PCMIN 11 12 1996 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
· 78-495 Calle Tampico, CA
November 12, 1996 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by
Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Seaton to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Newkirk,
Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Abels.
C. Chairman Abels moved to excuse Commissioner Gardner. Commissioner Butler
seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.
-- D. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of October 22,
1996. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 4, Item 11 be changes to reflect that it
was a two story home. Item 14 also be noted as a two story house. Item 16 be
amended to read "...Staff stated they did not need to be solar powered, but .... ". Page
6, Item 8 the motion was seconded by Commissioner Tyler. Item VII.B. the date
should be November 26, 1996. There being no further corrections, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved.
-- B. Department Report: None
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 12, ! 996
A. Municipal Code Amendment 96-051, Subdivision Ordinance; a request of the City
for approval of amendments to the La Quinta Municipal Code by revising Title 13
(Subdivision Regulations) relating to various Chapters.
1. Chairman Abels stated that staff had requested the issue be continued.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Newkirk to continue this item to November 26, 1996. Unanimously
B. California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines: City of La Quinta; a request of the
City for approval of revised CEQA Guidelines for the City of La Quitna in
compliance with State requirements concerning environmental procedures.
1. Chairman Abels stated that staff had requested the issue be continued.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Tyler/Seaton to continue this item to January 28, 1997. Unanimously
C. Environmental Assessment 96-328, Specific Plan 96-028. Conditional Use Permit
96-029, Tentative Parcel Map 28422. and Site Development Permit 96-590; a request
of Lapis Energy Corporation for Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration
of environmental impact for Environmental Assessment 96-328, and approval of a
specific plan and conditional use permit to allow construction of a multi-use facility
incorporating 1) a dedicated CNG fueling station for DSUSD operations; 2) a 61,350
square foot self-storage warehouse complex, which includes a 2,000 square foot
manager unit; 3) an 11,064 square foot auto service/repair center; and 4) a 2,500
square foot convenience store/service station, which includes a 500 square foot take-
out food (pizza) restaurant, all to be built on 10.29 gross acres.
1. Chairman Abels opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Wallace
Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff presented
changes to the Tentative Parcel Map Conditions #1, #11, #36.A., 36.B.2.; the
Site Development Plan Conditions #2, #8, #41.A., and 41.B.2., and add a new
Condition #59.
2. Commissioner Woodard asked what materials were to be used on the base of
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November 12, 1996
the fuel service station on the north elevation. Staff stated it was stucco.
3. ' Commissioner Butler stated he thought the Desert Sands facility had received
permission to have their own fueling site. Community Development Director
Jerry Herman stated that they had received approval for a diesel fueling
station. He went on to state that they were in the process of converting their
buses to the CNG fuel and this company had been contracted with to provide
the fuel. The District was currently not converting all their buses, so the
diesel fuel will be there until changed over.
4. Commissioner Butler asked if the CNG fuel would be open to the public.
Staff referred this question to the applicant.
5. Mr. Dale Leopard, speaking on behalf of the applicant, gave a history of
Lapis Energy. He stated they had begun working with DSUSD in 1989 to
help them reduce their energy costs. This lead them into the alternative fuel
market. Since that time Sunline, Waste Management, and other agencies
have initiated a program using CNG fuel, The center will offer unleaded fuel
as well. Part of the center will have program to educate students and the
general public, to understand the importance of clean air fuel to protect the
environment. The CNG fueling station will be located at the rear (southern)
end of the site to be used for fueling agency vehicles. This installation has
helped the District to eliminate a large portion of their costs by contracting
with them to provide the alternative fuel.
5. Commissioner Woodard asked Mr. Leopard to explain the education program
in the Mini-mart. Mr. Leopard explained that a "pizza room" would be
dedicated to educational materials such as posters, video games, and video
pamphlets on clean air and alternative gas vehicles.
6. Commissioner Butler asked if the fueling station would open to the public.
Mr. Leopard stated their intention was to serve the public as well. The
architect pointed out that the pumps located at the rear of the project are the
CNG pumps. Mr. Leopard stated that the islands would be interchangeable
as the need grows.
