PCMIN 05 26 1998 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 26, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by
Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Seaton to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Gardner
Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard and Chairman Butler. (Commissioner Kirk arrived
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attomey Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
__ Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked that Temporary Use Permit
98-170 be added to the Agenda as an emergency item as it came in after the Agenda
was posted and the event would occur prior to the next Commission meeting. Staff
requested this item added to the Business Items as Item A. It was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to add Business Item A-TUP 98-170 (La
Quinta Chamber of Commerce). Unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of May 12, 1998.
Commissioner Tyler asked that.the following corrections be made: Page 3, Item 6,
edit the second sentence to read, "Can the City regulate the hours of refueling?"; Item
7, remove the words "by anyone entering"; Page 4, Item 17, change the hours of
refueling from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; Page 7, Item~8, remove the word "For" from
-- sentence five. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Seaton to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously
B. Department Report: None
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Planning Commission Meeting
May 26, 1998
A. Tentative Tract Map 28776; a request of KSL Land Corporation for approval of a 45
single family and other miscellaneous lots subdivision on 12.53 acres within PGA
1. Commissioner Gardner excused himself due to a possible 'conflict of interest
and left the dais. Commissioner Kirk arrived and joined the Commission.
2. Chairman Butler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report:
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
3. Senior Engineer Steve Speer informed the Commission the median
landscaping on Madison Street presently contained temporary power. It is the
City's hope to have the applicant provide permanent power to the median
south of the proposed tract. COmmissioner Tyler stated it seemed unusual to
have participation agreements for land that is not adjacent to the
improvements. Staff stated generally this was true. However, the PGA West
Specific Plan provides for certain off-site improvements and at the rate it is
being developed, the available land that is left to condition for the off-site
improvements is reducing. As the PGA West Specific Plan is being built in
phases, staff does not have the opportunity to put all improvements in place
until a tract is processed. Therefore, they are taking advantage of every tract
to see that the off-site improvements are completed.
4. There being no other questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if anyone
would like to speak regarding this issue. Mr. Chevis Hosea, applicant,
offered an alternative to staff's recommendation regarding the permanent
power. He stated that adjacent to this tract, on the exterior of the project site,
between the Madison Street wall and the landscape curb and the median, they
are a proposing a tract where the landscaping has not been deeded to the
Master Association. They are currently in the planning process and
landscaping will need to be provided. As the improvements will be installed
for a development on Wingfoot by the Seoktop Company, the project that is
adjacent to Madison Street, they would like the participation language placed
on these developments.
5. Chairman Butler asked staff if it was necessary to have the power in place for
this tract. Staff stated it did not need to be done immediately, it just needs to
be done and staff does not want to miss the opportunity. Chairman Butler
asked if the tract should be conditioned to require the installation of the
power. Staff suggested Condition #20.A. be changed to state all the existing
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Planning Commission Meeting
May 26, 1998
6. Mr. Hosea questioned Condition//32, having to obtain approval from the
homeowners' association. His concem was that the association may try to
prevent the proposal and they have the legal right to develop as they have the
easements. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if they have the
easement rights and can show staff, the condition could be deleted.
7. Mr. Hosea questioned Condition #69, requiring the swimming pools be built
during the phase it will be contained in. Commissioner Kirk asked if there
was a plan to phase the pool. Mr. Hosea stated no as the tract is for sale. The
builder would be phasing the tract, 15-20 homes at a time. Construction will
start at the south end of the tract progressing north. Commissioner Kirk
asked if the phases would be clearly determined or should a Condition be
placed to determine the number of houses to be in each phase. Mr. Hosea
stated that recreational packages are submitted with the phasing plan and it
has been approved by staff.
8. Commissioner Kirk stated that recreational amenities often become a phase
of their own and are not developed before the homes. Mr. Hosea stated the
tract had been conditioned that no home adjacent to a pool could be sold until
the pool was bUilt.
9. Commissioner Woodard stated it was his understanding there were
agreements with the homeowner associations that pools would be built
according to the number of houses built in a tract. He suggested the
recreational amenities be aligned with the HOA agreement. Mr. Hosea stated
there were two different environments. City Attomey Dawn Honeywell
stated the condition could be refined to require all recreational amenities be
completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, or prior to a
percentage of homes completed.
10. Commissioner Tyler stated there were two existing pools and the only pool
to be added is the one at Southern Hills. Mr. Hosea stated the other was
located at the southem end of the tract.
11. Chairman Butler read into the record a letter from Mr. Doug Edmund.
12. Mr. Roger Hobbs, Vice President-Land Development, stated they have the
unanimous support of the HOA in this community. They were involved in
the planning of this tract.
13. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public heating was closed and open for Commission discussion.
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Planning Commission Meeting
May 26, 1998
14. Commissioner Tyler commented on the number of errors on the tract map.
The house count on the Legend did not agree With the lot count. Lot and
Land Use Summary should read Lots 1-45. Utilities should be Media One.
The pool at the top is shown as part of this tract and the other pool is labeled
Pool "B" which adds to the confusion. He would suggest an addition to
Condition #42 to require that any unused curb cuts be restored to curbs.
15. Commissioner Kirk asked for clarification on the two Pool "B"s, if the
present tract used a darker tone of print.
16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
034 recommending approval of Tentative Tract 28776, subject to the
Findings and Conditions of Approval, as amended:
a. Condition #20: Installation of permanent power for landscaping and
irrigation improvements in the Madison Street median.
b. Condition #32: Delete
c. Condition #41: Trench excavation backfill and pavement
replacement, grinding, curb cuts, and overlay shall meet the approval
of the appropriate Homeowners' Association and the City Engineer.
d. Condition 68: The recreation amenities package (i.e., two common
pools/spas and two open space areas) shall be constructed prior to
occupancy of the tract houses. The amenities package may be phased
if approved by the Community Development Director prior to the
issuance of buildingpermitsfor tract houses with completion prior
to the Certificate of Occupancy for the 35th house.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Gardner.
Commissioner Gardner rejoined the Commission.
B. Continued public hearing on the Repeal of Specific Plan 87-009-Village at La Quinta
- Zoning Code Amendment 98-060 and Change of Zone 98-085; a request of the City
to repeal the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan, replacing it with Design Review
Guidelines. Eliminate the Subzones within the "Village Commercial" Zoning text
and map. The "Village Residential" area, east of Desert Club Drive, is proposed for
rezoning to RL-10,000-17/1 .(Low Density Residential, one story, 17-foot height
limit, 10,000 square foot minimum lot size).
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Planning Commission Meeting
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1. Commissioner Kirk withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest and left
the dais.
2. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the stuff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Community Development Department.
3. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Abels asked staffto identify the lots that were within the area designated RL-
10,000. Discussion folloWed as to requests that had been received from
residents asking that their adjacent residential property be designated as
4. Commissioner Woodard stated that in 1988, when the Village Specific Plan
was adopted, there were specific guidelines. Now staff has been directed to
provide guidelines that are not specific. He asked if the Planning
Commission was being asked to accept a design prototype for one street in
hope that this design will happen to the entire area? How can the City go
forward without having an overall design for the entire area? Community
Development Director Jerry .Herman stated the Commission was not
approving the street prototype. The street prototype is part of the Capital
Improvement Program budget allocations. The prototype process has not
been defined at this time. Whether or not the Commission will be involved
will be determined by the City Council. Commissioner Woodard stated a
page in this document identifies how a street will be developed. Staff stated
this is only a conceptual design. The Guidelines are to replace the Village
Specific Plan. This was the direction given to staff by the City Council.
Commissioner Woodard stated the Guidelines do not provide any direction
as to the planning of the entire downtown area.
5. Commissioner Abels asked if every project proposed for the downtown area
would come before the Planning Commission. Staff stated the projects
would, but the street prototype process has not yet been determined by the
Council. Projects will be brought before the Commission through the
conditional use permit process.
6. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern that the Guidelines contained no
specific plan for pedestrian traffic or circulation, etc. Staff stated the
_ Commission could deny the Guidelines and go on record as not supporting
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7. Chairman Butler asked if there were any plans to have a Master Plan for this
area. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated Council had
determined that since the plan has been in place since 1989, no development
had occurred. Therefore, the plan should be changed to help the area
develop. Chairman Butler stated that maybe they should deny it and let the
Council make the decision.
8. Cormnissioner Abels stated his understanding was that if the Guidelines are
followed, the desired plans for the Village will be realized.
9. Commissioner Woodard stressed his concern that the Guidelines do not
contain any type of vision for the Village. Chairman Butler asked if the old
plan contained a pedestrian linkage. Staff stated the old specific plan had a
series of linear definitions as to where the pedestrian network would be
located. These were in specified areas and were opposed by property owners
where these links occurred.
10. Chairman Butler stated that if they approve what is before them, they would
be giving staff the right to approve new projects built in the Village. Staff
stated they would be processed through a CUP process and approved by the
Commission. Chairman Butler stated his concem was that one plan had not
worked and the proposed plan did not meet the goal of the Planning
Commission for the Village.
