PCMIN 10 13 1998 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
October 13, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Abels to lead the flag salute.
B. Chainnan Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels,'Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
-Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer. Steve Speer,
Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand,
-- and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 8,
1998. Commissioner Abels noted Commissioner Kirk was Stated as being present
during the discussion of the first public hearing when in fact he was absent and asked
that this be amended to note he was not present. There being no further corrections,
it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the minutes
as amended. Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None.
A. Tentative Tract Map 29003; a request of Bmokfield Homes for approval and
recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 5.4 acres into 19 residential lots
and other common/street lots for the property located west of Madison Street, along
Brae Bum, south of Laurel Valley within PGA West.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff noted that a change had been made to Condition #23 to
clarify that it is a revision of the existing utility lateral construction.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Chevis Hosea, speaking for the applicant, stated KSL had sold this tract
to Brookfield Homes, but KSL would retain the responsibility for the off-site
improvements. He had no specific concerns regarding the conditions, bud
did have some concerns with the off-site improvements for the other tracts
that are before the Commission at this meeting. They understand the need
and obligation to have the Perimeter improvements in place for the City
before PGA West is built out. They are trying to accomplish this as fast as
they can and would like to have the ability to work with staffto resolve these
3. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed and opened for Commission discussion.
4. Commissioner Robbins asked for clarification on the tract map as it showed
a cross section of rolled curb and he was unaware of any rolled curb at PGA
West. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated there were some places where
rolled curb was used and it was in place on this tract. Commissioner Robbins
stated the map showed a "typica! cross section for Brae Bum" and a standard
curb. Staff stated the detail of the curb was more accurate than the full street
cross section. It is a rolled curb.
5. Chairman Tyler asked that the first two items on the legend of the map be
removed as they were no longer applicable and the "ovals" were being used
for two different purposes and should be corrected.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
066 approving Tentative Tract 29003, subject to the condition as modified.
Condition #23: "...shall furnish a plan for revision of the existing utility
lateral construction abandonment and provide approved estimates for the
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
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B. Tentative Tract Map 28961; a request of Brookfield Homes for approval and
recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 44.30 acres into 48 residential lots
and other common street lots for the property located on the west side of Madison
Street, south of Avenue 54, within PGA West.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff rePort.
Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked what the plans were for the. large lot at the entry to the
tract. Mr. Chevis Hosea, speaking' on behalf of the applicant, stated the large
lot is frontage of the property owner to allow them room for privacy. In
regard to the conditions, he questioned Condition #22 and why they would
have the full burden of the traffic control improvements at Jefferson Street
and Avenue 54 when this comer has three owners. He could understand a
75% responsibility,'but the balance of the improvements should be placed on
the property owner to the west. If it becomes private, they would like to have
the condition removed. They do understand their obligation, but they would
like clarification that the condition would be removed if the City vacates the
arterial. Senior Engineer Steve Speer commented that in' regard to the traffic
signal, he would agree with the 75% share as long as this is stipulated in the
conditions for the Oak Street Specific Plan. With regard to Avenue 54 at the
west end, it seems appropriate to add language that if the street is vacated the
signal would not be constructed.
3. Commissioner Butler asked if staff reduced the amount of the responsibility
in the conditions, would it reduce the applicant's bond obligation. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated it would.
'4. There being no further'public comment, the public participation portion of the
public heating was closed and open for Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Robbins stated he Was confused regarding whose
responsibility it was in regard to the participatory requirements. They do not
seem to be applicable to the tracts in conjunction with their location. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer explained it was an old problem that until now had nOt
been resolved. The majority of the developments at PGA West have been on
the interior lots. Now, as the site is reaching buildout, it'is important to see
that all the off-site obligations are completed. Staff is therefore tying
'conditions for these improvements to any tract to see they are completed.
KSL as the master developer is working out the off-site obligations with their
builders. Staff does have an off-site phasing plan worked out with KSL.
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October 13, 1998
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if there would be a problem with some of the other
projects as far as not being responsible for the off-site improvements. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated that the Oak Tree West Specific Plan had not
started any active movement on their project and the City would consider
their off-site improvements at that time. The Citrus Course has the bonds in
place for their off-site improvements. Currently, there is a dispute with the
two main developers that is in arbitration.
