PCMIN 11 10 1998 MINUTES
regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 10, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. 'Unanimously approved.
C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawye£
A. Chairman Tyler requested the agenda be reorganized to take the Business Item first
and Public Hearing Items B and C second. There being no discussion, it was moved
and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk and unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of October 13, 1998.
Commissioner Robbins asked that Page 7 corrected as the spelling of his name was
incorrect. There being no other correction, it Was moved and seconded 'by
Commissioners Butler/Robbins to approve the minutes as corrected.
B. Chairman Tyler asked that the Minutes of October 27, 1998, be corrected on Page 4,
Item 7 to replace the word "upgraded" with "refurbished" and delete Item 11; Page
6, Item 9, on the sixth line, it should read, "...guarantee there will be no loft on two
story units on this lot." There being no further corrections, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Butler/Robbins to approve the minutes as corrected.
Commissioner Abels abstained.
C. Department Report: None.
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Planning Commission Meeting
November 10, 1998
A. Cove Residential Master Design Guidelines 98-001; a request of Esquiel Coronel,
Coronel Construction for approval of Master Design Guidelines for homes to be built
throughout the Cove.
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. commissioner Robbins asked staff to explain the Maser Design Guidelines
process. He had no objection to any of the designs as submitted. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated these guidelines would be used
by staff for all future homes built in the Cove by this developer. Currently
any home built in the Cove goes through a staff review process meeting
certain design guidelines.' Staff reviews the elevations and determine whether
or not the house meets the standards for the Cove. Commissioner Robbins
asked if there was anything to prevent the builder from using the design-
anywhere in the Cove. Design standards require the front elevation of each
house to be different within 200 feet of each other.
3. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone wanted to speak regarding this item. There
being none, the public participation was closed.
4. Chairman Tyler asked that on Pages 21 and 22 there is a reference to two
story units. As two story units are not allowed in the Cove this should be
deleted from the developers guidelines.
5. Commissioner Kirk stated the presentation and photo approach was very
effective. He suggested that Page 3, where one of the elevations shows a bay
window, this should be one of the window treatments that should be
considered as an alternative. In regard to the window treatments, the builder
did a fairly good job on Pages 11 and 12, but he would suggest adding a bay
window. On Page 10 he would suggest the developer zoom in on the window
treatments, rather than a full elevation.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 98-010, approving Master
Design Guidelines 98-001, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Meeting
November 10, 1998
A. Tentative Tract Map 29004; a request of KSL Land Corporation for approval and
recommendation to the City Council for an 11 lot single family residemial
subdivision on 3.75 acres within the PGA West Jack Nicklaus Resort Course area,
along the east side of Southern Hills at its intersection with Oakmont.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Chris Berg, MDS Consulting, civil engineers representing the applicant,
stated he had no objections to the recommendations/conditions as 'presented
by staff.
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
-- Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-076 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map
29004, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Site Development Permit 98-637; a request of Hall and Foreman, Inc., for WalMart
for approval of a 26 foot by 143.6 foot expansion to WalMart's outside Garden
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and requested, the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Butler asked if the landscaping issues had not been resolved
and if not, could they be addressed at this time. Planning Manager Christine
di Iorio noted the issues had been corrected to statFs satisfaction.
3. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
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4. Chairman Tyler asked if the series of pillars that along the Garden Center
would remain. Staff stated it was unknown whether they would be moved or
reconstructed, but it is to remain the same as it is now. Staff did add a
condition that on the back side of the Auto Center they are required to be the
same column deSign.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-077 approving Site Development Permit 98-637, subject to the Findings
and Conditions of Approval as submitted/amended:
C. Environmental Assessment 97-029-Amendment #1, Site Development Permit 97-
603-Amendment # 1. Development Agreement 97-002-Amendment #1; a request of
Stamko Development Company for approval and recommendation to the City
Council for Certification of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report;
approval of "The Centre at La Quinta' Specific Plan Amendment creating
development guidelines and standards for a multi-phased Mixed Regional
Commercial complex with three planning areas having four development scenarios;
approval of a Site Development Permit Amendment including the building
elevations, site, landscaping, and lighting plans for three auto dealerships; and
approval of the Development Agreement Amendment, for the property located south
of Highway 111 between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and stated he was deeply disturbed
about the adversarial overtones that are discemable in the various attachments
to the staff report prepared for this hearing. To some extent these also
surfaced during the previous portion of this public hearing on October 13,
1998. There should be no question in anyone's mind that this project is a
significant project for our City. The fact that the City Council previously
approved this key project -- including the Development Agreement -- in July,
1997, indicates the City's strong support for the project. The fact that the
developer, Stamko Development, along with the initial cadre of auto dealers,
have persevered through all the obstacles placed in their way by various and
sundry parties, clearly indicates their continued interest in moving forward
with the project at this time. In our deliberations tonight, therefore, we fid
two willing parties, both of whom wish to proceed with this project in all due .
haste. This should be a "slam dunk". What we have been considering in this
public hearing are alterations to various documents which result from ..
changes suggested by the City and the applicant. For the City, the majority
of these changes relate to the Highway 111 Landscape Design Guidelines
that were codified subsequent to the previous City approval of this project.
