PCMIN 02 25 1997 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall' 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California February 25, 1997 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:09 P.M. bY Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Woodard to lead the flag salute B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Abels. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to excuse Commissioner Seaton. Unanimously approved. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA- A. Staff requested that the approval of the Minutes of February 11, 1997, be deleted from the agenda. The agenda was confirmed as modified. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of January 28, 1997. Commissioner Tyler asked that the Minutes be amended on Page 5, Item #16 to state "...24-inches..."; Page 6, Item #21 be reworded to state, "Commissioner Tyler explained that as an example..." and "This was a way to allow relief to future developers." There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: None PC2-25-97 I Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. SITE DEVELOPMENT 97-600; a request for approval of architectural plans for "The Palisades" a series of three floor plans from 1,800 to 2,591 sq. ft., and "South Shores" a series of two floor plans of 2,574 and 2,600 square feet for construction in Lake La Quinta. 1. Chairman Abels oPened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff informed the Commission that five additional elevations had been received from the applicant and were available for Commission review. Commissioners asked to see the elevations. 2. Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to indicate the location of the eleven lots being discussed, which lots were vacant, and if the applicant had to come back to the Commission for the next phase. Staff showed the eleven lots on the site plan and stated the next phase would be reviewed by staff unless the Commission requires it to come back. - 3. Mr. Chris Canaday, the applicant, stated they had worked very closely with the current owners to stay consistent with the design of the existing houses. All plans had been approved by the Lake La Quinta Architectural Control Committee. They are in agreement with the Conditions of Approval with the exception of Condition #7, regarding the setbacks on the detached guest suite. He would request that this condition be eliminated or at least modified for the following reasons: a. Guest suits that are flush with the garage are consistent with the existing homes; b. If the goal is to vary the setbacks with the home and guest suite, they can do this by moving the house and guest suite forward or back from the neighboring house; c. Their goal is to maintain an eight foot private courtyard area between the guest suite and main house and keep the rear yard as large as possible; having the guest house off-set three to five feet requires them to move the house forward or back three feet which impacts the backyard. 4. Commissioner Butler asked if the guest suite complies with the frontyard setback. Mr. Canaday stated they do not extent into the frontyard setbacks. PC2-25-97 2 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 5. Commissioner Woodard stated he appreciated their desire to maximize the rear yard, but the streetscape is then unattractive. Why is the eight feet important7 Mr. Canaday stated the eight feet was needed to have a minimum amount of space to let light into the main house and to have a private area for sunning or whatever. Their plans are to stagger the setbacks on the houses from lot to lot so each house would not be exactly 20-feet. The difficulty is in the guest houses in that they cannot plan which setback to use. The Lake La Quinta community has a history of every unit being flush to the street. Commissioner Woodard stated that if the houses were moved to have less backyard, the guest house could be kept. Mr. Canaday stated this was tree, but certain lots do not have the depth to allow this. Commissioner Woodard asked which lots would be affected. Mr. Canaday stated that as the guest houses are optional, it was not possible to determine which houses would be restricted due to the rear yard, until they are purchased. Commissioner Woodard stated that he would not object to one or two, but several would be objeetional. Mr. Canaday stated the bigger concern was on the Plan 3 or the off-water plan. They would request that these plans for the units on the water have a variance to allow a 2-foot minimum. Plan 3 (Cambia), the off-water units, could be flush if the lot constraint did not allow them to offset. Commissioner Woodard asked if they were plotting the units before they were purchased. Mr. Canaday stated they preplotted the initial 11 lots, but the guest suites are an option. Commissioner Woodard clarified that the on- water lots are able to accommodate the guest suites without any changes. Discussion followed regarding the location of the proposed 11 lots. Mr. Canaday stated that only Lots 48 and 102 would have the Plan 3 which has the guest suite as an option. Commissioner Woodard asked if the remaining lots on Via Florence would have the guest house option in this phase. Mr. Canaday stated this was true. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern about the elevations and the plotting, and he would like to know how many of the units would be flush. Following discussion, it was determined that 20% would be allowed the flush face. 8. Commissioner Tyler asked if the homeowners association (HOA) had addressed the issue of the guest house off-sets. Mr. Canaday stated they had not proposed the situation to the HOA. He then apologized for bringing the guest suites plans for the on-water units to the Commission so late, but it was their understanding that the guest suites could be approved by staff. All units that had been approved by the HOA in the past had been flush and if they were approved in the past, it was their understanding they would approve -- these plans. PC2-25-97 3 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 9. Commissioner Tyler asked if these units had been built anywhere else in the Lake La Quinta. Mr. Canaday stated no they were specifically designed to maximize the views toward the mountains. 10. Commissioner Woodard asked that the plans submitted at this meeting be clarified as to which ones have the flush condition and which ones have the setback problems. Mr. Canaday stated that Lot 112 has enough room in the backyard to meet the setback. There are only certain lots which have the setback problem. 11. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing. 12. Commissioner Woodard asked that the plans for Lot 112 be required to drop the setback from 13-feet to the 8-feet minimum to not have a flush situation between the face of the garage and the face of the guest suite along the street. The plan on Lot 72 is asking for a 1 O-foot rear yard setback which makes it a front-loaded house and the main room of the house, which is the master bedroom/garage faces the rear yard. 13. Mr. Canaday stated that the courtyard home is designed to accommodate the lot configurations. The creation of the Plan 1 (courtyard) is to eliminate the negative problem of the five foot berm in the rear and put the view and use to the front. The courtyard home was designed to accommodate certain lot configurations. In order to accommodate this, the house had been turned to have the master bedroom off the pool/spa area. This is also true of the homes off of Adams Street. The idea is to have the main rooms face onto the pool/spa area in the front. Commissioner Woodard explained that it would be better to have the family room/kitchen off the courtyard area to be more usable. 14. Commissioner Butler stated he did not totally concur with having the Commission dictate to the developer how he should lay out his interior design; it should be a market demand issue. Commissioner Newkirk agreed. 15. Commissioner Tyler stated he concurred with Mr. Butler. He asked staff if the size of the trees was to be predetermined as the conditions were again requiring 24-inch box trees, but the diameter size of the trees is not stated. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the condition would be changed to reflect the diameter size of the tree. PC2-25-97 4 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 16. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify whether or not the change to the Zoning Ordinance regarding ten foot setbacks, would affect this tract. Staff stated it would depend on when they pulled their building permit. After the recent Zoning Code Amendments become effective, this tract will be able to provide a ten foot rear setback. 17. Commissioner Tyler asked if the developer intended to use the existing curbs cuts. Mr. Canaday stated they intended to use them whenever they could. Commissioner Tyler suggested that the cuts that are not used be filled in. Mr. Canaday stated that until the furore homes are plotted, it will not be known which cuts can be used. However, to replace the cuts with curbs is very expensive. Commissioner Tyler stated it is an awkward situation. Mr. Canaday stated that if there is a driveway cut they do not use, they will repair it. 18. Commissioner Woodard asked if the guest suite elevations for the Plan 4 and 5 had been submitted to the HOA. Mr. Canaday stated they had not, but Plan 3 had. As the guest suite is interchangeable on all the floor plans he did not see the need to submit all the plans. 19. Commissioner Woodard asked if the Commission could approve something that the HOA had not seen. Staff stated the HOA approvals have no bearing on City approvals. 20. Commissioner Tyler asked that paragraph one of the Resolution be amended to refer to several lots. Condition 1 in the Conditions of Approval refer to the square footage of the basic house, but does not include the guest house. Staff stated it does on the Cambria Plan from the Palisades series, but not the La Jolla or Malibu from the South Shore series. Commissioner Tyler asked if the landscaping being required was for the frontyard only. Staff stated the frontyard is the only area required to be landscaped. 