7. Commissioner Kirk asked if the interior street widths was to be 37-feet and
was this consistent with the other streets. Mr. Hosea stated this was standard
for PGA West. Commissioner Kirk asked if the market would allow the
street widths to be reduced. Mr. Hosea stated they were looking at reducing
the width to 32-feet for the single loaded streets. They are studying this now
to see if it is possible. With a doubled loaded situation they would keep the
streets at 37-feet.
8. There' being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
067 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 28961, subject to the
condition as modified:
a. Condition #22.A. Modified to read "75% of the cost to design and
construct traffic control improvements if required within the Ranch
Specific Plan otherwise 100%."
b. Condition #22.C. If the street is vacated or included into another
development, street improvements shall not be constructed.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Tentative Tract MaP 28603; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation, Inc. for
approval and recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 22.67 acres into 60
single family residential and other common/street lots for the property located on the
north side of Hermitage (extended) and east of Riviera and west of Madison Street
abutting the existing Tom Weiskopf Golf Course within PGA West.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Chevis Hosea, speaking for the applicant, asked that Condition//22 be
modified to find some other mechanism to fund the improvements. As they.
do not generate southbound traffic, he did not believe they should be
responsible for the improvements. Condition #33B, they would like to
request 32-foot wide street widths. Condition #45, they have had previously
approved plans and worked with CVWD to create a design that is being
approved for the development of green areas within 18-inches of the curb.
They would like to request this type of development be encouraged within the
City. This also allows the sidewalk to be placed away from the curb and lawn
sprayer irrigation within 18 inches of the curb. Senior Engineer Steve Speer
stated that with respect to Condition 22.B., staff has reviewed Specific Plan
90-017 and found that even though most of the specific plan area is on the
east side of the street, there is a portion of the specific plan area on the west
side, in particular this tract, and requires full street widening for the entire
length of the specific plan area to Avenue 58. This being the first tract, staff
is requesting 25% participation. The balance, or three quarters of the street,
will come when the other tracts on the other side of Madison Street develop.
_ In regard to Condition 45, staff is unable to substantiate this requirement in
the City's Ordinance and will therefore delete that sentence from the
condition. In regard to Condition 33.B., reducing the street to 32-feet, the
condition already allows this.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked if the Madison Street 'improvements are for
Specific Plan 90-017 and if this is the first tract under that specific plan. He
also asked if there was a reasonable' fair participation rate for this size of tract.
It seems unfair to pass the burden to the next tract to the south as that tract
would not support the off-site improvements.
4. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed .and open for Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Butler asked if the burden of the off-site improvements could
make the property unfeasible to developi Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated
they try tO analyze the amount of land being developed in relation to the street
improvements. Staff is looking at a revised infrastructure fee schedule.
Commissioner Butler asked if this type of system would force the smaller
developer into a Mello Roos. Staff stated that a smaller developer with a
narrow piece of land is still required to do the sidewalk, curb, and perimeter
~-- wall. KSL would still be required to develop everything behind the curb.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if the infrastructure fee was referenced in the
conditions. Staff stated it was alluded to, and they are required to pay into the
fund. It covers those items that are remote to this project. The small
landowner is also dedicating his right of way. Commissioner Kirk asked if
the infrastructure fee schedule would be defined at a .later date. Staff stated
it is in the drafting process.
7. Commissioner Robbins asked if there was enough right of way to build this
street. Staff stated no, when they are prepared to move forward with the
street, and the fight of way is not there, you do not proceed. If you approach
the land owner and it is possible you do proceed.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
068 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 28603, subject to the
conditions as recommended by staff with the deletion of the last sentence of
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.'
D. Tentative Tract Map 28960; a request of KSL Recreation Corporation, Inc. for
approval and recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 24.33 acres into 75
single family residential and other common/street lots for the property located 500
feet north of the future Weiskopf course, southeast of PGA Boulevard, and west of
Madison Street abutting the exiting Jack Nicklaus Tournament Golf Course within
PGA West. '.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Chevis Hosea, speaking on behalf of the applicant, questioned Condition
#22.B. and'asked that this condition be placed on a tract map within Specific
Plan 90-017. On Condition #22.C., to construct the north three quarter full
width improvements for Avenue 58 with the Jefferson Street realignment, it
is their understanding that this is being completed in concert with another
specific plan south of PGA West. The realignment has pulled Avenue 58
away from PGA West due to this other development and it is their belief that
this condition should rest with them. This is also tree of Condition #22.E. the
extension of Interlachen If another tract is causing this realignment, the '
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
burden should be on that tract. Condition #32.A.1. is required by TT 28444.
