PCMIN 07 03 1997 MINUTES
Special meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
July 3, 1997
This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Abels at 3:07 p.m., who
asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute. Chairman Abels asked for the roll call:
A. Present: Commissioners Butler, Seaton, Tyler, and Chairman Abels.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to excuse
Commissioners Gardner, Kirk, and Woodard. Unanimously approved.
C.' Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Captain Ron Dye, Building and
Safety Manager Mark Harold, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Temporary Use Permit 97-143; a request of Ms. Catherine Badger, Event
Coordinator and Bemardo Gouthier, property owner, for approval of a two day music
festival (Paradise Found) to be held at the La Quinta Open Air Museum (formerly La
Quinta Sculpture Park) on July 5th and 6, 1997.
1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that Associate
Planner Greg Trousdell would present the staff report for the Community
Development Department, Building and Safety Manager Mark Harold would
present the staff report for the Building and Safety Department, and Captain
Ron Dye would speak on behalf of the Riverside County Sheriff's
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2. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell informed the Commission that the
Community Development Department had received an application for a two
day event at the Open Air Museum on Madison Street. It was to be a two day
charitfible event for approximately 300 people. The initial event did occur
and more than 300 people attended. At the same time (June 27, 1997), staff
received an application for another event to be held July 5th and 6th for
approximately 1,000 people. Upon acceptance of the application, the
applicant was informed that staff was only able to approve a request for 300
people. Any more than 300 would have to be approved by the Planning
Commission. Thus, this special meeting was called for the Planning
Commission. This event is to consist of live and Disc Jockey music. Event
parking would be to the south of the facility on Madison Street. All event
activities would be on the premises. Staff drafted conditions appropriate for
the event and the applicant has received a copy. If the event is to occur, some
of the conditions must be met by the applicant within the next two hours. As
of this meeting, Conditions #1, 2, 3, 4, have not been met. Should the
Commission decide to approve the request, it should be based on the
conditions being met prior to the event taking place.
3. Chairman Abels asked if the applicant had obtained the Certificate of
Insurance, if the Certificate of Deposit had been given to the City, and if the
Building and Safety Department had held their on-site inspection. Staff
stated 'they were unaware of all the conditions being met. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated the remaining staff reports would answer this
4. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell informed the Commission that two
additional conditions needed to be added. First that whoever would be
directing traffic should be required to wear reflective vests, light colored
clothes, as well as carry flashlights, and second, food vendors must have
, Health Department Permits.
5. Commissioner Tyler asked if the Open Air Museum was operating under a
COnditional Use Permit. Staff stated it was initially approved as a Public Use
Permit. Planning Manager Christine. di Iorio stated it was operating under an
approved use. When the General Plan was updated, the zoning designation
for this site was modified to Tourist Commercial (TC).
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6. Building Manager Mark Harold (acting Building and Safety Director in
Director Tom Hammg's absence), stated that a special inspection permit for
the event had been prepared, but he was unaware as to whether or not the
permit had been obtained, or whether any inspections had been performed on
the temporary electric, platform, or stages. Life safety inspections are made
available on a short term basis for the purpose of, "life safety". With a
temporary use permit of this nature, it is difficult for their Department to
track whether a condition for a special inspection permit has been satisfied.
It is their recommendation that in the furore, prior to the issuance of any
permits, an applicant have in hand, the results of the special inspection
7. Commissioner Butler asked if staff had to make the required inspection
today; would that be overtime for staff. Building Manager Mark Harold
stated the inspectors have completed their rounds, but staff will respond on
a minutes notice for a "life safety" inspection. Commissioner Butler asked
if it would require overtime for staff to perform this inspection. Staff stated
that until 5:00 p.m. it would not be overtime.