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For the applicant, changes became necessary due to the restructuring of the
initial auto dealership complement and the postulatiOn of three planning areas
with four possible development scenarios. In reviewing all the materials
contained in the staff report, there are still a few unresolved tel-ms and
conditions that need to be settled tonight. It is my hope and intent that
tonight's public hearing will be concluded in a professional, non-adversarial
manner, and that we can mutually reSolve any and all outstanding issues in
an expedient fashion.
2. planning Manager Christine di Iofio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff clarified that the Condition #14 should state the
recommendation is for 68 trees in the Highway 111 setback, not 14 trees.
3. Chairman Tyler asked if any comments had been received on the SEIR. Staff
noted no significant comments had been received.
4. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained the drawings that had been given to
the Commission. He stated the elevation drawings were derived from two
sources: the landscaped area they are illustrated in the specific plan and the
grading plan that is currently in plan check. Discussion followed on each of
the cross section drawings.
5. . Figure A: Highway 111,120 feet east of Adams Street.
6. Figure B' Highway 111,120 feet east of Adams Street same view but giving
a closer view.
a. Commissioner Robbins noted that the elevations were taken from the
outside lane and if you moved to the inside lanes you would not be
able to see the cars. Staff stated as yOu move farther to the north
there is more of a slope. Especially at this location as it is a super
elevated street..
b. Chairman Tyler asked if public parking was allowed along the curb.
Staff stated it is not posted and typically used only for a breakdown.
It is governed by Caltrans as it is a State Highway.
7. Figure C: Highway 111,120 east of Adams Street, same view except it shows
a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Staff is trying to show the relative depth from
the pedestrian's perspective to the bottom of the retention basin is about a 13-
foot differential.
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a. Commissioner Robbins asked what the difference was between the
display pad and the bottom of the retention basin. Staff stated it is
about two and a half feet. The bottom of the retention basin to the
sidewalk is eight feet.
8. Figure D: Highway 111 at the west end of Display Pad #2. The line of site
from Highway 11 1 allows the display pad to be visible.
a. Commissioner Robbins noted there could be no retention basin at this
location and asked staff to identify what they were trying to point out.
Staff stated it displays the depth into the retention basin. It is four
feet lower than the display pad. You are' only allowed to retain in the
Highway '111 setback water from the fight of way and the landscaped
setback area itself. This figure shows what the elevation differentials
will be if the project is approved as proposed.
9. Figure E: Highway 111, at the west end of Display Pad #2 is the same
location except it shows the' pedestrian next to the retention basin. This
shows a 13 foot depth elevation differential from the pedestrian's eye level
to the bottom of the basin.
10. Figure F: Highway 111, Dealer Pad #2, parked vehicles. Has a one and a half
foot high berm and hides about half of the vehicle. It'has a 5:1 slope down
to the pad as well as a modest swale about a half foot deep.
a. Commissioner Robbins stated this could be a three foot berm. As you
look up fi'om the display pad, from where the display vehicle is, to the
top it would be a four foot berm. Staff noted the ordinance stated a
berm is measured from the curb.
11. Figure G: Highway 222, Dealer Pad #2, parked vehicles, but if landscape
guidelines were implemented. This is with a three foot berm and hides more
of the regular vehicle display area.
a. Commissioner Kirk asked if these were guidelines, or part of the
Ordinance. Planning Manager Christi di Iorio clarified that as
discussed in the staff report on Page 5, Item 4.b. it outlines that the
Zoning Code adopted that portion of the Highway 111 Guidelines
which included specific design guidelines for setbacks, particularly
storm water retention. This was added to the guidelines at the time
of adoption because of the concerns with the Home Depot
landscaping. It became apparent the landscaping was not
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accomplishing the desired lo0k along Highway 111. The second
- issue was the Lapis project which puts all its retention on Highway
111. When Lapis came back for a revision to their specific plan, the
Guidelines were imposed. The majority of the drainage is now out of
the Highway 111 setback and a part of the project on site. The third.
item is that the applicant has stated the development standards within'
the Zoning Code may be modified under a specific plan. However,
this specific plan amendment includes the removal of the six foot
screen wall which was identified in the EIR as being necessary to
screen the auto mall loading, storage, parking, and lower building
elevation as viewed from Adams Street and Highway 111. Therefore,
the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) analyzed the
berming as an alternative to the wall and found that it does not'
adequately screen the vehicle display areas along Highway 111.
Therefore mitigation measures for the Aesthetic section required
adequate .berming to screen the regular display areas and allow them
· to keep their special display areas for visibility to Highway 111.