11. Commissioner Abels suggested having a Master Plan containing the
12. Commissioner Woodard stated the adopted Village Specific Plan did not
work due to economic trends, property owners who over-valued their land,
and because the City has been unable to provide Redevelopment funds for
assistance. In addition, KSL Land Development is currently planning a
village area of their own which will take away commercial viability from this
area. He too suggested approving the Guidelines, but with a master plan that
would define how the Village would be developed. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated the Planning Commission could request the City Council
include the Commission in the design process for the prototype street.
13. Commissioner Woodard stated that if funds were allocated for the prototype
street to make this happen and in two years that street is built, and the
economy continueS, what document would be in place to define for a property
owner, what he can build?
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Planning Commission Meeting
MaY 26, 1998
14. Commissioner Tyler stated he had attended the Council meetings where the
Village was discussed and staff has accurately portrayed their direction.
These Design Guidelines are the first step in the process. He would suggest
recommending to the City Council that a planning consultant be retained. He
then asked if the lots proposed for the RL District would be able to meet the
size restrictions. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit stated they should; one
or two may be smaller, but the majority are very large.
15. Commissioner Woodard stated he had never heard of a city that planned
10,000 square foot residential lots across from a commercial zone. In his
opinion, the area should be zoned for medium or low density. Associate
Planner Wallace Nesbit stated the zoning follows the General Plan
designation. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the lots
were created prior to City incorporation and when a proposal was presented
to subdivide them, the property owners rejected the idea and the City has
retained that zoning at their request.
16. Commissioner Woodard questioned whether the City could retain 'enough
businesses in the Village area if KSL were to build their own village area.
Staff stated this was one of the reasons they were allowing residential zoning
to remain in the commercial zone. If KSL does create a village, it is a hope
that the Village Will be a link between the La Quinta Hotel and PGA West.
17. Commissioner Tyler noted the Guidelines did not state any lot sizes and in
his opinion this should be addressed. Chairman Butler stated it was his
understanding this was to allow lots to be combined and create a better
environment for development.
18. As there were no other questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if anyone
else would like to address the Commission on this item. Ms. Audrey
Ostrowski, Palm Desert, stated her delight that the City was finally going to
give money to improve the streets. Her complaint was that the original
specific plan did not allow any input from the property owners. The City
needs to make Montezuma a two-way street to encourage business. There is
no need for the City to compete with KSL. The City needs to start with the
street improvements and parking and the Village will develop.
19. Mr. Chevis Hosea, KSL Land Development, spoke to the Commission
regarding the possibility of KSL developing their village area. He stated it
was difficult to create a village area without critical mass; you need stringent
guidelines. You need to have resort spending with hospitality and golf to
make it work. Commissioner Woodard asked if KSL was to develop a
village, would it be linked to the City's village area. Mr. Hosea stated they
would support some type of linkage, but probably as a historical path.
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20. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
21. Commissioner Gardner stated he was uncertain what the difference would be
between the old specific plan and the new Guidelines. He agreed with
Commissioner Woodard that the City is trying to go somewhere, yet it is not
reaching its goal.
22. Commissioner Abels stated this is a start, but there should be a master plan.
He has seen several cities where this has been accomplished and it is
beautiful; the City should go forward.
23. Chairman Butler stated he understands Commissioner Woodard's concern
and yet he understands the prior specific plan did not work. Now, as there
may be some competition, they may be creating a bigger monster by getting
rid of the specific plan and creating a commercial district that could develop
without specific details. The City is trying to make something work, when
it couldn't in the past. An option of the Commission may be to deny the
Guidelines and send it to the Council and see what they do with it.
24. Commissioner Seaton stated that although she has only been in La Quinta for
eight years, she believes there should be a master plan for the Village and the
Guidelines are incomplete..A recommendation should be given to the
Council that a master-plan be completed first.
25. Commissioner Tyler stated he shared the same 'thoughts, and would
recommend that the money allocated for a prototype street design be used to
hire a master plan consultant to give an overall design for the area. Chairman
Butler stated he agreed with this, but it should not be someone who is
detached from the City. It has to be someone who is in touch with the City
and understands the complications that are involved.
