PCMIN 07 22 1997 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California July 22, 1997 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Woodard to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Woodard, and Chairman Abels. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Butler/Gardner to excuse Commissioner Tyler. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn _ Honeywell, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. D. Chairman Abels opened the nominations for election of Chair and Vice Chair. 1. Nominations for Chair were opened. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Seaton/Woodard to nominate Commissioner Butler for Chair. 3. There being no other nominations, it Was moved and second to close the nominations and Commissioners Butler was elected unanimously. 4. Nominations for Vice Chair were opened. 5. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Abels to nominate Commissioner Woodard as Vice Chair. 6. There be no other nominations, Commissioner Woodard was elected as Vice Chair unanimously. 7. Commissioner Butler assumed the Chair and Commissioner Woodard assumed the Vice Chair. PC7-22-97 1 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Staff asked that the Agenda be amended to delete the approval of the Minutes of July 8, 1997. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of June 24, 1997. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Kirk abstaining. B. Chairman Butler asked if there was a Department Report. Staff stated there was none. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued - Zoning Code Amendment 97-056; a request of the City of La Qui'nta for '- approval of a prohibition of independent used vehicle sales, excluding new vehicle sales with associated used vehicle sales in the Regional Commercial District. 1. Commissioner Seaton withdrew due to a potential common law conflict in regard to divided loyalty on advice of the City Attorney. 2. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff noted that there currently was one used vehicle dealership within this area and they had submitted a time extension request which would be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a furore date. 3. Commissioner Gardner asked staff to verify when this item would be before the Commission. Staff stated the extension request would be heard before by the C6mmission before the implementation of this Code Amendment. PC7-22-97 2 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 4. Chairman Butler asked if there was any public comment. Mr. Greg Shannon, 74-596 Pepper Tree Drive, Palm Desert, spoke on behalf of Mr. Suitt, owner of the used vehicle lot, and stated he would like to request the Commission approve an extension of time for the Conditional Use Permit to allow this used vehicle dealership to continue operating. Mr. Suitt is hoping to sell the property within the next year. The lot currently sells between 15-20 cars a month which produces income for the City. He stated Mr. Suitt' s reason for asking for this extension was due to the extensive conditions that had been placec~on the project, the cost involved to meet those conditions, and the time he had been in operation. 5. Mr. Tom Suitt, 38315 Maracaibo Drive, Palm Springs, owner of the used vehicle lot, gave the Commission a history of the property. He stated that he recognized that this use was not a proper use of the property, but due to the extensive improvements he had been required to make, he believed approval of this request was warranted. The business does produce $75,000 in revenue for the city. 6. There being no further public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public hearing. 7. Commissioner Kirk asked what the time limit was for noticing this project. Staff clarified that the issue raised by Mr. Suitt is not on this Agenda, but will be before the Commission at a later date. 8. Commissioner Gardner clarified that the item before the Commission was the Code Amendment and that Mr. Suitt's issue will be before the Commission in August. He further asked for clarification that this Zoning Ordinance Amendment will not affect Mr. Suitt at this time. Staff stated that the Amendment would not come into affect until October, if approved by the Commission and Council. 9. Commissioner Abels stated that Mr. Suitt's request is not an issue before the Commission at this meeting. Staff confirmed that it was not. 10. Chairman Butler stated that by approving the Amendment the Commission would be prohibiting any used vehicle sales lot that was not in conjunction with a new vehicle sales lots. Staff stated this was true. PC7-22-97 3 Planning Commission Meeting _ July 22, 1997 · 11 There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97- 053 recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 97-056, as submitted. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Seaton and Tyler. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Seaton rejoined the meeting. B. Continued - Site Development Permit 97-606; a request of Home Depot, U.S.A., Inc. for approval to construct a 2,816 square foot Jack in the Box restaurant with drive- through on Pad Site #3 within the Jefferson Plaza Shopping Center currently under construction. 1. Chairman Butler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Seaton asked staff to identify which signs would face south. Staff clarified which signs faced the different elevations. 3. Commissioner Seaton clarified that the applicant was asking for two menu boards and staff was recommending only one. Staff stated that was true. 4. Commissioner Woodard asked what the status was of the small trees that were to be replaced at the Home Depot site. Staff stated this item did not relate to this project. