SANTIAGO0 tITY OFLAQW, 71-1105 C6I141r198tede. P.O. sox, I504- KLe Qv1ntf,C8L9Z20: (6191666 -etas 664-2246 PLANNING DIVI C 187 . ad each condition listed on the reverside side of this -form to seO the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home occupation / Regulations. $35.00 fee l0 � TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICANT'S NAME CaMRAD R. SANTIAGO PHONE (Gi-))5(o4-45(0 PROPERTY OWNER CONP AD C • oR e,0-14 SANT ARG o PHONE (.to)) G 104.4- (a c5 PROPERTY ADDRESS AUE N 1 DA NAU A'RRo LA QLIN`rA CALI FORAIA d)2253 (City) (State) (tip) Type of residence (Single, Multiple, mobile home, etc.) QgGL.E FAMII,`f Type of business AP--, WTECTURE Brief description of how the business will operate Abort cc,�U,pA-nn�y �GPACf WILL t� I ISED TO 29'QVtJCr-- DRPwW 'Rb 1.1ANVLr-PA a saEr-I AND TD N\Ay-e ANO RA6NE CALUG D5 QUI(2Ef7. At.L RF-cs A(Z-( Mi✓ INGS WILL Ge Rr=TL D Eta wlt��� Number of persons involved in business n NE • List names of persons employed N -/A 10 $39 00 Square footage of usable floor area in WYOFI.AQUNTA house (exclude garage) 151 S :22. FT. Val�g tyoff y� )by l Location and square footage of area of I business activity in home (example: $AFEN. bedrooms; 125 square feet) DEN,o�-Flea 140 sQ, FT Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies µbeing used in the business operation OFR-AFTING AND OFFICE SuPQt,rES 1 �R-�,wIN�� TRS I Y�l.f A FAX ANA<" N 1 hle� A FAX ANA<" N 1 R I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). "2st9I APPLICANT SIGNA DAT If Applicant 1s other than prLy owner, authorization of owner or agent re ' red. z. DAtNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on • reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. f f f IE -D APPROVED Initials d"' '/ Date CONDITIONS A DENIED Initials Date LQHOMOCC.PRT