PCMIN 11 24 1998 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 24, 1998 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Robbins to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call' Present: Commissioners Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Kirk to excuse Commissioner Abels. Unanimously approved.
C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Engineer Fred Bouma,
-- Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Tyler requested the agenda be reorganized to move Commissioners Items
before the Public Hearing Items. There being no discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to approve the Agenda as amended.
Unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Tyler asked the Commission to consider what meetings would be held in
the month of December. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to cancel the Planning Commission meeting of
December 22, 1998. Unanimously approved.
__ A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of November 10,
1998. Commissioner Kirk asked that the minutes be corrected on Page 16, Item 50,
to correct the spelling of the word "to" to "too"; Page 19, Item 73, correct the spelling
of the word (agreed to agree); Page 20, Item 75, change the vote to show that he
voted "No" and also for Item 76 on Page 21. Chairman Tyler asked that Page 7, Item
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11 .b., correct the spelling of the word "objection" to "objective"; Page 8, Item 12.c.
correct the spelling of the word "wall" to "walk". There being no other correction,
it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Robbins to approve the
minutes as corrected.
B. Department RepOrt: None.
A. Environmental Assessment 98-369. Tentative Tract Map 28982, Site Development
Permit 98-631, and Tract 24230-Amendment #1; a request of Mainiero Smith and
Associates, Inc. for A. G. Spanos for approval and recommendation to the City
Council for Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact for Environmental Assessment 98-369 and approval of a 160 unit airspace
condominium subdivision project on 10.17 acres; review of the building elevations
and development plans; and the elimination of Condition #41 of Tract 24230
requiring affordable housing units within the project.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio' presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Kirk asked why the applicant was being required to install
median improvements. Associate Engineer Fred Bouma stated the Updated
General Plan changed the designation of this street to a higher'level which
required the median improvements. This project is subject to the conditions
at the time of approval, therefore, to bring the project into conformance with
the General Plan, it is being required to have the median improvements for
a Primary Arterial.
3. Chairman Tyler asked staff to indicate where the single car garages and
carports would be located on the project. Staff indicated the location on the
site plan.
4. Commissioner Robbins asked if the carports were assigned to a unit or are
they open parking. Staff stated it was a requirement that a covered parking
space be provided for each unit and the remainder will be unassigned
parking. Commissioner Robbins asked if every unit would have a garage.
Staff stated there is a garage for each space.
5. Chairman Tyler questioned the height of the wall along Dulce Del Mar. Staff
stated they were recommending a six foot wall as measured from the project
grade elevation.
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6. Commissioner Kirk stated that most of the letters received in objection to the
project expressed concern about the apartments; are these apartments or
condominiums? Staff stated the applicant would address this.
7. Commissioner Robbins asked if the original plans for the Lake La Quinta
project showed the approved drainage plan. Staff stated the drainage plan
was approved under the original tract approval for Lake La Quinta and went
on to explain the line of drainage.
8. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Marvin Roos, Mainiero
Smith and Associates, representing the applicant, gave an overview of the
project from its inception. He further clarified the units were to be rental
apartments, but they are requesting the condominium map be approved at this
time. The rent structure is proposed to range from $800-$1,000 a month.
There will be no access to the single family areas. All access will enter off
47th Avenue. The signal will be shared jointly with the proposed Auto Mall.
! The recreation area is located furthest from the Lake La Quinta residential
units. It was their intention to minimize view obstructions by use of
landscaping. This project was disclOsed at the time of purchase to each of the
residents. Roof pitches were dropped to reduce the appearance of mass, a
garage will be provided for each unit and most parking spaces are covered.
All units have laundry and dryers built in. They will install larger plant
materials upon onset to mitigate some concerns raised by the Architectural
and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC). The buildings are well
articulated so no one mass is seen at any one location.
9. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to read the disclosure regarding the high
density designation for the subjedt property, that was given to each of the
property owners within Lake La Quinta when they purchased their property.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio read Item #3 on the Disclosure
Statement (a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
10. Chairman Tyler asked if this was a recorded document. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated it is unknown how the seller handled this document.
__ 11. Commissioner Kirk asked how the parking was to be handled. Mr. Roos
stated staff had requested them to provide background information on multi-
family parking. The City's ordinance sets forth a basic standard, however,
based on ULI studies, the applicant can propose parking space requirements
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different than the Code. The normal standard for most Spanos projects is 1.9
spaces per unit. They have provided staff with a number of standards from
other jurisdictions in the area which averaged 2.0 spaces per unit. This is
their basis for what they are requesting.
12. Commissioner Butler stated his understanding was this was to be a
condominium prOject and he is inclined to change his focus on how this will
be handled based on the information being provided.
13. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the standards for apartments
and condominiums are the same. The tract map before the Commission is for
a condominium development. It is up to the developer as to whether or not
to record the map. If they were not proposing a condominium development,
they would not have had to bring the tract map to the Commission for an
apartment use. They would have only brought a Site Development Permit.
This is an extra step they are doing for potential use as a condominium.
14. Commissioner Butler asked if the Commission had any latitude in regard to
the use of the land. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it is zoned for
either use.
15. Commissioner Robbins stated a letter was sent to the Coachella Valley Water
District protesting some of their fees on the basis this was a condominium
project. He too is concerned over a high density project this close to
relatively low density residential uses.
16. Chairman Tyler stated he was not satisfied as to why they were not meeting
the City's requirement for 365 parking spaces. Mr. Roos stated they could
meet the requirement, but it would require them to delete some of the planters
distributed throughout the project. Long term statistics do not justify the
need for 365 spaces. They chose the additional landscaping instead of the
17. Commissioner Kirk stated he did read the information provided by the
applicant on parking and it did present a compelling story. Of 60 studies the
highest parking rate was 1.9 and the average was one car per apartment.
What the applicant is proposing is higher than the highest of 60 studies. He
would rather have open space and greenery rather than more carports. Maybe
they should look at the Zoning Code to possibly reduce the parking standards.
18. Chairman Tyler stated the Spanos organization has a number of projects,
where is the closest? Mr. Roos stated San Diego would be the best. They
could provide a map if the Commission would like one.
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19. Chairman Tyler stated this development is of great concern to the residents
of Lake La Quinta. The City has received numerous letters and petitions and
all have been carefully reviewed. The Commission appreciates the time and
effort that has been expressed. In regard to some of the concerns, he would
like to state the following:
a. The original ten acre parcel is designated as multi-family.
b. Lake La Quinta's CC&R's constitute a legal agreement between the
HOA and developer and not the City.
c. Pedestrian and vehicle access to the single family residences is now
going to have a six foot wall separating the two uses.
d. In regard to the potential use of the name Lake La Quinta, the City
has no jurisdiction over the use of names.
The purpose of the Commission is to see that the project meets all
requirements and codes of the City. If it meets all those criteria, then the
Commission must make a favorable decision to the City Council. Since a
large number of people have expressed a desire to speak, please limit your
remarks to something new and not contained in the letters that have been
20. .Mr. Jay Roberts, 47-790 Via Jarden, representing the Lake La Quinta
Homeowners' Association (HOA), stated these homeowners are permanent
homeowners in the community and have invested in the community. They
are proud of their neighborhood and community. The Board of Directors for
the HOA is not opposed to development, but welcome developers who will
add to the community. They have met three times with Mr. Jack Lucas,
Manager of The Spanos Company, and have repeatedly stated they would
like to work with them to resolve their concerns. The Spanos Company has
indicated they will not make any changes to alleviate any of their concerns.