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that correspondence had been received from Home Depot regarding their difficulty in obtaining the right size trees, but the problem was being resolved. 5. Commissioner Woodard asked why the site plan that was in their packet waS not the same as what was being shown on the presentation and was the Commission approving the total plan. Staff stated the plan before them was for Jack in the Box restaurant and the remaining of part of Phase II. Commissioner Woodard stated he still had a problem with the upper parking PC7-22-97 4 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 and asked if the Commission'was being asked to approve the entire site plan. Commtmity Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the application before the Commission was for the approval of a 2,860 square foot Jack in Box restaurant with drive a through on Pad #3 within the Jefferson Plaza Center. The applicant had submitted a concept for Parcel 2, but the approval before the Commission was only for the Site Development Permit for Jack in the Box restaurant. The Commission would have the opportunity to review and approve the other parcels as they are submitted. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to identify the area the Commission was reviewing for approv, al. Staff identified the area on the site plan for the Commission. 6. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Doug Cooper, Greenburg Farrow Architecture, representing the applicant, stated the Jack in the Box is the focus of this request. He further stated that the signs had been an issue at their last meeting as they were asking for four signs. They were still asking for four signs. As Jack in the Box is a nationally recognized tenant it is their opinion they should be allowed to have their standard signs as all other nationally recognized businesses have four signs. Now that the building is turned more perpendicular to Highway 111, the signs are needed. With regard to the height of the berm, the berm and landscaping combined are to reach a total of four feet. The conditions state that the berm will be four feet. In regard to the trees at Home Depot, they are having to search for a different tree as the African Sumac is not available' in the required box size and caliper as conditioned. However, as stated by staff, the tree issue will be resolved. 7. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify the request again. Staff stated Pad #3 which was for the Jack in the Box restaurant site was the only issue before the Commission. 8. Chairman Butler clarified that the item before them is the Site Development Permit and not the sign program. Staff affirmed that the sign program was the next item on the Agenda as a separate item. Staff stated Jack in the Box would be setting the precedent, but the Commission will be reviewing the buildings for Pads # 1 and #2 when they are submitted in the future. 9. · Commissioner Kirk stated that part of the Conditions of Approval do contain conditions regarding the signs. Staff stated that a Finding #6 contained in the Resolution, and Condition g48 regarding the signs are a part of this approval. As the issues overlay, the Commissioner can combine the two applications. Discussion followed regarding the two Agenda items. PC7-22-97 5 Planning Commission Meeting _ July 22, 1997 10. Chairman Butler asked which item would be more important to take first. Staff ~uggested that staff give the staff report for the sign program and combine the two items for Commission discussion. It was determined that the Commission will finish discussion regarding the Site Development Permit first. 11. Mr. Mike Walsh, Jack in the Box, Development Department, stated he would like to request corporate identity signs on the face of the building. At the last meeting, he understood that there would be sufficient signs at this location. They are asking for signs on the east, west and Highway 111 elevations. The east 'side is the most important as this is the entry to the Center. In addition, they would like to use a channel sign on the east side. 12. Commissioner Woodard stated that with the signs on the south, east, and west side, why is the sign on the north side important. Mr. Walsh stated the north is important so that those in the Center can find their location. 13. There being no further public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public hearing. 14. Chairrhan Butler stated the signs were confusing, but beyond the signs, has the parking problem been solved? The trees and the separation from the entry area had been resolved and lowering the building silhouette had created an excellent product. The issue of signs is the question and it would help if they were able to see a better picture of what the applicant was asking. The sign on the east elevation is being requested to be enlarged and he did not see where it would fit. Mr. Walsh stated it was his understanding, from the last meeting that staff was recommending signs on all four sides, but the staff report only recommends two sides, deleting the east side entirely. He was asking to retain the east side signs with channel letters and increase the sign size above the drive through window. Instead of the 2-foot by 6-foot square sign, they wOuld use the channel signs. 15. Commissioner Woodard asked where the east elevation sign would be placed. Mr. Walsh stated it would be horizontal, 10 to 12 feet long, above the drive through window. Commissioner Woodard stated the structure is only 10 or 12 feet long. The sign would be on the fascia for the entire length of the east elevation. The south and west elevation would be as presented on the plans. The west and south elevation would have no change. Commissioner Seaton asked if the west would stay as submitted. Mr. Walsh stated that was true. PC7-22-97 6 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 16. Chairman Butler stated he would like to see a sign on the east elevation, but it should not cover the entire area. Discussion followed regarding possible alternatives. 