8. Riverside County Sheriff's Department Captain Ron Dye stated their primary
concern was the life and safety of those attending the event and the people
traveling through the area over the roadways. He had contacted the applicant
and he had agreed to contract with the Sheriffs's Department for four
deputies to be out during the duration of the event with the understanding that
if the Watch Commander determined more deputies were needed, he would
bring more on. It is difficult to assess the need when they do not know what
the venue will be. The type of music and activities would determine the need
and that is unknown at this time. Four deputies is a base line; two deputies
inside and two outside.
, 9. Chairman Abels asked Captain Dye if he was satisfied that the applicant had
agreed to meet the Sheriff's Department requirements. Captain Dye stated
he was.
10. Commissioner Butler stated that due to the lack of lighting, how do the
deputies keep the people from going out into the streets. Captain Dye stated
it is dark except for the ambient light from the event site. The deputies will
be positioned to have the people get out of the way and take whatever action
-- is appropriate.
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11. Commissioner Tyler asked what would cause more chaos, having a large
crowd like this with anticipated crowd control, versus denying this event and
having a lot of malcontent people arriving at the site and finding it cancelled.
Captain Dye stated it is hard to determine when you do not know what
preplanning has been done. If the event is not approved, they will have men
staying in the area to talk to the people and explain what has happened.
12. Commissioner Seaton asked if this was an all day event where there will be
people coming and going or will it be over at a certain time and people
dumping into the street in mass. Captain Dye stated he is unaware of the
timing of the event.
13. Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Bernardo Gouthier stated he was the owner of the La Quinta Sculpture
?ark and he thanked the Commission for holding the special meeting. He
was confused as to the City's procedures and requirements for conducting
events. They were unable to have everything prepared until today to submit
to the City. He had read the Conditions of Approval and had a few questions.
They already have a Certificate of Insurance for two million dollars and it has
been faxed to the City. Concerning the $3,000 deposit for the dust control,
he would like to request this be reduced to $2,000. Concerning the building
permit, he had started the procedures last week and he is ready for an
inspection. If he needs an inspection on Saturday, he would be willing to
have an inspection on Saturday. He asked if there was staff available for this.
This e.vent is going to bring several more music events in the future. He is
hoping to obtain larger events that will be held during more decent hours and
easier to maneuver than this one. This event has been promoted out of the
State and they are having people coming from all over as they have 15
different locations where tickets can be purchased; Los Angeles, Las Vegas,
and Arizona. They will be having 16 performers including four very well
known bands. They will be playing at different hours and they are expecting
3,000 people. The event starts at noon and finishes at noon the next day.
There will be bands performing in the day time with other bands performing
later on. They are expecting 1,000 to 1,500 people in the afternoon and the
bigger traffic later at about 6:00 p.m. It is difficult to determine the exact
number. As far as food and beverage, they have contracted with the same
people who work the Date Festival. There will be a beer garden and they will
be serving beer, wine ,and wine Margaritas. As to the promotional events,
they will be live on Channel 11, FOX TV and they have been communicating
with MTV TV, a radio station, and the Los Angeles Times. A lot of the
people who will be attending have been directed to use several of the local
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hotels. As to the conditions, they have met all the requirements and they
have exceeded some of the requirements. They have hired a team of 45
security men. He has also asked to hire the local police as opposed to the
Riverside County Sheriff's Department. He does not know what the local
police charge and he needs to make arrangements with the producers to pay
the local La Quinta police. They have a parking lot and a back up parking lot
in case they exceed the number of people anticipated. He questioned and
asked what Condition # 14 meant. They do not expect to have any signage.
He has visited the Fire Department and they will be calling them. Due to the
size of the crowd they will have two or three shifts of workers. As for
lighting, they will have a 1,000 watt generators. The property has been
fenced. All the alcoholic beverage permits have been faxed to the City.
Fifteen restrooms plus two handicapped, and two in the house on the site, are
provided. Everyone attending will be searched before entering as they have
concerns for graffiti and weapons. The number of security is 54, plus four
Sheriff's from the City of La Quinta. They will have 40 at peak times. They
will b~ putting barricades on the sides of the street to keep people from
parking illegally. There will be no camping on the grounds. As to trash, they
have containers all over the site in addition to the large trash containers. As
to the parking, he has hired a licensed contractor tO do the necessary work.