Senior Engineer'Steve Speer stated that in respect to 22.B., he would concur
that this condition does not belong to this tract and should be picked-up at a
later date. In regard to Condition 22.E., while the realignment of the street
may be due to another project, it is a City-initiated plan, therefore all projects
affected need to comply. Condition #32A.1., has already been applied to
Tract 28444 and is satisfied.
3. Chairman Tyler asked staff to respond to Mr. Hosea's concerns. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated that in regard to Condition 22.B, the signal or
round-about at Madison Street and 58th Avenue, he would concur that it does
not apply to this tract and should be removed. With respect to Condition
22.E, the Interlachen extension, while the realignment study was paid for by
another developer, it is a City document and the approved realignment for
Jefferson Street and Avenue 58 by General Plan Amendment. All projects
will have to conform with this .alignment since its approval. He
recommended that this condition stand as written. In regard to Condition
22.C. this is the same issue and language that should be added to state that
_ this will be required at the time of the street realignment. Mr. Hosea is correct
that Condition 32.A. 1. states that the applicant shall build this access entry
is actually a requirement on previous tracts. However, this particular street
is an access connection to Madison Avenue and directly across the street
there is another entrance to the subdivision on the west side of Madison
Street. These two access points do not match up. They are 100-feet off. The
key language in this condition has to do with the alignment and configuration
as required by the City Engineer when authorized by the City. It is being
required because the City is not satisfied with how the two sides will match
up.' The condition could become a separate condition to not confuse it with
any other issue. Chairman Tyler asked that it be separated.
4. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if Mr. Hosea was satisfied with staff's
comments relative to the conditions. Mr. Hosea stated they were concerned
about the exposure of developing within.a specific plan that has conditions,
and those conditions can be modified by something that occurs outside the
plan. The benefit from these improvements will benefit mostly those projects
to the south more than PGA West. Chairman Tyler asked if this project
-- should be continued to allow time to resolve the issues. Staff stated that in
regard to the realignment of Avenue 58 and its impacts to PGA West,'the ·
City held two noticed open workshops and KSL and/or their predecessors,
did attend and were given an opportunity to respond at that time. The City
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998"
looked for input from all the landowners at that time to arrive at a consensus
alignment. After the workshops the City spent $90,000 on aerial topographic
pictures, designing the street configuration, etc. to realignment the street.
After this it was presented to the Planning Commission and the City Council
at public hearings as a General Plan Amendment. To imply that it was a
developer driven change is incorrect. When the City conditions street
improvements to be installed, we condition them to be installed in the
approved alignment. Staff realizes the existing street is adjacent to PGA
West, but this is not the approved alignment for any new improvements. Mr.
Hosea asked if this issues could be worked out with staff. Discussion
followed as to the responsibility of the street improvements and realignment.
6. Commissioner Robbins stated he did not believe it was fair to change the
conditions after the specific plan had been approved. He tended to agree with
the developer.
7. Commissioner Abels stated he agreed with Commissioner Robins.
8. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if KSL was informed they would have no
further responsibility given the realignment. Staff stated this General Plan
Amendment occurred in 1994, and any specific plan that comes for approval
of its improvements after this amendment has been adopted, will have to
conform. This is the reason for the public hearings. If the Amendment will
impact your specific plan, you have the oppommity to address it at that time.
As there were no changes made for their specific plan, they will have to
conform to the General Plan Amendment. Commissioners 'discussed with
staff if these changes were discussed during the Specific Plan Amendment for
SP 83-002. Mr. Hosea stated he was not concerned with the consistency
finding, but who was financially responsible for the improvements. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated their Specific Plan was always obligated to build
Avenue 58 from Madison Street to Jefferson Street. In one of KSL's
amendments, the burden was lightened and they were only obligated for that
portion of Avenue 58 improvements that was adjacent to their specific plan.
Now, the City is asking KSL to move the cost of these improvements, which
is the'same amount, to the realigned alignment. There are no additional costs
involved, just a relocating of the cost. Mr. Hosea stated they do not object to
the Avenue 58 improvements, only the extension of Interlachen.
9. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to indicate on the map the area under
discussion. Staff stated that PGA West is adjacent to the north side of
Avenue 58 for about a quarter of a mile. When Jefferson Street is realigned
and constructed it will be done by an assessment district and a participatory
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agreement. The extension of Interlachen would keep the access gate to PGA
West, however it would have to be extended to connect to the realignment of
Jefferson Street. If they do not complete the street improvements PGA West
will no longer have an access to Avenue 58. Mr. Hosea stated that if the
arterial is moved, it is the other developer's option whether or not to connect.
They do have the option of developing a 32-foot landscape area that will not
be enjoyed by anyone. They did not create the obligation. Community
'Development Director Jerry Herman stated KSL can redesign their tract map.
and have no access to Jefferson Street from Interlachen. This is a General
Plan Amendment and the tract before the Commission at this time cannot be
approved ~f it is not consistent with the General Plan. Mr. Hosea asked if this
obligation could be placed on the Specific Plan Amendment #4 that is in the
process-of being submitted to the City. Community Development Director
Jerry Herman stated the Planning Commission cannot approve this tract as
it is proposed, because it is not consistent with the General Plan.
10. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant accepted this condition at this
time, could they amend it at a later date after their general plan amendment.
Staff stated this was possible. Mr. Hosea stated they could not delay the tract
as it has been sold.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-069 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 28960, subject to the
conditions as follows:
a. Condition 22.B. Would be deleted.
b. Condition 22.C. would have the following wording added: "Shall'
conform to the new Jefferson Street alignment."
c. Condition 33.A.1. would become a new condition #38.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
E. Tentative Tract Map 28912;'a request ofT. D. Desert Development for approval and
recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 29.11 acres into 8.1 single family
residential and other common/street lots for the property located on the north side of
· 50th Avenue, east of Park Avenue (extended) within the Rancho La Quinta Country
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
2. Commissioner Robbins asked how this tract would handle the nuisance
drainage as it appears to drains to no where. Senior Engineer Steve Speer
stated that if CVWD does not want the nuisance water in the Channel, it
would have to be handled with some kind of a sand filter system, a French
drain system, or something that does not leave the nuisance water exposed on
the surface in the channel. It would be a privately maintained nuisance water
handling system and the City would be open to any kind of improvements the
developer wanted to propose and mm over to the HOA for maintenance.
Commissioner Robbins asked that this requirement be added to the
3. Commissioner Kirk asked if CVWD had made any comments relating to this
project. Staff stated that a letter had been received from CVWD stating that
water could not drain into the Channel. ~Staff stated that Condition #31 does
address the nuisance water system, but does not specify what type of system
should be used. Discussion followed regarding how nuisance water is
generally handled in the City.
4. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commissibn.
Mr. Grady Sparks, speaking for the applicant, asked for clarification on
Condition 36.A. 1. & 2. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated this has to do
with the reimbursement of improvements for Avenue 48 recently completed
by the City. Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan has been responsible for this
improvement cost since the beg!nning of the project and the City is now
asking for that reimbursement. Condition 36.A.1 which is for Avenue 48
between Dune Palms Road and Adams Street, half the cost attributable to
Rancho La Quinta would be due in the amount of $622,304. The second half
of the Avenue 48 improvement, which is attributable to Rancho La Quinta at
a later time, would be $622,304. Condition 36.A.2. should be changed to
read Avenue 48 and Dune Palms Road, not Adams Street.
5. Chairman Tyler stated the tract is not to have any access onto'50th Avenue,
but there currently is a construction entrance. Mr. 'Sparks stated the
construction entrance will remain until the tract is built. From there the.
entrance will probably go to Jefferson Street. Their future entrance will
eventually line up with the Estancia's entrance, and will be their easterly
boundary. Mr. Art Gardner, Watson and Christiansen Engineering firm,
stated there would be a fire access and turnaroUnd serving as a joint entrance
with the adjoining tract. In addition, in regard to the nuisance water, they are
considering either a single catch basin and a cross gutter, or two catch basins
and a dry well, and a large area of gravel with fabric around it to take care of
the nuiSance water.
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October 13, 1998
6. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-070 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 28912, subject to the
conditions as amended:
a. Condition #31: applicant shall be required to install a City approved
nuisance water percolation improvement for water directed to the
Evacuation Channel.
