PCMIN 08 12 1997 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California August 12, 1997 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting-of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: 'Present: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler.. C. StaffPresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit and Leslie Moufiquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Staff requested that Temporary Use Permit 97-146 be added to the Agenda as an emergency item that was submitted after the Agenda was posted and the event will take place before the next Planning Commission meeting. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Woodard to add Temporary Use Permit 97-146 to the Agenda as Business Item C. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of July 8, 1997. Commissioner Tyler asked that the Minutes be amended on Page 10, to note the opening of the Public Comment portion of the hearing; Page 20, Item 62 he had stated, "He too takes offense with those who complain that the City deliberately scheduled these hearings when the winter residents are away. As a full time resident of the Desert he objects to the idea that the business of the City should be restricted PC8-12-97 1 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 to the winter months. He additionally expressed concern that changes are submitted to the Plannirig Commission at the last minute; Page 21, Item 69 and 70 he voted AYE; Page 30, Item 30, "Commissioner Tyler asked if the traffic signal at La Quinta Centre Drive would be operational for Phase 1."; Page 34, Item 38, "...Jefferson Street to mitigate an imagined emissions hot spot .... ". There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Chairman Butler asked if there was a Department Report. Staff stated there was none. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CONDITIONAIJ USE PERMIT 95-099.; a request of Tom Suitt for approval ora one year time extension for a used vehicle sales lot. 1. Commissioner Seaton withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest. 2. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Commissioner Abels asked staff to explain why the Commission was approving a one year extension instead of a two year. Staff stated the Zoning Code allows the Commission to set whatever time is deemed appropriate and it was staffs determination that due to the zone change along Highway 111, a one year-extension was appropriate. In addition, staff would like the applicant to have an annual review. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant could come back in a year and ask for an additional extension. Staff stated that at the end of a one year extension, the applicant would not be able to obtain any further extensions as the use would not be consistent with the Zoning Code. Commissioner Abels reminded the Commission that when they were reviewing the Zoning Code change for Highway 111, this applicant addressed the Commission regarding his use and ability to continue. Commissioner Abels stated that due to the expense of establishing the business and due to the sales tax provided to the City from this business, in his opinion it would be worth it to the City to approve a two year extension. 4. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant would be able to meet the PC8-12-97 2 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 conditions by the September 1st deadline. Staff stated the violations had been in existence for a long time and needed to be addressed. In regard to the time extension, the Commission can approve a two year, if that is their desire. 5. Commissioner Tyler noted that the applicant had not asked for a two year extension. Commissioner Abels stated that was due to staff's recommendation for a one year extension. 6. Commissioner Gardner asked if the applicant met all the conditions and was granted a one year extension, what would he have to go through to get a second extension? Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the two issues were not tied together. The new ordinance will be in effect 30- days after the second reading and at that time no new used car lots will be allowed on .Highway 111. If Mr. Suitt waits to the end of a one year extension to request a second, he will not be allowed to do so as the ordinance will then be in effect. It is up to the Commission to grant whatever time limit they believe is appropriate. 7. Commissioner Gardner asked if the Planning Commission could give a two. year extension. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the regular conditional use permit does not allow latitude in approving a time extension. This conditional use permit is for a temporary use and there are no specific regulations governing temporary conditional use permits. As there is no way to determine when the auto mall will be operational and as the intent of the new ordinance was to prohibit used ear lots not associated with a new ear dealership, from the Highway 111 area,.staff made the determination to grant a one year extension. 