14. Chairman Abels asked if Mr. Bernardo had paid the fees for the previous
event. Mr. Gouthier stated he had brought funds with him to pay all the
necessary costs. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the fee was for
the inspection which never took place. Chairman Abels expressed his upset
at having to have this meeting at the last minute when it is still unknown as
to what conditions have been met and which are not. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated she had just been handed three faxes; one an
application for the Daily License Catering and authorization in regards to
alcohol beverages. A letter from the Sheriff's Department stating that
Lindsey Concession La Quinta Open Air Museum will be holding a music
festival where beer and wine coolers will be served, approximately 2,000
persons are expected, and the Sheriff's Department has no objection to the
issuance of the requested permit. The letter was signed by Lt. Denver
Pitman. A letter has also been received from Judy Vossler of the KSL
Recrefition Corporation dated June 26th, thanking them for notifying them of
the events that will be taking place.
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15. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier if he had a copy of his insurance
certificate. Mr. Gouthier stated he had a memo from his assistant stating that
the Certificate of Insurance has been faxed to the City. Staff stated it still had
not been received. Mr. Gouthier stated he would see that it was faxed again.
16. Commissioner Seaton asked about the noise impacts in the area. Mr.
Gouthier stated the first event was handled by a team that had misrepresented
themselves. More people attended than he was informed, and suddenly this
event was different than announced to him. They did not have the
experience, knowledge, or ability to direct the sound adequately. This event
will have a different team that will have screens for the sounds and the
speakers will be directed differently. The lights will also be directed
differently. They have learned through their mistakes. They had problems
with people climbing over the speakers and two people were hurt. He had
visited some of his neighbors and he will be putting them up in local hotels.
Some of his neighbors have not accepted his invitation and he will be sending
gift certificates to local restaurants. He will be at the front gate carrying a
radio and their main concern is to keep everything in order.
17. Commissioner Seaton asked Mr. Gouthier how many cars they were
anticipating to accommodate. Mr. Gouthier stated approximately 1,500.
Commissioner Seaton asked if there was enough space to accommodate all
of them. Mr. Gouthier stated there was.
18. Chairman Abels asked if Mr. Gouthier had made satisfactory payment
arrangements with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for their
services. Mr. Gouthier stated he would like to know what the fees are going
to be so he could make arrangements.
19. Captain Dye stated that for four deputies for approximately 24 hours would
be $4,000. Chairman Abels asked what the cost would be if added forces
were needed. Captain Dye stated they would be billed for the actual hours
incurred. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier if this was agreeable. Mr.
Gouthier stated they would like to have four deputies on peak time and work
out the remainder as they did not have a very large budget. He asked if he
could work this out with the Captain after the meeting. He would be sure
they reached an understanding.
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20. Mr. Gouthier asked if he could get three deputies. Captain Dye stated he
would be opposed to any reduction in that level, as this was the bare
minimum. It is not his desire to cause undue expense, but if they are talking
about 1,500, and now he has heard the figure of 3,000 people at peak and this
is the fwst he had heard this figure. His figures were based on 2,000 people.
He could not go below the four deputies and make any assurance to public
21. Chairman Abels stated this was brought on because of the previous event.
Captain Dye stated they had calls at 30 minutes after midnight about loud
music. If they get complaints at this event about loud music, the permit does
not allow them to continue with the music at that level and they will be
required to reduce the level till the complaints go away. In addition, they had
calls at 3:00 a.m. about people in the middle of the street and people could
not get through. Captain Dye stated their problem was that they did not know
what was going on at what time. If they knew the lead band was appearing
at 10:00 p.m. and getting over at 12:00 midnight, they could then condition
their people to those times. When the only information they have is that a
bunch of bands are performing and they do not know which ones will draw
a crowd and which ones will not they are unable to plan.
22. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier what he was going to do. Mr. Gouthier
stated he will do whatever he has to do. He really does not have a choice. He
wants to keep everyone happy. He was the one who said that when they hire
the Riverside Police to cancel them, because he wanted to hire the local
police. Captain Dye stated they were the local police for La Quinta.
Riverside County Sheriff's Department provides police protection for the
City of La Quinta.
23. Mr. Gouthier stated they had already hired three people. Commissioner Tyler
asked who in Riverside was the question. Captain Dye asked who Mr.
Gouthier had spoken with. Mr. Gouthier stated he did not know, but he
would f'md out, but they had already hired three people. He thought this was
the City of La Quinta Police. Captain Dye stated that the City of La Quinta
is under contract with the Sheriff's Department and any deputies hired would
have to come from his station and Sgt. Walker is the only one who is
authorized to do this. Mr. Gouthier stated the arrangements have already
been made then. If he could call the producer he would be able to give him
the answer.
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24. Commissioner Butler asked if these were off-duty officers. Captain Dye
stated he was unaware of who Mr. Gouthier was speaking about.
25. Commissioner Tyler stated it could even be Riverside Police for that matter.
Captain Dye stated it would be unusual for them to come down, as well as
illegal. Mr. Gouthier stated it was the Riverside County Sheriff's
Department. Commissioners informed Mr. Gouthier that Captain Dye is the
representative for the Sheriff's Department. Captain Dye stated that he had
spoken, to Mr. Gouthier regarding four deputies, not three, and that _was based
on 2,000 people. Mr. Gouthier stated that after he spoke with Captain Dye
he spoke with his producers and they had told him that they had already been
hired. Captain Dye stated they have not been hired out of the Coachella
Valley. Mr. Gouthier stated he needed to talk with him to straighten this out.
26. Chairman Abels reminded Mr. Gouthier that they were under a time frame,
and Mr. Gouthier had better find out about the Certificate of Insurance and
resolve the number of deputies with Captain Dye. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated Mr. Gouthier also needed to coordinate the
inspection with the Building and Safety Department.
27. Commissioner Butler stated that if a complete inspection can not be made or
arranged for, this whole proceedings comes to a stop.
28. Chairman Abels recessed the meeting at 3:50: p.m. and reconvened at 4:03
p.m. to allow Mr. Gouthier .time to resolve some of the issues. Upon
reconvening, Chairman Abels stated that the Certificate of Insurance had
been received and asked Mr. Gouthier to give his $3,000 deposit check to
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell.
29. Commissioner Butler stated that if a special inspection was needed on
Saturday, the cost of that inspection should be paid by the applicant as well.
30. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell stated the $3,000 deposit requested by the
Community Development Department, was for the cost of stabilizing the ten
acre parking site. This computes out to $300 an acre. There is no charge for
watering, as the applicant is to water the site during use. He is to bring in a
plan on how he is going to stabilize the site after the event. Once he has done
this and has proven that the work is complete, the money is returned.
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31. Buildihg Manager Mark Harold stated that he had two inspectors that would
be able to perform the inspection. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier if he
was willing to pay for this. Mr. Gouthier stated he would.
32. Chairman Abels asked Captain Dye if satisfactory arrangements had been
made. Captain Dye stated they had not. Mr. Gouthier is now stating that the
three police officers they have contracted with are through a private security
company. He does not know who they are and would not like to know who
they are as they are violating Consumer Affairs law as they are not licensed
gun-carrying guards. The Riverside County Sheriff's Department prohibits
their officers from doing this. Their have been occasions where deputies
from the Los Angles Police Department have come down, but in checking
into this, they found they must be licensed with Consumer Affairs. No
provisions have been made to hire any of the Sheriff' s Department deputies.
