through. 2.) They are also concerned with
the requirement for additional parking. A four bedroom home has a 5-1/2
parking requirement. In reference to Table 9-11 for guest parking, they
would like to know what supports the differences in the number of spaces
required. The number stated seems too high. They would suggest
eliminating the requirement for additional parking for four bedrooms and up;
guest parking be limited to 2.5 spaces per unit; support the reduction in
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parking for shopping centers and hotels; and entitlements should be allowed
to continue. Cost factors regarding the parking requirements do add to the
development costs at a time when the industry is trying to find a combination
that will be financially viable.
The General Plan changes regarding development intensity make the General
Plan weak when the General Plan references the Zoning Ordinance. The
General Plan is the foundation for the Zoning Ordinance and not the
reference. The General Plan should be first and have strength and be able to
stand up in a court of law.
Currently there is Director apProval of compatibility when a tract is submitted
and now it is Commission approval. This should remain with the Director.
6. Mrs. Louise Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, stated that even though her husband
was a Planning Commission, she was speaking on her own behalf. Her
concern was regarding the parking of recreational vehicle. Currently in the
northern portion of La Quinta there are 46 Code violations of the current City
codes of various natures. In their neighborhood they have a total of 34
assorted Rvs, utility trailers, pop-up trailers, boats, camping trailers in fi.om
yards, driveways, and at the curbs. There are 34 assorted trailers parked at
homes in various locations. The new Code requirements allow an RV to be
parked in a driveway for 72 hours. How will staffbe able to enforce this new
code? The allowing of habitation in trailers for seven days for guest parking
is causing their neighborhood to turn into a trailer park which is unattractive.
Zoning Code revisions should be addressed with enough foresight so that
revisions are not needed in the futm'e.
7. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels' closed the public
8. Commissioner Tyler stated he had a number of comments and criticisms of
the new Code, especially regarding the RV requirements, and if they were
allowed to remain he could not vote in favor in it.
9. Commissioner Newkirk stated he had no comment.
10. Commissioner Gardner stated that from the comments that had been made,
people are of the opinion that the Ordinance as it is being written is set in
concrete. The local level of government is flexible, and even though a lot of
time has been spent revising this document, it is a document that can work
and be changed if necessary.
11. Commissioner Butler stated he agreed with Commissioner Gardner.
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12. Commissioner Barrows stated she had no comment.
13. Commissioner Anderson stated there had been some very good points raised.
He thanked staff for the amount of work that had gone into the document. He
would, however, like to address, in detail, some of the questions that had
been raised.
14. Chairman Abels reiterated that this document is not set in concrete, but it is
a document that can be used to allow the City to move forward.
15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Newkirk to adopt Resolution 96-012 recommending
certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for
Environmental Assessment 96-318 prepared for General Plan Amendment
96-052 and Zoning Ordinance 96-050.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner,
Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
None. ABSTAIN: None.
16. Staff asked to make a recommendation that the setbacks on Table 9-6-Non
Residential Development Standards Section 9.90.040, for the minimum
perimeter landscaping setbacks, be changed to be consistent with the General
Plan Policy 3-4.1.11.
17. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Newkirk to adopt
Resolution 96-013 recommending to the City Council approval of a General
Plan Amendment.
18. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern about allowing the seven day
habitable RV parking and emphasized that seven days could be a burden on
the neighborhood. He would like to amend the motion to state that, Article
9.60.130.C.2. "that the use of recreational vehicles for habitation be
temporary only and shall not exceed three days .... ". City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell explained that his issue and the staff' s issue of setbacks, would
apply to the resolution adopting the Zoning Ordinance and not the General
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner,
Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
None. ABSTAIN: None.
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19. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Newkirk to adopt
Resolution 96-014 recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning
Ordinance Amendment 96-050 relating to the Zoning Code, replacing
existing Title 9 and deletion of Chapters 5.36, 5.37, 5.64, 5.68, and a portion
of Chapter 5.72 and Section 6.08.105 per Exhibits, with modifications to
Table 9-6 of the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with Policy 3-4.1.11 of the
Land Use Element and Article 9.60.130.C.2 be amended to read "...that the
use of recreational vehicles for habitation be temporary only and shall not
exceed three days...".