-- b. Commissioner Kirk stated his question was that he wanted
clarification for the maximum and minimum. Staff stated the Design
Guidelines have a minimum and maximum height with the objective
of screening the cars. In addition, there is the mitigation measure
which states what is necessary to screen the cars.
c. Commissioner Robbins asked Why staff was not taking into
consideration the landscaping and berming. Senior Engineer Steve
Speer stated he was only showing elevations. The point is that staff
wants the Commission to make a fully informed decision based on "
the elevations.
12. Figure H: Adams Street. Statements have been made that the site is 12 feet
lower than the Highway and that is tree in its native condition. In its
improved condition, the elevation differential ~rom the top of curb at the pad
to the top of the curb at the street is 4.9 feet. It is a gentle slope with a 32
foot wide landscaped setback area combined with the fight of way and you
can mitigate that downslope of 5:1 as it is enough area to meander the
a. Chairman Tyler asked staff to identify this location. Senior Engineer
Steve Speer stated it was an Adams Street curb at the end of the curb
remm as it roms off the Highway going south.
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b. Chairman Tyler asked if there was a similar one at 90 degrees at the
Highway 111 curb. Staff stated no, but it would be similar because
the elevation on the Highway is similar. It could be better mitigated
because the landscape setback on the Highway is 62 feet from the
c. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant was proposing a
straight walk along Adams Street. Staff stated that was tree.
13. Figure I: Adams Street next to Avenue 47. The dealers pad is higher than ·
Adams Street by 2.6 feet and has a gentle up sweep.
14. Chairman Tyler asked what the applicant was proposing in regard to the on
Site retention. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated they were proposing the
car dealers retain some of the storm water on their site slightly encroaching
into the public right of way on the south side and a considerable amount of
the storm water from their site would be drained northerly to the setback area
on Highway 111. There is no common retention basin serving the three
'dealer pads and no retention basin down by the C.V.W.D. well site. When'
the Water District develops the well site and it is brought on line, the Water
District discharges its water before it is introduced into the domestic water
system and that water needs to go somewhere. Staff is finding it more
desirable to have the retention basin next to the well site.
15. Commissioner Robbins asked what percentage of the drainage relative to the
entire site is flowing into the retention basins along Highway 111. Staff stated
it was unknown.
16. Chairman Tyler asked if staff thoUght what the applicant was proposing was
adequate to meet the requirements for water retention. Staff stated their
retention basins will hold the water, but they do not comply with the City's
Ordinance. 'They do have the right to take that exception within the specific
plan. Staff's responsibility is to point this out to the Commission so the
Commission is aware of what exceptions are being taken and to what degree.
17. Commissioner Robbins asked if staff's concern was that they were draining
water into the setback or that there is not adequate screening of the cars. It
appears they are being considered together and he believes they should be
considered separately. Staff stated they are bringing to the Commission's
attention the City's Guidelines and Ordinances that the City Council and
Commission reviewed and approved so the Commission is aware of the
deviations the applicant is taking. Planning Manager Christi di Iorio stated
. .
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they do come together because of the amount of storm water retention s~ff
is assUming does not allow for the berming as what was demonstrated by the
Figures that were shown to the CommiSsion at this meeting. Also, in regard
to the mitigation measure, to see that the berming would accomplish the same
objection as the six foot wall. This is how they are integrated and this is how
staff has addressed it and how the EIR has addressed the issues. It is both
Hydrology and Aesthetics. Commissioner Robbins stated that if the
screening issue could be settled, then the water draining into the setback
would not be an issue. Staff stated that if they can accomplish berming to
adequately screen the vehicles, then it would be a decision of the Council to
allow them to have more. drainage than just the Highway 111 drainage and
the incidental drainage. The applicant has stated drainage would not occur
from the street but would be taken further down on the project past La Quinta
18. Commissioner Kirk stated that when the Guidelines were developed the
drainage in the Highway 111 was an aesthetic issue. Council did want to see
basins along Highway 111. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated they
did not want to see the basins as they left a hole that would allow you to see
into the project area. It was their desire to screen the parking from Highway
111 and create an image corridor that would serve as an identity of La Quinta.
When you analyze the 50 foot setback and their request for drainage staff did
see that part of it could be placed in the setback, but it would be limited to
either run off from the road or incidental. This lead staff to the Zoning
Ordinance which included Highway 111 and the analysis of the 20 foot
setbacks for the arterials. They found that nothing could be retained in the
setbacks to accomplish the objection of berming to not only buffer cars, but
to soften the impact of the walls being proposed for mitigation for
19. Chairman Tyler stated that during the last heating there was discussion as to
where the water drained from Highway 111 and it seemed that it ran to the
north and did not impinge on this area. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated
that is tree for the first pad, it gets back to a nOrmal crown shape by the time
you get down to the second pad.'
20. Commissioner Robbins stated then there is no Street water draining from
Highway 111 into these retention basins. Staff stated it was being carded
_ easterly back into a retention basin either in front of this pad or the future
retail pads.