On special events he has incrementally increased their staffing to
accommodate for peak hours, but the four on-site officers are the absolute
33. Mr. Gouthier asked if the deputies would be taking over some of their
problelns as they have a budget to hire the 54 security guards and if they have
to pay the Sheriff's Department they will have to decrease their budget and
they will have less security. He asked if Captain Dye was comfortable with
this. Captain Dye stated what he was concerned with was the possible rowdy
conduct, possible conflicts, violence that may come about, traffic control,
control of pedestrians on the streets, and handling complaints from the
neighbors because of noise. What they do in term of security guards ushering
people in and out and searching, is up to them. He has no input on the level
of staffing they do for that. He does not know what company they are using
which makes it hard for him to assess their ability. Some companies such as
Pro Staff, he has dealt with and he knows their level of ability. Mr. Gouthier
stated that sounded like the company. The last one did not perform correctly
~ and this security company is to be the top one. Mr. Gouthier again stated he
would sit down with Captain Dye and work out a plan where he could
decrease the number of guards they need. Basically it is a problem of budget.
He cannot have both the security guards and the police.
34. Chairman Abels stated they could end this meeting at this time. If Mr.
Gouthier is not going to contract with the Sheriff's Department with the
conditions as issued by the City, this meeting is at an end. There is no other
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way for the City to go. If he expects the Commission to approve this request,
he has to comply with the conditions. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier
to confirm on the record that he would comply with the conditions and
contract with the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Gouthier stated he would do so.
35. Mr. Jim Holub, 80-085 58th Avenue, approximately 3/4 of a mile from the
site, stated he was a renter and his landlord had asked him to speak on his
behalf. He stated that at the prior event, they were uninformed of the event
and the house was actually vibrating from the noise. They anticipated the
noise to stop at midnight and it did not. As a golf course superintendent, he
has a noise decibel meter that he had been using on his job. He took several
readings that night. One driving by and one from ap. proximatley 450 feet
away at 12:00 midnight, 12:30 and 1:00 a.m. and the noise was reading at 96
decibels. It was his understanding that the limit was 50 decibels. At different
times different bands were louder than others. Driving by the front it was
total chaos with no Sheriff's deputies on duty and kids walking up and down
the street in the dark blocking the street. Kids were loaded in the backs of
truck making it unsafe for the kids as well as others driving down the street.
Mr. Gouthier apologized after the event, but he does not believe Mr. Gouthier
has a clue on what this event will be. It was his understanding that there is
a limit on the amount of noise after midnight and these bands don't even start
till midnight. 4:00 a.m. is prime time. At 10:30 a.m. when he came home
bands were still lingering as well as the cars parked up and down the streets.
36. Ms. Joan McPherson, representing the marketing agent for the adjacent
property owners, South Valley Estates, stated their development was a 25 unit
development and they have just completed the first custom home that runs
along the south property line and was selling the home for three quarters of
a million dollars. They just learned about the event, and their concern is that
these types of crowds will cause a tremendous amount of harm to their
development. Mr. Gouthier did reach her the evening before trying to find
the developer. At that time he did not mention why he was trying to reach the
developer, but she subsequently found out that he was trying to make
arrangements for parking. They have safety concerns for their spec house
should anyone go over the wall. The homes are not occupied at this time, but
anyone looking to purchase in their development is looking for a quiet
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37. Commissioner Tyler stated he found it difficult to visualize that this event
had be. eh planned for as long as it has to attract the talent that is expected to
performing. All the other planning activites have been done, yet the
Commision is sitting here at 4:15 p.m. on the day before the event discussing
things that should have been discussed weeks ago when this evem was being
planned. Given this environment, he too is concerned that they are going to
have 24-hours of all types of music, highly amplified, all through the night.