20. Commissioner Tyler stated he had major concerns regarding Section
9.60.130-Recreational Vehicle Parking. It is difficult to interpret and
regressive by allowing things that previously were banned by City Codes,
such as parking in the front yards. Section 9.100.210-Noise Control in
Residential Areas has been made the same as industrial zones and not def'med
in laymen terms so the individual resident can interpret the document.
Finally, Section 9.170-Communication Towers. This section needs to be
reviewed and updated by a competent authority to afford adequate protection
from and compliance with the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.
. However, as the newest member to the Planning Commission, he did not
want to be an obstruction or unduly delay the adoption of the proposed
changes, however, he could not vote for revisions for key areas that he is not
comfortable with and therefore he would vote no.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner,
Newkirk, and Chairman Abels. NOES: Commissioner Tyler.
B. Tentative Tract 26768; a request of Dietrich and Ingrid Wemer for approval of a one
year time extension for the subdivision of 20 acres into 21 single family and amenity
lots on the west side of Monroe Street, one quarter mile north of Airport Boulevard.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Tyler questioned Conditions #41, a word has been left out
does this mean the existing power lines along Monroe Street would stay in
place. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell explained that the eXisting high
voltage lines would remain unless they can be undergrounded by Imperial
Irrigation District. In addition, Condition #46, requires a 22 foot maximum
building height, where another tract to be reviewed tonight requires a 20-foot
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building height. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell explained that these
conditions were made in the late 1980's and at that time, tracts did have
different height requirements based on the surrounding heights of existing
houses. Commissioner Tyler stated that Condition #47 appears to have a
word left out and should read "all homes with sloped roofs shall have clay or
concrete tiles". Condition #50 is in contradiction to itself. Landscaping is
required to be installed and then in the last sentence a security deposit is
allowed. Associate Planner Greg Trousell explained it was to allow the
property owner the flexibility. Commissioner Anderson suggested combining
the two sentences and make it obvious that it is either/or.
3. Commissioner Anderson questioned Conditions #55 and #48. The existing
tract calls for 21 lots consisting of minimum lot sizes of 20,000 square feet.
Currently the existing tract has lots below the minimum required, therefore
is it conceivable that they can get 20 lots no less than 20,000 square feet. Is
it staff's intention is to have the map reworked to incorporate 20 lots instead
of 21 by increasing the size of the lots. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell
stated this would allow them flexibility, but they cannot exceed that number.
Discussion followed regarding the arrangement of the lots and amenities that
could be allowed.
4. Commissioner Tyler stated that this was being reviewed by the City Council
for removal of the Rural Overlay. If this is approved, are they back to 21 lots.
Staff stated this was tree but it would depend on what the Council
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public
heating. Mr. Dietrich Wemer, applicant, stated they had no objections to the
6. Commissioner Anderson stated that one of the Conditions of Approval
required that there would be no more than 20 lots. If the extension is
approved, the project could have no more than 20 lots. Mr. Wemer stated he
had no objection..
7. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
heating. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Barrows to
adopt Resolution 96-015 recommending to the City Council approval of a
one year time extension for Tentative Tract 26768 (First Extension) to allow
a 2 l-lot single family residential land sales subdivision on approximately 20
acres, subject to the amended conditions.
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8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked for clarification on
Condition //50 that it was the Commission's intention to combine the
condition for readability purposes only. The Commission concurred.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner,
Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
None. ABSTAIN: None.
D. Tentative Tract 27899 (Extension # 1); a request of Century-Crowell Communities
for approval of a one year time extension for a subdivision of 30.3 gross acres into
111 single family lots.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Tyler asked staffto identify the location of the retention basin.
Staff explained that the drainage would have to be provided whether or not
it was on site.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the drainage to the basin was to be surface
drainage. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the drainage is via the streets
until it collects at a catch basin near the cross street adjacent to the retention
basin. Staff went on to explain the flow of the drainage.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public
hearing. Mr. Brian Esgate, Esgate Engineering representing the applicant,
stated they had no objection to the conditions as recommended by staff.
