SMITH10 0 is T4tyl 4 4a 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, i iiiiii 76 i ilii ilii CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7050 FAX (619) 777-7011 1 APPLICATION FOR I I1 J Fee$35.00 HOME OCCUPATION OF A BUSINESS SEP p, 19961 Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the pro ed activi-f—y complies with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. APPLICANT NAMES (List all owners, partners and/or corporation officers) -S f+� 5M PROPERTY ADDRESS561790 N3 Efa t DA MVk-Oi3fO PHONE 6_20q D1_04o- BUSINESS NAME S +--� S � k_V-1-A- z A <_ I PROPERTY OWNER ? I G MAILING ADDRESS (if different from business address) TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.) .5% Q 4::. Lt TYP & TYP E OF BUSINESS SaCl 040 01E ffA-4jo k'u-ni (zkFu_--S 4 SHCI-�u_ds BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE �:) ( Q �4 .;-.NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED S 4PILA-) ti S NA t -71+ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (exclude 9,-taqe,) LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY 114. nmr-, 1,03mm pie, "bedroom - 125 sq. Ft.) 100 D�--�.OAIPTIOI OPERATION. � blz MACHINERY, -,EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING MAILING ADDRESS K0.-�,BOX 1504 A QU:NTA, CALIFORNIA 9225.-1 I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (conditions attached). ; • Date 941,2 ,2 Applic nt's Signature IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY .OWNER, RENTAL/L ASING AGE T IS REQUIRED. 2 W. ®R caner/Agent Signature AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER. OR Date Date Agent Company Name Agent/Owner Contact Phone # IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR HOME OCCUPATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. APPR VE DENIED SPECIAL CONDITIONS ATTACHED BY: I . D. # DATE Owl countera 0 HOME OCCUPATION CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: 1. No one other than the resident of the dwelling shall be employed on the premises in the conduct of the Home Occupation. 2. The Home Occupation shall be conducted entirely within.the enclosed area of the main building & shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the total area of the structure. 3. A Home Occupation shall not be conducted within an accessory structure. There may be storage of equipment or supplies in an accessory structure. Garage space may be used for the conduct of a Home Occupation only when it does not interfere with the use of such space for the off-street parking of vehicles required by Chapter 9.160 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment, machinery, supplies, materials, or merchandise. 5. There shall be no sales activity, either wholesale or retail, except mail order sales, nor shall there be the maintenance of an office open to the general public. 6. There shall be no supply of hazardous materials stored on the premises at any given time (i.e. pool, chlorine, paint thinner, etc.) Unless the hazardous materials are stored in a.manner approved by the State Fire Marshall or any other regulating agency. 7. There shall be no dispatching of persons or equipment to or from the subject property, including the use of • vehicles which operate to and. from the premises. 8. No vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental to residential use shall be parked at the residence at any time. 9. There shall be no use of any mechanical equipment, appliance, or motor outside of the enclosed building or which generated noise detectable from outside the building.in which it is located that is related to the business. 10. There shall be no signs or other devices identifying or advertising the home occupation. 11. In no way shall the appearance of the building or lot be so altered, or the home occupation be so conducted, that the lot or building may be reasonably recognized as serving a non-residential use (either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations, etc.) 12. No Home Occupation shall create a'nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference, traffic, or other causes. 13. The use shall meet reasonable special conditions as established and made of record in the Home Occupation Permit, as may be deemed necessary to carry out'the intent of this Section. 14. Listed below are special conditions which shall be considered a part of the conditions and criteria directly related to this application and permit. • WORKER'S COMPENSATION • If your company has employees, a copy of the workman's compensation policy must accompany the business license application, indicating dates of coverage and dollar amount. This proof of coverage must be received before the business license can be processed. your company has employees, a copy of the workman's If you do not have employees, please check the last line on the first page: "1 certify that .....". If your business is being operated from your home in La Quinta, a Home Occupation Permit is required before a business license is used. If you have any questions, please contact the Code Compliance Division at 777-7050. Every employer who applies for any license or a renewal of any license for a business issued pursuant to Section 37101 of the Government Code or Section 7284 of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall complete and sign a declaration that states the following: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for worker's compensation, as provided by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for • which this license is issued. I have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for which this license is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number: Carrier: Policy Number: A "COPY' OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND EXPIRATION DATE FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION IS REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. I certify that in the performance of any business activities for which this license is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become .subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700, 1 will provide the City with a policy or certificate copy within ten (10) days of the change in requirements. Date: 9 Applicant: WARNING: Failure to secure worker's compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an • employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000. In addition to the cost of compensation, damages, interest, and attorney's fees may be assessed to you as provided in Section 3706 of the Labor Code. ON rEi O cc LL LU Q = Lo LU a O U = Certificate .No: 9330 = State of California = - amf j�wir artQ•rinr ;. Department of Justice _ CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY ' . = Issued to: = = Shawn Kevin Smith . = This is to certify that the Department of Justice has completed its records check. As of the date of issue, there is nothing that would prohibit the above named individual from acquiring or - possessing firearms. This certificate is not valid for more than one year from the date of issue. = Date of Issue: June. 13, 1996 Expiration Date: June 13, 1997 = Signature of Issuing Officer:Rim = e------ ON rEi O cc LL LU Q = Lo LU a O U DISPLAY CONSPICUOUSLY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR WHICH ISSUED CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SELLER'S PERMIT ACCOUNTNUMBER 10/1/1996 SR EHC 99962847 SHAWN KEVIN SMITH 53790 AVENIDA MADERO L LA QUINTA, CA 92253 J IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO SALES AND USE TAX LAW TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION BT -44244 -LZ REV. 12 (8-95) THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORZE THE HQIDER Til ENGAGE IN ANY BUSINESS CONTRARY TO LAWS REGULATING THAT BUSINESS OR TO POSSESS OR OPERATE ANY ILLEGAL DEVICE Not valid at any other address THIS PERMIT IS VALID UNTIL REVOKED OR CANCELED BUT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE IF YOU SELL YOUR BUSINE88, OR DROP OUT OF A PARTNERSHIP, NOTIFY US OR YOU COULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SALES AND USE TAXES OWED BY THE NEW OPERATOR OF THE BUSINESS. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS INFORMATION FURNISHED TO THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Information Practices Act of 1977 requires this agency to provide the followingg notice to individual taxpayers who are asked by the State Board of Equalization to supply inforrmatiorl: The principal purpose for which the requested information will be used is to administer the Ca6lDrria Sales and Use Tax Laws, Special Taxes Laws, or Timber Yield Taos Laws. This includes the determination and wWcbon of the correct amount of tax. As an individual taxpayer, you have the right of am= to persons inlDrnation about you in records maintained by the Board of Equalization. Please contact your local Board office listed in the while ;epee for assistance.. B the local Board office is unable:to provide the information sought, you may also contact the Registration Unit in Sacramento at (916) 324.2397. The Board officials responsible for maintaining this information. am Sales and Use Taos, Deputy Director. Sales and Use Tax. Department, 450 N Street, MIC -4,% Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone (916) 445-1441; Excise Tax, Fuel Tax and Environmental . Fee Tax, Deputy Director, Special Taxse and Operations Deparimen% 450 N Street, MI1=1, Saaame % CA 95814, telephone: (916) 445-9356; Timber Yield Tax. Deputy Director, Property Taxes Department, 450 N Street, MIC:63, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone (916) 445-1516. If the Deputy Director is unable b provide the information sought you may also contact the Information Security Office in Sac ranw to, telepllorro (916) 324-1927. The California Reverim and. Teratism Cade,, Parts 1, 1.5 and 1.6 (Stale Sales and Use Tax). 2 (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax), 3 (Use Fuel Tax), 7 (Taxi on, Insurers),.. 13 (Ciperletle and Tobacco Products Taxy 14 (Alcoholic Beverage Tax), 18.5 (Timber Yield Tax), 19:. (Energy Resources -Surcharge). 20 (Emergericy Telephone Users Surcharge), 22 (Hazardous Substances Tax Law), 23 (Sotid`- Waste Disposal Sites"Cbwiup I and Maintenance Fee Law), 24 (Oil Spill Respona% Prevention and Administration Fees), and 25: (Underground Slorage Taif iMalntenence Fee Law), and Part 31 (Diesel Fuel Tax); Government Code, Tette 7.3; Chapter. 6 (Tis Recycling Feey; Publid Resources Code; Div. 30, Part 7, Chapler 4 (Oil Recycling Fee); Health and Safety Code, Div. 1, Part 1, Chapter 2. Article 4.6 (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Fee); and Chapter 1 of the Public Utilities Code (Hazardous Spin Prevention Fee) require persom meeting certain requirements to file applications; for registration, app icatiorls for Permits or licensee, and tax rectums or reports in such form as prescribed by the State Board of Equalization. . It is mandatory that you furnish all of the required information requested by applications for regiatratiorT. appkaticne for permits or licensee, tax raturns and other related data. Failure to provide all of the required informabon requested by an application for a permit or license could result in your not being issued a permit or license. In addition, the law provides penalties for failure to file a return, failure tD furnish specific information required, Wm to supply information required by law or regulations, or for AaTastung fraudulent information. Pursuant to California law, the information appea ft on the face of any permit or license issued by the Board is a public tecorld. Information you fumish to this agency may be used for the purpose of collecting any outstanding tax liability and may be given to federal, state, and local govemment agencies as authorized by law. COPIn4MMIMM ORIGINALS 9-19-96 �,� • DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS -- LICENSE (18 U.S.C. Chapter 44) In accordance with the provisions -66i -Title' I, Gun Control Act of 1968, and the regulations, Issued thereunder (27 CFR Part 178), you are licensed to engage in the business specified in this license, within the limitations of Chapter 44, Title 18, United States Code, and the regulations issued thereunder, until the expiration date shown. See "WARNINGS" and "NOTICE" on reverse. CHIEF, F 8 E LICENSING CENTER NUMBER 9-33-033-01-9K-40506 DIRECT ATFNDE BATF, P * 0• BOX 2994f _ NUMBER CORRESPONDENCE TO ATLANTA# GA 30301•-2994: EXPIRATION • OCTOBER 1• 1999 NAMELICENSED PREMISES: 5379{!. MA6ERO ' SMITHS SHAWN K LA.01)INTAi CA 92253 WK0F 01 — DEALER IN FIREARMS OTHER THAN DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES LICENSE LICENSING CENTER � . t PURCHASING CERTIFICATION LICENSEE: MAILING ADORESS I certify that this is a true copy of a license SMITH• • SHAWN K Issued t me to n a the bu ess specified. 53790 i MADERO LA DUINTAv CA (S NATURE OF LICENSEE) 92253 The licensee named herein shall use a reproduction of this license to assist a transferor of firearms to verify the Identity and the licensed status of the licensee as provided in 27 CFR Part 178. The sl nature on each reproduction must be an ORIGINAL signature. ATF FORM 8 (5310.11) (6/91) PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE t fY O /i O cc LL W Q U) W_ E 0 U