They do not oppose the development of the site, but vehemently oppose this
proposed use. First, the unit density is at the maximum permitted by zoning
regulations; all the residential buildings are to be two story and this is not in
character with the adjoining residential units. Second, it is their believe that
Spanos is not entitled to cross private property to utilize Lake La Quinta as
a retention basin for surface water run off. Provisions should be made to
handle the surface water nm off within the proposed project site. Third, the
open carports should be replaced with closed carports to be compatible with
the entire community. Fourth, a five foot wall is proposed to be constructed
around the project, and has now been changed to six feet. A taller wall on
a raised berm would be more appropriate. Fifth, the Environmental Impact
Report for this project was performed nine years ago and even though a
Supplemental EIR has been prepared, they suggest this project will have an
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adverse affect on the site, specifically with regard to traffic on 47th Avenue
as well as WaShington Street and Adams Street. This project with the
planned density will exacerbate any traffic problems created by the
previously approved Auto Mall at the intersection of Adams Street and 47th
Avenue. Desert Sands Unified School District has indicated this project and
any other residential project will potentially result in an impact on their
school system. They urge the Commission to withhold approval of this
project as presented, to carefully review their comments and suggestions to
evaluate their merit, and advise the Spanos Company of the changes that
must be made to satisfy the serious concerns of the HOA. With appropriate
modifications they will wholeheartedly support the project.
21. Mr. Jay Baden, 47-415 Via Cordova, distributed pictures he had taken ofthe
Lake La Quinta development. He stated the first pictures showed a balloon
flying on a 30-foot tether and the balloon is two feet in height which makes
it 32 feet above the existing grade. It was his impression that this showed the
impact on the community the proposed buildings would have as you enter the
Adams Street gate. Picture #2: the Oleander hedge is 14-16 feet high, but as
the Oleanders are currently being exposed to a disease, they could be lost.
Due to the grade the six foot wall would not be six feet on the other side as
the pads are to be raised four feet higher. Picture #3 is a typical residence in
Lake La Quinta and you can see the balloon above the home. The balloon is
twice as high as the house. The setback is the beginning of the ridge in the
buildings. Picture #4 is similar to #3. Picture #5 is the backyard of a
residential house facing the Spanos project to the east. The balloon is placed
back at the first ridge or about 100 feet. This gives the Commission a visual
impact of how the project will impact them.
22. Commissioner Kirk asked if the balloons were placed at the beginning of the
roof line. Mr. Baden stated they were placed at the top of the ridge of the
gable ends. It is not the true height because this is 32 feet maximum above
existing grade and the grade is to be raised 2-4 feet higher.
23. Mr. Benjamin Rosker, 47-675 Via Montessa, stated his issue was whether
they were apartments or condominiums. He asks that the Commission
consider 1) everyone recognizes Mr. Spanos originally owned all the land.
When he sold this parcel to Wilma, it became an item in their CC&R's. In
the CC&R's the prospective homeowners were told 39 times that
condominiums were to be built on that tract. The disclosure statement
presented by Mr. Roos stated they are for sale or for rent units it does not
mean they are to be apartments automatically. The CC&R's state specifically
they will be condominiums. The State Statue that is quoted in the CC&R's
governs the development of condominiums. There is a great deal of
difference between an apartment and condominium. Condominiums are
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pride of ownership and apartments are transient in nature. Noise is the
common denominator of apartments. Apartments are operated by the owners
and no CC&r's go along with them. Private ownership is important to pride
of ownership. In his opinion, they have every right to expect this tract to be
developed as told to them by Mr. Spanos in the CC&Rs.
