PCMIN 09 23 1997 MINUTES
A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
September 23, 1997 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Gardner to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Gardner,
Kirk, Seaton, Tyler Woodard, and Chairman Butler.
C. Staff'Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chfiirman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 15,
1997. Commissioner Gardner asked that the minutes be amended on Page 5,
Business Item A.2 to read: "Staff stated that 'in' this case ..... ". Commissioner
Woodard asked that the minutes be amended to state that a motion was made and
seconded excusing Commissioners Seaton and Tyler from the September 15th
meeting. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Gardner to approve the Minutes of September 15, 1997, as
amended. Unanimously approved with Commissioners Seaton and Tyler abstaining.
I3. Chairman Butler asked if there was a Department Report. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated that as directed by the Commission at the previous meeting, she
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September 23, 1997
had researched the issue of whether or not a Planning Commissioner could contribute
to the campaign of Council Members. She then read from the Brown Act and stated
that as she interprets it, Commissioners are not allowed to contribute to any Council
Member's campaign who was seated when they were appointed. It does not prohibit
a spouse from contributing, only the Commissioner.
A. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-613; a request of Marvin Investments, Inc. for
a compatibility approval of a modification to the Heritage and Master collections
units approved in January, 1997.
1. Commissioner Gardner withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest.
2. Chairman Butler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
3. Commissioner Woodard noted that on the floor plans of the Heritage plan, -
the detached guest suite has a bar, sink, and refrigerator. He then asked staff
to define when a unit has a kitchen. Staff stated that when there is a stove,
i.e., cooking facility.
4. Commissioner Seaton questioned the front setback requirement. Staff
clarified that Condition #6 had been added to require the setback.
5. Mr. Peter Jacobs, stated he did not have any questions but was available to
answer any questions. Commissioner Woodard asked why the plans for Lot
8 show the house to be 11 feet away from the side property line when they
could be oriented to have a better view. Mr. Jacobs stated this was to allow
: as much southwest exposure as possible. It is a tough comer and during the
design layout this was determined to be the best orientation. Commissioner
Woodard asked if this was the same reason for Lots l, 3, 5, and 7.
Discussion followed as to the orientation of the different plans.
6. Comrriissioner Woodard showed two elevations and asked the applicant to
clarify which plans they were. Mr. Jacobs stated they were the 3771 square
foot plan (Heritage) and each plan had two elevations. Commissioner
Woodard stated that one set of the elevations showed cosmetic changes and
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one architectural changes. His concern was that there will be six plans with
only cosmetic changes and there should be more of a structural change. Mr.
Jacobs stated the changes had been made to the existing approved PGA West
plan, the Heritage Plan 3 unit. The floor plan was widened and square
footage added. In addition, a tower feature was added at the entry.
Commissioner Woodard asked Mr. Jacobs why the one plan showed a series
of broken-up hip roofs. Staff clarified that the issue before the Commission
was not a review of the entire plan, but only the changes that were being
proposed for the approved plan.
7. Commissioner Tyler stated it would have been easier to review the plans if
street names had been included to identify the location. He then asked the
applicant to identify where the duplex lots were that the sign at the entrance
was advertising. Mr. Jacobs stated he was unfamiliar with the sign he was
referring to. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that
parts of this tract had been approved for duplexes. Mr. Chevis Hosea, KSL,
stated the signs were directional signs for the construction crews.
8. There being no further public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public
hearing and opened the issue for Commission discussion.
9. Chairman Butler clarified that the comments made by Commissioner
Woodard were important and interesting, but should be discussed at a more
appropriate time as they did not pertain to the request before the Commission.
Commissioner Woodard stated his concern was that the changes proposed
will only be superficial changes and the Commission needs to look at each
project in the overall planning of the City.
10. Chairman Butler asked that this issue be discussed at a later date. In addition,
he asked if the Commission could determine the plotting of the houses. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City currently does not have any
development standards to allow this type of review by the Commission. As
long as the developer meets the setback standards, etc., the City has no
prerogative to review plotting. If the Commission wants to have that much
detail review, the Zoning Code would have to be amended. Commissioner
Woodard asked that this item be added to the Commission's agenda for
review at the appropriate time.
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11. Commissioner Tyler stated that in conjunction with Commissioner's
Woodard's request, the Commission should also be requiring the caliper size
of trees to be consistent. Staff stated there presently are no development
standards as to what the Commission has been requesting. Staff then read
what was being required of Home Depot and asked if the Commission
wanted the same size trees for all projects. Commissioner Woodard stated
the Commission should be consistent. Staff stated they would add these
items to the Zoning Code Amendments being reviewed by staff.
12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-
066, approving Site Development Permit 97-613, subject to the Findings and
Conditions of Approval as amended to require the caliper of trees in
Condition #2 be 2.5 to 3 inches in diameter at six inches above the grade.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Gardner.
Commissioner Gardner rejoined the Commission.
A. Street Name Change 97-008; a request of the City and TD Desert Development for
consideration of a street name change for a portion of Rio Seco to Via Ventana.
1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa
presented the information contained in the s.taff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Tyler stated he lives at the comer of Viletta Drive and Viletta
' Drive and he does not have any problems.
3. Commissioner Woodard asked if there was any cost to the City to change the
name and why was Sagebrush Avenue not used. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman explained there is no cost to the City and by calling
the street Sagebrush it would create the same problem as the streets run in
different directions.
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4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 97-
067 recommending to the City Council approval of Street Name Change 97-
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler,
Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
A. Chairman Butler asked if the Commissioners had any questions or changes on the
drafted letter to Home Depot regarding the landscaping.
