PCMIN 10 27 1998 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
October 27, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning CommiSsion was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Kirk/Butler to excuse Commissioner Abels. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio,
Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, and
-- Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Staff requested the agenda be reorganized to take
the Business Item first.
A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of October 13, 1998.
Staff requested the approval of the minutes be continued to the next meeting. There
being no' objection, it was unanimously approved to continue the approval of the
minutes to the Commission meeting of November 10, 1998.
B. Department' Report: None.
A. Sign Application 98431; a request of Eagle Hardware & Garden for approval for a
modification to the approved sign program to add two building mounted signs.
1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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October 27, 1998
2. Commissioner Robbins asked if staff knew of any other business that had a
sign on the back of their building. Staff stated they were unaware of any such
3. Mr. Paul Morris, representing Eagle, stated he was asking for consideration
of their sign request because as you travel north on Washington Street there
is no sign identifying the business. It is a large and expansive building that
would accommodate the sign.
4. Commissioner Butler asked Mr. Morris to identify other signs on the Home
Depot building that he thought were similar to their request. Mr. Morris
stated the sign on the east side facing Jefferson Street.
5. There being no further public comment, the matter was open for Commission
6. Commissioner Robbins stated he did not see a need for the sign. When the
center is built out, it will not be seen anyway. -
7. Commissioner Butler stated he did not believe there was a need for the sign.
8. Commissioner Kirk stated he supported the comments made by the other
Commissioners. If this sign were approved, then others would follow
requesting additional signs. It would be setting a precedent he would not want
to have followed.
9. Chairman Tyler stated that in addition to these comments, there was no
entrance off Avenue 47 and would also support staff recommendation.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to adopt Minute Motion 98-009 approving
Sign Application 98-431, based on staff's recommendation to approve the
Garden Center sign and deny the Eagle Hardware and Garden sign.
Unanimously approved.
A. Tentative Tract Map 28964; a request of Oliphant and Williams Associates, Inc. for
approval and recommendation to the City Council for certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 98-
365 to subdivide 39 acres into 78 residential lots and other common/street lots.
1. Commissioner Butler asked to be excused due to a possible conflict of
interest and left the dias.
Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
2. Chairman Tyler stated the applicant .had requested a continuance to the
Commission's meeting of November 24, 1998. It was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to continue Tentative Tract Map 28964 to
November 24, 1998. UnanimOusly approved.
Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission.
B. Village Use Permit 98-001; a request of James Lewis, JTL Property, Inc. for approval
of plans to remodel and construct a 1,050 square foot addition to a 2,438 square foot
commercial building for use as a day spa and beauty salon.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and requested the staff report..
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the'Community Development
2. Commissioner Kirk asked what staff's recommendation was regarding the
architectural detail. Staff stated they were requesting additional architectural
treatment on the north side facing Avenida Martinez and the parking lot side.
In order to not hold up the project, staff is requesting the applicant be able to
have the changes approved at staff level.
3. Commissioner Kirk stated the parking requirement in the Village was one
space per 150 square feet for this type of use. This has been changed and
even though it will not apply to this project, he would like to set the
groundwork for future projects. His concern is that the change does not go
far enough for the smaller developer as they may not realize they have the
opportunity to do this. He suggested additional changes be made to the
Zoning Code to provide even more flexibility relating to parking
requirements. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it was possible to
make that change, but this is a conditional use permit process so staff thought
this would allow enough flexibility in regard to parking as each site would be
looked at individually. Commissioner Kirk asked that parking regulations in
the Village be added to the Agenda at a furore meeting.
4. Chairman Tyler asked how many parking spaces were proposed for this
project. Staff stated they were proposing 20 parking spaces. Chairman Tyler
asked how many employees they were intending to have. Staff stated he did
not know, but the applicant did indicate he was looking into purchasing the
lot to the east for additional parking.
5. Commissioner Butler asked if all changes to the buildings in the Village
'would come to the Commission under a conditional use permit. Staff stated
they would come under a Village Use Permit, which was similar to the
conditional use permit.
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6. Commissioner Kirk stated he is concerned that an applicant is not aware of
the flexibility that is available to him regarding parking.
7. Chairman Tyler stated he felt the building needed to be refurbished just due
to the time it had been sitting vacant. Staff stated the applicant is intending
to do this.
8. The architect for the project, stated he intended to meet all the conditions as
well as the additional architectural details requested of staff. He went on to
explain the operation of the business.
9. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for commission discussion.