21. Commissioner Woodard asked if the guest suite elevation plans that had been received superceeded the plans received earlier. Mr. Canaday explained why the guest suite floor plan was laid out so the bathroom and closet would be on the street side of the house to buffer any noise. Commissioner Woodard stated that a blank wall facing the street is unacceptable for Plan 3. He would recommend that this elevation be revised. Mr. Canaday stated that the blank wall is to buffer the room from the street. After it is landscaped the plant -- materials will reduce the effect. Commissioner Woodard stated that the guest suite needs to be treated in such a way that it is an asset to the streetscape. PC2-25-97 5 Planning Commission Meeting _ February 25, 1997 22. There being no further comment it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-013 approving Site Development Permit 96-600 for new prototypes for Tract 26152, subject to findings and cdnditions, as attached and amended as follows: a. Condition # 1 - amend to add the square footage of the guest house. b. Condition #3 - would be amended to include the diameter size of the trees and final landscaping. c. Condition #7 - add a sentence stating the applicant could have 20% of the units may have guest houses flush with house. d. Condition # 10 - existing driveway curb cuts that are not used are to be replaced. e. Commissioner Woodard asked that the distance between the guest house and residence for Lot 112 be reduced from 13 to 8 feet. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Seaton. ABSTAIN: None. B. Site Development Permit 96-601; a request for approval of architectural plans for a single family residential trait containing 3,200 square foot in Lake La Quinta. 1. Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Billy Watson explained his proposed house plans. 3. There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed and opened for Commission discussion. 4. Commissioner Tyler stated he felt the design was an excellent plan for the site, but wanted the diameter of the tree size to be specified. 5. Commissioners Newkirk, Gardner, and Butler all agreed that the plan was compatible. PC2-25-97 6 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Newkirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-014 approving Site Development Permit 97-601, with the addition of the diameter size of the trees. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, Tyler, Woodard, and ChairmanAbels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Seaton. ABSTAIN: None. Chairman Abels recessed for the meeting at 8:10 and reconvened at 8:15 p.m. · C. Tentative Tract ?8498 and g. nviro~mental Assessment 97-336; a request of TD Desert Development (Rancho La Quinta Country Club) for approval of a subdivision of 98 residential lots with public streets into 96 residential lots with private streets and access to Rancho La Quinta. 1. Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff noted that correspondence had been received from Coachella Valley Water District asking that the heating be continued. Staff, along with the City Attorney, had determined that the Commission could take action on the conditions regarding drainage as Condition #26 does indicate that the applicant may drain to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel provided CVWD approves. Therefore the issue raised by CVWD has been addressed in the conditions. 2. Commissioner Woodard asked about the transition of a public to a private street on Sagebrush. Staff stated that from the inside of the gate to the east, it would be private streets. The gate was to be a card-gated entry with some landscaping. Staff clarified that the main entrance was off Washington Street. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked why the applicant was being required to submit AutoCAD plans. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that staff was trying to require all plans to be submitted on the AutoCAD system to keep the Department systematic and reduce their hard copy files. However, they will accept a scanned image. -- 4. Commissioner Tyler asked staff if the existing locked gate on Via Melodia ~ going into Parc La Quinta, would remain. Staff stated it would remain and ~ clarified that since the utilities were already in the road it would make it difficult to remove the gate and road. PC2-25-97 7 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 5. Commissioner Woodard asked who was going to maintain the gate. Staff clarified it was an emergency gate. Commissioner Woodard asked if the road could be removed and the land given to the property owner. Staff clarified it was a private road and it was up to Rancho La Quinta. · 6. Commissioner Gardner asked for clarification of where the emergency gate was located. Staff explained the history of the emergency gates and stated the issue was whether or not to eliminate the gate leading into Parc La Quinta. It would cost more money to remove the gate than to allow the adjoining propety owners to utilize the area for additional parking and have the homeowners' association maintain it. Discussion followed regarding the access. 