24. Mr. Bill Hatchett, 78-975 Dulce Del Mar, stated he had bought a
condominium in Palm Springs ten years age and enjoyed this Valley every
weekend they were here. They researched every community in the Valley and
determined that La Quinta was developing and growing that was consistent
with their wishes and seemed to be well managed with strong community
orientation. Now their dream home is in jeopardy as their home will border
this high density project. Their concern is the proposed setbacks and how
they will render his property less than appealing to him, his family and any
future sale he may make. As proposed directly across the Dulce Del Mar
property line and set back 20 feet will be a 30 foot apartment building with
an overall height of 34-36 feet. This is unacceptable to him. Further west on
Dulce Del Mar are three additional 30 foot buildings set on pads that could
increase the height to 34-36 feet. These buildings will become a 34-36 foot
high wall running approximately 240 to 280 feet long setback 20 feet from
the Dulce Del Mar property line. 'As their property line turns north they
propose 38 open ended carports at a 10 foot setback with only a six foot high
masonry wall to block out car lights, noise, and other noxious odors. They
also intent to install 11 open parking spaces along this line creating a
potential nightmare of annoyance for the property owners only ten feet away.
The City needs to reconsider setbacks on Adams Street to allow buildings on
Adams Street. Spanos must reduce the high density by at least reducing all
existing perimeter buildings to one story. All carports facing single family
must be redesigned to garages and no open parking or garages should be at
10 foot setback to these residences backyards. This project is too dense for
compatibility with surrounding low density high end residential development
and must be redesigned to be compatible with the surrounding residential
community and the City of La Quinta.
25. Ms. Theresa Tasso, 78-810 Via Avante, stated she and her husband visited
the Valley in 1992, and appreciated the desert. They considered many
developments and after a couple years search they found Lake La Quinta.
They agree with the petition she signed to prevent the Spanos
condominium/apartment project from being built as presented. She
understands the developer has the fight to develop his land and make money,
but why should his development cause them to lose money on their
investment and home. The Commission has a moral obligation to the
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residents of Lake La Quinta to protect their investment, security, and prestige.
The use of the name Lake La Quinta is unauthorized and deceptive. There
cannot be any connection between the Lake La Quinta name and apartments
development. Please deny the apartments as presented.
26. Mr. Frank Tasso, 78-810 Via Avante, stated that at one time Spanos owned
the entire piece and they set aside two pieces; the high density area and the
commercial area. He had this area zoned high density and at that time the
City did not take into consideration the furore residences of Lake La Quinta
which was a single story, low density, upscale prestige community. This was
the City's first mistake. There are currently only two areas zoned high
density in the City. Please do not approve this in its current shape. If this is
approved, litigation will occur. Don't compound the original mistake. What
was the trade off; what is the hidden deal? This may bear some investigation
in the future.
27. Mr. Tom Oglesby, 78-885 Dulce Del Mar., stated their home is directly across
from the southwest comer of the project. In accordance with the General
Plan and Zoning Ordinance the developer has the fight to built to the density
of 16 units to the acre on these ten acres. He also has the right to put all of
those units in two story buildings. This is a case where two fights make a
wrong. The General Plan and Zoning Maps look great on paper but it is at
the time of implementation that their flaws appear. As described in the staff
report, two sides of the parcel abut existing Single story homes of light
density. The other two sides abut the same streets as Lake La Quinta and
because one third of the 47t~ Avenue frontage of this proposed development
is across from the Coachella Valley Water District parcel, the ten acre site has
less exposure to commercial use than does Lake La Quinta. The adopted
General Plan only designates three sites as high density residential which
indicates there isn't much demand. As the site is only ten acres in size, it
would not be a great loss to change the density more in keeping with the
existing development in the area. The developer may own the property but
he does not own the zoning. That is a policy matter under the control of the
City and since the General Plan is a living document, it is subject to change
when the policy makers determine that there are inequities. This is the case
with this project. The developer wishes to construct two story buildings next
to a project where they are not allowed. Within the Washington
Street/Adams Street corridor south of Highway 111 there is onlY one two
story house. The reservoir tank at the comer of 47t~ Avenue and Adams
Street. As you drive north on Adams Street you are the same distance from
the tank as you would be if you were in front 0ftheir home. Imposing as that
tank is, it is only 24 feet tall. Add another six feet and this is the height of the
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buildings that are proposed to be built in front of their home. Then it has to
be raised another four feet since the pads are that much higher than their pad.