26. Commissioner Woodard asked the Commission to look ahead 5-10 years. If
KSL does develop a magnificent village, what would the Commission like to
have the City's village look like? The property owners are out of touch with
the value of their land. It will become high density residential with service
shops. There needs to be a plan that makes sense; a master plan with a
vision. Property values will increase if they understand the vision. He then
suggested the Commission recommend to the City Council that the
Guidelines be adopted with the provision that either the $500,000 'allocated
for the street design be used for a master plan or some other provision be
made to have a master plan for the Village that is based on today's reality and
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Planning Commission Meeting
May 26, 1998
27. Commissioner Abels asked what guidelines would have to be followed if a
developer submitted plans to build now; could he build another building such
as the one existing on Calle Estado. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
currently there was no conditional use permit process in place. Therefore, if
the developer met all the design criteria based on the existing Village Specific
Plan, they could build under a Site Development Permit process for approval
by the Planning Commission. '
28. Chairman Butler asked if the Commission could recommend approval of the
Design Guidelines subject to an architectural planning study. City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated this was within their discretion.
29. Commissioner Tyler stated that in the previous document, several design
examples were included that this plan did not have. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated they did not want to give an exact
example of a theme. The direction staff was given by the City Council was
to provide guidelines that a developer could work within.
30. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
-- Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-035 recommending certification of a Negative Declaration of
environmental impact for Environmental Assessment 98-353.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: Commissioner Seaton. ABSENT:
Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-036 recommending repeal of Specific
Plan 87-009, for the Village at La Quinta.
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: Commissioner Seaton. ABSENT:
Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
32. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-037 recommending adoption of the
Design Guidelines for The Village at La Quinta with the recommendation
that a master plan for the Village area be prepared by an urban planning
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
33. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-038 recommending adoption of a
revision to Chapter 9.65 of Title 9 of the'La Quinta Municipal Code (Village
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
34. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Woodard to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-039 recommending approval of Change
of Zone 98-085, to rezone certain real property from VN, VP, VS, and VT to
VC, and from VR-10,000 to RL-10,000-17/1.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Tyler, Woodard, and
Chairman Butler. NOES: Commissioner Seaton. ABSENT:
Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
Chairman Butler recessed the meeting at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:08 p.m.
Staff requested that do to the lateness of the meeting, the Agenda be reorganized to allow Business
Item A to be heard at this time. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Tyler/Abels to place
Business Item A before Public Hearing "C". Unanimously approved.
Commissioner Tyler asked to make a statement regarding his editing of tract maps. These maps
become legal documents. He stated that even though some Commissioners may feel it is
unnecessary to note every item that is wrong on the map, it is his belief that it is a duty of the
Commission to make these changes. Applicants hired professional engineers to prepare the plans
and they should be correct when presented to the Council/Commission.
A. Temporary Use Permit 98-170; a request of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce for
a roll-away billboard sign to be located at the southeast comer of Highway 111 and
Washington Street to advertise the "Expo '98, Building La Quinta From the Ground
1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman stated this was an item added to the agenda as an
emergency item as the event will take place before the next Commission
meeting. He cited the Municipal Code Section which allows a temporary
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May 26, 1998
outdoor event, but does not specify where the event must take place. Staff
has brought this to the Commission because the event takes place outside the
City limits, but its purpose is to promote the City of La Quinta. Staff is
asking the Commission to determine whether the sign for an event in a
different city should be allowed.
2. Chairman Butler, asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler stated there had been similar signs at this location identifying events
outside the City. Staff stated those signs had been removed by Code
Enforcement. City regulations, however, do allow five signs on private
property as long as they do not exceed 12 square feet. The "Big Gig" signs
were permitted under this provision.
3. Commissioner Seaton asked if this was the same billboard used for the La
Quinta Chamber of Commerce Mainstreet Marketplace. Staff stated it was
the same sign with different copy.
4. Commissioner Gardner asked if approving this request would set a precedent.
In his opinion, the Chamber should endeavor to hold events within the City
-- of La Quinta. Staff concurred that approving of the sign would set a
precedent. City Attomey Dawn Honeywell stated the interpretation is
whether or not the event is taking place' outside the City, when some aspect
of what is being advertised would impact our City. The ordinance as written
is ambiguous on this point. Once the decision is made, a discrimination
could not be made on the next person.
5. Chairman Butler asked if the sign was approved because it was for the
economic benefit to the City, would it still create problems in the future. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that the underlying reason is that it will be
an economic benefit to the City.
6. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff?.
7. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if anyone
would wish to speak regarding this issue.
8. There being no further discussion, is was moved and seconded by
Commissioners AbelS/Seaton to adopt Minute Motion 98-005, approving
Temporary Use Permit 98-170, allowing a roll-away billboard sign at the
southeast comer of Highway 111 and Washington Street from June 3, 1998
to June 17, 1998. Approved with Commissioner Gardner voting no.
