PCMIN 03 24 1998 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta Ci.ty Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico. La Quinta. CA March 24. 1998 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Woodard to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels. Kirk. Seaton. Tyler. Woodard and Chairman Butler. Staff noted that Commissioner Gardner had. called and asked to be excused. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to excuse Commissioner Gardner. Unanimously approved. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn -- Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio. Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary, Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Staff asked that the approval of the Minutes of March 10. 1998. be removed from the agenda. Staff also noted that the Repeal of the Village Specific Plan, scheduled for public hearing at this meeting would be continued. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Tyler/Seaton to approve the agenda as amended. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: None. Staffnoted that the Department Report was outdated and the Commission would receive an updated copy at their April 14, 1998 meeting. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: None. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS _. A. Zoning Code Amendment 97-058; a request of the City for consideration of miscellaneous amendments to Title 9 - Zoning Code of the La Quinta Municipal Code. PC-3-24-98 1 Planning Commission Meeting March 24. 1998 1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Commumw Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff informed the Commission that in relation to the minimum house size in the Cove, staff did a building analysis of the building permits issued from January 1997 to February 1988, and found that the average house size in 1997 was 1,424 square feet: 1998 it was 1,304. This averages out to 1,403 square feet. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the City has adopted specific provisions relative to affordable housing that allow people to apply for a conditional use permit application to reduce the recommended house size of 1,400 square feet. Depending upon their proposals, they can obtain exceptions to the various standard development requirements. Theretbre, any changes made to the Zoning Code are not necessarily applicable to low and moderate housing projects. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify whether the areas of concern mentioned in the staff report were previously contained in the Zoning Code. Staff stated they were in the Code prior to the revision that were made in 1996, with the exception of the 200 foot distance requirement, which was 250 feet. 3. Commissioners reviewed the changes with staff and the following notations · were made: a. Section 9.30.020: Increase the minimum livable floor area excluding garage. b. Section 9.30.030: "*Projects with ten or more contiguous dwelling units .... ' shall be added to each of the zones." c. Section 9.50.090.A.3. Change the wording from similar to a more defined wording. d. Section 9.50.090.A.15. "Lighting: All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties ot oth¢~ ~vis~ ¢~cat¢ a nuisas~c¢ and shall comply with the Dark Sky Ordinance. e. Section 9.50.090.D. 1. "Applications for consideration of a Cove Residential Design approval shall be made to the Contmtmity Dcvelopxncnt Depa, tmcnt Planning Commission." f. Section 9.50.090.D.3. Add the scale and size of the plans to be submitted. g. Section 9.50.090.D.4.c. Rewrite to make more specific. PC-3-24-98 2 Planning Commission Meeting March 24. 1998 h. Section 9.50.090..D. Add a new //8 to read: "Conditional Use Procedure tbr Affordable Housing. Application by a conditional use permit made tbr variations of development standards pursuant to Section 9.60.270.D.4. for affordable housing units produced in compliance with State or Federal housing program implementation." i. Section 9.50.090.D.8. Renumber to 9.50.090.D9. j. Section 9.60.030.D.1. Add wording to require screening for recreational vehicles. k. Section 9.60.030. Add wording to require fence posts to be installed per the Uniform Building Code requirements. I. Section 9.60.070. Add wording to clarify where the pool equipment can be installed in the front yard. m. Section 9.60.320.C. Clarify whether the minimum lot size refers to a single condominium unit or the building itself. 4. Changes that were made to the Manual on Architectural Standards: a. Site Development Standards: "All front and exterior sideyards ...". Diagrams should exemplify the statements made under General Requirements. b. Site Development Standards: require bottled gas tanks and refuse containers to be concealed by a wall. c. Include a map of the RC District with the Manual. d. Building Design Standards-Floor Plan: "Minimum dwelling size: 1,400 square feet, as measured from the exterior of the outside walls, excluding the garage." e. Building Design Standards-Exterior: The "Maximum 24 inch eave into the setbaci~ aret~" Under Roof Designs, change the wording to "Eaves sflatt may be larger..." f. Building Design Standards-Architectural Styles: Change the wording to "The following general architectural styles are examples of the styles that will be permitted. g. Building Design Standards-Special Requirements: Under Architectural Variety add "structural changes". h. Under the "Relationship Between the House and the Site": Change the architectural house style example that is used. to agree with what is required under the Building Design Standards-Architectural Styles. i. Under Roof Types: Use examples that are more in keeping with the size of homes that can be used in the Cove. -- j. Under Window Design: Windows with bars are to be permitted only when the bars are able to be opened from the inside. PC-3-24-98 3 Planning Commission Meeting March 24. 