January 13, 1999
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairperson Irwin, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Bulgrin, Lewis, Mahfoud, Moulin, and Chairperson Irwin
ABSENT: Board Member Brown and Osborne
OTHERS PRESENT: Ken Al-Imam, Conrad & Associates, John Falconer, Finance
Director and Debbie DeRenard, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of December 9, 1998 for the. Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Bulgrin to approve the
Board Member IVIoulin questioned the comments made by Board Member
Osborne in the Board Member Item section. He advised that they might
have just been off-handed comments and should not have been included
in the minutes. He further advised that he didn't know if Board Member
Osborne would agree with the two comments in the minutes. He advised
that he doesn't have a problem - it's not his quote.
Board Member Lewis advised that they are the minutes and they are
comments, that were said by Board Member Osborne.
Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
A.' Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 30, 1998
Mr. Falconer presented the Staff Report and advised that the cash
balance increased by $500,000. Revenue was very good for the first six
months due to the building activities and sales tax. He advised that there
were no other major changes in the cash flow.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the 40 basis
points for Management fees came from the pamphlet.
Chairman Irwin commented that the fee was high.
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that the yield
for the treasury note on page 5 should read 4.50% instead of 6.375%.
Chairman Irwin commented that Staff has kept the LAIF balance
consistent and under 25% for the entire year.
In response to BOard Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that the large
outflow of cash in January is the pass -through payments. The City will
receive property tax funds on January 19th and the City is required to pay
the pass through payments. The City forecasts that they will receive
$7.7 million in property tax payments. The City has two Redevelopment
Project Areas Nos. 1 & 2. At the time that each area was formed they
generated a certain amount of dollars - and from that date forward any
change or increment comes to the Redevelopment Agency. These funds
can be used to further economic development in the City and in addition
the City is required by the State to 'set aside a portion of this tax
increment money for Iow/mod housing. The City negotiated with other
governmental agencies during the formation of the Project Areas as to
what their fair share would be and this amount is the pass-through
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the $8.5 million
that was recently invested was rolled over into the same type of
investment that it was previously invested in prior to maturity.
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to approve,
receive and file the Treasurer's Report for November 30, 1998. Motion
carried unanimously.
A. City of La Quinta FY 97/98 Audited Financial Statements
Mr. Ken Al-Imam of Conrad and Associates presented the Audited
Financial Statement. He advised that the audit approach in regards to
investments is to address existence, ownership and legal compliance.
Conrad & Associates confirms 100% of the City's investments.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that inVestments are
confirmed directly with LAIF - for example a letter is sent directly to LAIF
and a return letter is received directly from Pat Beal of LAIF to Conrad
and Associates. The treasury securities are confirmed directly with the
third party custodian who is holding the securities. Conrad & Associates
is very diligent in this function because they feel it's a very important part
of the audit. Another aspect of the auditing of investments is to audit
legal compliance. The firm wants to make sure that the investments
conform to the stipulations of the State Government Code and the City
Investment Policy. He advised that his Firm has developed a rigorous 43
point investment compliance check list. The internal controls surrounding
the investments were reviewed during the audit process and they were
found to be functioning properly. The investments that are held by the
fiscal agents are reviewed to make sure they conform to the bond
documents. Mr. Al-Imam reviewed the financial st. atement pointing out
that GASB categorizes investments by risk factors. The City's
investments complies with category number 1 which is the lowest risk
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that he is not
allowed to place LAIF in a risk category because the purpose of the three
risk categories is to address custodial risk, not market or issuer risk.
Custodial risk speaks of investments that are held and by whom they are
held. The specific requirements for GASB Statement No. 3 are very
explicit and are not designed to deal with a pool such as LAIF. He
advised that with LAIF he could only verify funds directly with the LAIF
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
Treasurer, Pat Beal. LAIF has its own internal controls to satisfy their
auditors that they have adequate segregation of duties and custodian
risks. He advised that the audit confirmed that the City's investments
conformed to the lowest risk category - Category No. 1. He explained
that this means that the City of La Quinta has very good procedures and
practices that allows it to be placed in Category No. 1.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Al-Imam commented that the key
strengths of the internal controls for the City are the segregation of
duties in the Finance Department. As an example, the Finance Director
executes the investment transaction, the City Manager. approves the
investment transaction and the Financial Services Assistant receives the
custodians' statement and reconciles the independent third party
custodian statement to the accounting records. The audit confirmed that
the City was following this procedure.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that the
securities are held by the independent third party custodian - Bank of
New York.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that the City
of La Quinta's internal controls exceeds other Cities of comparable size.
The policies and procedures of the City of La Quinta are similar to policy
and procedures found in larger cities.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that Conrad
and Associates has prepared a Management Letter. He advised that
there are no comments in regards to cash management or investment
functions. There were no weaknesses or proposed adjustments found.
One of the areas that was audited this year per the GASB Statement No.
31 requirements is that investments are recorded at market values if
material. In going through this process it was found that the difference
between the book and market value was very minimal and no adjustment
was necessary.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that the
financial statements which are word processed by his firm are based
upon accounting records that are maintained by the Finance Department.
He advised that it's important that the Board know that the data is
'received from the City and that the City is responsible. It's the
responsibility of the Audit Firm to perform a limited test of the data.
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that on page
19, the "components of authorized Investment policies," it lists authorized
bankers acceptances as an investment vehicle. He advised that this is
a mistake on the part of Conrad & Associates - during the preparation of
the report.
