PCMIN 02 24 1998 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 24, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by
Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Tyler to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Seaton,
Tyler, Woodard and Chairman Butler. It was noted that commissioner Gardner
would arrive late.
C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
__ Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. ~ Chairman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of February 10,
1998. Commissioner Tyler asked that the minutes be clarified on Page 2 B. 1.a. Staff
stated the last sentence would be deleted. There being no other corrections, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to approve the minutes as
corrected. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Seaton abstaining and
Commissioner Gardner absent.
A. Village on the Green- Environmental Assessment 97-349. Specific Plan 97-031.
General Plan Amendment 97-055, Tentative Tract 28601. and Site Development
Permit 97-618; a request of Catellus Residential Group and the La Quinta
Redevelopment Agency for approval and recommendation to the City Council for
certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, approval
and recommendation of a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract,
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and Site Development Permit for a 26 acre, 86 family residential lot subdivision, and
118 senior apartments with recreational amenities on ten acres, reduce several street
widths from the General Plan required 36-feet to 28- and 32-feet at the northwest
corner of Jefferson Street and 48th Avenue. The project is affordable from very low
through moderate income levels.
1. Chairman Butler informed the Commission that the applicant had requested
a continuance to March, 1998.
2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to continue the
project to the Planning Commission meeting of March 24, 1998.
Unanimously approved.
B. Tract 28470. Amendment #1; a request Of Tradition Club Associates, LLC, c/o
Winchester Development Company for approval and recommendation to the City
Council for certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact for Environmental Assessment 98-354 and revision of Tentative Tract 28470
Condition #79 reducing the 335-foot wide 17-foot maximum building height
restriction corridor to a 150-foot wide corridor east of the ultimate fight of way of
Avenida Bermudas.
1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff requested additional language be added to the amended
condition requiting the maximum of 24-feet for the rear of the lots listed in
the condition.
2. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to indicate where the applicant had placed
the site poles at the site.
3. Commissioner Woodard stated he had heard the problem was the pad
elevations were not graded correctly and asked if the line of site drawings
were correct. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the pads were graded to the
City's requirements, in accordance with the approved grading plans.
4. Commissioner Woodard asked what the distance was between the trees to be
. planted at the perimeter wall. Community Development Director stated the
landscaping plan had already been approved. Commission Woodard stated
his concern was that the line of site did not portray what effect the trees
would have on the view. If the distance between the trees was wide enough
the line of site studies would be true.
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5. Commissioner Woodard asked if any restrictions had been placed on the
applicant to require varying roof lines for the homes. Staff stated as the
homes were custom, they did come before the Commission for review. In
addition, it was rare that custom homes would have the same roof designs.
6. Commissioner Woodard asked if staff was to review the custom home plans.
Staff stated they would be reviewed by the Building and Safety Department.
7. Commissioner Seaton asked staff if the homes in the Cove Subdivision had
a 17-foot height limitations. Staff stated this was correct.
8. Commissioner Kirk stated he too was interested in the landscaping along
Avenida Bermudas. The letter from Mr. Rowe, dated January 31st and
contained in their staff report, talks about a change to Condition #79 and #81.
He is unaware of any changes and asked staff to identify them as they
occurred. Staff stated there were a number of modifications that occurred to
the Conditions of Approval between the Planning Commission and City
Council public hearings including additions, deletions, and renumbefing.
-- Commissioner Kirk stated he was uncertain as to whether or not the applicant
was asking to have the 150 foot height restriction extended to the second row
of homes.
9. Mr. Mike Rowe, Winchester Development Company representing Tradition
Club Associates, explained that when the project was originally approved the
Conditions of Approval were established. The discrepancy happened when
they held a town hall meeting with the residents to discuss the issues that had
been raised at the first City Council public hearing. As the project was before
the City Council on two different occasions, the changes to the conditions
were made between these Council meetings based on the results of the
meetings. They did not object to the changes at that time and they probably
should have, because it has become a problem for the architects to work with
this requirement. In regard to roof heights, the Tradition design review
guidelines requires the roof heights to vary. He went on to describe the
models he had brought to the meeting illustrating the differing roof heights
of proposed homes. The design guidelines stipulate that the maximum lot
coverage can only be '40%. He went on to demonstrate the line of sight for
the 17-foot and 24-foot height measurement using pictures as examples. In
addition, he stated the landscaping would not be so dense as to close off the
__ view of the hillsides.
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10. Commissioner Tyler asked the applicant to demonstrate on the line of site
drawings, where the poles had been placed at the site. Mr. Rowe stated the
poles were to give a true representation of what would be seen if a house
were constructed at the 30-foot front yard setback line. The 24-foot marker
shows what a house would look like at 150-feet and again at the 335-foot
measurement. Commissioner Tyler noted the pictures were misleading in
that a home would take up more space than what was represented by the
poles. Mr. Rowe stated the purpose was to give a representation.
