February 10, 1999
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of §:30 P.M. by Chairperson Irwin, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Brown (6:10), Lewis, Mahfoud (5:35), Moulin, Osborne
and Chairperson Irwin
ABSENT: Board Member Bulgrin
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Debbie DeRenard,
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 13,~ 1999 for the Investment
Advisory Board·
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to approve the
minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Rep~rt for December 31, 1998
Chairman Irwin commented on the six-month bench mark listed in the
Investment Policy.
Board Member Osborne advised that he likes how staff has handled the
benchmark on the Treasurers Report.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1 999
In response to Chairman Irwin, Board Member Lewis advised that when
using a benchmark spread it becomes subject to manipulation by
whoever is setting the spread. The current spread is a market-driven
Mr. Falconer advised that on page 3 the annualized earnings have been
added with detail and on page 5 there were investments that matured
which were yielding more than 5%. When they were reinvested, the
yield was much less, showing the decline in interest rates.
In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Falconer advised that as of
February 3, 1999 the LAIF daily rate was 5.20% and their quarter to day
was 5.265%.
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that the
Mutual Fund description should' be Money Market Mutual Fund which is
different from Mutual Funds.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to approve,
receive and file the Treasurer's Report for November 30, 1998. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Fiscal Year 1999/00 Investment Policy
Mr. Falconer advised that typically at this meeting Staff requests Board
Member comments on any items that Staff should review and bring back
to the next Board meeting. Items that are shaded are changes that were
made during the year to be included in the final changes for FY 99/00.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Board Member Moulin advised that the
items that he suggested in July 1998 were tabled. He advised that if the
Board would like to reconsider the items he will bring them back to the
Board at the next meeting. He advised that the suggestions that he
made were taking a view of evaluating the risk of all the authorized
investments and weigh the investment ability in relationship to this.
Chairman Irwin advised that this is a different direction then what was
previously discussed.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
to diversify and to gain some strength with regards to that diversification.
She further advised that it was her understanding that the investment
policy was to try and give guidelines to City Staff. She further advised
that the policy is revised annually because of changes. If there are
dramatic changes in-between the policy the Board would make a
recommendation for a change.
Board Member Mahfoud advised that he is neutral.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Mahfoud to continue
the Fiscal Year 1999/00 Investment Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Fiscal Year 1998/99 Treasurers Conference - Brea, CA
Mr. Falconer presented the Staff Report advising that the Annual
California Municipal Treasurers Association Conference will be held April
19 - 23 in Brea, California. He advised that last year Board Member
Bulgrin and Osborne attended the conference.
Board Member Osborne advised that he cannot make it do to a prior
In response to Chairman Irwin, Mr. Falconer advised that he will be
attending the conference. Typically this is a 5-day conference. The City
does provide for one staff member and two Board Members to attend.
He advised that if no Board Members are able to attend, Staff will bring
back the Conference materials for the Board to review.
Board Members Brown, Mahfoud and Lewis advised that they are unable
to attend.
Chairman Irwin advised that the morning sessions on Tuesday morning
are appealing to him.
Mr. Falconer advised that he normally would not attend the pre-
conference. However, Staff is researching online banking and the pre-
conference offers a session that would be useful for this venture.
Chairman Irwin requested that Staff check with Board Member Bulgrin
regarding his availability for the conference.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
Board Member Moulin advised that what he is referring to is listing the
investment in order of their safety level. As an example - US Treasuries
would be listed first as the safest. He advised that in previous
discussions with the Board, ' diversification seemed to be a significant
element. He gave as an exar~ple that there would be an allowable 100
percent investment in US Treasuries because they are least risky. He
further advised that he feels that the Investment Policy could be
Board Member Osborne advised that Board Member Moulin brought up
some good points and the reason that they were tabled was so that they
could be brought up during the review of the policy. He further advised
that he would be interested in Board Member Moulin's thoughts as they
relate to the policy at the next Board meeting.
Chairman Irwin advised that the Board agreed to some technical changes
in regards to government agencies.
Board Member Moulin advised that he doesn't feel the policy clearly
distinguishes between what is backed by the full faith of the federal
government and what is not. He advised that he has done some research
and has learned that the only agency that has a guarantee is GNMA
Mr. Falconer advised that he has received collateral material from past
conferences that lists the different investments by level of safety. He
advised that he will bring this to the Board at the next meeting.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Board Member Lewis advised that
Bankers Acceptances are a more risky investment and the Board decided
to eliminate that type of investment.
Board Member Moulin advised that he doesn't feel they are more risky
then some of the investments.
Mr. Falconer advised that when this was discussed there were problems
with foreign banks.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
Board Member Lewis stated that in regards to the simplification 'of the
investment policy. He advised that he would like to stay away from this
simply because he was here when the Board first came into effect and
one of the reasons for the Board is because of how simple the
Investment Policy was in the past. No one in this room is going to be
here forever and if the Board starts going toward simplification there will
be loss of the focus that is there. Yes - the Policy tends to be a little
wordy at times, and probably more details than there needs to be, but
some of the words are there for a reason. A part of it is continuing
education for new Board Members and new Treasurers.
Board Member Moulin advised that it's important to have the background,
but for example on page 9 of the policy it has the State of California
limitations and it lists Bankers Acceptances that are not allowed by the
City. On page 10 Negotiable CD's are listed and they are not allowed by
the City. We should only list what we allow and what we disallow we
can list in a different place.