21. There being no further public comment, the matter was open for Commission
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November 10, 1998
22. Ms. Christine Clark, representing Stamko Development, introduced Mr.
Shepardson the landscape architect for the project, to explain the thought
process that went into the HighwaY 111 landscape design. As a result of the
last meeting they had revised the panoramic view to incorporate on site
23. Mr. Chuck Shepardson, Horton Shepardson Associates, landscape architects
for the project, showed how they believed they were in conformance with the
Design Guidelines. Their intent was to provide an undulating design for the
softscape grading. In some areas they' were viewing into the display pads and
the areas where they were trying to screen the new parking areas they raised
the berms. On the west side of the project, at the comer of Adams Street and
Highway 111, Pad #1, they have display areas and the greatest differential in
height between Highway 111 and any one of the pads. Approximately 8 feet
of difference between Highway 111 and the comer. They are creating a
straight slope. Staff is showing a 2:1 slope which may be an interpretation
of the contours, but they are trying to maximize it to 3:1. Going east where
there is a bank of new vehicle parking, between this area the berms average
in height from the grade of the street, adjacent to the curb, is approximately
two and a half to three and a half feet. This will cause an undulating affect
as required in the Guidelines. The berms are two to three feet and the' cars are
five feet below street grade. This is a three foot berm, the cars are down five
feet, and most of the cars will not be seen. At the intersection of Auto Center
Drive North and Highway 111 the display pads and the grade are lowered to
allow visibility. Pad #2 has another bank of new vehicle parking and they
have berms of two and a half to three feet. Additional screenirig will be '
provided by the signage as well. Between Pads #2 and #3 the grade on
Highway 111 and the grade to the pads start to catch up with each other. Then
between the display areas they have berms of about two feet. They are trying
to creme the undulating natural affect. The last pad, Pad #3, is the next area
of new vehicles. The pads here average three to four feet, with a grade of 66
along the street, with a berms up to 70 feet at high points. The reason they
are doing this is because the grade is starting to catch up with each other and
they are provide higher berming in the areas they find necessary.
24. Commissioner Kirk asked if they had done any cross sections as staff had
prepared. Mr. Shepardson stated staff' s were very accurate except it should
go slightly higher because of their high points. They will go higher than the
last contour shown on the map.
25. Mr. Shepardson displayed the landscape plan superimposed on the contour
grading plans. He stated they wanted to keep their display pads visible. The
small symbols represented a species of plant material that make up a lot of
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accent or textured material that stays low to not block visibility. Palm trees
are being planted in between the display pads to provide accent or focal
points.. In front of the new vehicles area they have the massing of trees to
provide screening and shrub material that grows five and six feet mil to
provide additional screening of the new vehicle cars. The turf area is along
the curb and walkway which is according to' the Design Guidelines. The
Architectural Landscaping and Review Committee (ALRC) discussed these
items and agreed with their proposal. Staff's request to double the trees was
not agreed to by the ALRC, but they did want additional trees in front of the
new vehicle display areas.
26. Commissioner Robbins asked how many trees were proposed for the setback
area. Mr. Shepardson stated 36 not counting the trees in the median. They are
Mesquite trees, because the dealer has a problem with flowering trees as they
can cause a mess with the new cars: The ALRC also agreed with them on
this issue as well. If the trees are pushed further out to Highway 111 then
they are in the area of the display signs which would block the signage.
27. .Chairman Tyler asked if this was the landscaping plan shown to the ALRC..
Mr. Shepardson stated no and showed the current plans which indicated they
had additional trees. Chairman Tyler asked if Palm trees were proposed. Mr.
Shepardson stated they were flanking all sides of the display pads. The Palm
trees indicate the focal point. He went on to show the landscape elevation
28. 'Commissioner Robbins asked the size of the trees that will be planted first
relative to what is being shown on the plans. Mr. Shepardson stated
Mesquite trees .(24-36 inch box) grow very rapidly and would reach maturity
Within five years and indicated where they would be planted.
29. Commissioner Robbins asked about the landscaping along Adams Street.
Mr. Shepardson stated they currently have a sidewalk that is adjacent to the
curb and they are considering a meandering sidewalk. They do not believe
berming can occur in the first section where they have some differential in the
grade between Adams Street and Highway 111 on the first pad. There is
opportunity for berming further down from the comer.
30. Commissioner Robbins asked staff if there was any discussion regarding
berming on Adams Street. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the City
Ordinance calls for berming on all arterial streets. The applicant is correct,
however, that 270 feet south of the Highway is where the pad and street are
at equal grade. From there south, which is half way between Highway 111
and 47th Avenue, the pads are higher than the street. This is where the
Ordinance requires berming.
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31. Ms. Clark stated that on Adams Street on Pad #1 there is a six foot wall
coming down which is not on the lower pad because they are not constructing
it. But, because Pad #1 has its storage on the west side, there is a six foot
wall coming down. They are therefore, berming it up so it does not look
distorted as it is a 12 foot drop. In FigUre I it does not show the existing wall.
It starts approximately 50 feet down Adams Street to enclose the area and is
32 feet from the cUrb. Discussion followed regarding the location of the wall.