· b. Condition #36.A.1., the cost of $622,304 would be added.
c. Condition #35.A.2., remove Adams Street and 'replace with Dune
Palms Road and the cost of $622,304 would be added to the end of
the sentence.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 9:50 and resumed at 9:55 p.m. He also noted that a request
had been received to revise the Agenda to take Business Item A. at this time.
A. Sign Approval 98-433; a request of Fashion Bug (Imperial Signs) for approval of a
deviation of an approved sign program to permit a corporate identification sign for
the property located at 78-870 Highway 111, within the One Eleven La Quinta
Shopping Center.
1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa'
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked the length of the sign. Staff stated it was
approximately 15-feet and within the required size.
4. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion was
closed and open for Commission discussion.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 98-008 approving Sign
Application 98-433, subject to the conditions as recommended. Unanimously
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F. Environmental Assessment 97-029-Amendment #1. Site Development Permit 97-
603-Amendment # 1. Development Agreement 97-002-Amendment #1; a request of
Stamko DeVelopment Company for approval and recommendation to the City
CoUncil for Certification of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report;
approval of "The 'Centre at La Quinta" Specific Plan Amendment creating
development guidelines and standards for a multi-phased Mixed Regional
Commercial complex with three planning areas having four development scenarios;
approval of a Site Development Permit Amendment including the building
elevations, site, landscaping, and lighting plans for' three auto dealerships; and
approval of the Development Agreement Amendment, for the property located south
.of Highway 111 between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road.
1. Chairman Tyler stated for the record that he had met with the applicant on
September 23, 1998, for a brief informal discussion of the project.
Commissioners Robbins and Kirk noted they had also met with the applicant
for the same purpose. Chairman Tyler noted the 45-day Public Review
period required by CEQA for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
(SEIR) did not end until October 23, 1998, which is the day before the next
regular meeting of the Planning Commission. An additional period of time
will then be required for staff and City consultants to respond to any
comments received. In view of the current incomplete, status of that process,
he was proposing that this public hearing be limited to the following: staff
report and questions of the Commission, the applicant's presentation and
questioning by Commissioners, and any public testim°ny. The public
participation portion of the hearing would then be closed and the public
hearing continued until the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission
scheduled for November 10, 1998. At that meeting, further testimony fi.om
the applicant and the public may be heard, but will be limited' to responding
to issues raised during the Public Review of the SEIR. Discussion among the
Commissioners and voting on the various Resolutions would then take place.
This schedule will permit the Commission to make its recommendations in
time for consideration by the City Council at its regular meeting on
November 17, 1998. He then opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Chairman Tyler asked staff to explain the four scenarios in the Specific Plan
and if the Commission should consider the entire document or only where
development was going to occur at this time. Staff stated the entire site.
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October 13, 1998
3. Mr. Tony Locacciato, Impact' Sciences, gave an overview of the SEIR
4. Commissioner Robbins asked how the drainage requirement for the Highway
111 landscape setback area, per the recently approved Zoning Code
Amendment, could now be potentially significant when the SEIR states that
proposed specific plan amendment would have the same impacts on
hydrology and water quality of the certified EIR. He understands where the
zoning has changed, but he does not see how something that was approved
two months ago can now be of significant affect. Mr. Locacciato stated the
EIR not only looks at in addition to the physical impacts but also assesses
consistency with applicable standards. That standard has been adopted since
the original project was approved. The proposed amendment requests a
deviation from the standard. Being consistent with the standard that is now
applicable is identified as a significant impact.
5. Commissioner Robbins stated the SEIR speaks of the depth of the retention
basins. On Adams Street and Highway 111 it is approximately eight-and-a-
_ half feet lower than the adjacent Highway 111 curb, which is technically
correct. When the pad itself is six feet below the curb you will have at least
six feet of difference, if you do nothing. This infers that it is an eight-and-a
half foot retention basin when in fact you may only have a two or two and a
half foot deep retention area. Mr. Locacciato stated this was correct and
could be clarified. The specific point that it is addressing is that the standards
are stated such that the depth of the basin is to relate to the height of the curb.
6. Chairman Tyler questioned Section 5.5 Transportation Circulation. Between
the year 2000 and 2005, the projection for the intersection of Washington
Street and Fred Waxing Drive went from Level Service D to F. Even though
a study must be prepared at some point in time, significant changes will take.
place before that year that will have a significant impact on this intersection.