City development standards require that two story buildings maintain a 150
foot setback from Adams Street. People driving on Adams Street are
protected from the imposition of the buildings. Should not the same standard
be supplied to them. Representatives of Lake La Quinta have expressed their
concerns to the developer and they have been ignored. They are therefore,
turning to the Planning Commission for redress. Send the project back to the
staff with directions to reduce the density by eliminating the two story
buildings. If the developer continues to not cooperate, adopt a resolution of
denial on the basis of incompatibility with the surrounding development,
request the City Council to initiate an amendment to the General Plan
reducing the density. In so far as apartments are concerned, he spent the last
33 days in an apartment in San Diego area due to his wife's medical
condition and it was not a pleasant experience.
28. Mr. Dutch Dilsaver, 78-835 Dulce Del Mar, stated La Quinta is a model city.
The City has worked diligently to see that it remains a model city. Another
city with a similar problem resolved their problem by getting the city,
developer and homeowners together to work out the problems and keep that
city a model. The same can be done here with the proper cooperation of all
entities. He has met with staff and discussed the concerns of the HOA. Mr.
Roos has stated they met with the homeowners and made some changes to
their plan to address some of their concerns. They did change the 5/12 pitch
to a 4/12 pitch which reduced the ridgeline two feet. They still have the pads
four feet high above street level. If they were to drop the pitch to a 3/12 it
would drop it another two feet. If they lowered the ceilings inside the two
stories six inches, it would drop it another foot and if they lowered the grade
another two feet it would drop it another two feet. A lot can be done if they
apply themselves. They can work in cooperation with staff, homeowners,
and Planning Commission to come up with a project everyone can be proud
29. Mr. Wayne Guralnick, 74-399 Highway 111, Palm Desert, general counsel
for the Lake La Quinta HOA, displayed the carport elevation on the site plan
to show the impact on the neighboring homes. These people were told these
units would be condominiums. They read the CC&R's and believed their
views would be preserved. If there were to be condominiums, the CC&R's
would be there to control what happens there. The Commission does not
need to grant the density as it is, there are several options available to the
Commission. They can require changes to make the project more compatible
with the surrounding residents.
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30. Mr. Dave Wagner, 47-815 Via Traiss, stated this zoning was approved before
the houses were built. Now that there are houses this project is proposed.
They are two separate entities. It would not be approved if it were introduced
at this time.
31. There being no further public comment, this portion of the public hearing was
closed and open to Commission discussion.
32. Commissioner Butler stated he was not certain that apartments are better than
a condominium project. Modifications are needed to make it acceptable to
each party and he is not sure it is possible at this meeting. He would like to
continue the project.
33. Commissioner Robbins stated he was concerned in the trend of a lot of the
subdivision having the maximum density and minimum lot sizes. This plan
is a mass of building and asphalt. As nice as Spanos projects are in San
Diego, this is not San Diego and it is not appropriate for the area. They have
a right to built 16-units to the acre and it is zoned for that many units, but
they should only have that fight if they can satisfy all the other conditions and
concerns. It is his opinion they have not done that, therefore, he cannot
support the project as it is submitted.
34. Commissioner Kirk stated he is very sensitive to the concerns raised and the
rights of the developer. This site has been designated as multi-family
development for some time. It was incorporated into a larger scheme for
Lake La Quinta and there have been disclosure statements. It sounds like
there is some confusion as to whether the disclosure statements and CC&Rs
apply just to a condominium or multi-family apartment. He has a question
as to whether it was made known whether apartments or condominiums
would be built. In terms of supporting or rejecting the project, he has not
reached a decision. Constructive comments have been made by residents and
the project could move forward with some changes. Reducing building
heights, altering grading plans, and utilizing the Adams Street setback to
build more units. His concerned would be too much asphalt and cars. The
Auto Mall related impacts would be much greater than the building impacts.