8. Commissioner Kirk asked if the time extension could be conditioned to the opening of the auto mall. Staff noted that this was possible except it was an open ended extension as it was unknown when the auto mall would open. Commissioner Kirk suggested a two year extension or the opening of the auto mall, whichever came fu-st. 9'. Commissioner Kirk asked staff what steps had been taken by the City to see that the conditions had been met. Staff stated they would have to review the Code Enforcement files to see what had been done. Staff did know that the Code Enforcement Department had not been aggressively trying to resolve the problems. PC8-12-97 3 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 10. There being no further 'questions, Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would, like to address the Commission. Mr. Tom Suitt, applicant/owner, stated that when he originally applied for this conditional use permit, it took 12-months to meet all the Conditions of Approval. He was concerned as he had not been notified of the violations and therefore was not aware of any violations. He will see that they are corrected immediately. His concern was that the business had only been in operation for nine months even though they had been approved two years prior. He realized this was an interim use, but to allow him only a one year extension is a "drop dead" situation with no opportunity to recoup his expenses to open the business originally. In his opinion, it was a reasonable request to ask for a two year extension and he would appreciate the Commission's consideration in approving a two year extension. 11. Commissioner Woodard asked if the applicant was aware of the Conditions of Approval at the time of the original approval. Mr. Suitt stated he was aware of them at the time of approval. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to identify what the violations the application had not met. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it was primarily their signs and parking lot lights. Commissioner Woodard asked if these violations had occurred since the on~ginal approval. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it was the business owners responsibility to know the City's code regarding his operation. 12. Commissioner Gardner asked if the applicant could meet all the conditions as mentioned by staff. Mr. Suitt stated they would be corrected as soon as possible. The lights do not appear to be obtrusive, but if they are in violation, he will take them down. He would like to have them due to security problems. 13. Mr. Greg Shannon, speaking on behalf of the applicant, stated he was assisting the applicant in his efforts to sell the property. He requested the applicant be granted the two year extension to enable him the time necessary to recoup his financial costs in getting the operation started. He has stated he will resolve all the violations 'and has already met City requirements by dedicating the land necessary for street improvements. PC8-12-97 4 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 14. Commissioner Kirk stated he was supportive of staff's general recommendation. He would support a one year extension with up to a two year extension or the opening of the auto mall. 15. Commissioner Gardner stated that granting the approval predicated upon the opening of the auto mall had not occurred to him, but it was an excellem idea. In his opinion the applicant should have a reasonable length of time to recover his costs. 16. Commissioner Abels stated he concurred with both of those comments. Commissioner Woodard also agreed. 17. There being no further, discussion, it was moved and seconded by Comniissioners Tyler/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97- 056 approving Conditional Use Permit 97-022, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval, as amended: a. The outstanding conditions are to .be met by October 1, 1997; b. The extension be for two years or the opening of the first dealership of the auto mall. c. Arrangements were to be made for the applicant to meet with the City Engineer to go over the conditions. 18. Commissioner Gardner asked how the applicant would be notified of the auto mall opening and what time frame would he be given to close his operation once they were open. 19. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that once the first dealership is issued its Certificate of Occupancy, staff will notify the applicant of the time he has to close his business. Discussion followed as to how many days the applicant would have after the notification and alternatives should the auto mall open in less than one year. 20. Commissioner Kirk asked that the motion be amended to state the extension would be for a minimum of one year, regardless of when the-auto mall opened. 21. Commissioner Tyler amended his motion to state the extension would be granted for a minimum of one year but not to exceed two years or, 45-days after a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the first car dealership. PC8-12-97 5 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Seaton. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Seaton rejoined the Commission. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Sign Application 97-387; a request of Beer Hunter Sports Pub & Grill for approval of new identification signs on Washington Street and Highway 111. 