17. Commissioner Woodard stated that others have received the same amount of signs and in some instances, more. 18. Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant preferred the box or the channel letters. Mr. Walsh stated he would prefer to have a larger red box sign. Commissioner Kirk clarified that the box was six and a quarter square feet and the channel letters would be 15 square feet. In addition, the trademark sign was much more preferable than the larger sign. Staff clarified that the Commission was approving the signs on the east, west, and south elevations, with no sign on the north side, and only one menu board. 19. Them being no further comment, Chairman Butler closed the public hearing. 20. Commissioner Woodard complemented the applicant on his resubmital which met the Commission's request. He asked to see the color board. Staff stated it was the same as the last meeting. Commissioner Woodard informed the applicant that if Home Depot was planning to submit plans for Pads # 1 and #2 as shown on this plan, as well as the parking layout, he would have a problem. 21. Commissioner Kirk stated he agreed with the east elevation sign and the box sign. 22. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-054 approving Site Development Permit 97-606, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as modified: a. Signs would be permitted on the east, west, and north elevations. 23. Commissioned Gardner asked whether the four foot berm was being approved, or as the applicant requested. It was his understanding that the Sheriff's Department requested that the interior not be hidden. Staff clarified that in the Department's comments, there were no comments from the Sheriffs Department regarding this. Discussion followed regarding the height of the berming and landscaping. PC7-22-97 7 Planning Commission Meeting _ July 22, 1997 24. Commissioner Woodard stated that berming has a much greater affect. · 25. Commissioner Gardner asked what site plan the Commission would receive. Staff stated it would be the site plan as revised by the applicant. 26. Commissioner Woodard asked that the motion be amended to require the landscaping plan be returned to the Planning Commission for approval. 27. Commissioners Abels/Kirk amended their motion to include the landscaping plans be resubmitted for approval by the Commission. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tyler. ABSTAIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Sign Permit 97-383; a request of Home Depot, U.S.A., Inc. for approval of a planned sign program for Phase Two of the Jefferson Plaza Shopping Center. 1. Chair[n. an Butler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Gardner asked staff to clarify the location of the monument sign. Staff stated it was required that it .be moved further west. Commissioner Gardner asked why they wanted the sign moved. Staff stated that customers coming from the west will mm into the shopping center at the signal and their first opportunity to see the sign would be at this location. By putting it at the signal it would encourage people to enter at the signal rather than at the illegal right turn-in/out location. 4. Commissioner Gardner asked staff to identify the other monument sign locations. PC7-22-97 8 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 5. Commissioner Kirk asked why moving the sign to the west would be a better breaking up of the traffic. It might be better if the Home Depot customer entered off Jefferson Street rather than going through the parking lot maze. Staff clarified that other tenants of the Center would be identified on the sign as well. 6. Commissioner Woodard stated he was surprised that there was no sign at the comer of Jefferson and Highway 111. People traveling west will enter Home Depot at their parking lot entrance. Those traveling east will use the signal entrance causing this signal entrance to become a major impact on the parking lot. Will this signal become the entrance to the tenants to the west of this site or will there be another signal at the other location? Staff stated there will be no signal to the west of the one proposed. Commissioner Woodhrd stated that the monument sign will then have to identify all the other uses and asked where the other tenants signs would be located. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the tenants to the west would be able to enter off of Dune Palms Avenue or Highway 111 which will be signalized. Discussion followed regarding monument sign locations. 7. Commissioner Seaton asked what the size of the other tenants would be and what other tenants would be present. Staff explained the plan. 8. Commissioner Gardner asked if a traffic study had been completed to show where their customers would be coming from, east or west. Staff, stated that was a question for the applicant, Mr. Cooper. 9. Mr. Tom Searles, consultant for Home Depot, stated this sign would not have Home Depot on it. West bound traffic will not use the signal to enter Home Depot. This monument sign is for the future tenants that have not been obtained yet. As to where the majority of the traffic would come from, it is unknown. Right now the traffic comes from the east as their are more houses in that'direction, but they believe the future traffic will come from both areas. In regard to the second phase of development, it will be market driven and the uses will come back to the Planning Commission as they are obtained. They do not have an understanding of the parking until these tenants are obtained. PC7-22-97 9 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97- 055 approving the Planned Sign Program for Phase Two of the Jefferson Plaza Shopping Center for Sign Permit 97-383, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tyler. ABSTAIN: None. B. Continued - Site Development Permit 97-611; a request of Century Crowell for approval of a new prototype single family house plan for Tract 27899. 