Board Member Lewis advised that he has no problem with reorganizing
the policy.
Mr. Falconer advised that on page 17 it lists the unauthorized
investments with those items listed. The Board could delete those
Board Member Mahfoud advised that he would keep the information in
the policy.
Board Member Lewis advised that getting the definition of what the
investments are and in the event that someone would like to invest in an
unauthorized investment it would be clear that type of investment is .not
Board Member Mahfoud suggested adding unauthorized investment
descriptions in the glossary
Chairman Irwin questioned if the State Law distinguishes between US
Government Securities and Agency Securities.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
Mr. Falconer advised that he will check the code to see how it's written.
He advised that it might nbed to be changed to US Treasury and
Government Agency issued to make the distinction.
Mr. Falconer advised that the Board created an Executive Summary for
those that did not want to read the entire document.
Board Member Moulin advised that the other area that he was troubled
by was the mission statement. He advised that he would like to see
Section XlX be more indicative to the Board's actual function.
In response to Chairman Irwin, Board Member Moulin advised that he
could bring back to the next Investment Advisory Board meeting draft
verbiage for Section XlX. '
After further discussion the Board concurred on changing Section XlX-
number' one to read '"to ensure accurate reporting as they relate to an
investment activity."
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Manager and City Attorney will be
present at the June 1999 Investment Advisory Board meeting.
Chairman Irwin advised that he interprets the policy that the Board meets
every month unless the Board opts it's not necessary to meet after the
concurrence of the City Council.
Board Member Lewis advised that this could also be interpreted that the
Board elects to meets monthly unless Council gives other direction.
Chairman Irwin suggested that the ordinance wording be changed to read
"that the Investment Advisory Board normally meets monthly."
Mr. Falconer advised that you should also add that the Board meets at
least quarterly because the ordinance requires the Board to meet
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
Board Member Osborne advised that based on projections that Staff has
completed, the investment limits seem to work at this time subject to
changes in the rates. Because of the limitations, if the rates become 100
basis points below LAIF then our limitations would be a problem. He
further advised that the investments have stayed within 60 basis points
of LAIF.
Chairman Irwin advised that he is happy that Staff has kept the LAIF
investment under twenty five percent of the portfolio.
Board Member Osborne advised that he doesn't feel the LAIF investment
percentage will be able to continue at twenty five percent and he doesn't
have a problem with it going as high as thirty-five percent.
Mr. Falconer advised that from Staff's perspective the only issue of
meeting the percentages has to do with the Agency Paper. Federal
Home Loans, Fannie Mae,' etc. are fairly available whenever an
investment is rolled over and we are able to invest in those types of
investments. He further advised that the investment will bump up against
the 25 percent of the portfolio for the Fannie Mae and Federal Home
Loan Bank investments.
Board Member Osborne questioned if the investment should be moved up
to 35 percent.
Mr. Falconer advised that he does not have a recommendation regarding
changing the percentage.
In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Falconer advised that the
twenty-five percent is listed on Page 17, Bid Process No. 3.
Chairman Irwin advised that he agrees with Board Member Moulin on
Treasury Notes and Bonds as a safe haven and having the percentage be
100 percent.
Board Member Osborne advised that he has a problem with the US
Treasuries percentage being 100 percent because of the issue of
liquidity. He explained that if the City needed to cash in the notes or
bonds there would be a loss. He advised that the goals of the policy are
safety, liquidity and yield.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1 999
Chairman Irwin advised.that he would agree with any other investment
except US Treasuries. He explained that even in times of stress the most
liquid security you will find in a fixed income market is short term
Treasury Bill.
Board Member Lewis stated that. he feels the most liquid investments
would be the money market'mutual funds because with treasuries you
are going to be faced with interest rate risk associated with it and the
potential of having to sell them at a loss whereas with Money Market
Mutual Funds it theoretically is dollar in dollar out.
Chairman Irwin stated that he doesn't recommend that we have 100
percent invested in US Treasuries, but in times of financial stress this will
give Staff the safe haven in the case that they need to invest for a short
period of time it will be available.
Board Member Moulin advised that he agrees with Chairman Irwin.
Board Member Lewis advised that he disagrees. If you are not going to
use it, why have the tool.
Chairman Irwin stated that staff might need it in times of financial stress.
Board Member Moulin advised that the Federal Government backs US
Board Member Lewis advised that he has a fundamental problem with
any investment vehicle that is ,100 percent because it implies that 100
percent is okay. The Board deliberately set up the percentages. The
Board did not apply a lower limitation on US Treasuries because of a
safety issue, the Board agreed on the lower percentage because of
Chairman Irwin advised that in context of diversification he doesn't have
a problem with the limit, but in times of financial stress the City cannot
afford diversification.
Board Member Lewis advised that if the financial stress is that bad the
City shouldn't be investing at all.
Investment Advisory Board February 10, 1999
Board Member Moulin advised that he is available to attend the
Ms. DeRenard advised that reservations are needed as soon as possible
in order to obtain the early registration fee. She advised that the cost for
the second and third people attending is $160.00.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Brown to have two
Investment Advisory Board Members attend the CMTA Conference in
Brea, CA. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report- January 1999
Noted and Filed.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - November 1998
Noted and Filed.
C. Annual Pooled Money Investment Board Report
Noted and Filed
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to adjourn the
meeting at 6:45 P.M.. Motion carried unanimously.
Submitted by:
Debbie DeRenard
Finance Secretary