1998 5. Changes that were made to the Manual on Landscaping Standards: a. An introduction needs to be provided explaining the purpose of the manual. b. Under Landscape Requirements-Single Family Houses. identify the size of trees that are to be planted. c. Under Irrigation and Landscape Design Guidelines. combine Items 3, 5. and 9. 6. Chairman Butler asked for public comment. Ms. Kay Wolff. 77-227 Calle Ensenada. stated her concern regarding Section 9.60.030.C.4.- Fences/Visibility at Intersection. At the intersection of Calle Ensenada and Avenida Sinaloa. due to the angle of the street and the fence that surrounds the house, it is impossible to see around the corner. This should be addressed in the Zoning Code update. On the noticing requirements, the City should keep them liberal so if a project would affect the hillside those who live in close proximity would receive a notice. Regarding the 1.400 square foot house size. she is favor of not raising the requirements. In her opinion, the City should support the self-help housing, or any groups that are assisting families to acquire a home. She would not want to discourage the diversity of the Cove. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the proposed changes would not prohibit the smaller houses, they would still be allowed under the conditional use permit process. To ensure this, she has proposed new language in other sections of the Code that will refer developers to the conditional use process, so they can be made aware of their options. 7. Commissioner Kirk asked what the history was of employing the conditional use permit process to increase density above the General Plan designated density. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that of all the housing projects the Redevelopment Agency has been involved with, the only one that had applied for a density bonus under the State and City Guidelines~ was the apartment complex to the north of the Ralph's Shopping Center who received a density tax bonus. This project, however, did not apply to the City/Agency for assistance. The City has supplemented projects to meet the City's standards. The conditional use permit process allows for a variation in development standards. Discussion followed regarding density bonuses. 8. Mr. John Mealey, representing the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, 45- 701 Monroe Street, Indio, stated his concern regarding the 1400 square foot house size minimum. He would not be able to state whether or not the conditional use process would work for their projects, until he reviewed the PC-3-24-98 4 Planning Commission Meeting March 24. 1998 process. There needs to be a way to allow people who do not qualify for any type of subsidy to build 1200 square tbot or smaller houses.. They have received complaints from people in the Cove regarding the houses they currently have under construction and it is their belief that these calls are racial in content. They are also concerned that this is the driving force behind this Code Amendment. They received assistance from the City to build ten houses in the Cove. They are building the same house today without City assistance. The people who are building the homes will be moving into the homes. They have built over 400 homes throughout the Valley and have never had a repossession. These homeowners have brought value to their communities. Based on this information, they are requesting the City to keep the 1200 square foot house size. In addition, the requirement for a 1,000 foot mailing notice is excessive. 9. Commissioner Tyler asked how many homes were currently under construction. Mr. Mealey stated they had 30 homes under construction and propose 50 more for the Cove. 10. Commissioner Woodard stated that under the new guidelines, they would have to change the style. Mr. Mealey stated he understood this style would meet the new standards. They have several different elevations that have different roof shapes and colors that are used in the different models. 11. Commissioner Woodard stated that even though he supported the purpose of their program, he questioned whether the quality of life of the individuals who would own these homes 20-30 years in the future would be as good due to the house being relatively small. Mr. Mealey stated they were building 1300 square foot homes that have three and four bedrooms. With every increase in the size of the houses, you eliminate people from being able to buy a home. This project is a Federally funded program and La Quinta qualifies as it still meets the definition for a "Rural Community". The State of California has a State law which precludes local governments from creating design standards that would not allow Federally funded programs in their communities. 12. Commissioner Kirk asked if the change from 1200 to 1400 was approved, what would be the impact on eligibility requirements and the percentage of people that would be able to qualify. Mr. Mealey stated the impact would be in the range of $6,000 to $7,000 dollars. They may lose the bottom 10% of the applicants. PC-3-24-98 5 Planning Commission Meeting - March 24. 1998 13. Commissioner Woodard asked how the addition of 200 square feet to a house would increase the sales price by $6.000. that is a $300 a square foot sales price tbr that house. Mr. Mealey stated it computes to $30 a square toot. Discussion tbllowed. 14. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff could provide the Commission with a sense of the variations in the elevations that are being used in the 30 homes that are currently under construction. Staff stated there currentlv is no requirement tbr variation in elevation. They are reviewed by the Building. and Safety Department. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that she had been working with the Building and Safety Department to see that the homes that are adjacent to each other have different roof pitches, different colors, windows differ, the designs have been flipped and setbacks have been staggered. This has been voluntary on the part of the developers. 