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff pointed out that for a two car garage, the doors are to have a minimum 16-foot wide clearance and the garage door opening shall be a minimum distance of two feet between the garage and property line. 2. Chairman Butler asked for the width of the single car garage door opening. Staff stated it was seven feet wide 3. Commissioner Woodard asked what the width of the three car garage would be. Staff stated it would be 31-feet from outside to outside. 4. Chairman Butler asked if there were any conditions that the driveway be the same width as the garages. Staff stated that Condition//7 required them to be the minimum width of the required garage door opening. If the Commission wanted to make sure the driveway is the same on all the plans, the condition could be amended to delete the word "required". 5. Commissioner Kirk questioned Condition//3 as to whether it was to read "shall" or "will". Staff agreed it should be "shall". Commissioner Kirk asked what the Riverside County Agricultural Commission had to do with approving the plants. Staff stated they reviewed the plant pallet to make sure no prohibited plants are brought in from outside the Coachella Valley. PC7-22-97 ' 10 ' Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 6. Chairman Butler stated his concern that the painted walls would not hold up against the watering. Staff stated they could be require to be an integral color other than grey. 7. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Dennis Cunningham, representing the applicant, stated he had only one comment regarding the width of the garage door and the two- foot side returns. Their firm builds and sells 200 homes in a year and have never had any resistence from their buyers regarding these two issues. They get 30% of their buyers from referrals. When it comes to this type of issue, they believe they are the professionals and can determine whether a one foot or two foot side is best. They are confident that these designs would meet the Commission's approval. As they have not had any problems, they would not like to be required to change the design. 8. Commissioner Kirk asked what the selling price would be for the different units. Mr. Cunningham stated that for the Del Rey it will be a continuation of what is being built now, $114,000-$145,000, depending on the upgrades. The Marbella would be $140,000 to $160,000, which are a step above the Topaz. Topaz, which is in its last phase, is a step above the Del Rey. Commissioner Kirk stated it appears the public wants the three-car garages. Mr. Cunningham stated the market is open to two car garages. Because of the current zoning regulations regarding the number of garages being calculated on the number of bedrooms, it has put a burden on the industry. They would prefer the buying public determine the number of garages. Commissioner Kirk asked what Mr. Cunningham thought about the driveway apron. Mr. Cunningham stated that normally they run the garage widths to the width of the door plus six inches. 9. Commissioner Gardner stated that Century had sold a number of houses and he was very satisfied with their products. His concern was with the area between the single car and double car garage as it seems to be out of balance. It puts the car to close to the inside wall of the garage prohibiting a person from exiting their car on the right side. Mr. Cunningham stated that from an architectural standpoint they are experiencing a resistence from the buying public to having nothing but garage fronts on the houses. Therefore they want to create more of a golf cart look by off-setting the third garage. PC7-22-97 11 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 10. Commissioner Abels questioned their wisdom as to whether the buying public would recognize the difference. Mr. Cunningham stated it is not a sellers market; buyers are sophisticated and know what they want. He would prefer to have the industry dictate. 11. Comm. issioner Woodard stated he is philosophically going to stop making comments regarding the design of tract homes as it is unfair to compare custom homes to tract homes. It is unfair to ask this company to make changes based on custom home design. However, he is totally supportive of staff's recommendation and he believes the house elevations do need additional detail and a differential between the face of the surfaces. Without dimensional change the house will be somewhat lacking. 12. Commissioner Seaton asked where the models would be located. Mr. Ctmningham stated they would be at the comer of Miles Avenue and Adams Street. Commissioner Seaton asked if they would have ten parking spaces. Mr. Cunningham stated they would have ten parking spaces.. 13. Chairman Butler asked staff if there was a requirement for patio awning on the south facing houses. Staff stated a policy had been initiated and was being adhered to, but was not included in the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance and therefore, was no longer required. Mr. Cunningham clarified further that the Building and Safety Director had stated that from an energy standpoint the requirement could not be upheld. Therefore, it was not includ.ed in the changes to the Zoning Ordinance. 