32. Commissioner Robbins asked if a retaining wall could be added. Mr.
Shepardson stated it would be an added expense and would be up to the
33. Ms. Clark introduced Mr. Schultz who would address retention. First she
would like to discuss the entire site which is an 87 acre site. They are asking
to retain 12.5 acres. The initial phase is 12.5' acres including the street and
50% will be on site so when you look at the specific plan or the entire 87
acres they are only putting in this particular area 7.5 percent. They are
actually retaining 92.5% of the site.
34. Mr. Chris Schultz, Keith International, stated the low points on Highway 111
are only in the special display areas. As a by product of the low points they
provide a good location for drainage and retention. This concept is consistent
with the originally approved Specific Plan. In regard to retention basins staff
reduced the berm heights and he did not believe this was lame. Retention
basins are only in those areas in front of the special display pads. Adequate
berming has been provided in front of the regular display pads. In regard to
how much of the three parcels direct mn-off to Highway 111, it is about a
60-40 split or 60 percent of the three pads mn offto Highway 111. The other
40 percent retains along the interior street areas.
35. Commissioner Robbins asked if the decision of the Planning Commission
and City Council was to say they could not drain into the Highway 111
setback and they had to redesign the site, it appears the applicant is left with
two extremes: 1) you could either hold the grades at the Highway 111 setback
that exists now through the pads and lower the remainder of the site, which
does not work unless you wanted to get rid of a lot of dirt to cause it to drain
to the rear; or, 2) you could raise the display pads so it would drain to the
back which would raise the display pads and increase the view of the vehicles
from the street. Mr. Schultz stated the majority of the site is paving and
building. To substantially redesign would require to find similar areas that
would be pervious to provide retention. It would impact the number of
spaces and parking lot configUration.
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36. Ms. Clarke stated that from a laYman's view point, to extend the setback of
Highway 111 creating a moat effect so they would extend the landscaping ten
feet. She did respond in writing to the Specific Plan comments and did not
respond to the Site Development Permit because it was redundant. In regard
to the Specific Plan, Condition//2 and//3 have been addressed. Condition #7
needs to note on which street where the curb, gutter and sidewalk will not be
constructed. Condition//9 has been covered, Condition//12 is in the text;
Conditions # 13 and//14 were covered by Mr. Shepardson; Condition//15 has
not been addressed. They are asking that if there is an auto mall and retail
center they want a sign at 47~ and Adams Street. If there-is no auto mall
constructed and it becomes all retail, no sign will be requested at this
location. Condition # 16 they would like the single free standing sign as it
was in the original specific plan. In regard to the signage for the auto dealers,
they are asking for building signs on Highway 111 indicating the car dealer.
There are a potential of nine signs because this is the ultimate buildout and
they are stubbing out for all nine signs. In regard to Adams Street, they did
not know the City wanted a meandering sidewalk. If they are required to
install the meandering sidewalk it will take additional plan checks. As to the
berming on Adams Street they are willing to do so on Development Scenario
4, but in regard to Development Scenario 1,2,3, they needs the same
flexibility as they have on Highway 111 for the special display pads if this is
to be an auto mall. Overall most of the issues in the Site Development Permit
conditions are repetitive and they did not see a need to repeat them. As to
Condition//36, CVWD has not indicated where the well site will be located.
In Condition//47 the only part they can accept is B.1.
37. Ms. Clarke noted that the mitigation measure for the original specific plan
regarding the six foot wall was due to the view'of the vehicles on Highway
111. Under this plan they have been turned and to say you have' to do the
berming when in fact the berming is not needed because of the six foot wall.
As to Figures A-E these are for special display areas that are meant to be
seen. Some of the exhibits are not to scale as in Figure E. To get to the end
of the sidewalk is 12 feet, but for the human to get to the car is 50 feet.
38. Commissioner Kirk asked why the applicant was objecting to all parts of
Condition 47, except B.1. Ms. Clarke stated they are trying to keep the
buildings clean and the trellis creates more clutter. As you see you can only
see half of the building and the trellis will not be seen, they would prefer
landscaping. Tiles become difficult because if yoU pull it around to the front
~ of the building' it will conflict with the signage.
39. Commissioner Kirk asked why the applicant was not informed of the
meandering sidewalk on Adams Street until the third plan check review.
Staff stated they would need to look at the tract conditions for the original
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specific plan. The staff report for the initial specific plan did describe the
sidewalk on Adams Street and Highway 111 as being meandering. The.
approved specific plan street detail show it against the curb and the
landscaping plan shows a meandering sidewalk. It was an error that needs to
be clarified. Ms Clark stated there was an error in the original specific plan.
The specific plan conflicted as it showed meandering on the landscaping
plans and on the street cross section exhibits next to the curb. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated this issue came to the forefront at the last
Planning Commission meeting. Staff therefore, compiled the exhibits shown
at this meeting to confirm whether or not a meandering sidewalk could be
constructed on Adams Street, and it is possible. Commissioner Kirk asked
if th~ ordinance called for meandering sidewalk, Staff stated it does.