10. Commissioner Robbins asked how Condition # 18 would be met as there were
no water improvements plans for this project. Planning Manager Christine
di Iorio stated this was a condition of the Fire Department and would be
worked out with' them during their plan checking process.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
071 approving Village Use Permit 98-001, subject to the Findings and
Conditions of Approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES;
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Site Development Permit 98-632; a request of Century-Crowell Communities for
compatibility review of architectural plans for four new prototype residential units.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the informatiOn contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff introduced letters that had been received from two
homeowners and noted changes they were proposing to the Conditions of
Approval: Condition #1, the size for Plan 5 should be 2,460 square feet up to
3,150 square feet with both options; Condition #5, additional wording to
require the walls be decorative concrete block in those areas visible to the
street; Condition #7.A., add the word "foot" behind the word "one"; and the
addition of Condition # 10, to read, "Plan 5 shall have a full three car garage
space since any of the two options available will create a four bedroom unit."
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
2. Chairman Tyler asked staffto indicate which plans were the revised drawings
for Models 3 and 4. Staff did so. Chairman Tyler asked staff if the changes
were sufficiently permanent and irreversible so that the owner could not re-
establish them as bedrooms. Staff stated.this was possible, but as far as staff
was concerned, what the builder was building and selling was a three
bedroom unit.
3. Commissioner Butler asked what would stop the developer from offering this
as an option. Is it possible to catch this upon final inspection. Staff stated
that if the change was found during inspections, the Building Department
would inform the builder he would have to convert it back to the approved
plan. Commissioner Butler asked if this could be made a condition. Staff
stated it could be.
4. Commissioner Butler asked to see the plan which contained the loft. Staff
stated the loft and the fitness room option could both be conceived as
bedrooms and this is why staff imposed the condition that this plan be
_ required to have a three car garage. Commissioner Butler asked if the plan
containing the loft could be considered a two story unit. Staff stated all
buildings are proposed to be 18-feet in height and the applicant designed the
loft unit to fit in the 18-foot area.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if there was anything in the Compatibility
Ordinance that limited the number of smaller units that could be built. Could
the builder construct 1,900 square foot houses on the remaining lots? Staff
stated there is nothing in the Code to prevent them.
6. Commissioner Kirk questioned staff as to why the loft would be considered
a bedroom. Staff stated that under the Uniform Building Code (UBC) there
are only certain rooms such as baths, kitchens, living rooms, and hallways
that are considered non-sleeping rooms. Commissioner Kirk asked if a
bedroom was required to have a window. Staff stated one may be required
for emergency exit; however, the UBC states that any other room can be
considered a bedroom if it is not a living room, bathroom, hallway, kitchen,
or dining room.
7. Commissioner Kirk asked if the existing units within the entire tract had two
or three car garages. Staff stated they have both. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated the last phase was by Deane Homes and they fell
within the City's current ordinance which requires the three car garage. The
homes built in Phase I, prior to the ordinance did not, but some of those units
also have three car garages.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
8. Commissioner Robbins asked how far out of range were the dimensions on
the garages. If the wall that separated the wash area from the garage were
removed then it would be acceptable. Staff stated that was correct.
Discussion followed as to the dimensions of the garage.
9. There being no further questions of Staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Kent Armstrong,
representing Century Crowell Communities, stated that in regard to the letter
from Mr. & Mrs. Cosgrove regarding the lighting on Lot 18, they have no
problem with enhancing the frontyard landscaping with lighting and they will
guarantee there will be no loft on two story traits on this lot. In regard to the
mix, they have been working with the Homeowners' Association (HOA) and
have agreed to limit the number of Plan 2's. They have also agreed with them
to provide all homes with an average of about 2,500 square feet. He further
stated they were working with the HOA to add additional architectural detail
and they would request that an additional condition be added that once they
have reached a decision with the HOA, these architectural details could be
approved by staff.
10. Commissioner Robbins asked Mr. Armstrong if he would have any objection
to a condition being added limiting the number of Plan 2 units to 16 with an
average square footage Of 2,500. Mr. Armstrong stated he had no objection
to either being added as a condition. Staff stated 2,500 square feet could be
a plan checking problem..
11. Chairman Tyler asked if the project would maximize the existing topography
or would the site be flattened. Mr. Armstrong stated the slopes are already
a part of the' approved grading plan.
12. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. Carl
Thompson, 78-935 Skyward Way, stated he was the president of the HOA
and wanted to state they had come to an agreement with Century Crowell on
all areas with the exception of the exterior elevations. They have been very
pleased with their willingness to work with them. They would ask that this
project be continued or conditioned to assure agreement on the exterior
elevations. They have discussed the ratio of the smaller homes and agreed
to 15 and have also agreed to the average size of 2,500 square feet. Chairman
Tyler stated that for clarification, the relationship between the HOA and the
developer is between them. The City is not a party to that. The City is only
concerned that the developer meet the requirements the City places on it at
the time of approval by the Planning Commission and City' Council. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City, as a practice does not get between
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
the developers and HOA's. This is viewed as a pri.vate contractual
relationship. The City's responsibility is to apply the City's Compatibility
Ordinance to the plans that are submitted by the developer.
13. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
14. Commissioner Robbins asked that two conditions be added. One that on Lot
18 a Plan 5 would not be allowed with a loft; second, that the Plan 2 be
limited to 15 and an average square foot house size be 2,500 throughout the
15. Commissioner Kirk asked that the lighting referred to in Mr. Cosgrove's
letter be required.
16. Commissioner Butler asked that if during construction, the rooms that are
classified as "open space" are converted, or offered, as a bedroom, the three
car garage be required. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated this would
. be a part of the plan check review. When the precise plan and unit types are
received, staff will review them at that time for compatibility as well as the
building inspectors will be inspecting the units in accordance with the precise
plan which identifies the trait type. Commissioner Butler asked if this should
be a condition. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated they will not be
allowed to make any changes from the plans that are approved at this time.
17. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked how the Commission wanted staff
to enforce the 2,500 square.foot average; if this was per phase, or how.
Chairman Tyler stated this should be similar to the agreement with the HOA.
Mr. Armstrong stated this would be on a phase by phase basis. Following
discussion it was determined that a condition Would be added only requiting
15 Plan 2 units in the total project.
18. There being no further discussion, 'it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
072 approving Site Development Permit 98-632, subject to the Findings and
Conditions of Approval as amended:
a. Condition # 1, the size for Plan 5 should be 2,460 square feet up to
3,150 square feet with both options.
b. Condition//5, additional wording to require the walls be decorative
concrete block in those areas visible to the street.
c. Condition #7.A., add the word "foot" behind the word "one".
d. Condition # 10, Plan 5 shall have a three car garage space since any
of the two options available will creme a four bedroom trait.
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e. Condition # 11, Lot 18 shall not have a Plan 5 with a loft option.
f. Condition #12, no more than 15 Plan 2 units be allowed throughout
the entire project~
g. Condition # 13, the house lighting shall match that of the first phase
which is shielded and directed downward.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES;
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
D. Site Development Permit 98-633; a request of T.D. Desert Development L.P., for
approval of a 17,802 square foot golf club house and a 4,218 square foot cart storage
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Senior Engineer Steve Speer asked that a modification be made to the
following condition:
a. Condition #10, amended to delete "and subsequently, the HOA" and
also delete the last sentence.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to define the "Mediterranean Period".
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio explained it was a combination of styles
over a period of time being the Spanish Colonial, the Italianace Age, and the
Mission style that has evolved over the years to now include anything with
a tile roof. Rather than giving it a definite period or definite style, it is an
interpretation combining all different period of that architectural style.
4. Chairman Tyler asked the maximum height of the tower. Principal Planner
Fred Baker stated it was 30-feet 1 O-inches.
5. There being no public comment, the public participation portion of the
hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Butler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
073, approving Site Development Permit 98-633, subject to the conditions as
a. Condition #10: delete "and subsequently, the HOA" and delete the
last sentence.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES;
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
E. Site Development Permit 98-634; a request of Rielly Homes, Inc. for compatibility
· approval of architectural plans for six new prototype residential units.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Kirk asked if compatibility review was relevant for PGA West. Shouldn't
compatibility review be applicable to a geographic area. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated this could best be addressed better during the update
of their specific plan. Commissioner Kirk asked that during a specific plan
review that they be considered by areas for compatibility review.
3. Chairman Tyler stated they were addressing three different prototypes that
have been approved for tracts located throughout PGA West. Staff stated
they were a derivative.
4. Mr. Forest Haag, speaking for the applicant, gave a presentation on the
project. In reference to the Commission's question regarding three car
garages, a smaller compact-size garage would work well with their project
and those who are purchasing their homes, but is not allowed by City
5. Chairman Tyler asked if the different colors on the Site Plan indicated
different phases. Mr. Haag stated yes.
6. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
7. Commissioner Robbins asked that since this project was approved under a
specific plan prior to the adoption of the three car garage requirement, didn't
it protect the developers from this requirement. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated that if the specific plan had specifically identified two car
garages, then yes, the specific plan would take precedent. If they want an
amendment to address this, they can ask for an amendment. The only other
way to freeze the zoning is by a Development Agreement.
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
074, approving Site Development Permit 98-634, subject to the conditions as
a. Condition # 1 .A., Removal of Plan 1 - 2,314 square feet.
b. Condition #5: shall include, "residence shall match the stucco or
decorative concrete block to match or be compatible with the walls
currently used in the project."