11. Commissioner Tyler asked if the landscaping would be designed to leave the
open space between the lots. Mr. RoWe stated the models were a speculation
and'the exact determination for planting had not been made. The interior
landscaping was designed to enhance the perimeter landscaping.
Commissioner Tyler noted there was a 24-foot side yard distance and as the
lots were well defined, it seemed the landscaping could be planned to take
advantage of this open space to retain the mountain view.
12. Commissioner Seaton asked the applicant to explain the 150- and 335-foot
distance. Mr. Rowe demonstrated on the plans where the two distances
would fall on the lots backing up to Avenida Bermudas.
13. Commissioner Tyler asked the applicant to show where the next row of
homes would be built that he had referred to. Mr. Rowe clarified this was if
the 150 foot was flipped onto the other side of Avenida Bermudas. It shows
the extent of what the 150-foot represents and that it is more restrictive on
their side as it would take into'the account the second row of houses on
Avenida Bermudas. What they intended to do was push the homes back
away from Avenida Bermudas to have the 150-foot lot set back.
14. Commissioner Kirk asked the applicant to clarify that the poles were set at
the proposed location of the facade at the 30-foot setback at 150 feet from
Avenida Bermudas and this would not be allowed with the changes they were
proposing. Mr. Rowe explained this was to represent what would be the
worst case scenario.
15. Commissioner Woodard stated he had always supported the 24-foot height
limit from the beginning of the project and it had been his understanding
they had requested the 17-foot height limitation. Mr. Rowe stated it was not
at their request.
16. Chairman Butler asked if the landscaping to be planted on the interior and
exterior of the perimeter wall was to buffer some of the roof heights. If so,
would this create a wall of landscaping that would block the view even
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though the houses did not? Mr. Rowe stated the landscaping is not the
typical row of Oleanders. It is not their purpose to create a wall of
landscaping to block off the view.
17. Chairman Butler stated the Commission has no control on what the
individual homeowners would plant, but would the development restrict the
landscaping to maintain the open space. Mr. Rowe stated the design review
committee would maintain the open space.
18. Chairman Butler asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the
Commission on this project. Diane Garcia 78-825 Nolan Circle, stated she
was a resident of La Quinta and also represented the Desert Contractor's
Association who also supported this development as it would be an
enhancement to the City.
19. Mr. John Gunther, 53-235 Avenida Bermudas, stated he was not in
opposition to the Tradition project. As he lived across the street, he would
either benefit or be impacted by this development. He would prefer to retain
the desert view, but he understands development must occur and this is a
good project. His question is whether or not he would legally lose his fight
to raise any questions brought up at this meeting, if he does not speak take
this opportunity to ask questions. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated he
would have another oppommity to speak regarding this project at the City
Council public heating. Mr. Gunther questioned the City Attorney as to
whether or not his personal problem had any basis on this project. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she did not believe it was applicable. Mr.
Gunther informed the Commission that his purpose in speaking was that he
was denied the fight to build his house on Avenida Bermudas at 17-feet 6-
inches and he needed to be sure his fights are protected on this issue.
20. There being no finXher public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public
21. Commissioner Kirk commented on the size of the staff report for such a small
request. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell explained that any change to the
Conditions of Approval opens up the entire tract map to any changes the
Commission or Council deems necessary. Therefore, it is important that the
Commission/Council have all the information available to evaluate whether
any changes would impact the entire project. Second, this project is the
subject of an environmental litigation with Fish and Game. Therefore, staff
deemed it necessary to do an environmental study to make sure the height
limitation as reviewed for any environmental concerns. Commissioner Kirk
asked if the litigation was still active. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
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it was and would probably go to trial. Commissioner Kirk stated that in his
opinion, the viewshed was significantly aesthetically affected on the northern
lots, but not the southern. Perhaps there was a way this could be addressed
by the Commission.
22. Commissioner Abels stated he thought this request was a necessary change
and he supported the request.