Anyone who lives in the desert knows that the nights are very quiet and sound
travels extremely long distances. He did not have a comfortable feeling from
the applicants presentation that this project had been adequately thought
through in regards to security. Most any other question raised got a vague
answer from the applicant. It is alarming that on the eve of an event of this
magnitude, the lack of attention to details. If it is not under control now, how
can the applicant expect to have it under control for the 24-hours it is to take
place. He is uncomfortable with this event and he is sure the neighbors will
be too.
38. Commissioner Seaton stated she echoed most of Commissioner Tyler's
comments. It was hard for her to understand an event of 3,000 people had not
attracted the City's attention; that something of this magnitude was going to
take p.lace. She was concerned about the decibel readings and maybe by
moving the sound equipment around it may help. She would prefer that it not
be a 24-hour function, but a shorter event with less people.
39. Commissioner Butler stated that in reviewing the application he is confused
as to the amount of discrepancies. From looking at the application, it appears
that 1,000 people will be attending and which would be reasonable and
controllable. As Captain Dye indicated, his evaluation was based on a 1,200-
' 1,500 number. All of a sudden he sees this event blossoming and something
does not equate. He concurs with his Commissioners that if the planning
went into this project to get all these bands, Channel 11, MTV, and LA
: Times, that nobody was considering what the requirements of the City would
be or for crowd control and surrounding neighbors. He has heard nothing to
mitigate these problems. He has heard a situation that there would be 20-30
security agents and now Mr. Gouthier is saying 54 security agents, yet he
bawks at having four deputies. This leads him to believe that he is unwilling
to pay for their protection. Yet, in his opinion, the City of La Quinta is
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obligated to protect the citizenry in the area, four deputies is the minimum
number required for that area under the circumstances of that crowd for 24-
hours. It was his understanding when he came to this meeting that the
Commission was trying to accommodate the applicant because he had an
event that had an estimate of 300 persons and grew to 1,000. Now, looking
at an event that starts at 1,000 on the aplication and now he states 3,000, that
probably could reach 6,000 and four deputies is not an adequate amount of
protection for the citizens in the area. He would withhold any further
40. Chairman Abels remarked to Mr. Gouthier that he had put this Commission
in a very awkward situation. If this Commission turns this event down, they
are lodking at a potential riot when people arrive and find out this event has
been cancelled. It does not sit well with him and he concurrs with his fellow
41. Commissioner Tyler stated he questioned the staffing. His concern was that
if the entire staff was on duty for the entire event they would be too tired to
do their job. He asked how these security guards would be worked. Mr.
Gouthier stated he has been a good citizen for this community as he has been
trying to promote the City of La Quinta as best he can by creating a Sculpture
Park and bring in events like the "All Star Challenge" and other events. They
are specialized in doing events. He is ready to answer any questions as to
how the security company will be mn. Even though it is going to be tough
for their budget, he agrees with the requirements of the City of La Quinta
because he has to and there is no other way. Concerning how the shifts for
the security guards will be mn, a good security company knows how they
have to be mn and this one is the best in the country. Regarding the permits,
they have been doing a lot of events with the Hyatt, Walt Disney, and Fox
and they have never had to apply for a permit. It was their understanding that
they were allowed to do events at the Sculpture Garden as they had been
zoned'TC. It was a big surprise to them that they had to go before the
Planning Commission. When they brought the details for this festival to the
City, they did not have any details about the event until two weeks ago even
though the tickets had been sold. This is how the music industry works.
They do everything at the last minute. It is difficult for them to come to the
City and then have to correct it. It is not their goal to promote and disturb
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their community. They are trying to bring some major production companies
here to do some concert festivals at decent hours. This is an oppommity for
the City to promote good concerts. He is not going to be pursuing this line
of music after this one. He is now in negotiations to bring the Pomona
Festival of 20,000 people here for a country-western event next year. They
are also negotiating for a Santana concert at decent hours. This event should
not be judged on the last event that was small and uncontrolled and
42. Commissioner Tyler asked if any of the previous events had been all night
events. Mr. Gouthier stated yes, the Fox All Star Challenge which costs $1.2
million and had a staff of 300 people and never had a problem. It was a good
thing for the community. He is working with the City to do all kinds of
things. They are now a nonprofit organization. It has not been easy to
survive with no assistance and this is an income that will help. They are
going to be watched by other producers to see how they do. Having the
police on site, makes him feel better. Last week he was told that he was to
have police protection and he did not.