The buildings are high for the surrounding area, but with the landscape
treatment maybe it will not be as big an impact as hearing cars coming in and
out. Maybe the City could work with the applicant to reduce the number of
parking spaces required, redesign the parking, placing buildings further away
from existing community or perhaps into the Adams Street setback. Before
supporting any recommendation, he would like to hear the applicant respond
to some of the concerns raised.
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35. Chairman Tyler stated he agreed with what had been stated. He would
support replacing 'the open carports with enclosed garages to minimize the
noise and glare for the homeowners that abut that wall. Secondly, the four
foot grade differential with this project being higher than Dulce Del Mar and
the same height as the property to the west. For every foot you grade down
it lowers the roof line. The Zoning Code does not allow two story houses
next to existing one story houses for compatibility. Even though this is not
the same, it seems you could achieve some change by having the perimeter
buildings one story to minimize the impact. He too, would like to allow time
for both the applicant and staff to resolve some of the issues raised.
36. Mr. Marvin Roos, stated the CC&R's were required of the home builder
Wilma Pacific. The possibility of this property annexing into that was set
forth in that document. The reference to apartments or condominiums was
not part of the Spanos representation. The Spanos Company would like to
continue to work on how they can reduce the impact on the community. They
can look at those items presented and others. The matter of one story does
not begin to approach the kind of property value and demand that this is. The
General Plan does set high density to buffer the commercial. They would
like to come back with a design that might soften the areas. Not sure what
the planning process would be to explore the setbacks on Adams Street. He
would also like the flexibility to explore other design altematives. Based on
this information, they would like to request a continuance.
37. 'There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Robbins to continue this application to January 26,
1999. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Abels being absent.
38. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that in order to
allow flexibility to the developer as it relates to the Adams. Street setback, it
is a zoning requirement that it is one story along Adams Street. The only way
to deviate from that requirement is to do a specific plan and the specific plan
would allow the applicant the ability to modify that standard to the Zoning
Code. This is the only way they would be allowed to have more than one
story adjacent to Adams Street. ·
Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 8'52 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
B. Continued Tentative Tract Map 28964; a request of Oliphant and Williams
Associates, Inc. for approval and recommendation to the City Council for
Certification.of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for
Environmental Assessment 98-365 to subdivide 39 acres into 78 residential lots and
other common lots for the property located on the north side of 50t~ Avenue,
approximately 1,600 feet west of Jefferson Street.
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Planning Commission Meeting
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1. Commissioner Butler excused himself due to a possible conflict of interest.
2. Chairman Tyler stated the applicant had requested a continuance to January
12, 1998.
3. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to continue this
application to the meeting of January 12, 1998. Unanimously approved with
Commissioner Abels and Butler being absent.
Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission.
C. Tentative Tract Map 27519; a request of Century-Crowell Communities for
recommendation of a Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 98-370 and approval of a 70
single family and other common lot subdivision map on 17.5 acres in the RL Zone
1. . Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff is recommending the addition of a Condition #92 to
require the trees on the northeast edge of the north property line next to the
retention basin, be retained and included in the landscaping for the retention
basin. They are also recommending that the larger trees adjacent to the
residential lots be removed. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the
City has a Code section 'that states dwellings next to the project or City,
County, or tract boundary line shall be limited to one story if an existing one
story dwelling is within 50 feet of the common property line unless there is
a street separating the two. The existing houses to the north will be required
to have one story in accordance with Code section.
2. Commissioner Robbins asked how this works when they do not line up.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the Codes requires within 50 feet
of the common property line.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked if any reaction had been obtained from the
property owners to the north of the retention basin as to whether or not they
would like the trees to be retained. Staff stated they had not received any
adverse comments regarding the project.
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4. Chairman Tyler stated he would hate to give up any of the trees as they are
a landmark in the area. Another issue is the inter-face of this development
and the golf driving range to the south. Currently, there, is no screening
between the two and often golf balls go can astray. Developer should put up
some suitable screen to protect against the golf balls.