23. Commissioner Woodard stated he too supported the requested change. He
suggested the Commission look at the perimeter wall as it is a bigger
disruption to the view of the mountains than the roof heights. He supported
the applicant's request due to the placement of the homes facing Avenida
Bermudas and the view not being violated as indicated by the report and
presented. He went on to state that if the Cove had continued to be built as
it is now, the view of the mountains would have been hampered more than
what is currently being planned.
24. Commissioner Seaton stated she was not in favor of the change due to the
aesthetics impacts and because the Cove Subdivision has stayed at the 17-
foot height limit. -
25. Commissioner Tyler stated he applauded the applicant on making this a
world class operation with a wide variety of architectural treatment to the
homes. In reviewing the history of the project he had a hard time determining
when the height restrictions were changed. When the Planning Commission
recommended approval this project it had a 17-foot height restriction at 150-
feet. He noted that in the City Council minutes for March and again at the
continued meeting in April, there was no mention of how the height
restriction changed to the 335-foot distance. However, he was in favor of the
change as it will give the project the necessary flexibility it needs. The Cove
has a 17-foot height restriction and a 20-foot setback. This development has
a 17-foot height restriction with a 150 foot setback. This plays out to have
no impact. He would have felt better about the project if the Commission had
been able to review the entire design review package that the applicant has
prepared for their designers. Neither the Commission nor Council have been
given the oppommity to review and approve the design guidelines let alone
the individual home sites..
26. Chairman Butler thanked the applicant and staff for taking the time to meet
him at the site and explain the request. It is his opinion that the project will --
be a benefit to the City.
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27. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to recommend to the City Council Certification
of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for
Environmental Assessment 98-354 by adoption of Planning Commission
Resolution 98-006.
28. Chairman Butler asked if there was any discussion. Commissioner Kirk
asked staff to explain how the corridor setback change to 335 feet happened.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman went over the history. He
noted that the 24-foot height limitation is appropriate for most of the homes,
but not for these that front onto Avenida Bermudas. Commissioner Kirk
noted that since the events are not documented, it must have been a desire of
the Council and the community to protect this viewshed and perhaps the
Commission should not be changing this requirement. He would be voting
against the change and he would like to state that the 24-foot height limitation
is appropriate for the majority of the lots, but does not seem appropriate for
the homes at the northern end of the project.
29. Commissioner Tyler also noted that the change of 335-feet is not noted in the
City Council Minutes of March 18, 1997.
30. Commissioner Woodard noted this was an environmental issue and asked
where you should draw the line between the design guidelines of an existing
development and allow a new development to have their own design
guidelines. If you had homes on the other side of Avenida Bermudas
constructed at 17-feet without the setback that is being presented, you would
have more a view obstruction. He asked that Commissioner Kirk revisit his
decision that this height change would be a detriment. Commissioner Kirk
stated it was tree that if the Cove had continued to develop as it had, the view
affect would be different. However, this was not a typical Cove
development, but a specific plan and you cannot apply the Cove regulations
to this development. Commissioner Woodard questioned what the
Commission was trying to achieve by keeping the height restriction at 17-
feet. With the berming, wall, and setbacks, the amount of the view intrusion
is minimal compared to the assets it brings. Commissioner Kirk stated his
concern was that the public process may be circumvented, but as he was not
present during the approval process, he could not tell. Community
Development Director clarified this was a tract map not a Specific Plan. The
zoning is low density residential which allows two story and 28-foot height
limitations as a matter of fight. Staff recommended the houses adjacent to
Avenida Bermudas keep the 17-foot height restriction to maintain the
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character of the Cove. In addition, the General Plan requires a 150-foot
setback for image corridors and even though Avenida Bermudas is not an
image corridor, staff determined the street was major enough to require the
17-foot height limitation.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler.
NOES: Seaton, Gardner, Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to recommend to
the City Council approval of Tract 28470, Amendment #1 as submitted, by
adoption of Planning Commission Resolution 98-007.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler.
NOES: Seaton, Gardner, and Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
32. Commissioner Kirk clarified that he was unaware that the first motion was
related to the Environmental Impact, and if he could vote again, he would not
vote against the Mitigated Negative Declaration. He' concern was with the
height limitation itself. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if his
objection was the viewshed, it is an objection to the findings in the
environmental and therefore, appropriate that he vote against the
environmental. Discussion followed.