7. Commissioner Gardner asked what provisions had been made to accommodate the potential increase in traffic. Staff.stated that when the original tract was designed, Sagebrush Avenue was the only entrance. Now the tract is being combined with Rancho La Quinta and there would be a total of three accesses including the emergency access. Staff explained the location of the three accesses and discussion followed as to the circulation and traffic concerns. Commissioner Gardner stated that with the increase in traffic, he believed the developer should pay more than the 25% proportional share of the cost of installing the signal at Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue. Staff explained the cost distribution of the signalization. 8. Commissioner Woodard asked if the house plans for this tract had already been approved and if so was there any restrictions on the house plotting. Staff stated the plans had been approved and the applicant is able to submit revisions to staff. Commissioner Woodard stated the elevations needed to be addressed and should be brought to the Commission. Staff' clarified that they are not an issue of compatibility review. Commissioner Woodard stated that there ought to be some design control placed on the developers as to how the floor plans are approved. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that this had never been a prior requirement and would have to be required of all tracts. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that when the Commission originally reviewed and approved this tract there were no requirements placed on the tract regarding plotting. 9. Mr. Mark Belier - 78-685 Sagebrush, stated his concern about the possible traffic increase on Sagebrush. 10. There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed and opened for Commission discussion. PC2-25-97 8 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 11. Commissioner Tyler stated he questioned Mr. Lester's letter. Staff stated the issues raised in the letter were a matter between the developer and Mr. Lester, and did not involve the City. 12. Commissioner Tyler questioned Condition #32 as to why the applicant was being required to install improvements. Staff stated the conditions that were added bring the tract into compliance with current City standards. 13. Commissioner Gardner stated he was still concerned about the traffic on Sagebrush as he believed it should be handled in another way. 14. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that residential streets in the City are designed to handle up to 15,000 vehicles a day. It is not recommended, but is capable of doing this. The street speed limit is, and will remain 25 mph and will be enforced. Staff stated the percentage being required to be paid by the applicant for the signal is appropriate. Staff has mitigated the traffic impact as much as possible. 15. Commissioner Tyler asked when the signal would be warranted. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated they do not have any idea at this time. There have been no traffic counts since the construction of the original project was proposed, five or six years ago. Warrants for a traffic signal are a function of the cross street traffic. 16. Commissioner Gardner asked if the distance between signals would be ample. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated it is 1/4 mile between Sagebrush and 50th Avenue and the signal is part of the Washington Street Specific Plan. 17. Commissioner Butler asked if the traffic did become unusually high, could speed bumps be installed. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the City Council has not even considered this. Some cities have extensive speed bumps and it has been found that the installation just proliferates the problem onto other streets. Commissioner Gardner concurred that this could only increase the problem. Discussion followed regarding the proposed traffic circulation of this area. 18. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Newldrk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97- 015 recommending to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment 97-336, for Tentative Tract 28498. PC2-25-97 9 Planning Commission Meeting _ February 25, 1997 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Newkirk, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Abels. NOES: Commissioner Gardner. ABSENT: Commissioner Seaton. ABSTAIN: None. 19. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-016 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 28498, subject to the findings and conditions as modified to changing Conditions #26 to refer to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and Condition #32 be amended as needed, to indicate that the existing improvements meet the City approvals as is. ROLL CALL' AYES: Commissioners Butler, Newkirk, Tyler, Woodard, & Chairman Abels. NOES: Commissioner Gardner. ABSENT: Commissioner Seaton. ABSTAIN: None. D. Tentative Tract 28470. Environmental Assessment 96-333. Change of Zone 96-081. Conditional Use Permit 96-031. Site Development Permit 96-599. and Certificate of Appropriateness 96-001; a request of Tradition Club Associates, LLC for approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact; approval of a change of zone to redesignate the zoning classification for the proposed golf course fi.om RL (low density residential) to GC (golf course); approval of a conditional use permit to allow grading and construction of six residential lots and tee boxes within higher slopes; approval of a tentative tract map to subdivide 746.6 acres into 241 single family homesites, 18-hole golf course, private street system and accessory lots; approval of a site development permit to allow the construction of a clubhouse cart barn, maintenance building, half-way house, main entry guard house, and parking lot; and approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow modifications to the Hacienda del Gato and grounds as recommended by the Historic Preservation Commission, for the property located at the south terminus of Washington Street, east of Avenida Bermudas. 