PCMIN 05 28 1996 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 28, 1996 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by
Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Gardner to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows,
Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman Abels.
B. Commissioners Barrows/Gardner moved and seconded a motion to excuse
-. Commissioner Butler. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Specific Plan 89-014 (Amendment #2); a request of Washington Plaza Associates for
certification of a Negative Declaration of an environmental impact and approval of
an amendment to the specific plan to allow two additional businesses with drive-thru
lanes at the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff stated they would like to modify two conditions.
Condition #8 be changed to read "all trees shall be a minimum 24-inch box
size or and 2~ inches in caliper", and Condition #2 be changed to read "the
Design Review Board/Planning Commission".
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May 28, 1996
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Mr. Rick Doolittle, Hall & Foreman Engineers, stated they had no objections
to the Conditions as recommended.
3. There being no questions of the applicant and no further public comment, the
public hearing was closed. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Tyler/Anderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 96-017 certifying
a Negative Declaration of environmental impact.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, Newkirk,
Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Butler. ABSTAIN: None.
4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Anderson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 96-018 recommending to the City Council
approval of a Negative Declaration of environmental impact and amendment
of Specific Plan 89-014 (Amendment # 2) to allow two additional drive-thins
for a total of five, subject to Conditions.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Barrows, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler
and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Butler. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Conditional Use Permit 96-024 and Environmental Assessment 96-313; a request of
KSL Recreation Corporation for certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impact, approval to expand the existing La Quinta Resort and Club
Golf Course Maintenance Facility, and approval of an adjustment to deviate from the
development standards of the SR Zone District to allow a six foot masonry wall
along Avenida Carranza instead of a four-foot high wall.
1. Commissioners Anderson and Gardner excused themselves due to a possible
conflict of interest and withdrew from the Council Chamber.
2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff asked that Conditions # 19-24 be added to the Conditions
of Approval, based on the discussions made by the Commissioners during the
study session.
3. Commissioner Barrows asked if the conditions for landscaping on Calle
Tampico were to provide landscaping all the way to Eisenhower Drive.
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell explained the requirement was clarified in
the conditions for the plot plan application. The new landscaping would not
go all the way to Eisenhower Drive.
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4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public
hearing. Mr. Scott Dalecio, representing KSL Resort and Club, reviewed the
purpose of their application. He questioned Condition g3, regarding the
timing for the installation of improvements in association with parking;
Condition g8 verification as to a definition of what heavy equipment is; they
would like staff to explain Condition gl 5 regarding the acoustical device;
Condition gl 7 needs to have the size of the gate clarified; Condition gl 8
clarification needs to be made as to whether the apprOval will be made by the
Planning Commission or staff; and Condition g21 is already accomplished
by their design. The plan they are proposing provides the immediate
residents a more aesthetic view. They do not want to install planter pockets
in the wall as the pockets will become a collector for trash and more of a
maintenance problem.
5., Commissioner Tyler asked about the hours of operation and if they would be
Open every day. Mr. Dalecio stated they would have workers on all seven
days. Commissioner Tyler suggested the motorized gate be kept open to
allow the traffic to continue to move during the morning hours. Mr. Forrest
Haag, landscape architect for the project, clarified the gate was not
motorized, but a swinging gate. Commissioner Tyler asked if the piles of
loose gravel would be relocated, and if so, where. Mr. Dalecio stated the
Conditions of Approval designates the area where loose material is stored and
defines how that will be accomplished. Mr. Virgil Robinson, Supervisor for
the Maintenance Facility, answered questions regarding the operation of the
6. Mr. Jack Hochanadel, 51-120 Carranza, stated most of his questions had been
answered by the applicant. He was however, concerned about the large
trucks, such as gravel, cement, etc., that continually travel down the street all
day long. In addition, the retaining wall shown on the elevations, is two feet
higher than their existing property. He suggested the wall be eight feet in
height on the inside of the project and six feet on Avenida Carranza with a
20-foot setback from the Bike Path and landscaped. This would hide their
equipment, dump trucks, gravel piles, and create another sound barrier.
7. Ms. Louise Miller, 51-040 Avenida Carranza, directly across the street from
the subject wall, stated her concern that the six foot wall would be installed
too close to the Bike Path. She stated the Path was eight feet wide and
installing, the wall at the edge of the path would cause safety problem. In
addition, the large piles of sand and gravel at the north side of the
maintenance yard are allowed to blow loose sand over the bike path causing
an unsafe condition. The wall needs to extend to the north end of the
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maintenance yard. The gravel piles are a nuisance as neighborhood children
are continually having rock-throwing contests. Additionally, the workers
arriving in the morning are playing their music as loud as possible when
arriving, plus the noise from starting up their equipment awakens them every
morning. Could a condition be placed on the project to not allow noise
before 6:00 A.M.