Board Member Moulin advised that the important factor is that there are
no investments in this category.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that in
approximately 3 - 4 years it will become a GASB requirement to change
to a different form of reporting. One of the changes will be in the front
of the financial statement there will be in a simple two or three-colUmn
format that will be a highly condensed aggregate method of reporting
that will provide a one page snapshot of the financial position of the City.
The City cannot do this one page now because of the difficulty of the
project. GASB has struggled with this new method for more than 10
years because it's a difficult task to accomplish due to t'he different fund
types and different accounting practices and principles. Currently, the
financial statements are not permitted to recognize depreciation and
under the new consolidated format, depreciation will have to be
considered to be an element of a cost of providing government services
to the public. He further advised that it will take government agencies
the full 3 to 4 years to pull all the information together that is required to
comply with the new accounting standard. He further advised that
currently if clients ask how the City stands, he directs them to the
General Fund on Page 5.
Mr. Falconer advised that on Page 32 and 33 of the Financial Statement
it lists the designated and undesignated description of the fund balances
for the City.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that he foresees
changes to the Accounting Software in order to comply with the GASB
Mr. Al-Imam advised that there will be a cost to the City to make the
change. He advised that he is not aware of any accounting software
currently on the market that will meet the GASB requirement. GASB has
announced that this reporting will have a different accounting for the
summary reporting and a different basis of accounting for the fund report
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
and this is unfortunate. What this means is that the reporting process
will be complicated and this is where the cost comes in. The City will
need the current accounting system to do the fund accounting because
it will be a requirement. However, when figuring the summary reporting,
GASB will have agencies change the basis of accounting.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that the basis
of the changes is that GASB does not want agencies to recognize as an
example; infrastructure and depreciation or long term debt reporting in
the funds until the summary reporting. The City will have an aggregate
level - all the liabilities and all assets of the City listed in one place. This
is going to be required even on revenue recognition. Currently we are
only allowed to recognize revenue that is going to be receipted shortly
after the fiscal year ends, but under the new basis of accounting we will
be required to extend revenue recognition for amounts received well into
the next fiscal year. This will be the same for expenditures. On the new
basis of accounting we will have to recognize any liability for claims and
judgements. Vacation and sick leave accruals will have to be recognized
in full effect in the fiscal year that they have occurred - currently they are
recognized when they become liabilities. Mr. Al-Imam advised that he
wished that GASB would have extended this to the fund levels so that
there would be a consistent basis of accounting.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the City was an
unincorporated area before it was a City. The City will need to estimate
the infrastructure. He further advised that the key figures will be the
unpaid vacation and sick leave. Currently these figures are not shown as
a liability on the financial statement. They will not be an issue for the
City of La Quinta because the City has a maximum amount of carry-over
for sick leave. This will be a problem for the cities that do not have a
maximum carryover amount.
Chairman Irwin explained that a financial statement would have more
credibility if you could look at one page and understand it.
Mr. Al-Imam advised that this one page financial statement will be a
benefit of the new accounting methodology. One of the downfalls would
be explaining where an individual figure was generated.
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
Mr. Falconer advised that currently the financial software that is used by
the City allows the Finance Department to download information onto
Chairman Irwin advised that with the strength of the Finance Department
and the accounting software there should be no problem.
Mr. Al-Imam advised that he appreciates the community of La Quinta
because they have well-informed citizens. He further explained that
some of his local government clients have citizens that don't appreciate
the audit function and the extensive testing that is involved in the
process. They have an inherent distrust for government.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Al-Imam advised that in
regards to Y2K, the auditing firm's responsibility is limited to making
sure that the financial statements disclose the plans of the City for the
Y2K process. The firm is prohibited by their profession from giving an
opinion on the Y2K compliance.
Mr. Falconer advised that a monthly Y2K Compliance report is submitted
to the City Council.
Board Member Moulin advised that he would like to compliment the City
for the complete comprehensive Financial Statement. He further thanked
Mr. Al-Imam for the positive comments.
Mr. Al-Imam advised that his audit approach is unique in that its
extremely thorough and exhaustive.
In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Al-Imam advised that in
auditing the City, his firm performs approximately 1000 hours of audit
B. Month End Cash Report - December 1998
Noted and Filed.
C. Pooled Money Investment Reports - October 1998
Noted and Filed.
Investment Advisory Board January 13, 1999
D. Maturing Investments
Mr. Falconer advised that at the last Investment Advisory Board meeting,
the Board discussed investment strategies and one of the goals that
Board Member Brown mentioned was a investment strategies report. He
further advised that this report on maturing investments was a good
approach to get the Board's thoughts and recommendations. He advised
that he has some interest rate information. There is a $5 million treasury
note maturing on the 15th of February. If it was to be rolled-over into
another treasury note there might be some loss of yield. He advised that
he forecasts that the funds can be invested for a longer period of time.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that the spread in
commercial paper has dropped significantly.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that he recommends
Federal Farm Credit Paper for one year due to the supply issue. He
advised that during the last investment he tried to invest in Federal Farm
Credit Paper and it was difficult to find.
The Board concurred on the investment.
Mr. Falconer did advise the Board that tax funds are expected to be
received and are usually invested in Commercial Paper for a 30 day
In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer advised that the
staff report was prepared and presented as a way of getting feedback
regarding the current investments from the Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to adjourn the
meeting at 6:30 P.M.. Motion carried unanimously.