1. Chairman Abels opened the public heating and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff?. 3. Commissioner Butler asked staff to define the boundary of the six hillside custom lots. Discussion followed regarding the location of the six lots. PC2-25-97 10 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 4. Staff then showed a video that was taken of the proposed site to show the location of the different areas in question. 5. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that the applicant had requested to add a residential lot (Lot 56), and he would explain his request. Staff'has no objection to the request. 6. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to explain the history of the project and the grading that is currently taking place. Staff explained that the City Council had granted an "at risk" grading permit to allow them to start the project. The restriction allowed them to grade the golf course and residential areas that are not subject to the Conditional Use Permit. This is the fourth project proposed for this site. All the previous proposals have had higher residential densities. 7. Commissioner Woodard asked how the City would insure that the retention basin is repaired if it is washed out. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained that the damage that would occur would be to their project and would not hurt the flood control facilities. 8. Commissioner Woodard asked'staff to identify the emergency access at the fire station on Frances Hack Lane and verified that no development would be above the 20% grade. Staff clarified the emergency access points and stated that the six lots were located in the scarred area and were being processed as a conditional use permit. Commissioner Woodard stated that the rear yards of the six lots are on a slope of less than 20%. He Would assume that some slope would be difficult to live on. Staff stated the grading of the lots will be level. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated a building pad will be created however within the lot there will also be an area that is not scared and in a natural state at the 20% level that will be under a conservation easement. The scarred area will be' returned to a natural appearing state. 9. Commissioner Woodard questioned that a portion of the 15,000 square foot lot would have a slope less than 20% and may or not be in the scarred area, and does staffhave an idea of where that pad will be. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained that the applicant will cut into the side of the mountain and create a 2:1 slope that goes up to meet the 20% slope and that it will be landscaped. 10. Commissioner Woodard asked why the restrooms are being required at the half-way house. Staff explained this was due to the distance to the nearest restroom and the gardeners for the residents and maintenance workers would need to have a restroom closer. PC2-25-97 11 Planning Commission Meeting -- February 25, 1997 11. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to explain the turnaround at the entry guard gate. Staff clarified that there was a mm around between the guard gate and the entry gate. 12. Commissioner Tyler asked about the maximum dwelling density for the entire project. Staff explained that there had been a density transfer to preserve the entire area of the hillside area with conservation easements. One unit per ten acres could have been accommodated in the hillsides, so some of that is being clustered in the six lots, but the applicant has not used the entire allotment possible. 13. Commissioner Woodard asked if there was any concern that Lot 56 would be too close to the entrance and would take away from the effeCt. Staff stated they had just received the plans and had not had time to review it. 14. Commissioner Gardner asked staff to clarify the north property line. Staff stated that on 52nd Avenue, the wall would nm along the south side of 52nd Avenue. 52nd Avenue will remain an open public road. It is tree that their property does extend north of 52nd Avenue and there are conditions requiring - them to continue on with the construction of the wall on the north side of 52nd Avenue to carry out the existing wall theme on Washington Street. Staff went on to explain where the wall would be constructed and discussion followed. Commissioner Gardner asked what provisions are being made for the 100-year flood that may flow to the wall and cross 52nd Avenue. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that if a storm exceeds the 100-year capacity, there is an emergency outlet between Lots 119-120 to allow water to pass into the existing channel along 52nd Avenue to handle the excess. 15. Commissioner Gardner asked if each of the custom homes would come before the Commission for review. Staff stated that the applicant is not conditioned to bring every home, but rather to create their own internal review with an architectural review component of a homeowners' association. They are custom lots and not a tract and they are exempt from Commission review. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the project has the general height and sideyard restrictions they are required to meet. 16. Commissioner Woodard stated that the Commission reviews production housing due to compatibility issues, now why are custom homes not reviewed by the Commission. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that when the Commission reviewed the compatibility review PC2-25-97 12 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 process during the Zoning Code revisions, the Commission did not change the requirement that custom lots are exempt from the compatibility review process. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the compatibility review process is primarily for partially built out tracts and is not an issue on new tracts. 17. Commissioner Gardner asked if the archaeological monitor was on-site during the grading. Staff stated that they were required to have the monitoring and they have been there since the grading started. There were six sites found and three are remaining for which there is monitoring. One of the three has been capped for preservation. The other two prehistoric sites are located well into the hillside above the toe of the slope and are not in danger of any of the development. 18. Commissioner Gardner asked about the roads being provided for fire access and whether they were for egress or ingress. Staff explained that the three roads are internal. Due to street design and lengthy cul-de-sacs and the Fire Marshal's requirements for a secondary access when a cul-de-sac exceeds 660 feet, the applicant is proposing to construct three 16-foot wide, six inch concrete expanded cart paths to provide access for the cul-de-sacs to get the residents out onto a main thoroughfare. 19. Commissioner Gardner asked if there were any provisions for public access to the Hacienda del Gato. Staff stated they are not under the Mills Act which may require the site to be open one day a week for public review. However, this is a privately owned property and the City has no requirement. Commissioner Gardner stated that the Hacienda would then be closed to the public for any future viewing. Staff stated that unless the ownership makes provisions for the public to enter, that is correct. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that it is listed on the State Inventory of Historic Sites and is not required to have public access. 20. Mr. Mike Rowe, Winchester Development representing the Tradition Club Associates, explained how the development came to be. The entitlements they are asking for are similar as what has been approved for the prior projects, only less. The Sienna Corporation loved the site and the Hacienda and wanted to expand their corporation to the west coast. He went on to explain what the Sienna Corporation wanted to see in the development. 21. Mr. Rowe stated that in reviewing the Conditions of Approval regarding the Tentative Tract Map, he had questions regarding the following conditions: PC2-25-97 13 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 a. Condition #7.A. regarding the dedication on Avenue 52. Requesting that it be changed to read, "from the west property boundary to Washington Street." b. Condition #34. Delete as it does not pertain to this project. c. Condition #42. Would like to have it modified to allow the project to continue. Strike the first line and start the condition with, "The applicant shall reimburse the successors of Landmark Land Company upon their written demand showing proof of their fights ....... "and add to the end of the condition, "If no notification is received within 90 days of the first recordation of the final map, this condition shall no longer apply." d. Condition #44.A. Delete Avenida Bermudas and add from the west property line to Washington Street. e Condition #44.C.1. Add, "Unless reduced widths are accepted by the Riverside County Fire Departments. f. Condition//44.C.2. Requested the same requirement that is found on 44.b. 1 and 2. g. Condition #53.B. Would like to phase the walls on the north side of 52nd Avenue from Washington Street in with their phasing plan. h. Condition #53.C. Clarification if this means the white wall with the green tile. i. Condition #54. Maintenance not to include the north side of 52nd Avenue. They are required to maintain only the landscape approvement of the adjacent setbacks along 52nd Avenue, Avenida Bermudas, and Frances Hack Lane. j. Condition #78. Modify to state that the maximum building pad would be measured at the center of the building