7. Commissioner Butler asked if the retail business was an afterthought that
occurred since they were required to buy the entire site. Mr. Leopard stated
that during negotiations, the additional retail needs become apparent. This
-- was in addition to the existing services that were needed to support the
School District, such as the service centers.
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November 12, 1996
8. Commissioner Newkirk asked if the developer was planning to develop all
· four parcels and if so, how would they be phased. Mr. Leopard stated that the
School District's fueling needs would be constructed first and the remainder
over a short period of time. The storage site is currently being negotiated and
they anticipate the overall project to be built out over a year.
9. Commissioner Tyler asked how long it would take to have the service station
operational. Mr. Leopard stated their agreement with the District was to be
operational when the District opened - March 1, 1997. Their own target was
for September 1, 1997.
10. Chairman Abels asked if this was to be the only commercial site. Mr.
Leopard stated they were also looking at Cathedral City and Palm Springs.
They are committed to installing three sites according to their agreement
with Sunline Transit and the Department of Energy.
11. Chairman Abels asked if the tanks were to be installed underground. Mr.
Leopard explained that the CNG comes from the gas line and is stored in a
vessel and from there pumped into the users car. Chairman Abels asked how
long it would take to install the CNG cylinders. Mr. Leopard stated it would
take about three weeks.
12. Commissioner Seaton asked if the hydrogen fuel cell and the CNG fuel
would become competitive. Mr. Leopard stated they are working to not be
competitive, but a source of alternative fuels.
13. Commissioner Woodard asked if there were any structures on the rear of the
property. Mr. Leopard stated there were none. Commissioner Woodard
asked if a partnership had been formed for the storage center. Mr. Leopard
stated they do not have any at present, but are talking with two companies.
14. Chairman Abels asked if there was any noise associated with services to be
provided. Mr. Leopard stated very little.
15. Mr. Greg Shannon, representing the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, stated
the Chamber wanted to express their concern with the project as it is
presented. They understand and agree that the CNG station for the School
District is needed, but this project should be located off Highway 111
frontage. Business owners and residents have expressed their objection to the
project at this site as it as "virgin ground" and they believe this area should
be a producer of sales tax for the City. This project, as proposed, will not
produce revenue for the City. When the Palm Desert Town Center was
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November 12, 1996
constructed, one of their conditions was to have the City condemn the gas
station at the comer. The Chamber has spoken with representatives of USA
· Homes and others who express the same feeling that a gas station would be
detrimental to their selling purposes. In regards to the architecture, the
Chamber is still hoping the City will adopt a uniform architecture style for
Highway 111, that will become ~the La Quinta image.
16. Commissioner Woodard asked staff what the revenue uses were for this site.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City had not
required a sales tax analysis. Commissioner Woodard asked staff if the
Chamber's statement regarding the project's tax producing revenue was
correct. Staff clarified that this was not an issue that the Planning
Commission reviews.
17. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public
hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
18. Commissioner Tyler stated that when the. School District facility was
approved by the City, it became apparent that a development would be
needed to supply the services they would require. This appears to be an
opportunity to meet some of those needs and it appears that an RV storage
facility is needed by the City. This facility does appear to address the needs
of La Quinta. No one may want a gas station in their backyard, but as La
Quinta currently only has two stations, the service is needed. Commissioner
Tyler stated his concern with the circulation pattern coming off Dune Palms
Road. In addition, he agreed that the architectural features were lacking
detail, especially on the storage center along the Dune Palms Road frontage.
The complex will be too stark as you travel down Dune Palms Road.
19. Commissioner Newkirk stated he was pro-business and strongly supported
good businesses coming into La Quinta, but the architectural design of this
project is less than what the City expects, especially for Highway 111. The
mini storage takes too much of the space on the site and other retail uses
would be a better use of the land. The main service is the fueling station for
the School District. He agrees with the Chamber's comments.