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iofio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked how the sign on the east facing wall, that will now have the new sign, compared to the existing sign in size? Staff stated the applicant could best explain this. The current sign size is 14-feet in length and 12-inches in height. · 3. Mr. Gary Wright, "Architectural Neon", 74-990 Joni Drive, #3C, Palm Desert, representing the applicant, stated the existing sign consisted of letters that are 12-inches high, centered in the opening, for a total sign size of 4-feet wide by 20-feet long. The new sign will have the words "Beer Hunter" in 12- inch elongated letters within a ten inch high cabinet. 4. Chairman Butler asked if the new sign was to be illuminated whereas, the current sign was not. Mr. Wright stated this was true, but it would help to identify the building. The current sign is dark and difficult to see. Chairman Butler asked if the north elevation sign was existing and illuminated. Mr. Wright stated there is a three foot by four foot illuminated cabinet sign that sits under the eaves and is very dark. 5. Commissioner Gardner stated his concern was with the light and size of the sign and the applicant's desire to draw more patrons. Why are the signs 'needed when the business is packed every night. Mr. Wright stated that their purpose was not to draw on the local patrons but the out-of-town customers PC8-12-97 ' 6 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 who have a hard time locating the building. The applicant owns three businesses in the Valley, as well as one out of town, and would like their signs to be consistent. 6. Commissioner Abels stated that when the signs were originally approved, the Commission had discussed at length the signs. In addition, he did not believe it was hard to f'md the building. He would agree with a small new sign on the north elevation along with a monument, but not on the east Or south elevations. 7. Commissioner Woodard asked if the signs proposed meet the City's standards. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the sign for the east elevation meets the City's standards, if the Commission can make the finding. The illumination is allowed. The lower sign can only be approved if the Commission makes the finding that the applicant has a disadvantage due to the construction of the building and therefore does not have enough sign visibility onto Highway 111. Commissioner Woodard asked how small the sign would have to be to conform to the sign regulations, if the Commission could not make the finding. Staff stated it would have to be a wall sign 50 square feet, and it could be illuminated. Commissioner Woodard clarified that the Commission was to determine whether the disadvantage was a hardship that entitled them to the additional signs. Staff stated that was tree except for the monument sign. Discussion followed regarding the applicant's request. 8. Commissioner Seaton clarified the location of the signs with staff, and stated she had a problem with the monument sign. In addition, she would, like to have something done to take care of the trash disposal area. Mr. Wright stated the side wall varies in height from three to four feet and is very limiting to signage. This elevation is crucial for the truffle on Highway 111. Without this sign they are reduced to a three by four foot sign on the wall. They would like to have their name and identification logo on the sign. 9. Comnlissioner Tyler asked the applicant to identify the locations of the other businesses. Mr. Wright stated one was in Cathedral City, Palm Desert, and La Quinta. In addition, there is one in Orange County. 10. Commissioner Tyler stated this intersection has been upgraded by the City and Caltrans and is one of the busiest intersections in the Valley. Signs therefore, need to be discreet. This Beer Hunter has more signage than any PC8-12-97 7 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 of their other establishments. The east-facing sign is currently blocked by the City's street improvement sign, but will be readily visible after the sign is removed. The building was configured as it is before they acquired the building and the applicant saw no need to change the building sign and now the community is accustomed to it. He would not like to see the freestanding sign at this location. Rather than clutter up the area with two signs, he would suggest one sign that stated "Beer Hunter" and leave off "Sports Pub'. and Grill". If they want further visibility on the existing monument signs for the shopping center, they need to pursue this with the Center. He is strongly opposed to another monument sign. 11. Commissioner Seaton stated she concurred with most of what Commissioner Tyler stated, but does believe the applicant should have the east elevation sign as presented. 12. Commissioner Woodard stated he thought the east facing sign, if modified to contain just the logo with the wording "Beer Hunter", would be attractive. He concurs with staff regarding the reduction in size for the free standing sign on the north. It is well known that it is a sports pub. He would support a reduction of the east elevation freestanding sign and staff's recommendation for the north elevation sign. 13. Commissioner Abels stated he agreed with Commissioner Woodard's comments. 