5. Commissioner Anderson asked if there was the ability to create enough fall
in the street to create surface drainage. Mr. Esgate stated that all three tracts
were designed incrementally and each additional tract was designed to have
the drainage flow to the one large area. The streets were designed to
adequately handle the nm-off for a 100-year storm, Discussion followed
regarding the construction of the drainage system.
6. Commissioner Tyler questioned the location of Victoria Drive. It appears
that there is no room for this street without nmning through the houses. Mr.
Esgate explained that the street lines up with INCO's main entry.
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7. There being no further discussion, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adopt
Resolution 96-016 recommending to the City Council approval of a first one
year time extension for Tentative Tract 27899 to allow a 111-lot single family
residential land sales subdivision on approximately 30+ acres, subject to
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Butler, Gardner,
Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT:
None. ABSTAIN': None.
A. Sign Application 96-341; a request of Mr. Gerald Bogan for approval of a master
sign program for the newly constructed Bogan Villas Commercial building.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Newkirk asked staff to identify the location of the signs on the
3. Commissioner Anderson asked if this was to be a flat sign with no relief.
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated it was his understanding they were
to be flat and painted.
4. Commissioner Tyler asked what the size of the signs for the pedestrian arcade
along Calle Estado were anticipated to be. Staff explained they would be less
than half the size of the other signs and would be hung by chains.
Commissioner Tyler asked about the directory signs being located in the rear
instead of the signs on the second floor. Staff stated there was a provision in
the Sign Code for directory signs for two story buildings. Discussion during
the study session indicated the possibility of having directory signs instead
of signs on the second story.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels asked if the
applicant would like to speak. Mrs. Lucia Moran, leasing agent for Bogan
Villas, stated that the original sign approved for Bogan Villas had been
changed from a single sign identification building to individual tenant
signage. She further stated the signs were originally designed to go on the
stucco portion of the south elevation, but staff changed the location to the
wood beam along the pedestrian arcade. Their current tenant, La Quinta
Village Antiques, did not want a single large sign, but rather three signs
identifying the store and what they sell. The additional four foot sign is to be
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used for the retail stores downstairs. The exhibit shows the sign program to
be flush on the white stucco wall with a black border. If the signs are to be
placed on the wood beams, they will not be seen, they are designed for the
white stucco. She believes the Library building next door has signs on the
upstairs units. As to the exact placement of the signs, they have no objection,
but the upstairs offices need to be seen from the street. The owner of the
building does not want the upstairs signs lowered to the pedestrian walkway.
He is willing to remove his Bogan Villa sign in order to allow the tenants to
identify their businesses. If they are allowed to only have a one foot high sign
with two rows, the letters will not be large enough to be seen from the street.
6. Commissioner Anderson clarified that staff's recommendation is not for the
materials, but the manner in which they are hung.
7. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about the owner not wanting to
identify the building which would make it easier to identify and locate a
business. Mrs. Moran stated that most people will not even see the front of
the building. It was her belief that most patrons would be entering from
Desert Club and would enter to the north of the building as there were no
stairwells to the upstairs on Calle Estado.
8. Commissioner Newkirk asked what the address would be for the tenants on
the second floor. Mrs. Moran stated the numbers for the downstairs would
be Suites 101-104 and the upstairs Suites would be 201-208. The addresses
would be hand painted on 4"X 4" tiles that would be placed next to the
entrance of each door. Commissioner Newkirk asked if the addresses for the
second floor would have a Calle Estado address. Mrs. Moran stated they
would. Discussion followed regarding the addresses and how patrons would
gain access to the building.
9. Commissioner Anderson asked how many tenant parking spaces would be
allowed. Mrs. Moran replied that the number of parking spaces was
determined by square footage. Commissioner Anderson asked how many
tenants could ultimately be allowed in this building. Mrs. Moran stated that
if the building were broken down to 250 square foot offices, they could have
16 businesses. However, this is not what the clientele is looking for.
Commissioner Anderson asked how many parking spaces existed. Mrs.
Moran stated she believed there were 27. Commissioner Anderson stated the
Commission should be considering what the ultimate number of tenants
could be. They need to determine what the total amount of allowable signage
could be. Discussion followed regarding different sign combinations that
could be applicable.