43. Chairman Abels asked if the event was planned by the promoters and that
was why he was uninformed. Mr. Gouthier stated that he was told they had
three Sheriff' s that were to be part of the security.
44. Chairman Abels stated he did not want to deny this application and he would
vote to approve it, but Mr. Gouthier better be sure that in the furore he will
scrutinize each application and he does not want another situation like this
again. If there is, and he is still on the Commission, he will not approve it.
In addition, he is concerned as to how they will be able to control the noise
after 10:00 p.m. Mr. Gouthier stated that if the police are on site they will be
able to control it. Commissioner Tyler stated that is not the function of the
police to control this. Mr. Goutier stated he would be there and at the gate
, during the whole event with a radio and cell phone and anything happens he
can shut it down. If they have a neighbor that is going to complain, all events
with music will have complaints. It is impossible to have an event and not
have a complaint.
45. Commisioner Butler asked why events that have taken place at this location
before have not come before the Commission. Planning Manager Christine
di Iorio stated that the City needs to relook at the last approval for the
Sculpture Garden. It is her understanding that there was a condition placed
on the permit that required the owner to obtain a temporary use permit for
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these type of events.
46. Commissioner Butler stated the Sculpture Garden was originally approved as
a conditional use permit and there is no indication that it has changed. Does
the special permits allow him to hold these events? Staff explained this
property was rezoned Tourist Commercial during the updating of the General
Plan and this type of use is permitted.
47. Commissioner Butler stated that due to this change, Mr. Gouthier would not
have to come before the Commission for approval of this type of use except
for temporary use permits. Staff stated this was their understanding, but they
would review the approval.
48. Commissioner Seaton asked if Mr. Gouthier had a decibel meter. Mr.
Gouthier stated he did not, but he would obtain one. Commissioner Seaton
stated her concern that water and alcohol do not mix and asked if the people
would be able to get into the water feature. Mr. Gouthier stated that life
guards would be on duty. Commissioner Seaton stated she would like to
review the conditions to be sure they had all been met.
49. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio went over the conditions. She asked that
Condition #3 be modified to state that two building inspectors would be
required for an inspection on the day of the event and the applicant is to pay
the cost of their overtime wages. A condition should be added to note the
number of deputies required on site. Condition #9 is to be changed to state
that the maximum number of guests is 3,000 persons at any one time. She
then asked if the Commission wanted to add a condition requiring him to
have a decibel meter on site. Commissioners agreed and asked that a
condition be added.
50. Chairman Abels asked Mr. Gouthier if he agreed to all the conditions. Mr.
' Gouthier stated he did.
51. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Minutes Motion 97-009 approving the
two day Music Festival event, subject to the Findings and Conditons of
Approval as amended. Chairman Abels asked if there was any discussion.
PC7-3-97 14
Planning Commission Minutes
July 3, 1997 - Special Meeting
52. Commissioner Tyler stated that he was reluctantly seconding this motion and
equally will vote for it only because he is more terrified of the consequences
of cancelling the event than they are likely to encounter with the 3,000 people
who show up to go to the party. He would however, like to point out to the
applicant that he is in the spotlight. If this goes well, he wishes him well and
hopefuly we can have more events. If the City has many complaints from the
surrounding neighbors, he doubts he would get another favorable vote from
this Commissioner. Chairman Abels concurred with Commissioner Tyler.
53. The motion carded unanimously.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to
adjourn this special meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission on July 14, 1997. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 4:57
p.m. Unanimously approved.
PC7-3-97 15