1. Commissioner Woodard asked if the City had any enforcement options
should Home Depot not meet its obligation regarding the landscaping. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained the procedures for the Development
Agreement and the procedure for any breech of the agreement. Any
resolution of the violations would have to be instigated by the City Council.
The Planning Commission can make a recommendation to the City Council
regarding the issue, but could take no action themselves. Commissioner
Woodard asked if the City could hold up the processing of any of the other
projects on the site. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that as long as
they were meeting the zoning requirements, there were no options available
to the City to stop the project.
2. Chairman Butler pointed out that the only option available was to hold up the
Certifi'cate of Occupancy. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that this
again, was not an issue for discussion by the Commission.
3. Commissioner Gardner asked how the Commission could know which
conditions would be met when. Staff clarified that the conditions each have
a time frame in which they must be completed. In regard to the trees, the
problem was with the availability of the trees and not noncompliance with the
conditions, therefore a temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued.
Letters had been written by the City and Home Depot tracking this series of
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4. Mr. Doug Cooper, Greenburg Farrow, architect for Home Depot, asked when
bermifig became an issue. It was their understanding that this would not be
required until the second phase. To his knowledge there was nothing in their
conditions to require berming. Staff clarified that Condition #61 of the
Specific Plan calls out for berms, walls, or landscaping to provide parking lot
5. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify why the site was approved
without berming. Staff stated that in April and March of this year, mounding
was discussed, but this was prior to the approval of the Highway 111
Guidelines. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the purpose of a
Development Agreement is to freeze all requirements in place at the time the
Development Agreement is approved. Discussion followed as to the timing
of the landscaping requirement. Staff stated that they were working with
Home Depot to reach a solution to the requirement that the parking lot be
screened. Home Depot has agreed to include some berming and replace the
landscaping as required.
6. Commissioner Tyler stated that the Planning Commission is not in the Code
Enforcement business, and if the letter is sent out, it must be approved by the
City Council first as the Commission is only a recommending body. Further,
at the City Council meeting of August 5th, Council Member Adolph directed
staff to resolve the problem. Therefore, he did not see any need for the letter
and he would suggest the letter not be sent.
7. Chairman Butler stated that the purpose of the letter was to acknowledge that
there is a problem and make an attempt to start the process of resolving the
issues. As the Commission has no ability to enforce this action, the letter is
intended to form a working relationship to solve the problem.
8. Commissioner Abels stated that there had been enough discussion on this
' issue and the Commission should move on to the next item. The letter is
appropriate, but as staff is already in the process of resolving the issue, the
letter is no longer needed.
9. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if Commissioner Tyler's remarks were correct
and was this type of action within the purview of the Commission. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the primary function of the Planning
Commission is to make a recommendation to the City Council concerning
projects. However, certain actions of the Commission are final and do not go
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beyond the Commission, i.e., variances, site development permits, and
conditional use permits. There is no stipulation that the Commission cannot
send the letter, but she would caution the Commission in this endeavor. The
Council has never prohibited the Commission from taking such action by
sending out this type of letter.
10. Chairman Butler stated that he had been approached by a Council Member
to become involved with this issue and this was why he had pursued the
matter. However, if the letter is now after-the-fact, he sees no need to send
11. Commissioner Woodard asked Mr. Cooper if there were any issues they felt
could not be worked out with staff. Mr. Dan Campbell of Home Depot
clarified that the trees were in route and all issues raised by the Commission
would be addressed. He went on to give the history of the different problems.
In regard to the berming issue, Home Depot has agreed to do some, but they
were not going to redesign the sidewalks. Therefore, some of the berming
will not meet the three foot height requirements. Commissioner Woodard
stated that as long as whatever is put in hides the cars, he will leave it to
Home Depot to solve the problem.
12. Commissioner Kirk asked staff what Caltmns right-of-way was. Staff stated
12-feet and their requirements had been taken into consideration during the
drafting of the Highway 111 Guidelines. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff
considered taking over Highway 111. Staff stated it had been discussed, but
determined that it would be too costly.
B. Discussion of signs on Washington Street and Jefferson Street.
1. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern was the number of signs he sees
as he 4tfives into town on these two streets. Community Development
~ Director Jerry Herman clarified they are in the Riverside County area or in
other jurisdictions and showed the location of the City limits on Jefferson and
Washington Streets.
2. Commissioner Woodard asked if it was possible for the City to come to an
agreement with the surrounding entities to agree on landscaping plans. Staff
stated some preliminary research had been done with the County as it related
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to the west side of Washington Street. In response to our inquiries, staff
received a phone call that stated if the City would pay for their code
enforcement officer, they would deal with the issue.
3. Commissioner Woodard asked staff what the enforcement procedure would
be to remove the signs if they were put in La Quinta. Staff stated that Code
Enforcement has the right to cite and fine any violator.
4. Commissioner Woodard stated that if a deal was made with the County to
issue a fine for the signs they might go away. He then asked if there was a
way to work with the City of Indio and Riverside County to see that the City
of La Quinta can remove these signs. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
there would need to be an agreement in place, but it would have to be
negotiated and both jurisdictions would have to agree to it. She then went on
to explain examples of cooperative agreements the City currently has. She
stated the idea is not impossible, but is something that would require
initiative and funding from both entities. Discussion followed regarding the
different Commissioners' opinions.
5. Commissioner Kirk asked if the City could enter into an agreement with the
County and Indio that would allow the City to be the enforcement agent.
6. FolloWing discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Woodard/Kirk directing staff to forward a recommendation to the City
Council asking that a cooperative agreement with Riverside County and the
City of Indio be explored to eliminate the proliferation of signs on Jefferson
Street and Washington Street. Unanimously approved.
B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of September 16,
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on October 14, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. on September 23, 1997.
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