14. C0nmiissioner Gardner stated he could agree with the sign on the north elevation, but could not agree with the monument sign. 15. Commissioner Woodard asked if Commissioner Gardner agreed that there should be signage on the north side. Commissioner Gardner stated he agreed with the sign that is currently there and the addition of the logo under the eave. 16. Commissioner Kirk asked Commissioner Abels to elaborate on the issues that were discussed when the original sign program was approved. CommisSioner Abels stated he did not remember the exact details, only that the Commission spent a lot of time discussing the signs. He was originally opposed to a PC8-12-97 8 · · Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 monument sign, but if it were reduced in size, it would be appropriate. Commissioner Kirk asked if the reduced monument sign is the one depicted on the plans. Commissioners discussed the size of the signs. 17. Mr. Wright stated he would be willing to reduce the mounding to accommodate the requested signs. Commissioner Woodard asked how far the mound would be lowered. Mr. Wright stated approximately 12-inches lower than the existing. Commissioner Woodard asked if the sign would be 12-inches lower than what was shown on the plans. Mr. Wright stated he did not measure it according to the landscaping, so he was not positive as to where the sign would fall in relation to the roof overhang. Commissioners discussed altematives with the applicant. 18. Commissioner Woodard asked if the applicant would be willing to come back with a revision after noting the changes suggested by the Commission?. Chairman Butler stated the options before the Commission were to approve the request as recommended, modify the request, or continue the project and ask the applicant to make modifications as noted by the Commission and come back. He was however, uncertain whether the monument sign would be approved even if it were revised and brought back. 19. Commissioner Kirk stated he concurred with Commissioner Woodard's statements and supported staff's recommendation to reduce the size of the sign. The applicant may want to consider coming back with revisions keeping in mind the suggestions made by Commissioner Woodard; using the wording "Beer Hunter" with the logo. If the monument sign is reduced, all the proposed changes may be confusing. 20. Commissioner Tyler stated the building has been there for years with the existing landscaping. If the landscaping is lowered to accommodate the sign, it is going to'change the nature of the comer and he was not sure that would be an improvement. 21. Commissioner Abels asked the applicant how much of the landscaping area would be removed. Mr. Wright stated it would have to be blended to work into the existing landscaping. Commissioner Abels stated he would be in favor of continuing the request to the Commission's next meeting. PC8-12-97 9 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 22. Chairman. Butler informed the applicant that he was not sure as to how the Commission would vote if a vote were taken at this time. He then asked if the applicant would prefer to make revisions to the submittal and come back in September. Mr. Wright asked what the Commission wanted him to bring back. Chairman Butler discussed the alternatives that had been suggested. 23. Staff suggested the Commission make a motion to give the applicant some direction as to what the Commission was wanted. 24. Mr. Wright reminded the Commission that the buildings across the street had illuminated signs (AAA, Green Burrito, etc.). Chairman Butler stated they were reviewing the proposal that was brought to the Commission at this time. 25. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 97-010 approving Sign Application 97-387, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as recommended by staff and modified as follows: a. The east elevation sign would consist of the logo and "Beer Hunter". b. The height of the north elevation monument sign shall not exceed the height of the building eave which can be accomplished by modification of the berm. The maximum height of letters shall not exceed 12-inches. 26. Commissioner Gardner asked what options were left to the applicant after the vote was taken. Staff stated it would depend on the outcome of the vote. The Commission could move to continue, approve, approve with modification, or deny the request. The motion failed on a three-four vote. 27. Commissioner Tyler suggested eliminating the freestanding monument sign, keeping the existing sign, or adding "Beer Hunter" to enhance it. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked the Commissioner to clarify what was meant by "enhancement". Commissioner Tyler stated it was to make it bigger, brighter, or both. Staff stated there needed to be a determination as to what that means and does it require going back to the Commission for their approval. Discussion followed as to possible alternatives. PC8-12-97 10 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 28. Mr. Wright stated that the north elevation by Code, is allowed 50 square feet. If the monument and additional sign is not approved, he is still allowed to have up to 50 square feet for a sign. Staff stated that was tree only if the sign is in scale with the building wall. 29. Chairman Butler asked how large the free standing sign was. Mr. Wright stated it was three feet wide by 10 feet high. 30. Commissioner Woodard asked why Commissioner Tyler did not want the new proposal. 