40. Commissioner Butler stated he was confused and wanted to know why she
would accept Development Scenario 4 and not 1,2,3. Ms. Clark stated that
Scenarios t, 2, and 3 are for an auto mall. Scenario 4 is for a mixed retail use
and is different. If an auto mall extends into Scenarios 2 and 3, displays are
needed on the Adams Street setback line. Commissioner Butler stated this
would create another problem as the cars would be seen by the neighbors on
Adams Street. 'Ms. Clarke. stated the residents of Lake La Quinta were
concerned with the noise and lighting and therefore they moved the entrances
and shielded the lights on Adams Street. The residents wanted light and yet
did not, so they agreed to landscaping lighting. They were able to mitigate
their concerns.
41. Chairman Tyler asked if there would be a continuous six foot wall along
Adams Street. Ms. Clarke stated only for the Chrysler building. They have
to keep the service entrance on the north, south and east.
42. ' Commissioner BUtler stated that if a meandering sidewalk is not on Adams
Street how would they buffer hhe storage. Ms. Clarke stated they would
install a wall. The site development p~rmit would control how the buildings
would be setback. The specific plan describes the orientation of the
buildings. As to the wall, if Pad #4 becomes an auto mall with nine dealers
she is uncertain how they would handle their storage.
43. Chairman Tyler asked about the building mounted signs facing Highway 111
and trading off for the secondary .signage for the monument signs. Ms.
Clarke explained that the secondary signs were signs such as "service" or
"used cars". The dealers have instead asked for dealer identification signs on
Highway 111. Chairman Tyler stated secondary signs will be needed to
direct the traffic to these areas. Ms. Clarke stated these signs are on the
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44. Commissioner Robbins asked staff to clarify when the meandering sidewalk
and berming came to light on Adams Street. Mr. Schultz stated the original
design based on the approved specific plan showed a straight sidewalk, it was
submitted to the City and after the third plan check the comment was made
to meander the sidewalk. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated this was
correct. Staff was plan checking the plans under the old specific plan. They
are now in for an amendment. This is now before the Commission under this
amendment to see whether or not the specific plan will be required to meet
the Design Guidelines. It has been stated by the apPlicant several times that
Adams Street is too steep to build a meandering sidewalk, however, after
compiling the cross section, staff determined it was possible. It is an option
for the Commission and Council to determine whether or not they want it
45. Commissioner Robbins asked if any of the final grading plan had been
submitted. Staff stated they had submitted a grading plan that showed
building footprints. Staff asked them to remove the building footprints. Staff
has agreed to a mass grading plan that does not identify or anticipate any
permanent storm water retention basins at any specific location. Knowing
they were coming in for a revision to the specific plan, staff is holding back
on the retention plans until Council approval.
46. There being no further public comment,'the public participation portion of the
hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. Senior Engineer
Steve Speer stated the applicant had taken exception and indicated she would
not do complete street improvements on La Quinta .Centre Drive and Auto
Centre Drive North and Auto Centre Drive. It is staff's position that curb and.
gutter be constructed on the south side of the street as well as sidewalk.
Eagle Hardware was required to install both sides of the street.
47. Commissioner Robbins clarified, there would be no on-site parking for
employees or customers. Mr. Tom Walker architect for the project, stated
they have provided adequate parking for employees and customers on site.
They do not want to encourage parking on the street as it is unsightly and can
block the cars. Staff noted it was marked on the plans.
48. Mr. Schultz stated that on the street improvements, in discussions with staff,
it was determined that when development occurred on the opposite side of the
street the curb and gutter would be installed.
49. Commissioner Abels stated he would like to see the project move forward.
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'Planning Commission Meeting
November 10, 1998
50. Commissioner Kirk stated he was struck by chairman Tyler's opening
statement. From an economic development and political standpoint the
project should be a "slam dunk", but maybe not from a planning standpoint.
The Highway 111 Design Guidelines were created to hide cars and this plan
is in contradiction to this. staff is interpreting the ordinance and the
applicants are trying to stress their point of view. He does not like
meandering sidewalks, berms, nor a great amount of mfr. However, in
looking at the applicant's request and the Guidelines, they do not agree. Staff
may have done too far by even allowing the display areas. He was confused
as to how the Commission could proceed. From a planning perspective, staff
may not have presented it in the best light, but staff is interpreting the
ordinance as written. The Commission can either follow staff's
recommendation, or reject the request.
51. Commissioner Buffer stated his concern comes from the fact that the original
specific plan was approved and now is back for 'an amendment and under
different building scenarios. Basically, theY can come to some conclusion as
to displaying the vehicles from Highway 111. As to signage he has some
concerns that have not been addressed. The meandering sidewalk is required:
This project has to move along and everyone has to aCCept conditions that are
compatible to both sides.
52. Commissioner Robbins stated he agreed that the project needs to go forward.
Two items in the Design Guidelines are applicable to what is being done.