5. Commissioner Robbins ask which.direction the balls are hit. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated they go from Dune Palms Road
westerly. Commissioner Robbins asked why does staff want to remove the
Eucalyptus trees. Staff stated they are brittle and would be acceptable in the
retention basin. The trees to the west Would be in the backyard of homes and
prevailing winds blow toward the south and could be dangerous for those
6. Chairman Tyler asked how may trees would be removed and how many
retained. Staff stated there may be as many as 200 to 300 feet of trees would
have to be removed. They are planted linearly.
__ 7. Commissioner Kirk suggested making the retention more east/westerly and
replace some of the retention basin with lots.
8. Mr. Emest Vincent, Vice President of Century Crowell Communities, stated
he was at a disadvantage. He is in-house counsel for the applicant and not a
planner. He has been working with the landowner for four years to put this
project together. His understanding is that they need to raise the grade level
a great deal. Not sure what the ultimate grade level will be in relation to
where the trees are. The pads will be higher and if they do not take the trees
down, you would have a flat backyard, a big dip, the trees and then a slope
up to the back walls of the existing unit. In regard to the retention basin in
the front, there is an existing tree to the north and they thought of joining
them, but this did not work out. They were going to have a perimeter wall
and retention basin would be outside this wall. Planning Manager Christine
di Iorio stated the wall proposal is conditioned to have an open fencing to
view into the project (Condition #91). The retention basin was modified; it
was along the north property line, but due to the noise study and the height
of the noise mitigation walls, the retention basin was moved to along Dune
Palms Road.
9. Chairman Tyler stated he was confused as a retention basin is usually quiet.
-- Staff stated the distance between the homes along Dune Palms Road was
shifted away from the street due to the retention basin being placed along
Dune Palms Road.
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Planning Commission Meeting -
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10. Commissioner Robbins stated more homes could be built further away from
Dune Palms Road than if the retention basin was moved along the north edge,
you would have more homes with the backs facing Dune Palms Road. This
plan has the fencing along Dune Palms Road separating the retention basin
from Dune Palms Road is going to be open facing so the public has a view
into the project.
11. Mr. Vincent stated the project will be gated and the price range will be lower
than most gated communities. In reference to the driving range, he has
spoken to Mr. Garry Hopkins, the owner of the driving range, regarding the
screening and they are not certain how high the screening would have to be.
Mr. Vincent noted the project engineer is present to answer any questions.
12. Mr. Joe Soneji, civil engineer for the project, stated that in regard to the
grading, they will match the existing pad elevations on the north and the
retention elevations on the west. They are fairly close to the grade of the
driving range. The retention basin is proposed at that location because of the
drainage that comes from Dune Palms Road. He has no objection to the
Conditions of Approval and as long as they can include the Eucalyptus trees
within the retention basis landscape scheme they will be happy to do so.
However, in the middle of the property there is a mound that is ten feet higher
than the houses to the north and it is there intention to remove the mound to
be on the same elevation as the houses to the north. Discussion followed as
to the location of the trees.
13. Commissioner Butler asked if the southern boundary next to the driving
range, was higher or lower than the driving range. Mr. Soneji stated they are
almost the same. Commissioner Butler asked how the houses would be
protected from the balls. Mr. Soneji stated he did not have an answer at this
14. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to identify where the trees were located.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa showed their location on the tract map.
Commissioner Kirk stated that many of the trees are on a mound. Staff stated
that was probably correct.
15. Chairman Tyler asked if the trees around the retention basin would be
retained. Mr. Soneji stated it would depend on the grading of the retention
16. Mr. Garry Hopkins, 45-975 Dune Palms Road, stated his concern was the
screening of the balls and he would meet with the applicant to resolve any
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Planning Commission Meeting
November 24, 1998
17. Commissioner Butler asked if the fence on the school side was adequate. Mr.
Hopkins stated no, but the power lines restricted them from going any higher.
It will need to go higher on the other side.