31. Commissioner Tyler stated he had no objection to the existing logo sign on the north side being relocated or enlarged up to 15 square feet and illuminated. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to adopt Minute Motion 97-010 to leave the existi~.g logo sign on the north elevation, or allowing it to be relocated or enlarged up to 15 square feet and illuminated. The motion carried with Commissioner Kirk voting No. 32. Mr. Wright asked ifhe could appeal this decision. Staff stated he had 15 days to appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council and gave instructions on what had to be done. B. SITE DEVEIJOPMENT PERMIT 96-590. AMENDMENT #1; a request of Jordan Architects, Inc., Lapis Energy Organization Inc., for approval of a site and building area revision for Parcel 3 of Tentative Parcel Map 28422, relating to the approved self-st0rage use proposed by Lapis Energy. 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to repeat their recommendation in regards to Building "C". Staff stated it was to approve the proposal as presented except Building "C" as it would require a Specific Plan Amendmem. It would requir$ the applicant keep the RV parking spaces, as originally approved, or submit a Specific Plan Amendment to allow additional storage building spaces. PC8-12-97 11 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 - 3. Commissioner Seaton asked why the applicant was requesting the change to the RV parking. Staff stated the original buyer fell out of the purchase and the new buyer is not interested in having the outdoor RV parking spaces. Commissioner Seaton stated that due to the recent problems regarding RV parking, she hated to see it go. Staff stated they had informed the applicant that this is a sensitive issue to the City and the process they will have to go through to change the project. · 4. Commissioner Woodard asked what the walkway was that was adjacent to the office manager's building on the right side of the building. Mr. Kenneth Carrell, architect for the project stated it was the walkway leading into the manager's residence to allow him a private entrance. 5. Commissioner Woodard asked what the zoning was to the east of this site. Staff stated it was CR-Regional Commercial and Commercial Park. Commissioner Woodard stated the site is roughly one football length in depth and two football fields wide, and asked if the Fire Department had determined whether or not they could get in or out of the site. Staff stated that since it is similar to what was previously approved, it was not resubmitted to the Fire Department. The Fire Department will have transmitters to enter the security entrance gates that access north and south adjacent to the office. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern that if there were a fire or accident there is only one way out. Staff stated the previous proposal had two gates. The applicant stated there were two gates at the front only. 6. Commissioner Woodard stated the approved proposal had a break up of the wall along Dune Palms Road and now the insets are being eliminated. Staff stated this was a change of the new owner. 7. Commissioner Tyler stated that in the staff report it appeared that this project was being tied into the Auto Mall project which was a great distance away. Staff clarified that the reference in the staff report was not to the Auto Mall project, but tp the uses contained within this Specific Plan for Parcel 2 which is for auto repair/retail use. Discussion followed regarding the uses proposed for the project. PCS-12-97 12 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 ' 8. Chairman Butler asked if there was any other public comment. There being none, Chairman Butler opened the meeting for Commission discussion. Commissioner Tyler.stated his concern was that the City did enact an RV Parking Ordinance to reduce the RV parking problem in the City. The original proposal allowed relief of this problem. Mr. Carrell, speaking for the applicant stated their intent was to have the vehicles parked inside the building. Commissioner Tyler stated that if that is the intent, he would support the project. 9. Commissioner Seaton asked how many RV's could be parked inside. Mr. Carrell stated it would be determined by how many bays he could get into the plan. It is not known yet how the unit mix will be distributed. 10. Commissioner Seaton asked if the number of RV's would be greatly reduced. Mr. Carrell stated it should not be greatly reduced, but perhaps less than 10%. 11. Commissioner Woodard asked staff if Building "C" was an issue that should even be discussed by the Commission at this time. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it would come back to the Commission under the Specific Plan Amendment, if the applicant applied for the change. 12. Commissioner Tyler stated the previous wall was designed to give some relief; now it is back to the "Great Wall of China" concept. He would hate to see the wall regress. Mr. Carrell stated the gaps were removed for security purposes. The buildings were stepped back at those locations so the gap would still be there but would be a full building instead of the wall. Commissioner Tyler suggested the applicant give a lot of thought to the design of the wall and the landscaping. Mr. Carrell stated they have a landscape architect dealing with this project specifically. The landscaping and retention basin are their priorities. 