PCMIN 10 22 1996 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, CA October 22, 1996 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Seaton to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Seaton, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. C. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Tyler to excuse Commissioners Newkirk and Woodard. Unanimously approved. D. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA- Confirmed. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: A. Ms. Audrey Ostrowsky, La Quinta resident, spoke regarding parking for the downtown area parking and utilizing the Civic Center for parking. She thought the land around the City Hall could be made into a parking lot. Parking is a serious problem and this would help development. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of October 8, 1996. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Seaton abstaining. -- B. Department Report: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Continued - Site Development Plan 96-589; a request of Starlight Estates, Inc. For compatibility review of new prototype house plans under Chapter 9.60.290 of the Zoning Code. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Commtmity Development Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if the plot plan had to be worked out between the developer and the HOA. Staff stated a few residents had met with staff and the new developer, but the plans have not been approved by the homeowners' association. Commissioner Tyler asked who would review the plotting schedule. Staff stated the plotting schedule would be reviewed by the Director as part of the plan check submittal. 3. Commissioner Butler stated his understanding was that the new Zoning Code called for a 24" box tree for compatibility projects, or that the tree size would be determined by the diameter of the tree and not the box size. Staff stated they could change the condition but the Zoning Code requirement in the compatibility section called for a 24" box tree being a minimum of ten feet tall measured from the top of the box. Discussion followed regarding tree sizes; staff stated they would continue to review the Code to determine if tree diameter sizes are required. 4. Commissioner Butler asked about Condition #4 in relation to the size of the gate. As he understood, the City Council approved a 48" gate as an acceptable size gate, but the way the condition was written it sounds as if a larger size gate could be installed. Staff clarified that the gate size was limited unless you have an enhanced sideyard; the property owner was limited to a 48-inch gate unless a 12-foot or larger sideyard is provided. In that instance a larger gate would be allowed. 5. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing. Mr. Jim Deane, applicant, addressed the Commission regarding the Findings and Conditions and asked for clarification as to whether Finding #3 was for the existing or proposed units. He understood this to mean that he could put a two story up behind a proposed single story home. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that under Section 9.60.290(I) "A two story home shall not be constructed adjacent to or abutting a lot of an existing single story home constructed in a prior phase in the same subdivision unless proof can be provided showing that the two ' story unit was proposed for the lot by the prior builder." Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that Section 9.60.300 of the Zoning Code states that, "A dwelling located next to a project or tract boundary shall be limited to one story if it abuts a existing single story dwelling across the boundary unless there is a street separating the two." This would require the Finding to be changed as there are single story homes on the north but not on the west. If Mr. Deane has never plotted the units on the west and someone builds on the west before Mr. Deane does and it is a single story, then Mr. Deane would be limited to a single story. That would be a future review and approval. The Finding is recommended to read as follows: "No two story homes shall be built next door or behind any existent single story house within the development or along the perimeter tract boundaries, where existing single story single homes have been constructed, as well as along Fred Waxing Drive." 6. Commissioner Butler asked Mr. Deane if he intended to build a circular driveway for all the Model 2-two story units. Mr. Deane stated they would be built with the circular driveway. Commissioner Butler stated that with two story houses the circular driveway calls for a lot of concrete and takes away from the tree/landscape. Mr. Deane stated he agreed and they would do their best to design it in such a way that it is usable and the least offensive as -- possible. Commissioner Butler stated the circular driveway creates the problem of three cars in the driveway and none in the garage. Mr. Deane stated this was why they designed the third car garage over to the side in addition to not taking away from the front courtyard. 7. Mr. Deane asked if the property to the north, which was located in the County and most of the properties appear to be nursery uses with the home built along Darby Road, except for the one along Adams Avenue and that home is 300 feet from the property line and it seems to restrict them from building a two story house. Staff clarified that the City makes no distinction as to the location of property in City or County. Mr. Deane questioned the restriction when the house is more than 300 feet from the property line. Staff stated that unless the property is two separate parcels and there is a vacant parcel between the two properties, a two story would not be permitted. Mr. Deane stated he wanted to voice his opposition to this as it would restrict him from building any two story houses on the northern property line. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that staff would have to make a survey to determine whether or not a two story house could be allowed. Mr. Deane stated that it he was not allowed to build two story homes on this section, it would limit his marketing plans. Community Development -- Director Jerry Herman stated that there is no provision in the Code to allow the Commission to make this change during this heating as it would require an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. In reviewing the assessor parcel book, it did appear that Mr. Deane would be allowed to build some two story homes along the north property line. 8. Commissioner Tyler thanked Mr. Deane for the colored renderings and thought they would be a welcome design for the neighborhood. His concern was with the placement of the swimming pool and air conditioning equipment in the courtyards. Mr. Deane stated that the City restrictions would govern where they would be placed. Commissioner Tyler stated his . concern was about the noise of the units. Mr. Deane stated that they were being sensitive to the property owners and, in regard to the swimming pools, not all units would have a swimming pool. Commissioner Tyler expressed his concem was that if the swimming pool was put in as an after thought, the placement of the equipment would not be thought through and could create a lot of noise in the courtyard area. Mr. Deane stated he was unable to determine who would want swimming pools and who would not. 9. Commissioner Tyler stated he was concerned about the access to the one car garage as it appeared to be awkward. 