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Client Groups Served: ELDERLY Complaints regarding services provided in this facility should be directed to: RIVERSIDE DISTRICT OFFICE •(714111:782-1t200 1-800-4—CCLii-NOM ^ w IFRED Y. MILLER 101 Deputy Director, Autho'riied Representative Issue Date Community Care Licensing Division of Licensing Agency UC 203A 0 /87) PUB UC POST IN A PROMINENT PLACE mm 11111111�ffl • PLEASE PAINT OR TYPE �f�pac�a st rM �MWEIMIN WILLIAM E. CONERLY COUNTY . ,,",°S Submit original end 2 copies. - COUNTY CLERK 2. Filing Fee: Statement Including one registrant, $17.00; each additional name at same location, add $5.00; each additional registrant, add 55.00.. P.O. BOX 751 OCT 16 1001 a Provide self-addressed stamped envelope, if mailed. -RIVERSIDE, CA 92502-0751 4. Must be, legible - make no erasures, whiteouts or other alterations. SEEREVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS "U" 'E.'00NERLY, ,,Q " FICTITIOUS =,BUSINESS NAME ,STA'.I r-11VIMW V THE FOLLOWING PERSONS IS ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: Fictitious Business Name(s) LA QUINTA RESIDENCyf ELDERi� CARE Street Address, City & State of'Principal Place of Business in California Zip Code 53-800 AVE. OBREGON LA QUINTA,CA 92253-3545' �£ Full Name of Registrant (one), Full Name of Registrant (two) FANNY RAMIREZ Residence Address Residence Address 53-800 Ave.Obregon_La Quinta,CA City State Zip City State Zip La Quinta CA 92253-3545 (If corporation, show state of incorporation) (If corporation, show state of incorporation) Full Name of Registrant. (three) Full Name of Registrant (four) Residence Address _ Residence Address City State Zipr City State, ,. „ < < Zip (If corporation, show state of incorporation) - (If corporation, show'state of incorporation) (It More Than 4 Registrants — Attach Additional Sheet Showing Owner Information) `..This business is conducted by: an -individual •.'O :Individuals=Husband Band Wife' ' ::O -66 -General Partnership ❑ a Limited Partnership ❑ a Corporation ; ❑ a Business Trust^ ❑ Co?Partners , O'a Joint Venture., { O anUnincorporated Association"*ther than a Partnership - `' `❑ 'Other (Specify) This registrant commenced to transact business the ficthious'business or listed 40/14[91 ' under name names above on a w If Registrant a corporation sign below. Sign — Corporation Name Typed or Printed \ 7: ''' j.� �'I''.' !•' ...r .:-'L' Signature & Title Type or Print Officer's Name & Title THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEC. 14400 ET. SEQ. B & P CODE) STATEMENT FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY ON DATE INDICATED BY FILE STAMP ABOVE NOTICE - THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY EXPIRES 5 YEARS FROM THE DATE THIS STATEMENT IS OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. RENEWAL OF THIS STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO THE DATE OF WILLIAM E. CONERLY, County Clerk EXPIRATION. BY DEPUTY - 912283 FILE NO. FORM 500 (Rev 7/90) Pay to the C j order o WESTERN BANK M A Feft 39*4p Bw* 40 46.2M TOWNE AVE. 6410, CA MMI For C's -VOL) Atl eL--iA-, (T-fti Weng N 1: 3 2 2 2 ? 00 3 9 1: 59 No. (() .. 199, 7003/3222 $ 3 -z-