CANOVALl 11111111111111111111 ls"S 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION 6167 . Read each condition listed on the reverside side of this form to see the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home occupation Regulations. $35.00 f ee Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) 1200 Validation Stam 005182 10 9546 OF -24-9i i0 Location and square footage of area of 10 CASH i TOTAL 1 35.00 business activity in home (example: bedrooms: 125 square feet) Bedroom 120 Sq. Ft. Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies being used in the business operation Basic office e ui tment Pick up truck Any plumbing materia s nessary to complete con rac e wor I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). �,. January 23, 1991 APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE If Applicant is other than property owner, authorisation of owner or agent required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE - IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on revers shall be grounds for revocation of permit. APPROVED Initials S Date CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED Initials Date LOHOMOCC.PRT TYPE OR PRINT IN INK JPN �QV�N APPLICANT'S NAME James W. Canova PHONE 564-0846 PROPERTY OWNER James W. Canova PHONE 564 -087r - PROPERTY ADDRESS 52-531 Avenida Navarro ( Street.) La Quinta Ca. 92253 (City) (State) (Lip) Type of residence (Single, Multiple. mobile home, etc.) Single Type of business Plumbing Contractor Brief description of how the business will operate Basic Plumbin Contracting Buisness Including Repair, Remodel, ew ons ruc Number of persons involved in business 1 List James W. Canova names of persons employed Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) 1200 Validation Stam 005182 10 9546 OF -24-9i i0 Location and square footage of area of 10 CASH i TOTAL 1 35.00 business activity in home (example: bedrooms: 125 square feet) Bedroom 120 Sq. Ft. Description of machinery, equipment, and supplies being used in the business operation Basic office e ui tment Pick up truck Any plumbing materia s nessary to complete con rac e wor I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). �,. January 23, 1991 APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE If Applicant is other than property owner, authorisation of owner or agent required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE - IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on revers shall be grounds for revocation of permit. APPROVED Initials S Date CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED Initials Date LOHOMOCC.PRT