All of this should have an impact on the traffic study. Does this creme a need
to update the study. Mr. Locacciato stated he would check, with the
consulting traffic engineer to see if any 'proposed project would impact the
study. As to future growth, there is a growth assumption contained in the
report, which is the same percentage that is applied to all rOadways.
7. Commissioner Kirk asked about the hydrology impacts. It is his
understanding that the hydrological impacts did not change physically, but
-- given the change in City standards it is now considered a significant impact.
Mr. Locacciato stated this was correct. The physical impacts have not
changed. The City has adopted a new standard and the SEIR has to look at
consistency With applicable standards as well as the physical impacts.
C:qVly Documents\WPDOCS~PC 10-13-98.wpd 13
Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
8. Commissioner Kirk asked if the consultant considered the standards in the
Design Guidelines for Highway 11 1 to have the same weight as the updated
Zoning Code. It is his understanding that the Design Guidelines were fairly
consistent with the Zoning Code so when the impact analysis was completed
before, the consultant did not determine that the inconsistency with the
Design Guidelines was not a significant impact. Mr. Locacciato stated the
Highway 111 Design Guidelines were not adopted at the time the previous
EIR was prepared and the specific plan was approved by the City. Discussion
followed as tO the time line of the adoption of the Design Guidelines and the
Zoning Code update.
9. Commissioner Kirk asked if the special display areas were allowed by the
Guidelines. Staff stated it was not a part of the Design Guidelines. It is a
part of the Zoning Code. Staff thought it would be a compromise to get the
regular display areas screened and allow the applicant the visibility and focus
on the special display areas. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff worked with
the applicant on the number and location of the display areas. Staff stated it
went through some interaction to come up with this type of design.
Discussion followed as to how the final design was obtained.
10. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff thought the berming of the'regular display
areas was adequate. Staff stated they did not. Commissioner Kirk asked if
staff would agree to more or larger display, areas as a compromise. Staff
stated it was their opinion that the length and number of cars contained in the
display areas as proposed is adequate for advertising on Highway 111.
1'1. Chairman Tyler stated the issue of an auto dealership is not covered in the
Zoning Code, but requires a conditional use permit and this was approved a
year ago and is not before the Commission for review at this time. He would
like each of the Commissioners to receiVe a copy of the original auto mall
specific plan and the Highway 111 Design Guidelines.
12. Commissioner Robbins asked if the Highway 111 Design Guidelines were
guidelines or an adopted ordinance that requires the applicant to comply;
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated they were adopted as Guidelines and
should be considered as evidence of the City Council intent of what they want
on Highway 111. The specific drainage and berming standards that were
adopted as part of the Zoning Code were adopted by Ordinance. The
Guidelines were not adopted in their totality in the Ordinance, but they should
be considered by the Commission as the intent of what the City Council
desires to have on Highway 111. The Zoning Code in and of itself, does not
try to place every tree. It speaks in terms of general types of goals that the
City is trying to achieve, so there is some discretion even within the Zoning
Code. The Guidelines were adopted to give a more specific intent of what is
wanted on Highway 111. There is some latitude.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
13.. Commissioner Robbins asked if the regular display areas were being
confused with parking lots. We are displaying vehicles instead of some other
product. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the berming
would be required. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the berming and
screening is applied to all developments along Highway 111. You have basic
zoning requirements in place that have to be observed and our need to look
at the project from the CEQA point of view. In addition, is the fact that the
City is paying for these improvements and if we want to s~e it as a part of the
overall improvements, the City should be given latitude to have what it
14. Ms. Christine Clarke, Stamko Development Company, spoke on behalf of the
project. In regard to the Highway 111 Guidelines, they are guidelines and not
cast in stone. They worked with the consultant when the Guidelines were
being drafted. The original.version of the Guidelines contained flowering
trees and gentle mounding. So they were aware of the Highway 111 Design
Guidelines when they were designing the auto mall. What must be
remembered is that this is an auto mall and should not be compared to other
retail stores. The berming and mounding is required only to hide the parking.
The berming would not be required if a building were to be constructed at the
setback. Then through the EIR process she discovered that the Guidelines had
been modified and were being required as part of the specific plan conditions.