8. There being no further public discussion, Chairman Abels closed the public
hearing. Commissioner Tyler stated that after seeing the site, he agreed that
installing a wall around it would improve the site. He agreed that when the
workers arrive they tend to usually play their music as loud as possible. He
felt the Commission needed to clarify the size of the setback from the wall to
the Bike Path. The Bike Path is eight feet wide of concrete with another 3-4
feet of dirt for a nmning path. This makes 12-feet from the curb. The
setback from this point needs to be specifically spelled out.
9. Commissioner Newkirk stated he agreed with Commissioner Tyler. The
-proposal will improve the neighborhood.
10. Commissioner Barrows stated she concurred with the statements already
made and her concern was with the setback from the Bike Path as this is one
of the heaviest traveled areas of the path. If the applicant does not want to
put the notches in the wall, would they consider setting the wall back? She
also questioned the hours of use to accommodate the neighbors.
11. Chairman Abels stated he too agreed with the statements already made and
asked staff to clarify the questions raised by the applicant regarding
Conditions//3,//8,//15,//17, and//18. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell
briefly discussed why each of these conditions had been recommended.
12. Commissioner Barrows asked what the distance was between the Bike Path
and the wall, and what were the problems with the alarm system. Staff stated
we were unaware of the alarm system problem until they received the letter
from the resident.
13. Chairman Abels stated his concern about the gravel piles and his concem that
this be fixed, and why following the approval in 1985 had the conditions
never been met. Staff should see that they are met now.
14. Commissioner Newkirk stated he agreed the wall should be straight but
setback further from the Bike Path. Commissioner Tyler suggested a
curvilinear wall would add dimension and additional space for the
landscaping if the wall was straight. Commissioner Barrows suggested a
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minimum of a five foot setback, but would be better at 10 feet. Staff stated
the setback would only affect the storage area. Discussion followed
regarding the setback distances.
15. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the Public Works
Department would provide additional information regarding the distance of
the wall to the front property line.
16. Commissioner Tyler asked if the City had any control over the hours of
operation of the facility. City Attomey Dawn Honeywell stated the City has'
no ordinance regarding the hours of operation, but this was a conditional use
permit and the Planning Commission could place any conditions on the
project it deemed necessary.
17. Chairman Abels recessed the hearing at 8:56 P.M. to give staff time to f'md
the plans regarding the Bike Path. The hearing reconvened at 9:01 P.M. and
Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented information stating the dimensions of
the Bike Path. The wall would be eight feet from the Bike Path.
~-- 18. Mr. Scott Dalecio, KSL La Quinta Resort and Golf Club, stated they did not
know what a parabolic device was as mentioned in Condition #15. They
were sensitive to the concerns of the residents and their purpose was to
contain all the nuisances within their perimeter wall. In reference to the wall
and the setback to the Bike Path, their plans were to set the wall back 8 feet
from the Bike Path. Regarding the track traffic traveling over the streets, it
would be easier if they could straighten out Calle Tampico to have direct
access to the facility. The hours of operation had been addressed by the City
Council when they were reviewing a potential noise ordinance for golf
courses. Council, at that time, denied the ordinance as there was no
consensus of opinion regarding the hours to regulate noise. The later the start
time for maintenance workers meant the later the start time for the golfers,
and this costs money and creates an inconvenience to the members.
However, KSL in an effort to be cohesive with the neighbors, would continue
to discipline their employees regarding the noise from their vehicles.
19. Commissioner Barrows asked Mr. Dalecio how he felt about having a curved
wall. Mr. Dalecio stated they preferred a straight wall.
20. Commissioner Newkirk stated he felt a clarification should be made as to
what a parabolic device was. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated it was a
sound deflecting mechanism, parabolic in shape.
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21. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about requiring a device that appears
to be of minimal assistance.
22. Chairman Abels suggested the applicant contact staff to determine what the
device was and if it was need.
23. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
96-019 approving a Mitigated Declaration of environmental impact according
to the findings contained in the resolution.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson, Butler,
and Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
24. it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 96-020 approving Conditional Use Permit
96-024 to allow the expansion of an existing golf maintenance facility and to
allow a six foot high wall which is higher than permitted by Chapter 9.42 of
the Municipal Code, subject to the recommended conditions as amended:
Condition #6 would include a wall with an 8-foot setback between the edge ..
of the entire Bike Path and the wall, but elimination of the wording referring
to the four foot deep and five foot wide insets on the wall along the outdoor
equipment storage portion; adding to Condition #15, the applicant would
work with staff to resolve concerns regarding noise which may include the
installation of an acoustical device. Staff asked for clarification on Condition
#5 regarding the landscaping. Commissioner Barrows stated the size
requirement for the trees would be required without the insets. Condition
#16, add the additional wording, "if landscaping products and surface
materials...". Finally, the addition of Conditions #19-24 as recommended by
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson, Butler,
and Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Tentative Tract 28340; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation for approval of the
subdivision of 37.98 acres into 117 single family and ten common amenity lots.
1. Commissioners Anderson and Gardner excused themselves due to a possible
conflict of interest and withdrew from the Council Chamber.
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2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Mr. Chevis Hosea, Director of Real Estate for KSL Recreation Corporation,
explained the application before the Commission. He requested modification
of Conditions #7.a., that they not be required to change the reserve lots to
dedicated easements; Condition #50, be amended allow them to pull building
permits without complying with the specific plan; and Condition #52, apply
only to the applicable phase.
4. Commissioner Tyler asked if Mr. Hosea had a suggestion as to the wording
of Condition #50. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the Planning
Commission cannot approve a Tentative Tract Map without meeting the
Specific plan requirements. The purpose of writing the condition this way
was to give the applicant additional time. The Planning Commission does
not have the authority to approve building permits that are not consistent with
the specific plan.. Mr. Hosea stated he hoped they would not be held up in
-- their construction by requiring compliance with the specific plan.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated they had been
working with KSL regarding this problem and the proposed changes to the
specific plan would be to the Planning Commission by the middle of July and
to the City Council by August. Staff plans to continue working with KSL to
solve this problem as rapidly as possible.
5. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
hearing. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Newkirk
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 96-021, recommending to the City
Council approval of Tentative Tract 28340, with changes to Condition #52
that the applicant shall submit the recreational amenities for the applicable
phase to be provided prior to issuance of a building permit; Condition #7.a.,
allows a reservation easement in lieu of a street dedication.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Anderson, Butler,
and Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
D. Tentative Tract 28341; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation for approval of a
-- subdivision of 16.4 acres into 56 single family and four common lots.
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May 28, 1996
1. Commissioners Anderson and Gardner excused themselves due to a possible
conflict of interest and withdrew from the Council Chamber.
2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Tyler asked Mr. Hosea what they intended to build regarding
the amenities. Mr. Hosea stated they were intending to build only one pool
and spa. Discussion followed regarding the number of pools in the area and
the issue of maintaining the pools.
4. There being no further discussion, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing.
It was moved and seconded to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 96-
022 recommending to City Council approval of Tentative Tract 28341,
subject to conditions as amended: Condition #52, only one pool and spa
would be required. Staff clarified that the wording on the tract map exhibit
referring to a "Vesting" tract was an error and should be deleted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Newkirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Anderson, Butler,
and Gardner. ABSTAIN: None.
Commissioners Anderson and Gardner rejoined the meeting.
A. Continued - Sign Application 96-341; a request of Mr. Gerald Bogan for approval of
a master sign program for the newly constructed Bogan Villas Commercial building.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels asked if the applicant
would like to address the Commission. Mr. Gerry Bogan, 54-368 Inverness,
stated he was still not in agreement with staff's recommendations. In
particular, the size of the sign recommended would not be adequate. He was
still concemed that no second story signs would be allowed on Calle Estado.
He felt the tenants need to have a sign to identify their business. Each
business has its own entrance and therefore needs its own sign. He felt ·
strongly that signage was needed on the south side for the second floor
businesses. Mr. Bogan stated that if he was unable to rent his building
because signs would not be allowed on the south side, then he has a problem.
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3. Chairman Abels asked if Mr. Bogan had received the sign program example
presented by one of the Commissioners. Mr. Bogan stated he appreciated the
efforts that were made, but he would like to own and run his own building.
4. There being no questions of Mr. Bogan, Chairman Abels opened the matter
to Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Anderson stated he felt the same as he did at the prior
meeting. He appreciated the importance of identifying the tenants in this
building, and he felt the signs could be done. on this building that are in
keeping with the Village Specific Plan. He commended Mr. Bogan for
developing the building and would like to see the tenants be successful, but
he does not believe signs will bring them in.