C. Environmental Assessment 98-351. General Plan Amendment 97-056 and Zone Text
Amendment 97-057; a request of the City for approval and recommendation to the
City Council for certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact to
amend Chapter 9.140 - Hillside Conservation Regulations, and the Land Use Element
and Environmental Conservation Element of the La Quinta General Plan regarding
Hillside Development Density.
1. Chairman Butler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
2. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern that one of the Commissioners had
a strong involvement in two projects that would be directly affected by this
potential change.
3. Chairman Butler asked the City Attorney to give her opinion. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated she had not studied the proposed changes in depth,
but the issues appeared to be whether the proposed changes will have an
impact on an individuals source of income. The proposed changes do not
change how the blowsand is, or will be, treated. Commissioner Woodard
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should have a better idea of whether some revision of this ordinance is going
to impact his client financially. Commissioner Tyler stated he would rather
continue this item until the City Attorney had the opportunity to review thc
proposed changes.
4. Commissioner Woodard stated he was unaware of what Commissioner Tyler
was referring to as he did not believe he had any conflicts of interest.
Commissioner Tyler asked if it wasn't tree that during the City Council and
Planning Commission tour of the Hillside 'and areas that would be affected
by the proposed changes, Commissioner Woodard spoke regarding his plans
for two projects, St. Frances of Assisi Church and the La Quinta Arts
Foundation. Commissioner Woodard stated he is not involved with the
church at all, and second, he is a member of the Board of Directors for the La
Quinta Arts Foundation and he represented them in the acquisition of the
property and has since been hired by them as their architect. Whether this
Commission votes to allow development on a 20 percent grade, or on top of
the ridge, has no affect on his economic income regarding this project.
5. Commissioner Tyler stated he has a problem accepting that statement as any
design or suggestions he proposes for the hillside could have an impact.
6. Commissioner Woodard clarified that he had not been contracted by anyone
to be their architect and second he stated there all sorts of options available
in regard to the hillside. However, there are no plans on what they will do.
7. Chairman Butler stated that in addition to this request, there are some other
concerns regarding this General Plan Amendment he would like to have the
City Attorney review before the Commission discussed the proposed
changed. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she would like to have
additional time to review the 20 acre per unit issue. As to Commissioner
Woodard, it does not appear that the Arts Foundation would monetarily
benefit from this proposal.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to continue this item to the next meeting of the
Commission. Unanimously approved.
9. Commissioner Woodard asked the City Attomey to clarify whether he would
be in conflict of interest if he lived at PGA West and an issue came before the
Commission that would potentially affect the value of his property. Should
he abstain from voting. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated he should if
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it would affect only his property in a specific way. PGA West itself is such
a large community within the community, that it meets the exception for the
"public generally" test. If it affects the entire specific plan community he
would not need to abstain.
10. Commissioner Woodard questioned whether his decisions on the Hillside
Ordinance would affect his income as an architect for the Foundation. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it is more of a problem if it affects the
source of his income.
A. Presentation by Cultural Commission Chairman Kathryn Hull on the Draft Cultural
Plan; a presentation was made on the draft plan.
1. Chairman Butler introduced Ms. Kathryn Hull, Chairman of the Cultural
Commission who gave a presentation on the Draft Cultural Plan and asked
for feedback from the Commissioners.
2. Chairman Butler stated he had read and was impressed with the Plan. It is '
not a document that he believes should have any major changes made to it.
3. Commissioner Tyler agreed that the primary goal of Plan is to foster culture
in La Quinta. However, it has the mentality that, "if you build it, they will
come". He questioned the two references to the La Quinta Open Air
Museum/Sculpture Park and whether it was this still germane. Ms. Hull
stated the Park is still open and available for tours by appointment. The
family who now owns the Park, has it on the market to sell. It might be wise
to take any reference to the Park out of the Plan due to its uncertainty.
4. Commissioner Tyler further stated the Plan appears to focus on the
handicapped individuals rather than the whole community. In his opinion,
the most important Goal is #6-Arts Education. Finally, on Page 10 he is not
certain how the Historic Commission would be involved in the Plan. Ms.
Hull stated the Plan was written first by listing the priorities and finally the
way the thought process took place.
5. Commissioner Seaton stated she liked the Plan, but did she see a duplication
of efforts. One example is the duplication of an Artist Bank by the Art in
Public Places Commission and the La Quinta Arts Foundation. Ms. Hull
clarified that the implementation of the Planis not to be accomplished by the
Cultural Commission, but for the Commission to coordinate the Plan.
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6. Commissioner Seaton asked if the La Quinta Pageant was still in the making.