10. Commissioner Seaton stated her concern about the aesthetics of the chimney stacks. They appeared to be too large and obtrusive. Mr. Deane stated the architects rendering did not exemplify the actual size. 11. Mr. Michael Cosgrove, 78-940 Skyward Way, stated his concern was that his two story home on a comer with twO lots on either side and an empty lot _ behind. He wanted assurance that no two story house woUld be built behind his home. If a lot line adjustment created a change in the property line, he wanted to be sure only a single story house would be built behind his. Secondly, they wanted to be sure the street (Skyward Way) would remain a cul-de-sac. They did not want a road put threw. Thirdly, the landscape designs should match those that are existing. Photocell lights that come on at night should be required. In addition, the tile roofs and overhangs should also match. 12. There being no further discussion, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing. 13. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify whether the lighting was an issue for the Planning Commission or homeowners' association. Staff stated it could be added as one of the conditions. Commissioner Butler stated it should be covered in Condition #5. 14. Commissioner Tyler stated that there was nothing in the Compatibility Ordinance to prohibit the placement of two story houses next to the two story house. 15. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the way the lots are configured there is another lot that has a one story that also abuts the lot behind Mr. Cosgrove so because there is an existing one story abutting the vacant lot it would be limited to a single story house. "- 16. Chairman Abels asked staff to clarify how the photocell lighting would be required. Staff stated it would need to be added to the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Deane stated that they plan to install lights, but did not intend them to be solar powered. Staff stated they did not need to be solar powered, but photocell. He also clarified that they had no intention of building any two story units in the vicinity of Mr. Cosgrove's house. 17. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 96-037 approving Site Development Plan 96-589, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval, as modified requiring Condition #5 to require photocell lightings and modification to Finding #3. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS SESSION: A. Temporary Use Permit 96-134; a request of TD Desert Development for approval of a three day golf tournament event (Skins Game) and sign program on November 29- December 1, 1996. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development -- Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if all of Desert Club was to have no parking for everyone or just the tournament attendees. Staff stated the original idea was to prohibit parking on, and south of, Sagebrush for the duration of the event. However, it is difficult to prevent a property owners on Sagebrush from parking in front of his own home. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the intent was to discourage the tournament attendees from parking on this street as there are no curbs and the residents do use these streets. It will become an enforcement problem. Discussion followed as to parking problems on these streets. 3. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated the applicant would be informing the property owners of the event. Staff does require this of all applicants. This event is more internal and it is more convenient to enter the project from the south side, but staff has conditioned the applicant to notify the residents. 4. Chairman Abels asked if parking would be allowed on the west side of Washington Street or would it be posted. Staff stated it should be posted. Commissioner Tyler stated it is akeady a no parking zone. It is not posted on -- the east side. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Gene McCaulliff, representing the applicant, gave the background of the event and explained the proposed parking to accommodate the event. He then introduced Mr. Steve Storm, the coordinator for the Dinah Shore Golf Tournament and will be assisting for the Skins Game. Mr. Storm stated that in regards to the no parking on Sagebrush, with the recommendation of the Sheriff's Department they would be posting only that side opposite of the homeowners. In addition, they will post Washington Street. They too were concerned about the parking as they wanted everyone to have a good experience; therefore, they were working to accommodate all the concerns. His one concern was with the temporary road signs, in particular the signs in the right-of-way that cannot be any larger than six square feet which is rather small for directional road signs. They would like to have a variance to this requirement for their larger signs, as the will be in Wednesday to Sunday only. If they are too small, drivers slow down and cause problems with traffic flow. 6. Commissioner Gardner asked if it was the City or the applicant to install the signs. Mr. Storm stated he works jointly with the Sheriffs Department and they generally will post the no parking signs, if not, their staff would do this. Commissioner Gardner questioned the size of the signs requested. Mr. Storm stated he understood that the sign ordinance had just changed the size and he was concerned that it would be too small. Community Development Director Jerry Herman quoted the Code requirements and stated there are no provisions for sign deviations. Mr. McCaulliff stated that it was his understanding that at the other tournaments the signs were larger. Staff stated that if the signs were placed back on private property, they would be able to have a sign 12 square feet. Mr. McCaulliff asked if they were able to contact the property owners, staff stated they had no problem with this. Discussion followed as to possible alternatives. 7. Commissioner Tyler asked Mr. McCaulliff what his plans were regarding access to the event from the City streets and other areas. Mr. McCaulliff stated that through Sagebrush Avenue will be the general admission parking or the majority of the parking. Through the Rancho La Quinta main gate, official vehicles only, besides the homeowners and guests of homeowners. Through the Adams Street gate, vendors, exhibitors, and patron/valet parking only. Beyond Adams Street and going down 48th Avenue, would be the volunteers, television crews, and the media and guests. They feel pretty confident with the staff they have hired that they will be able to handle the crowd. Commissioner Tyler asked if the local pedestrians arriving would be given entrance through one of the gates. Mr. McCaulliff stated that if they had a ticket they would be admitted. He went on to explain the course play and how the traffic would be handled including the television crews. 8. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 96-038 approving Temporary Use Permit 96-134 for the Skins Game by TD Desert Development, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Chairman Abels discussed the Notice of Public Heatings with staff. Staff clarified the notices. B. Community Development Director informed the Commission that the Recreation Vehicles Amendments would be before the Commission on November 26, 1996. It would then go to the Council on December 17, 1996. C. Chairman Abels reminded the Commissioners of the Historical Preservation Commission Workshop on November 2, 1996. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of October 15, 1996. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission at to a meeting on November 12, 1996. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. on October 22, 1966.