The Guidelines speak of not stifling creativity, but serve as useful tools for
the design professionals engaged in site specific designs for the Highway 111
corridor. This plan is creative and the Design Guidelines do stifle that
creativity. The Guidelines are specific in regard to diSplay areas. He would
challenge anyone to stand 20 feet from a Mesquite or flowering Acacia tree
when they are not blooming and be able to tell the difference. He therefore,
agrees with'the applicant in regard to the use of floWering trees. He takes
issue with the way that it appears the recommendation of the ALRC was
disregarded. Staff ignored their recommendation and put forth their own and
should have identify why they disagreed with the Committee's
recommendation. He agrees with requiting the Adams Street meandering
sidewalk. Lastly, he supports staff in their attempt to have curb and gutter
on both sides of the streets.
53. Chairman Tyler stated his major issues were due to parking facilities or
displays. New car displays are covered under a conditional use permit
process. Parking facilities are covered by the Zoning Ordinance. The whole
purpose of the auto dealership is to sell cars. To require berming or screening
is contrary to the purpose of the business. The distance from the street to the
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November 10, 1998
display areas will be 62 feet. They will not be displayed at the curb. He
agrees it is not a highly used pedestrian sidewalk along Highway 111.
Screening should be compatible, but not be so dense as to hide the car. In
regard to the Highway 111 Design Guidelines, the City Attorney has stated
they are the desire of the City Council, but they does have some flexibility.
In regard to the flowering trees and the applicant's plant palette, anyone who
has parked under a flowering tree knows the problems related to this and he
would concur with the applicant's selection. The ALRC recommended
increasing the number of trees, not doubling. He would agree with the
applicant. The main issue they were trying to avoid was the moat effect. If
there is water retention it will be behind the berming so it will not be a
situation of looking down into a moat. In his opinion, it is a reasonable
54. Commissioner Abels stated this project has been a long time coming and both
sides have worked to get a good project on the City's main corridor. It is a
project the City needs.
55. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning commission Resolution
98-078 recommending to the City Council Certification of the Supplemental
Environmental Impact Report prepared for Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment
#1, Site Development Permit 97-603 Amendment #1, and Development
Agreement 97-002 Amendment #1.
56. Staff stated the Commission would haVe to address the two mitigation issues
identified in the SEIR in regard to Hydrology, to require retention on site, and.
Aesthetics, or adequate berming to accomplish screening into the site. These
measures have to be addressed. Commissioner Robbins amended the motion
to change the wording "fully screened" to "adequately screened".
57. Commissioner Kirk stated the mitigation measure requires it to be screened.
58. Commissioner Robbins stated that the reason was because of the Design
Guidelines. If the Guidelines did not exist, it would not be required. Staff
stated the initial mitigation measure required'a six foot wall. Now that they
are removing the wall it is necessary to provide adequate screening of the
auto mall area, loading, storage, parking and lower building exteriors as
viewed from Highway 111 and Adams Street. Commissioner Robbins
amended his amendment to say "effective .screening". Community
Development Director asked the Commission what they were trying to
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November 10, 1998
achieve. Commissioner Robbins stated he was not sure that a six foot wall
would meet the requirement of "fully screened". By changing the wording
to "effective" it would allow the Commission to get to the conditions and
define "effective". In regard to the storm water retention, you can effectively
screen the display areas and still have storm water retention in those areas and
the two are not necessarily tied together. Community DevelOpment Director
Jerry Herman stated a finding must be made that the applicant's proposal
adequately screens the regular display area, or define what adequate means.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the mitigation measure that is part of
the SEIR needs to specifically Say what has to be done to mitigate.
59. Commissioner Robbins asked if the mitigation measures as proposed to
"effectively screen" would provide the mitigation. Community Development
Director stated it has to describe what that means, a three foot berm, or what.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the applicant is asking for their
proposal and staff is saying it needs to go fm'ther. You can pick either Side,
but the Commission needs to define what adequately mitigates this
environmental concern.
60. Chairman Tyler asked if they reach the conclusion that the presentation by the
applicant adequately screens what would need to be done? City Attorney
Dawn Honeywell stated they should make that finding and it will go to the
City Council stating it is their finding. Community Development Director
Jerry Herman stated the Commission was saying, their finding is that the
screening, as submitted by the applicant, of the regular display areas
adequately screens.
61. Commissioner Robbins stated the applicant has presented a plan that shows
the regular display areas will not be seen from Highway 111. Would the
applicant have any problem if along those areas the berm is raised six inches
to a foot to raise the berm higher to reach a mid point between the staff's
recommendation and the applicant. Ms. Clarke stated there are a couple areas
where some berms could be lifted six inches to a foot, but not on Pad # 1.