Ms. Hull stated it was and gave a brief update.
7. Commissioner Woodard stated it was a visionary statement that is well
thought out and has been discussed by the Arts Foundation. It is their hope
that the Foundation will be able to help fulfill the Plan.
8. Commissioner Abels enjoyed the report and looks forward to its
9. Commissioner Gardner stated he too thought it was a good Plan and agreed
that La Quinta should be known for something. He would encourage the
Commission to keep going.
10. Commissioner Kirk stated he too agrees with the other Commissioners that
the Plan is well written and comprehensive. It does a good job of reaching
out to the entire community. His concern is where this Plan will go from here.
Goals are wishful thinking, but it appears that the objectives are as well. It
is hard to determine when the objectives could, or would be, implemented.
The Commission needs to determine when the objectives have been met.
Commissioner Kirk sited an example where a local resident' was treated
unkindly by staff after she had been encouraged to obtain a Home Occupation
permit as she was a local artist and La Quinta is known to be "art-friendly".
In reviewing this Plan, he would hope it would be encouraging to those who
would want to live here. Ms. Hull stated that once the concept is approved,
they will get into the specifics of the Plan. It is her hope that some of the
Goals in the Plan will come before the Commission in time.
B. Sit, ri Application 98-415; a request of Royal Sign Company for the William Warren
Group for approval of a planned sign program including monument and wall signs
for a self storage facility located at 46-600 Adams Street.
1. Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if the applicant
would like to address the Commission.
-- 3. Mr. Clark Lynch of Royal Sign Company and Mr. Bill Hogan, the developer,
stated they had tried to meet all City requirements in a tasteful manner.
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4. Commissioner Tyler stated he preferred the rounded comers and asked if it
was necessary to place the registered corporate markings on the sign. Mr.
Lynch stated it is a requirement of the corporate office. In regard to the
rounded comers, he too preferred them rounded. However, in reviewing the
sign with the building, it was found that the building detail was not rounded
and therefore, the rounded comers of the sign did not blend.
5. Commissioner Seaton stated she too liked the rounded comers. Mr. Lynch
showed they were trying to match the building and how the rounded comers
did not match the building's architecture.
15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Gardner to adopt Minute Motion 98-004 approving Sign
Application 98-415, subject to the Conditions of Approval. Unanimously
A. Discussion to set a date for a joint meeting between the City Council and Planning
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that the Council was requesting the Commission suggest a date and time for
a joint meeting between the City Council and Planning Commission. Council
has requested the meeting start at 4:00 p.m. on a regular Planning
Commission meeting day.
2. Commissioner Abels suggested the meeting be held in March, either the
Commission's first or second meeting.
B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of February 3 and 17,
1998. He informed the Commission that he would not be available to attend the next
City Council meeting. Commissioner Gardner stated he would attend.
C. Commissioner Woodard asked about the signs on south side of Highway 111 west
of Jefferson Street advertising retail in Indio. Staff stated they were billboard signs
that had been grandfathered into the City. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
billboards had become an issue that has received strong support and it is better to
have the landowners terminate their lease, rather than have the City require removal.
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D. Commissioner Woodard asked why the CalPoly presentation to the City on "The
Village" had not been given to the Commission as well as the Council. Staff
explained that the Commission had been invited to the presentations made by the Cai
Poly students. As CalPoly had been contacted by the La Quinta Chamber, it was not
the City's responsibility to determine when the presentations would be made. Staff
is in the process of preparing a presentation on The Village Specific Plan to come
before the Commission in March.
E. Commissioner Woodard asked the Commissioners to compare the landscaping
between Home Depot and Eagle Hardware. His objective was to have the
Commission keep in mind the size of trees they are requiring when approving a
project. It is important to see that the size is adequate for what they want to see.
Second, from an architectural point of view, the City is beginning to set the stage for
the type of architecture where there is a front wall that goes up eight or ten feet above
the roof line and only eight inches is a front. Is this what they want for La Quinta?
Lastly, he was concerned with a comment at the last City Council meeting that the
Commission was beginning to become bogged down with detail. He was therefore,
looking forward to the joint meeting.
F. Commissioner Abels asked what happened to the signs that had been approved for
the Beer Hunter as they were so anxious to get them up. Staff was unaware of any
G. Commissioner Gardner apologized for being late and stated it was unavoidable.'
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to
adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on March 10, 1998, at 7:00
p.m.. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:13 P.M. Unanimously
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