13. Commissioner Woodard asked if there was a problem having berms in the landscape setbacks when they are also being used as retention basins because you cannot have a berm and a retention basin in the same location. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it was a problem. Staff is recommending the Highway 111 Guidelines incorporate a guideline specifying that retention basins for the project not be within the Highway 111 landscape setback. Commissioner Woodard reminded the Commission that this project is two PC8-12-97 13 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 football fields wide and that is a lot of land. He then asked staff how they could obtain the undulation if this is against retention basin requirements. Staff stated that since the location of the retention basin is not specified within the development standards, it would have to be a condition of the project. At present the grading plan shows the entire retention area within the Highway 111 setback. Discussion followed. 14. Commissioner Woodard asked how the Commission could condition this project to not have the retention basin within the Highway 111 landscape setback. Mr. Carrell stated it was their intention to undulate the retention basin. Commissioner Woodard stated he .wanted this requirement added to the conditions. 'Staff stated they were looking toward requiting the retention within the landscape setbacks be specifically for the street runoff and the site itself contain the retention area for the project so each will serve a different purpose. This would limit the depth of the basins. Commissioner Woodard stated that if this was true it would change the architecture, as the project is built out to the landscape setback. 15. Commissioner Woodard commended the applicant on the design of the managers quarters, but the treatment on Dune Palms Road is lacking. Originally there were three openings, now the great wall. The original design had different heights as well as the undulation. He would recommend that the previous approvals be required to be brought into this application and require additional roof elements on Dune Palms Road as this had deteriorated drastically from what they approved. 16. Commissioner Gardner agreed with Commissioner Woodard. 17. Comn~ssioner Kirk agreed with the lack of articulation on Dune Palms Road and the deterioration of the design on the project frontage. 18. Chairman Butler stated there were a lot of concerns that have been raised. As Building "C" is not a part of this approval it will come back for consideration at a later date. The architectural design on Dune Palms has been changed enough to be an issue. The retention basin, as designed, is in conflict with what the City is trying to do with berming in the landscape setback areas. How does the Commission address the major design changes that could be caused due to retention basins in the landscape setbacks? Planning Manager Christine di Iofio stated that as they could affect the overall project, they could be brought back with the Specific Plan Amendment. PC8-12-97 14 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 19. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to continue this project to come back with the Specific Plan and address all design and retention basin issues at that time. Unanimously approved. C. Minor Terr~orary Outdoor FJvent 97-146 - Mariachi Festival (PGA West TeNnis & Fitness Center; a request of KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., for approval of a temporary use permit to have the 7th Annual Mariachi Festival benefitting the VIVA Charities Boys & Girls Club of the Coachella Valley. 1. Commissioner Gardner withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest. 2. Planning Manger Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Mr. Morey Mortinson, representing KSL, stated he submitted the plans as he had in previous years. He then went on to explain the project. 4. Chairman Butler asked if Code Enforcement or outside agencies would have to make an inspection before the event. Staff stated that if there were to be any outdoor stages on the grounds they will need to have a building inspection. Discussion followed regarding the project circulation and the conditions. ' 5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to adopt Minute Motion 97-011 approving Minor Temporary OutdoOr Event 97-146, subject to the conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Gardner rejoined the Commission. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONERS ITEMS: PC8-12-97 15 Planning Commission Meeting ~ August 12, 1997 A. Discussion regarding the Hillside Conservation Ordinance. 1. Chairman Butler commended staff on their report as it was very informative and thorough. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if the City was obligated to comply with the Department ofFish and Game's request. Staff stated the City is obligated to comply with outside agencies as they have the right to review and comment on any project. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked where the line is drawn as to when the Fish and Game should to be notified. Staff stated that as a general role, whenever a project is subject to CEQA in relation to General Plan and Change of Zone projects they should be notified and given an oppommity to respond. 4. Commissioner Tyler asked if the Commission wasn't directed by the City Council to review the Hillside Ordinance. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the City Council directed staff to review and bring any recommendations back to the Council. Staff therefore, has brought it to the Commission for their comment. 5. Commissioner Woodard questioned staff's regarding Discussion Item #2 of the report and asked if a qualified geologist should be hired to determine the toe of slope before the. toe of slope or average slopes guidelines are determined for developable property? Doesn't the City make policy decisions before hiring someone? Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that was true and it was an issue up for discussion. The City has the option of hiring its own geologist to review any reports at any time. This is tentative and there are other options, but the City has to discuss the toe of slope and alluvial fan. 6. Commissioner Kirk stated he agrees with staff's direction; slope averaging may not make sense for La Quinta and hiring a geologist may not make sense. Generally he found that most liabilities have not come to fruition. He would like to see risk assessment. His concern is with some legality issues. The PC8-12-97 16 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 Indian Wells Ordinance prohibits development on slopes with a 20% or greater slope, but what if a parcel had all over 20% slopes, could that be a taking, if we were to consider this on an area that was being cOnsidered for annexation? Regarding the Rancho Mirage Ordinance which requires a vote of the public, if La Quinta is considering this, he does not believe it makes a lot of sense. 7. Commissioner Woodard stated he thought it would be a huge expense for the City to hire a geologist to survey all the.mountains around the City. It would seem more practical to have the' applicant do the survey. 8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman thanked the Commissioners for their comments and staff would see that they are forwarded on to the City Council. B. Discussion Regarding the Responsibility of the Planning Commission. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chainlaan Butler asked staff to clarify that even though staff does do a design review of projects, how could the design review function of the Commission move along more smoothly. As the Commission reviews staff's recommendation on their design review and makes their modifications/changes, maybe the communication regarding this function could be improved to create a better product. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked if it was possible for the applicant to supply a vicinity map with his submittal. In addition, staff needs to define the scale the applicant is to submit with their projects. Staff stated revisions would be made. Commissioner Woodard complimented staff on the submission package. He will try to be more specific during the review process in the future as it is a very important part of the Commission's responsibilities. 4. Commissioner Tyler stated it is important for each of the Commissioners to listen to a tape of their meetings periodically to get an understanding of how the Commission appears to the audience. PCS- 12-97 17 Planning Commission Meeting August 12, 1997 - 5. Commissioner Kirk commented that Commissioner Woodard should continue with his detailed design review o£the projects as it is an important aspect of the Commission's responsibilities. He then read a portion of Section 2.29.020 of the City's Code and suggested it would be worth the Commission's time to consider appointing a subcommittee to review large projects. ' . 6. Commissioner Woodard asked City Attorney Dawn Honeywell's opinion. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she was surprised to hear that there is still authority to appoint and affix membership of standing and temporary committees. The purpose of the City Council adopting combined policies for all the Commissions was to standardize them specifically. The City Council dissol~,ed the Design Review Board to not create another layer for an applicant to go through for approval. 7. Commissioner Woodard asked if the subcommittee would have to be agendized and have to hold public hearings. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if the committee was making a recommendation to the Planning Commission, yes it would be subject to the Brown Act. Discussion followed regarding alternatives. - C. Commissioner Tyler's gave his report of the City Council meeting of August 5, 1997. D. Commissioner Woodard asked staff about the lack of landscaping on the Home Depot site. Specifically, why was it not bermed or hedged to hide the parking. Staff stated it was a temporary situation that staff is resolving. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on September 23j 1997, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission. was adjourned at 10:02 P.M. on August 12, 1997. PCS- 12-97 18