6.. Commissioner Barrows stated she agreed with Commissioner Anderson and
did not want to set any precedent for the Village area. Commissioner
Anderson stated he did not want to dictate signs or say that he had a better
-- design for the buildings, but only wished to give an example of what could
be done.
7. Commissioners Gardner and Newkirk stated they agreed with Commissioner
8. Commissioner Tyler stated he understood that the first tenants of the building
would be pedestrian traffic and the lower level signs would be visible to the
walking public. The upstairs would be more professional tenants and would
need building identification and directory sign stating the space identification
number. He did agree with staffs recommendation and would agree with
directional signage, and a building identification sign.
9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified the developer has
the option of having a directional signage; Community Development Director
Jerry Herman questioned whether the Commission was requiting the
directory sign to be mandatory? Commissioner Tyler stated he did not want
it to be mandatory.
10. Chairman Abels stated he agreed with the header signage and directional
-- signage. He did not agree that signs are needed on the south side for the
upstairs tenants. If the application was denied, would they have to come back
with a new plan. Staff clarified they have the option of coming back with a
new plan or appealing to the City Council. Staff pointed out that they did not
include all of Commissioner Anderson's recommendations in the Conditions
of Approval.
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11. Commissioner Barrows stated that Antique business requested additional
signage and asked if this was included in staff's recommmendation.
Associate Planner Greg Trousdel stated yes and this was Condition #3.d.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the condition would have to be
clarified with the wording, "the description of the use instead of just the
business identification would be allowed when an tenant has leased two or
more spaces". Two signs would be allowed with a total square footage of 20.
12. Chairman Abels stated they did not want to appear as being anti-business, but
the Commission had to follow what they felt was right for the City.
13.. Following lengthy discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 96-021 approving Sign Application
96-341, as conditioned and with the modification to Condition #3.C to add
"The business identification sign shall not exceed 18-inches in height and 10-
feet in overall length. A maximum of 12 full size signs or the equivalent of
12 full size signs shall be allowed. For shared lease spaces, full size signs
can be divided into two equally sized signs or tenant sign graphics can be
shared on one full size sign." Condition #3.D. would be changed to read,
"One business identification sign shall be permitted for each tenant space.
Tenants with more than one lease space may have one building sign per lease
space which may include a description of the use. Accessory under canopy
signs along the Calle Estado arcade are also permitted per Subitem 'F'". The '
motion carded on a 5-1 vote with Commissioner Anderson voting no.
14. Mr. Bogan asked for clarification as to whether or not the Commission was
dictating how many suites he would be allowed to have in the building.
Commissioner Anderson clarified that the Commission was uncomfortable
with giving a unlimited number of tenant signs, so they were trying to base
the signs on the number of suites, according to the plans. Chairman Abels
stated the Commission was not dictating how many suites the applicant could
B. Street Vacation 96-029; a request of T.D. Desert Development for a determination
of consistency with. the General Plan to allow a street vacation.
1. Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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2. Commissioner Tyler asked about the emergency access at the northeast
comer as it appeared to go through existing houses. Staff explained they
were vacant lots.
3. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Tyler/Anderson to adopt Minute Motion 96-022 adopting the
findings that Street Vacation 96-029 for the street right-of-way easements, are
in compliance with the adopted Circulation Element of the La Quinta General
Plan and that the City Council consider for inclusion in the vacation, those
conditions outlined within Exhibit "A". Unanimously approved
A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of May 14, 1996.
Commissioner Anderson asked that Page 10, Item #14, the fourth sentence, be
changed to read," .... ground floor tenants on the wood header on the south elevation."
Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 3, Item 6 be changed to note that Mrs. Tyler
spoke on her own behalf and in the second sentence, "that currently in the northern
portion of La Quinta there are 46 Code violations of the current City codes of various
natures. We have a total of 34 assorted Rvs, utility trailers, pop-up trailers, boats,
camping trailers in front yards, driveways, and at our curbs." There being no further
corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Tyler to approve
the Minutes as amended. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Tyler reported on the City Council meeting of May 21, 1996.
B. Chairman Abels opened discussion regarding the meeting dates of the Commission
for August. Following discussion it was determined that the Planning Commission
would go dark on August 27, 1996 and September 10, 1996.
C. Department update - no report
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Anderson
to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on June 11, 1996. This
regular meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Unanimously approved.
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