20. Commissioner Butler stated that he concurred with the other Commissioners
on what is wanted for La Quinta and he commended the applicant for
bringing the project to the City. However, he too believes this is not the
appropriate site even though the service is needed. He would like to ask for
a continuance to see what the applicant could do to bring other uses to the site
in conjunction with the gas stations. The Highway 111 Corridor image is
important to the City as well as the tax base revenues to be generated. He
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asked staff if two gas stations had been approved for Highway 111. Staff
clarified that there was only one. Commissioner Butler stated there needs to
' be a better use of the land.
21. Commissioner Woodard stated he was impressed with Mr. Shannon's
comments. He understood that the narrow dimensions of the site make it
difficult for any other uses and even if the Commission asks the applicant to
come back with alternative land uses, it will be difficult for him to do so.
The Planning Commissioner when reviewing this project, has to speak not
only as a Commissioner, but also as a member of the Design Review Board.
He would also recommend a continuance, but the applicant should clearly
understand why. On the first parcel, the use is for gas station.
Architecturally, the building is under designed. The roof silloute needs to be
redesigned. There needs to be alternative styles of architecture throughout
the city and service buildings needs a lot of help. Commissioner Woodard
asked if the trellis on the mini-mart was wood or metal. The applicant stated
it would be metal and painted. Commissioner Woodard stated that on the
Lube and Tune site, there is a problem with the site plan in that the pedestrian
parking is too far from the shops. On the Lube and Tune building there was
a weakess with the window openings being too thin and too inappropriate.
The storage building has no indentation from the first floor and second floor.
The upper functions are oversized which caused a rectangular bulidng, which
is not acceptable. He has seen storage buildings designed as everything from
a church to a cabana. He is very opposed to the "wall of China". The
setbacks have to be increased and some type of relie'f given. He would hope
that the applicant would relook at the project in a way that it would be an
asset to the comunity
22. Commissioner Seaton stated her concerned about the elimination of parking
spaces and being able to meet the requirement for 50% shading. Also, the
trafic flow in and out of the first three phases and the overall impact of traffic
on Dune Palms Road. The managers residents is very obtrusive and does not
fit. The storage Center need something different on the architcture design.
23. Chairman Abels stated he were not against the project, but just the way it was
designed. If the Planning Commission approved the fueling station site,
would the applicant redesign the remainder of the project? Mr. Leopard
stated they would be willing to do this, but one of the keys to the success of
this project is what the front portion of the site brings to in to make it
economically viable. The public site supports the fueling site.
24. Chairman Abels stated that the Commission would like to se these concerns
addressed before approving the project. Mr. Leopard stated they would be
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able to make the desired revisions and be ready for the December 10th
Planning Commission meeting. Staff stated that with the holidays, staff will
· need the applicant's revisions by November 25th. Mr. Leopard stated they
would prefer to continue the project to the January 14, 1997 meeting.
25. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by.
Commissioners Butler/Woodard to continue Environmental Assessment 96-
328, Specific Plan 96-028, Conditional Use'Permit 96-029, Tentative Parcel
Map 28422, and Site Development Permit 96-590 to the Planning
Commission meeting of to January 14, 1997. Unanimously approved.
A. Temporary. Use Permit 96-133; a request of Diners Club for approval of a six day
golf tournament event (Diners Club Matches) temporary trailer, and sign program on
December 10-15, 1996.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. There being no questions of staff or the applicant, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Tyler/Newkirk to adopt Minute Motion 96-039 approving
Temporary Use Permit 96-133 for the Diners Club Matches, subject to the
Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Abels discussed the public hearing notices that the Planning Commission
had received and asked staff if the revisions to the Recreational Vehicle regulations
could be first on the agenda.
A. Chairman Abels noted that an appointment from the Planning Commission was
needed to serve on the General Plan Update Selection Committee. Chairman Abels
volunteered to serve and appointed Commissioners Tyler and Woodard to serve as
alternatives. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Seaton to appoint Chairman Abels as the Planning
Commission General Plan Update Selection Committee member with
Commissioners Butler and Woodard as alternates. Unanimously approved.
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B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Seaton to cancel the Planning
Commission meeting of December 24, 1996.
C. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of November 5, 1996.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning commission at to a meeting on November 26, 1996.
This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. on November 12, 1966.
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