18. Commissioner Robbins asked the' height of the screen. Mr. Hopkins stated
that on top of a berm it is 20-40 feet.
19. There being no fixaher public comment, the public participation portion of the
public hearing was closed and opened for Commission disCussion.
20. Commissioner Robbins stated he had no objection as long as screening was
addressed in the conditions.
21. Commissioner Butler asked that the new condition be modified. Staff noted
they were only asking for the retention of the trees in the retention basin.
22. Commissioner Kirk stated that as long as a condition was added to require the
applicant and golf school solve the problem of the screening before the
project goes to the City Council.
23. Chairman Tyler stated he thought they should retain the trees along the
retention basin. As to the screening, it should be installed before the houses
are occupied and it should be the responsibility of the applicant. The traffic
information on Dune Palms Road needs to be updated before going to the
City Council.
24. Commissioner Robbins suggested a condition be added that states the
screening would be installed prior to the issuance of a building permit.
25. Commissioner Kirk asked if the retention basin was originally planned for the
northern boundary. Staff stated yes, and the noise study required the
submittal that is before the Commission. Commissioner Kirk stated staff was
more in favor of people than trees. Is it possible to have the plan redesigned
with the retention along the northern boundary to keep the trees. Staff stated
it is up to the applicant and the Commission, but if it is redesigned, the noise
study would have to be modified accordingly or the initial study would be
looked at again and the requirement at that time was for seven to nine foot
26. Chairman Tyler asked staff to explain what would happen if you had nine
foot high walls on the southerly part of the frontage. Staff stated they have
to look at the previous noise study to see what it was based on. Chairman
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Planning Commission Meeting
November 24, 1998
Tyler asked if the noise study was based on the traffic analysis that was done
in 1992 and 1994. Staff stated the study is based on the ultimate buildout for
Dune Palms Road with the City's 60 CNEL requirement as the maximum
outdoor noise level.
27. Commissioner Robbins stated he was in favor of having as few lots as
possible back up to Dune Palms Road.
28. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Kirk/Robbins to adopt Planning COmmission Resolution 98-082
recommending to the City Council Certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 98-370
for Tentative Tract Map 27519.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
29. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Robbins to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 98-083 recommending to the City Council
approval of Tentative Tract 27519, subject to the Findings and Conditions of
Approval as amended.
a. Retention of the trees in the retention basin.
b. Screening prior to issuance of building permits to the satisfaction of
the Community Development Director.
c. Deletion of the second sentence in Condition #42.a.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
D. Plot Plan 94-543, Amendment #1; a request of David Chapman for approval of
building elevation modifications for a 550+ square foot expansion of an existing
building (formerly Sesame') for use as a restaurant located at 50-981 W. ashington
Street at the northwest comer of Washington Street and Calle Tampico in the La
Quinta Village Shopping Center.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the 'Community Development
2. Commissioner Kirk asked if the water heater that is being relocated to the
roof will it be screened. Staff stated yes and it is conditioned that it cannot
encroach above the parapet wall.
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Planning Commission Meeting
November 24, 1998
3. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone wanted to speak on the project. There being
no comment, thc public participation portion was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-
084 recommending to the City Council approval of Plot Plan 94-543,
Amendment #1, subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
E. Tract 28545-2, Amendment #1; a request of KSL Desert Resort, Inc. for approval and
recommendation to the City Council of an Amendment to the Tract Map to
reconfigure the shape of the condominium lots to include the patio area and other
minor changes for the property located generally west of Eisenhower Drive and south
of Avenida Femando, in the La Quinta Resort homes area.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
'report, 'a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Chris Berg, MDS Consulting, representing the applicant, stated they
concurred with the conditions.
3. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
98-085 reCommending to the City Council approval of Tract 28545-2
Amendment # 1, subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval.
ROLL CALL' AYES' Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None.
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Planning Commission Meeting
November 24, 1998
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held December 8, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. on November 24, 1998.
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