The City is paying for all the street improvements, but so is she and if the
project does not generate sales tax neither she nor the City get it back. This
puts the developers, City, and herself at risk. She then introduced her
consultants and went on to discuss her concerns regarding the conditions for
the specific plan:
a. Condition #2: asked that the wording "which intends to be" be
deleted and it already has been deleted; the berming on Adams Street
that is being asked for, they have never intended to have berming on
Adams. This is because from Highway 111 to Adams Street it drops
12 feet on Adams Street. To get the buildings to grade on 47th
Avenue when you are dropping 12 feet, they are not berming because
this' is where there vehicle storage is at six feet. It will be high
enough by itself. Below 47h Avenue they are not berming is because
there will be display areas on Adams'Street under Scenarios 2 and 3.
If it becomes a retail site, they will address it at that time. The
reference to the building setbacks, they are already setback 120 feet
on Highway 111 and 100 feet on Adams Street from the dedication
of right of way.
b. Condition #3: already contains the wording being requested. In the
second sentence she objects to adding that she is not consistent with
the General Plan when she is consistent.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
c. Condition 4: she objects to all that is being requested.
d. Conditions 5: she is bring the electrical up Adams Street from 48t~
Avenue. She has provided new exhibits to show this and
incorporated into the specific plan. She requested that sentences four
and five be deleted and this new language substituted.
e. Condition #7: clarification is needed. Their intent is to have the half
street improvements from Highway 111 from the east boundary of the
property to Adams Street and from Highway 111 to the south
property line on Adams Street be completed. The half median on
Highway 111 from the east boundary to Adams Street, the full
median on Adams Street from Highway 111 to the 47~ Avenue under
development Scenarios 1, 2, and 3, but under Scenario 4 would only
be a half median and the other half median south of 47t~ Avenue. The
language needs to be clarified.
f. Condition #8: she does not understand, nor does she understand how
to resolve the problem.
g. Condition #9: is correct. The architects for the dealers increased the
lighting poles from 40 feet on center to 50-feet on center on Highway
111 because they were 40-feet and they have the special display
lighting will be low bollards.
h. Condition #10: they are screening the vehicle storage. They do not
want to confuse the vehicle storage with the regular vehicle display
on Highway 111. Vehicle storage is behind the six foot walls. This
condition sounds like a repeat. She would like to add a condition that
puts in the regular display area there will be no employee, visitor, or
used car parking permitted on Highway 111 or Adams Street. It will
be for new vehicle display only.
i. Condition # 11: the language is not contained in the specific plan. The
second sentence is all right.
j. Condition # 12 is all fight.
k. Conditions # 13 & 14 the language is already contained in the specific
1. Condition # 15: she did not understand the condition, it requires her
to revise the last sentence and then asks for it to be deleted.
m. Condition # 16: she cannot agree to.
n. Condition #17 she cannot agree to. They have already provided a
new plant palette to add hybrid Mesquite, but they do want flowering
trees on the comers in the setback.
o. Condition #18: there will be nine dealer identification signs that must
be allowed. In the second sentence it must be allowed. In sentence
three they will back away from any secondary signs on Highway 111,
but they want identification signs on Highway 111. The remainder of
C :qVly Documents\WPDOCS~PC 10-13 -98.wpd 16
Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
the condition is all fight.
p. Condition # 19: the first sentence is all right, but the second sentence
they can not agree to.
q. Condition #20 is all fight.
r. Condition #21: they will not change.
s. Condition #22: they will agree to.
t. Condition #24: they cannot accept any of it. They believe they are the.
wrong conditions.~ They should be Conditions #4, #7, and # 15.
The specific plan deals with the distance between buildings. On the special
display, the specific plan does not limit the number of cars. This is
intentional due to what they are marketing'- large or small cars. The specific
plan limited the height of the pads to 12 inches. They have no problem
having a condition prohibiting anything lifting up the vehicles. In regard to
the Development Agreement, they have exceeded the developmem standards.
Berming is designed to have low areas in from of the special display areas
and higher at the regular display areas.