62. Ms. Carol May, attorney for the applicant, stated that in terms of
compromise, what you see tonight is a compromise. What the Commission
needs to do is make a finding that either the applicant is right, or staff, or
make a new finding. Any new changes will require significant time and
money and the applicant has already spent enormous amounts of time and
money which will work against the City to get the project they need. All of
these things are good to do, but at some time economics and reality have to
63. Commissioners Abels and Robbins withdrew their motion.
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64. Commissioner Robbins stated he would like to poll'the Commission and see
how they feel. In his opinion, he agreed with the applicant's landscaping
65. Commissioner Butler stated his concern was that the new car areas where the
Mesquite trees will be used. He did not believe they would not adequately
screen anything in the beginning. Therefore, the screening will not be
effective until five years down the road. Maybe they should request larger
trees upon initial planting. .
66. Commissioner Kirk asked if Commissioner Robbins was suggesting that the
applicant's proposal, as presented, adequately screened to meet the mitigation
67. Commissioner Robbins stated he backed off of that and agrees that when the
trees matured there will be adequate screening.
68. Commissioner Kirk stated he did not like the Guidelines, bm as presented,
- the project does not meet the Guidelines. It is not the role of the Commission
to consider the economic or timing of what the applicant has gone through,
As to planning issues, the project does not adequately screen the vehicles
from Highway 111. Maybe they should change the Ordinance, but there is
no time to do this. He supports staff' s recommendation on the SEIR.
69. Commissioner Abels stated he has listened to all the Commissioners, but they
have to come to a decision. He would agree with Commissioner Robbins.
70. Chairman Tyler agreed with Commissioner Robbins. Staff restated that the
Commission's finding is that the applicant's proposed landscaping and
berming adequately addresses the screening of the regular vehicle display
71. Commissioner Robbins suggested approving the landscaping as presented by
the developer for Highway 111. He did not believe there is adequate room to
retain water'on Adams Street and he did not think it effects the screening. If
it is adequate the way it is bermed, you cannot see it from Highway 111 and
is not the "moat" concept.
72. Commissioner Butler stated he agreed with Commissioner Robbins.
73. Commissioner Kirk stated this is a special use, both for the applicant and for.
the City andthis will be setting a precedent. He would have to agree with the
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74. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners ..
Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-078
recommending to the City Council Certification of' the Supplemental
Environmental Impact Report prepared for Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment
#1, Site Development Permit 97-603 Amendment #1, and Development
Agreement 97-002 Amendment # 1 with the findings that the landscaping and
berming as proposed by the applicant is adequate to screen the regular vehicle
display are along Highway 111. The storm water runoff from the norther
portion of Parcels 1, 2, and 3 into the Highway 111 landscape setback as
proposed by the applicant and not along Adams Street.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. ·
NOES; Commissioner Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
75. It was moved and seconded by Commissionei's Abels/Butler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-079 recommending to the City Council
approval of"The Centre at La Quinta" Specific Plan Amendment #1, subject
to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended.
A. Condition # 1, no change.
B. Condition #2 needs to be clarified.
C. Condition #3 revised that a deviation would be accepted for drainage
of Pads #1, #2, and #3 and retained as by the applicant.
D. ConditiOn #7 as proposed by staff with the exception of the sidewalk.
E. ConditiOn #9 as submitted by the applicant in the specific plan in
regards to the screening of the regular display areas.
F. Condition 12 check for accuracy.
G. Condition #13 changed to as applicant requested in the Specific Plan
H. Condition 14 trees as proposed are acceptable and not required to
change except at the comers.
I. Condition #15 one monument sign per dealership pad will be
allowed. Wall signs for the dealers on the north building elevation
will not be allowed.
J. · Condition # 16 as recommended by staff.
K. Condition # 18 to be deleted.
L. Condition 21 revised to be retained as proposed by the applicant.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES: Commissioner'Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
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November 10, 1998
76. It was mov~lmd seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butle~ to adopt
Planning Co~ion Resolution 98-080 recommending to the City Council
approval of ~velopment Permit 97-603 Amendment #1, subject to the
Findings an~i~mditions, of Approval .as amended.
A. Con~ #6 'if the project is phased."
B. Con,~-. #22 Adams Street runoff may not be retained.
C. Con~im #29 per CVWD requirements.
D. Conga #30 delete sidewalk on the south side of Auto Centre Drive
and e~ide of La Quinta Drive.
E. Con,~ #34 remove'last sentence and add, UAs per the City
F. Con,mm #36 per the applicant's proposal.
G. Contra #37 change to the applicant's proposed plan.
H. Con~ ff47 delete everything except B.1. for Torre Nisson
rega~ window treatment.
ROLL CALL: A~ommissioners Abels, Butler, Robb'.ms, and Chairman Tyler.
NOEl'~ommissioner Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
77. It was moreland seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt
Planning C~ltissioner Resolution 98-081 recommending to the City
Council appeal of Development Agreement Amendment #1 as submitted.
ROLL CALL: A~mmissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyle~llOES; None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Chairman Tyler'ga,~a~pon of the City Council meeting of November 3, 1998.
There being no further business, it~anoved and seconded by Commissioners R0bbins/Abels to
adjourn this regular meeting of the llllSng Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held November 2~1~!95, at 7:00 pan. This meeting of the Planning Commission
-- was adjourned at 10:31 P.M. on Nmm~n' 10, 1998.
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