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Planning Commission Meeting
May 26, 1998
B. Continued public hearing on Zoning Code Amendment 97-058 and Zone Code
Amendment 98-061; a request of the City for consideration of miscellaneous
Amendments to Title 9 (Zoning Code) of the Municipal Code.
1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Butler asked if the Commission would like to review the report
page by page, or only note each Commissioner's concerns.
3. Staff reviewed the proposed changes page by page. Commissioners
requested the following additional changes:
a. Page 30-3: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5 and "contiguous"
to adjacent.
b. Page 30-4: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5 and "contiguous"
to adjacent.
c. Page 30-5: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5 and "contiguous"
to adjacent.
d. Page 30-6: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5 and "contiguous"
to adjacent.
e. Page 30-7: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5 and "contiguous"
to adjacent.
f. Page 50-1: change Section 9.50.020 to Height Limits Near Image
Corridor; add paragraph to require a 25-foot yard setback adjacent to
any Image Corridor and add a requirement for a 25-foot setback for
buildings adjacent to the property line at the street.
g. Page 50-3, *3: change "projects with 10 or more" to 5-feet and
"contiguous" to adjacent.
h. Page 50-7: revisit the use of single family attached for RH Zoning.
i. Page 50-11, 13: change landscaping to permitted fencing...
j. Page 50-12, B.: Change to read, "Developers or applicants who
intend to, or have applied for, five or more approvals; B.1. "...roof
types or structures"; D. 1. "...Community Development Department".
k. Page 50-13, Item 3: Change to "...scale (1" = 8'...)...".
1. Pages 60-8, 60-9, 60-20 change "Director" to Community
Development Director here and wherever else "Director" appears by
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m. Page 60-20, B.2. Add "County".
n. Page 60-21, B.2. Add "County".
o. Page 60-22-23,B: Add statement regarding berming not being
required on an upslope.
p. Page 60-39, F: Change "...total of four..." to five.
q. Page 60-41, 5: leave as was, "...ten percent from the square footage..."
r. Page 60-42, C. Quantity: Change "Arterial Street" to Image Corridor.
s. Page 60-43, C.3.: Determine minimum window size.
t. Page 60-43, 4: Delete.
u. Page 60,44, C.3 and D. & E.: Delete.
v. Page 70-2, A: Delete the word "primarily".
w. Page 90-1, B: Refer .to Section 9.100.070, for further satellite dish
x. Page 100-6, 7.c.: Delete.
y. Page 100-10, 1 .: Delete "...up to a maximum of 90-days."
z. Page 100-13, C.2.: Change to read "...more than once every four
months..." and add, "regardless of who is sponsoring or participating
in the event." to the end of the sentence.
aa. Page 100-33, 2 and 3: Add "County" to both.
bb. Page 100-34: Add the following to the end of the sentence, "...in
conjunction with the Sunline Transit Joint Powers Authority."
cc. Page 160-3, 13/15: Wherever "sq/fi" occurs, change to sq.fi.
dd. Page 160-3, 18: In the Maximum Area change "..Aggregate not to
exceed 6 sq. fi."
ee. Page 160-10, F: Add, "...lifesaving equipment, street signs, obelisks,
or traffic signs or signals."
ff. Page 160-12, A: Change "approved" to issued.
gg. Page 185-1, A.I.: Add, "...excluding sliders and built-in..."
hh. Page 185-2, 1., 2., and A. Rental Parks: Change "calendar year" tO
any one year.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if anyone
wished to speak regarding this issue.
5. There being no further public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public
participation portion of the public hearing and opened the item for
Commission discussion.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-040
recommending approval of Zoning Code Amendments 97-058 and 98-061,
amending Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, subject to the above-
noted changes.
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Planning Commission Meeting -
May 26, 1998
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler,
Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 98-041 adopting the Manual on Architectural
Standards, subject to the following changes:
a. Manual for Architectural Standards under Building Design Standards-
Architectural Styles: Reword to "...examples of styles that are
b. Manual for Architectural Standards under Building Design Standards-
Special Requirements, Multiple Approvals: Add "...Developers, or
applicants who have obtained, intend to, or have applied .... "
ROLL CALL:AYES: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler,
Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
A. Chairman Butler reminded the Commission they would need to reapply for the
Planning Commission or Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee
(ALOR). Commissioner Woodard asked staff to explain how cases would be
brought to the ALOR. Staff explained that as projects are brought into the City, staff
will determine what and when a ALOR meeting would be held to review those
B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the Council meeting of May 5, 1998.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on June 9, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was
adjourned at 10:52 P.M. on May 26, 1998.
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