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10. Commissioner Tyler asked Mrs. Moran if the Planning Commission required
the signs to be placed on the wood beam, could the color scheme of the signs
could be changed to allow hanging them on the wood beam. Associate
Planner Greg Trousdell stated that if they chose to change the color, staff
could approve minor changes. Mrs. Moran stated that if the sign is to be on
the wood, one foot in height for the sign would not be adequate. If the
Commission is going to require the signage on the beam, which is 24-inches,
they would request the entire 24-inches for signage.
11. Chairman Abels asked how much deviation from the Sign Ordinance they
were requesting. Mrs. Moran stated that as she interpreted the Ordinance,
they would not exceed the square footage allowed.
12. Commissioner Butler asked if the signs were to be illuminated. Mrs. Moran
stated they would not be illuminated. She further stated the staff report did
not allow for any type of sign except the name of the business. For example,
La Quinta Antiques is the name of the business, but they sell antiques and
13. Commissioner Anderson stated he thought the signs were determined by the
size of the store frontage. Ifa tenant has leased three tenant spaces they could
have three signs. Staff stated the Ordinance only allows one actual sign for
each business unless they apply for and receive a sign adjustment.
14. Commissioner Anderson stated he was very opposed to this sign program in
the Village. It would be a travesty to "lick and stick" these signs on th~
buildings He agreed with staff, that no signage should be allowed on the
second floor on the south elevation. The stores that have access on the south
need their signage on the south. He would not be opposed to placing the
ground floor tenants on the wood header on the south elevation. This would
lets the building stand and not clutter the facade. Most patrons looking for
the building will travel down Calle Estado and look for the building
identification sign. There should be a directory sign on the stair towers on the
north elevation where it is appropriate, and small individual tenant signs at
each tenant door applied to the wall. The Commission needs to respect what
is wanted in the Village. Signage that is applied to the south elevation should
be on the wood header. Keep the clutter to the minimum.
15. Commissioner Newkirk stated he agreed with Commissioner Anderson.
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16. Commissioner Gardner stated he also agreed. The building creates an image
and they would be diminishing the quality of the building by adding signs all
over the place. He was opposed to the signs as propoSed and Was not
opposed to the recommendations of staff.
17. Commissioner Tyler stated he too was concemed about the location and size
of the addresses to be placed on the building. Associate Planner Greg
Trousdell stated originally it was to be on the signs. He also thought that if
the signs were to be placed on the wood header the Commission might
negotiate on the size between 18 and 24 inches.
18. Commissioner Barrows asked about the size of the sign. Commissioner
Newkirk stated that he would not be opposed to a larger size. Commissioner
Anderson stated he too would agree with 16 or 18 inches. Discussion
followed regarding the size of the sign.
19. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Gardner to adopt Minute Motion 96-019, to approve
-- Sign Application 96-341, subject to staff's recommendations and findings
and conditions with an amendment to Condition #3C allowing the business
identification signs to be 18 inches in height and not to exceed 8 feet in
overall length. Commissioner Butler asked if additional signs would be
allowed by a tenant leasing multiple spaces. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman stated that if the Commission wanted to allow
additional signs, they would need to amend the motion at this time. Staff
suggested a condition be added stating that if a tenant leases more than three
units, it is the option of the tenant to have one additional sign 18-inches by
8 feet. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated that the finding would be that
the Commission required the signs to be placed on the beam and the beam is
limited in width to where the sign could go therefore by allowing the
additional sign it would qualify for a sign adjustment. Commissioner
Anderson stated he was concerned about setting a precedent. If a tenant
leases additional space there should be an allowance for ancillary signs, but
as he is unsure how it could be handled, they shouldn't act quickly. Staff
suggested the project be continued to the next meeting. Commissioner
Gardner suggested amending the motion to state that if a tenant leases
additional units, he would be allowed an additional sign or signs, but the total
signage could not exceed 12 square feet. Commissioner Barrows asked what
_ the size of the sign would be. Commissioner Gardner stated it would be 18
feet X 4 feet. Commissioner Anderson stated it appeared that the Planning
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Commission was trying to approve a sign program that had been submitted
and changed so dramatically during the course of the meeting from what had
been submitted. He was prepared to make a motion to approve a sign
program that is entirely the opposite of what was submitted. The motion
before the Planning Commission however, is to approve a sign program that
he is opposed to. Chairman Abels suggested that due to the confusion, the
best option would be to withdraw the motion. Commissioner Barrows
withdrew her motion. Commissioner Gardner stated that as the maker of the
second on the motion he was very reluctant to withdraw his second, but
would do so in the interest of harmony. Unanimously approved.