On the Site Developmem Permit conditions, her concerns are as follows:
· .
a. Conditions #1-5 are all fight.
b. Condition #6; she does not have any time lines for the phasing of this
c. Conditions: #7-21 are all fight.
d. Condition #22; she objects to. Highway 111 and Adams Street nmoff
may be retained in the landscaped setback.
e. Condition #23 is all fight.
f. Condition #24; they are asking for the slopes to be 5:1 on public
property and the retention depth not exceed six feet on the private and
three feet on the public.
g. Conditions #25-28 are all fight.
h. Condition #29: asking that the water, after separation, be put into the
sanitary system, not a percolation facility.
i. Condition #30: they are not constructing curb, gutter and sidewalk on
the east side of La Quima Drive and the south side of Aut° Center
Drive in Planning Area # 1.
j. Conditions #31-32 are all fight.
k. Condition #33:' need to change the slopes to 3:1 for public fights of
1. Condition #34: would like the last sentence changed to state: "Use of
lawn shall not have spray 'irrigation within five feet of the curb along
public streets."
m. Condition #35.is all fight.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
n. Condition #36: would like to the end of the first sentence: "..from
Highway 111 to 47th Avenue." On the second sentence she would
like to add that it is not a average minimum of three feet of height of
undulating mounts. The Guidelines are one to three feet and not an
average of three feet. Also, if the CVWD well site is located at'the
southwest comer, the setback will be the same as Adams Street.
o. Condition #37: should be deleted, it is the old specific plan.
p. Condition #38: eliminate the plants, they have .submitted a revised
plant list. On "B" they would like the City to take the Architectural
and Landscape Review Committee's recommendation to increase the
trees in certain areas, instead of doubling the trees.
q. Conditions #39-47 are all right.
r. Condition #48.A: they would like the Commission to agree with the
Architectural and Landscape Review Committee's recommendation.
s. Condition #48.B: they agree with the change to #1. On #2 they agree
with the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee's
recommendation. On #3 they do not agree with the requested change.
They have already placed portals around them and will extend the
fascia wrapping over the parts department on the Nissan building.
They have also agreed that the windows on Nissan, Mazda, and
Chrysler will be recessed.
t. Condition #49: this is confusing because the wall does not come
down Adams Street, it drops down where the Chrysler storage begins
and goes to 47th Avenue. Because they are not processing the site
development permit below 47th Avenue, they cannot agree to have a
wall with a minimum two foot berm. They ask that this be
When comparing the old specific plan tO the new, the old had six foot walls,
all vehicles storage, and maintenance were located on the back of the
property. They have now redesigned and the wall is down. The vehicle
storage for Pads # 1 and #2 is together. Now, without the wall they are able
to do a lot more undulating. On the old plan, there was almost no
landscaping on site in the back of the property.
15. Chairman Tyler asked if the rooftop storage had been eliminated. Ms. Clarke
stated it was. She asked if there was any legal reason the Commission was
asking for the continuance. Chairman Tyler stated only to allow the public
review period to be completed. Ms. Clarke stated she was surprised by this
as she was told that only the City Council can make the final decision on the
SEIR. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it is not a legal consideration,
only a concern of the Planning' Commission to have everything in front'of
them before making a decision.
t'.\ha,, lh .... m~.ntq\WPF)OCS\P(-2.10-13-98.wt)cl 18
Planning Commission Meeting
October 13, 1998
16. Mr. Doug~anian, La Quima Chamber of Commerce, stated the project
provides ~ an oppommity to approve a project that could improve the
City's ecol~g, foundation. Retail sales are vital for economic growth: The
Centre wi~l~ide related retail, diversity, jobs, and will serve as a catalyst
for other ~'1 developmem. He would encourage the Commission to
approve ~ject and move it forward because of the economic benefits.
17. There bein~ further public comment, the public participation portion of the
publi'c he~ was closed and open for Commission discussion.
18. Commiss~Kirk asked if the applicant would put her thoughts imo writing
and have ~lrprepare a response to her concerns before the next meeting.
19. Commissimr Robbins asked if the public hearing was being closed. City
Attorney I~n Honeywell stated the public hearing may be left open for '
future discism. If it is being cominued for purposes of heating comments
from the ~/, you should keep it open.
20. There beil no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissi~ Abels/Robbins to continue the public hearing to November
10, 1998. imimomly approved.
A. Chairman Tyler ~a.report of the Council meeting of October 6, 1998. He noted
the date of the L~'of California Cities Conference on March 24, 1999.
There being no further business,~lms moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Robbins to
adjourn this regular meeting of~ng Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on Octola~, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 11:04 P.M. on~ll~ber 13, 1998.
C:XMy Documents\WPDOCSLPC 10-13-98.q111l, 19