pads. k. Condition//81. Change the single story height to 22-feet along Avenida Bermudas as they would like to have a variability to break up the look. 22. Regarding the Conditional Use Permit Conditions of Approval, Mr. Rowe questioned the following conditions: a. Condition//4. Delete as it is a fill road that they would like to leave where it is planned as they are required to maintain the channel and moving the road could breach that channel. b. Condition//6. They would like to request adding" ....greater than five feet in vertical height .... " 23. Mike Rowe requested that the condition regarding retaining all the eucalyptus trees under the Certificate of Appropriateness, be changed to some in all the conditions that apply and references all the Exhibits approved by the Historical Preservation Commission. PC2-25-97 14 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 24. Commissioner Butler asked about Condition #81, regarding the 17-foot height limitation, if he was requesting all the houses on Avenida Bermudas. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the houses on the west side of Bermudas are 17 feet and staff'was trying to keep the continuity along Avenida Bermudas. Commissioner Butler asked if the west side of Avenida Bermudas were flat-roofed. Staff stated they were a mix. Commissioner Woodard stated that if you build to 17-feet and are trying to maximize the view, it is hard to accomplish with a sloping roof. Commissioner Butler stated that with the street is sloping downhill the houses are going to be staggered, with the 17-feet and the downward sloping, it accomplishes what staff is trying to do by not having a row of ridge line houses. Mr. Rowe stated that if they are allowed to have the 22-feet, you will have a variation. All the houses are to be on 20,000 square foot lots and the house will not take up the entire lot, the landscaping itself will eventually screen out the homes. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that the Viewshed Study as analyzed with the 17-foot height along Avenida Bermudas. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the environmental review _ assumed the 17-foot height. If the applicant wants to raise that limit, the study may need to be looked at to be sure they are still comfortable with the analysis that was done. Discussion followed regarding the roof line. 25. Chairman Abels suggested that due to the hour and the amount of material still remaining to be covered, he would like to make a recommendation to continue this hearing to a special meeting to be held on March 10, 1997. 26. Mr. Rowe stated that March 10th would be too late for them to meet the City .Council deadlines. He would request that the continuance be a date sooner than March 10th. Discussion followed and it was determined to take the public comment and then continue the Commission discussion to March 4, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. 27. Mr. John Cook, 54-900 Avenida Rubio, stated his concern that the wall to be constructed on Avenida Bermudas would have more of an impact on La Quinta than any other project. It is to be about 2.5 miles long as its design will be a permanent monument. This wall is unattractive and inconsistent with the current developments in the Cove. He suggested that staff overhaul the wall design and give it close attention. As the wall is meandering, no details were given as to how much meandering. If there is going to be an emergency access onto Avenida Bermudas the Commission needs to see that the design is consistent with the rest of the project. The eight foot wall and PC2-25-97 15 Planning Commission Meeting - February 25, 1997 berm is going to seriously degrade the vistas that are currently enjoyed. Need openings to see the vistas. Would like the landscaping to be more of a desert theme. Concern that the digging into the hillside will be hidden. Concern that the lighting of the hillside, perimeter lighting, security lighting and street light should all be low intensity. In addition the PM10 requirements needs to be adequate. 28. Mr. Art Altenback, 52-985 Avenida Bermudas, stated his concern about a builder entering a conservation area that opens a "can of worms" that could set a precedent. The Commission needs to drive up Avenida Bermudas and see the building pads as they are higher than the street. The 15-foot setback is not enough. 29. Mr. Brace Swan, 78-725 Avenida La Fonda, questioned the number of golf tees and lots encroaching the 20% slope; concern about the 22-foot height request; concern about flood drainage in his area as well as the lighting conforming to the City ordinances. Would like to see that they are kept out of the mountains. 30. Mr: Sandy Swan, 78-725 Avenida La Fonda, would like to see that the access to hikers at south end of project kept open; truffle signals at Washington and 52nd Avenue. What about the drainage channels, could there be backwash; is there to be a 33-ft high clubhouse; is the maintenance building to be two story; and what will the lighting of the tennis courts be. What is the distance from the parking lot to clubhouse. A combination of asking for 22 feet and asking for narrower streets, this pushes the perimeter houses too close to Avenida Bermudas; what does the restoring of the scarred areas consist of?. What about the flood control for the six lots? 31. Mr. Robert Atkins, 52-470 Avenida Madero, stated that he believed the project adds class to the City of La Quinta. His only objection was to allowing the developer to utilize the hillside for any type of developmem as it sets a precedent. 