19. Mr. Gerald Bogan, owner of the building, addressed the Commission
regarding comments contained in the staff report. He stated he did not want
to have a building identification on the building as it was gaudy and didn't
impress him. Under applicant request, it appears that staff is using the La
Quinta Executive Office building signage as an example of how the Village
signage should be. There are a variety of signs throughout the Village area
and he was concerned about the harmony of these signs as compared to what
is being proposed for his building. He has no problem reducing the sign l~om
the 30-inch height to 24-inches and placing them on the beam. He did not
agree that one tenant who is leasing more than one space should be allowed
to have additional signs. If that tenant moves out and the one unit again
becomes three, he would need a sign for each. He was therefore requesting
'one sign over each space whether a tenant takes one or three spaces. Staff's
recommendations should be based on the requirements of the Code, not what
staff wants. The owner should have some say as to what is allowed on his
building. He was concerned that second story signs will not be allowed on
the south elevation. The only way to find the business is to drive down the
alley to see who is occupying the second floors. Calle Estado is the main
street and signs should be allowed on the Second story to identify who is
occupying the space.
20. Chairman Abels asked if Mr. Bogan had spoken with staff regarding their
recommendations. Mr. Bogan stated he had not received the staff report until
two days earlier. He was willing to work out these problems, but he was tired
of someone else nmning his building. Staff was not citing Code sections to
justify their recommendation, but stating what they wanted.
21. Commissioner Butler asked if the owner was asking for signage on the south
and north sides. Mr. Bogan stated yes, a small sign above the walkway to
identify the suites upstairs. The downstairs did not need signage on the north
as they will be identified by their physical number. The second story only
needs signage on the south elevation.
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22. Commissioner Tyler stated it was unfortunate that Mr. Bogan had missed the
first part of the meeting as most of his comments had been raised and
discussed earlier. Commissioner Tyler stated Mr. Bogan no longer wanted
the building identification sign, there currently is no address on the building
to identify it, and he had a problem with the rationale that a sign is needed to
state what businesses are located within the building. Most businesses are
conducted by referral. Mr. Bogan stated that referrals could be a major part
of a businesses success, but he did not feel it was fair to the tenant to have to
depend on all his business coming from referrals. The Bogan Villa sign was
gaudy in his opinion, so he dropped it, but he may bring it back if it does not
detract from the tenant signage.
23. Commissioner Anderson stated he agreed with Mr. Bogan's opinion of the
other signs in the Village. Of the examples presented by Mr. Bogan, there
was no example of what the Commission wanted in the Village. However,
he is opposed to the proposal because it also is not a good image for the
Village. He is opposed to the sign clutter on the building, and disagrees that
the success of a business is due to the signage. Staff has tried to reach a
compromise between the sign program submitted and something that would
be acceptable to what the Commission's views are for the Village. The
building owner should have the right to do what the Code requires, but then
there would be no need for the Planning Commission. The Commission is
here to approve a sign program' and lend their expertise to improve the
process. Mr. Bogan stated that if he was asking for more signage than what
was allowed, then the Planning Commission should intervene. He was not,
however, asking for more square footage than what is allowed by the Code,
but disagreeing with the location of where staff is recommending the signs
be placed. He had a problem with the size recommended by staff. He prefers
24-inches for the height of the signs on Calle Estado, each suite having the
option of having a sign, and the upstairs businesses having a sign on Calle
Estado to identify their business. Staff should not make the determination as
to where the sign is located. Commissioner Anderson stated that staff has the
option to bring all aspects of the proposed project to the Planning
Commission for their approval. Mr. Bogan stated it should not be the
decision of the Planning Commission to determine the location of the sign.