14. Chairman Butler commended Mr. Cunningham on the design of the homes, the mix, and colors, and in particular the walls in the dark brown color for the Del Rey project. Mr. Cunningham stated it was his understanding that this new color would not be allowed under the new Zoning Ordinance. Discussion followed regarding the block wall. Staff stated that as it relates to masonry fencing, they should refer to Section of the Code. 15. Commissioner Abels commended Mr. Cunningham on submitting a complete package for the Commission to review and stated it was a fine product. PC7-22-97 12 · Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-056 approving Site Development Permit 97-611, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk Seaton, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tyler. ABSTAIN: None. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONERS ITEMS: A. Commissioner Abels stated he would like to go on record as stating that since the dissolution of the Design Review Board and with the increase in the Planning Commission x'nembers from five to seven members, it is important that the Planning Commission have some members who are fully qualified in design issues. The Commission should listen to their comments as this was the purpose in consolidating the two Commissions. 1. Chairman Butler stated he agreed with this comment and he would encourage any member of the Commission that has specific feelings regarding design review to state them; however, the comments should not challenge the applicant or become an issue. At times, some of the design review questions becomes too intense and rather than being an improving factor it becomes a critical issue. The Commission has a right to take these issues into consideration, but they should be monitored. 2. Commissioner Woodard stated that it was his understanding that the purpose of the Commission was to look at the design and zoning issues of every submittal. If this is not tree, he would like to have it clarified at this meeting. 3. Chairman Butler stated it is staWs responsibility to make a recommendation based on their design review before it is submitted to the Commission. The PC7-22-97 13 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 Commission then has the right to review staff's recommendation and either accept or reject them. If a Commissioner does not agree, then that Commissioner should be monitored to see that those criticisms are constructive and to the point. 4. Staff stated its review of the project is based on its compliance with all adopted policies, regulations, etc., and then makes a recommendation to the Planning Commission. 5. Commissioner Woodard stated that the Commission's responsibility is then two-fold; the Planning Commission looks at the design issues as recommended by staff and any other issues any Commissioner may have. 6. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the Commission is to review projects as they relate to the adopted goals and policies of the City of La Quinta and its regulations. Staff also does this and brings this recommendation to the Commission. There are no adopted goals and polices that relate to design except for area known as The Village. 7. Commissioner Woodard stated that at one time there were explicate directions regarding how the Commission was to review a project regarding review and design. If this was tree, he would like to have this agendized for discussion. 8. Commissioner Abels stated that regardless of whether or not there were specific guidelines, they were only a plus or minus. The Commission has an obligation to approve projects if they have met all the City's requirements. 9. Commissioner Woodard suggested that all Commissioners have contributed design ideas and criticism and this is what has added to the.design of the City. They all may not had the same opinion, but it is the Commission's responsibility to look at projects from the standpoint of design, color, materials, etc. He will try in the future to keep his comments to a minimum. 10. Chairman Butler stated this discussion was not meant to be an attack on Commissioner Woodard, but in terms of the Commission's goals, it is their responsibility to smoothly transition the applicant through the process in terms of reviewing the project design and zoning regulations in a timely manner. He has however, sat through meeting after meeting hearing criticism PC7-22-97 14 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1997 · from Commissioner Woodard and if those criticisms were put in the form of a motion which would allow the Commission to vote on them, it would have accomplished a lot more in less time. Then over time, he will be able to see which direction the Commission agrees and disagrees. The projects need to be reviewed in a business fashion. He would suggest that Commissioners sit with staff and let staff put some of their concerns in the staff report and let the Commission review them while reading the reports. Micro analyzing the project should not be done at the Commission meeting. 11. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to look at zoning in terms of what the Commission's function is and provide an oppommity where the Commission could have a discussion and develop a policy to guide them. 12. Commissioner Woodard stated he was bringing this issue up because he had wanted to have a discussion with the Commission regarding this issue. If he was wrong, then he will back off. He concurred with Commissioned Kirk's statement. · IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Abels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting to be held on August 12, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:21 p.m. on July 22, 1997. PC7-22-97 15