32. Mr. Mack. Carter, 53495 Avenida Bermudas, stated he looked forward to the development of the project. As an immediate neighbor he has a view of the Coral Reef Mountains that will be impacted by this development. His concern is the height of the pads and the overall height of the buildings. What kind of separation will there be between this project community and the rest of the Cove as a result of the wall and berm to be constructed. Ten years down the road they will not be able to see the mountains due to the trees. He would suggest that whatever landscaping is approved that the view of the residents on the west side be considered. PC2-25-97 16 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 33. Mr. Fred Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated he agreed that this project would be an asset to the community, however he had two concerns. One is the intrusion into the hillside that the City zoned and designated as Hillside Conservation to keep development from occurring in the hillside. Second, was his concern that this is coming in on a conditional use permit. He believed that anyone else would have to go through a general plan amendment and zone change, but as this is a large developer, he is being given some favoritism. The hillside area is to be preserved. In addition, the request .that was asked for at this meeting requesting the height limit be increased to 22-feet. The entire Cove, except earlier homes, have heights of a maximum of 17-feet building height, and he hoped the Commission would not approve the request for additional height. 34. Mr. John Guenther, 53-235 Avenida Bermudas, stated he was in support of the project with a minor exception. He would prefer the wall be a white stucco wall. This project can only increase property values and be an asset to the community. 35. Mrs. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated her concern where she disagreed with the Environmental Assessment regarding the Historical, Archaeological, Aesthetical, Cultural Resources-Historical, Archaeological, and Sacred Uses. Most of the areas listed were less than significant or no impact". There are a lot of traditions within the City, and there are several citizens who are trying to keep them and one of them is the scenic vista. People who live further west than Avenida Bermudas would see the infringement into the alluvial fan or scarred area. She would rather see the scarring than homes built in this area. Capping of the historical sites is not the answer to archaeological sites. They need to have public access. There are areas that are considered sacred grounds by the Native Americans. Would like the Commission to consider the precedent that is being set. 36. Mr. David Salvatierra, 54455 Avenida Madero, stated his concerned about the proposed trees and height of the houses as they would block his view. The Commission should consider those property owners that already have purchased their homes as they purchased their homes to have their views. The developer does not need to go into the hillside to have a golf course. 37. Mr. Greg Olson, 54-180 Avenida Cortez, stated this was a special, unique - area of the desert. He is supportive of the golf course, but is concerned about the project be integrated into the atmosphere of the Cove. The lighting and view are a problem. The hillside community is a big problem as it is not PC2-25-97 17 Planning Commission Meeting February 25, 1997 integrated with the rest of the Cove and this is the most important aspect of the development that needs to be looked at. This golf course is coming into our community, the community is not being built around this golf course. Need to make the Cove a beautiful place for ali to live in. Don't create an ugly stepsister. 38. Mr. Matt Mathews, 54-860 Avenida Obregon, stated he was in favor of the project. He is primarily concerned about the hillside conservation and he agrees with the prior comments that if this is allowed, it will only be opening the door for more development in the hillsides. 39. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing. 40. Commissioner Woodard asked if the applicant could place a 17-foot pole and 22-foot pole on a lot along Avenida Bermudas to allow the commtmity and the Commission to visually see the impact of the different roof heights. The applicant agreed to do this. 41. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to continue this item to March 4, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. VII. COMMISSIONERS ITEMS. A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of February 18, 1997. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to an adjourned meeting to be held on March 4, 1997, at 10:00 a.m.. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 11:34 P.M. on February 25, 1997. PC2-25-97 18