He is trying to make the sign program fit within the Sign Code and be
harmonious with the Village. He is trying to stay within the Code and other
businesses are not being required to comply with the Code. Commissioner
Anderson stated that the part Mr. Bogan is not understanding is that the
Planning Commission does have a say regarding the entire sign program
24. Chairman Abels suggested this item be continued. Commissioner Anderson
stated that the Commission has to consider the total number of tenants that
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will be allowed.. Mr. Bogan asked that the Planning Commission not
continue the application, but vote yes or no. He would like to take it on to
City Council.
25. Chairman Abels stated that due to the amount of added information given at
this meeting the Planning Commission needs to reconsider the information.
26. Commissioner Anderson stated there is a provision in the current sign
regulations for temporary signage to be installed until a sign program is
approved. Mr. Bogan stated he had one sign manufacturer and he wanted all
signs for the building to be the same.
27. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to clarify Condition #3.D. which states
each tenant would have one business identification sign. Staff stated that as
the Sign Code reads, one identification sign is allowed per business.
28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Gardner to continue
Sign Application 96-341 to May 28, 1996 to allow the Planning Commission
time to review the proposed changes to the sign program. Unanimously
B. Sign Application 96-344; a request of the La Quinta Car Wash for approval of three
signs for the La Quinta Car Wash requiring three modifications to the One Eleven La
Quinta Center sign program.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels asked if the applicant
would like to speak. Mr. James Jamigan, applicant, stated he wanted to give
La Quinta the best car wash he could. The building is so large that 24-inch
high letters for the signs, as recommended by staff, would be lost. The Car
Wash sign is what is important and if the total amount of square footage is
what is important, then he would remove the "La Quinta" wording and ask
for the 30" letters and 50 square feet. On the south elevation he offered the
Art in Public Places the option of placing a mural on the 16 X 30-foot
frontage. He was not asking for anything that is not already allowed in the
Center. Mr. Jamigan proceeded to give examples of existing signs in the
3. Commissioner Barrows asked if the applicant intended to remove the
wording "La Quinta" from all elevations. Mr. Jarnigan stated he would like
PC5-14 14
Planning Commission Meeting
May 14, 1996
to have them all the same.
4. Commissioner Tyler stated he did not believe anyone would mistake this
building for anything except a car wash if the signs were not giant in size.
Mr. Jamigan stated 'his previous experience has proven they would.
Discussion followed regarding the signs.
5. Commissioner Anderson stated he liked the "La Quinta" being a part of the
sign, however he is not prepared to go beyond the allowed 50 square feet.
Thirty inch letters are not necessary. He would consider dropping the "La
Quinta" and just have the "Carwash" sign. No problem with the lettering of
"La Quinta". He would rather have the "La Quinta" on the sign and reduce
the size of the sign. The "exit only" sign should be located in front of the
driveway. Mr. Jamigan stated there was a long planter to prevent any
entrance at this location.
6. Commissioner Barrows stated she also liked the "La Quinta" on the signage
and maybe on the north elevation it may be a possibility to keep it.
-- 7. Commissioner Butler stated that since the "La Quinta" was not illuminated,
he had no objection to the sign as submitted by the applicant. Since it was
not illuminated it would not detract.
8. Commissioner Gardner stated he went along with staff's recommendation.
9. Commissioner Newkirk stated he agreed with Commissioner Butler.
10. Commissioner Tyler stated he also would like to see the "La Quinta" retained
and he had no objection to the applicant's request.
11. Chairman Abels stated he also had no objection to the applicant's request.
However, he would like to see the signage at the Center controlled.
12. There being no further discUssion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 96-020 to approve Sign
Application 96-344, as submitted. The motion carded on a 5-2 vote with
Commissioners Anderson and Gardner voting no.
PC5-14 15
Planning Commission Meeting
May 14, 1996
A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of April 23, 1996.
There being no corrections to the Minutes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Barrows to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously
A. Commissioner Tyler reported on the City Council meetings of April 30, 1996 and
May 7, 1996.
B. Department update - no report
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Anderson
to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on May 28, 1996. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:59 P.M. Unanimously approved.
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