RO~L CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES;
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
F. Specific Plan 90-015. Amendment #1; a request of KSL Land Development
Company for approval and recommendation to the City Council of a review and
amendment to add 20 acres to the project site, reduce the number of dwelling units
from 1,060 to 365, revise the layout and circulation and amend miscellaneous
development standards.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff asked that the following changes be made to the
Conditions of Approval: Condition # 16, be deleted; add Condition number
31 to the paragraph following Condition #30.C. as it is a new condition and
renumber accordingly.
2. Commissioner Kirk asked 'staff to identify the corporate area. Staff stated the
applicant would need to address this as staff was assuming it was residential,
but they are stating it is something else that is being requested by individuals
interested in developing the property. It needs to be better defined in the
specific plan and could be a condition. Staff also indicated that the applicant
needs to identify the area that was delineated as a maintenance building that
is adjacent to the Airport Boulevard entrance that needs to be shown during
the modification of the specific plan.
3. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the C°mmission.
Mr. Chevis Hosea, representing KSL, stated they would like to address some
of the Conditions of Approval. First, they would like to request a 28~foot
wide private street. Also, in regard to the location of the maintenance facility
he had with him a routing plan that shows its location to be just left of the
Airport Boulevard entrance. This facility would jointly service the course to
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Planning Commission Meeting
October 27, 1998
the south as well as the Norman Course. Presently, those courses are being
serviced from the Avenue 58th facility. They are looking to rezone the
corporate area to allow Tourist Commercial' sometime in the future. They
continue to have a demand for corporate golf facilities that allOws a company
to have a home for their clients, executives, and employees to have a
membership that would run with the club and have access to the facilities.
Until they define the use, they will not be able'to apply for the zone change
Condition #9 requires that they vacate the streets before grading. These
streets, even thought they may exist legally, are turn rows for the turf farm.
They are not improved. They would like to modify this condition to allow
them to proceed with the grading while they proceed with the street vacation
process. Staff stated it is probably a conditional street vacation that has been
approved and only needs the paper work completed and have it recorded.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked the applicant to clarify what he was requesting.
Mr. Hosea stated they are trying to get to a cul-de-sac community with no
more than 40-50 units on each street. They would like to have quiet narrow
streets. They intend to sell the tracts with the 'developer having the ability to
design his own community. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio clarified
that Condition #31 does allow the streets to be reduced to 28 feet with
adequate off-street parking and no on-street parking.
5. Chairman Tyler asked why the data and dimensions for all the lots was the
same. Mr. Hosea stated they were wanting as much flexibility in the plans
as possible. Some of the market demands they want to explore is for very
expensive structures on half to two-thirds acre that are very well attended.
6. Chairman Tyler asked about the use of well water for watering of the golf
course. Mr. Hosea stated this was a hold over from the previous plan. The
golf course will be watered with canal water with the use of one well being
used for salt tolerant plant species. They are being encouraged to do a
minimum turf environment with natural landscaping. Staff suggested adding
a condition that would require Page 15,.Section 9 Public Services, Utilities
Element, the water section that on-site wells be changed to canal water. Mr.
Hosea asked if this would limit their ability to have one well that would be
used for bent grass, etc. Commissioner Robbins suggested using the
wording, "their primary source of irrigation shall be canal water." This would
leave some flexibility.
7. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
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8. Commissioner Robbins questioned Condition #18, stating the last sentence
should be deleted. It was suggested this condition be modified to include
"their primary source of irrigation shall be canal water". Condition #38
should be modified as it also is a carry-over. Senior Engineer Steve Speer
stated this condition should have been changed to the current conditions used
for Quality Assurance. Condition #49.B. should be deleted and any reference
to reclaimed water be deleted from Item C.
9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
075, approving Specific Plan 90-015, Amendment #1, subject to the
conditions as modified.
a. Condition # 16' be deleted.
b. Condition' # 18 the last sentence shall be deleted. Add the following
wording, "their primary source of irrigation shall be canal water."
c. Condition #31 be added following Condition #30.C. and all following
conditions renumbered accordingly.
d. Condition #38: be deleted and replaced with Quality Assurance
e.' Condition #49.B. shall be deleted and delete any reference to
reclaimed water in "C" be deleted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES;
Nc;ne. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Chairman Tyler suggested the Commissioners read their minutes for the City Council
meeting of October 20, 1998.
B. Chairman Tyler asked staff to address zoning changes that had been mentioned
during the meeting and agendize them for a future meeting along with the following:
1. Clarify what a flag copy means.
2. Cart corrals with additional signage.
3. Two and three car garages
4. Parking in the Village
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Planning Commission Meeting
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There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Kirk to
adjoum this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held on November 10, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning
Commission was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. on October 27, 1998.
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