15. Commissioner Abels clarified that the homes being built are scattered throughout the Cove. Mr. Mealey stated that most of the home are scattered except in a few instances. _ 16. There being no further public comment. Chairman Butler closed the public comment portion of the hearing. 17. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to clarify when the 1400 square foot requirement was added. Staff gave the history. 18. Commissioner Tyler asked if these self help houses would fall within the Citv's requirements for affordable housing. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if they are operating under a Federal program, they probably would. However, the City would need to review the documents to verify this. The City's General Plan Guidelines allow for flexibility in design standards to meet the needs of affordable housing programs. 19. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to give a history of the type of homes that have been built in the Cove area. Staff stated that the analysis of building permits showed that the average size of a home built in the Cove was now over 1400 square feet. The City as a whole has to provide its fair share of affordable housing and this is being done. 20. Commissioner Seaton asked how the City-offered lot merger program affected the house sizes. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the program encouraged land owners to combine lots and gave an incentive to build larger houses. The average 5,000 square foot lot in the Cove could have a 2,800 square foot house built on it with the lot coverage and setbacks maxed out. Discussion followed.. PC-3-24-98 6 Planning Commission Meeting March 24, 1998 Chairman Butler recessed at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened at 8:45 p.m. 21. Chairman Butler stated that due to the questions that had been raised, he would like to continue this item to the next meeting. 22. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to continue Zoning Code Amendment 97-058 to the Planning Commission meeting of April 28, 1998. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Discussion regarding Zoning Code and design review concerns. __ 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio reviewed the information that had been presented to the Commission. 2. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern was that the Commission was decreasing the landscape setbacks at the entrance to the tracts. In addition, houses were allowed to be constructed next to the entrances. His concern was that the landscape setbacks be increased to add a landscape zone to enhance the streetscape. 3. Commissioner Kirk asked Commissioner Woodard how he envisioned the design guidelines being used. Commissioner Woodard stated the guidelines should be based on setbacks, heights, variations, and fundamental issues that go into design guidelines. The City should allow diversity yet, have consistency with its design standards and this should be for the entire City whether within a country club or not. 4. Commissioner Tyler stated a country club has guidelines that are not subject to the City's review. 5. Commissioner Kirk clarified that what he understood Commissioner Woodard was asking for was a guideline/review process that was as rigorous -- for residential as is required of commercial. In his opinion, he was not sure that the same requirements should apply to a "man's castle". A home is a private place and a commercial property is public. It may be a philosophical issue. PC-3-24-9S 7 Planning Commission Meeting - March 24. 1998 6. Chairman Butler asked Commissioner Woodard if he could give an example of how this is handled in other cities. Commissioner Woodard stated he has been involved in other cities where a project has taken five or six meetings betbre being approved by the Planmng Commission and has cost as much as $5,000. Most cities have far greater restrictions than La Quinta. Commissioner Kirk stated he did not agree, but noted that exclusive communities like La Quinta, tend to have stricter requirements. 7. Chairman Butler asked what the next step would be. Commissioner Abels suggested that staff take this recommendation, enhance it, and bring it back to the Commission in more detail. 8. Staff stated they will take some of the more definitive items and include them into the Zoning Code update. Staff will work on the larger issues and bring them back to the Commission. 9. Chairman Butler asked if the question raised by Commissioner Woodard that inner streets contained within a development not be laid out in a grid, is that an issue the Commission can address or is it the responsibility of the developer. Staff stated it is a possible idea and staffhas been introducing this concept to developers during review meetings. 10. Commissioner Kirk stated that when staff brings the design guidelines back to the Commission, perhaps they should consider all the "apples and oranges" and address them similarly, at least in terms of degree of attention. There may be some discussion regarding how much attention and what to focus on, however he does agree with Commissioner Woodard in that landscaping is a critical element and should be an area where they focus a lot of energy. In addition, he would request that when staff brings the country club and tract design guidelines back to the Commission, that staff not only address the "what' s" of the design guidelines, but address how the City should use the guidelines. He would like to review these in tandem because in his opinion how they are used will determine what he would want to include in them. B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of MarCh 3, 1998. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, .it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on April 14, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Unanimously approved. PC-3-24-98 8