PCMIN 01 12 1999 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 12, 1999 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Robbins to excuse Commissioner Kirk. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Assistant Engineer Marcus Fuller,
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of December 8, 1998.
Commissioner Robbins asked that the Minutes be corrected on Page 4, Item 3 by
spelling his name correctly. There being no other correction, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved with Commissioner Butler abstaining.
B. Department Report: None.
_ A. Environmental Assessment 98-365 and Tentative Tract Map 28964: a request of
Oliphant and Williams Associates, Inc. for Certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impact and a request to subdivide 39 acres into 78
single family residential units and common lots located on the north side of Avenue
50, approximately 1,600 feet west of Jefferson Street.
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1. Commissioner Butler excused himself due to a possible conflict of interest
and withdrew from the dias.
2. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in .
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff noted the recommendation of the Historic Preservation
Commission on the tract map were inadvertently omitted from the
Commission's packets and passed them out to the Commissioners.
3. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. As there were no
questions, Chairman Tyler asked where on the tract map the two
archeological sites were located. Staff showed the Commission their location
on the tract map.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Dick Oliphant, the
applicant, stated they have done a substantial amount of work in accordance
with the Planning Commission's direction at the last meeting. He then
introduced Ms. Emily Hemphill, attorney for the client, who addressed the
Commission regarding the Conditions of Approval in regard to the
archaeological requirements. She went on to identify her concerns as they
related to the California Environmental Quality Act. Her first concern was
with the requirement for 100% recovery of all artifacts on the site. There are
important resources and her client intend to recover them, but as the
conditions are written, 100% recovery is required. CEQA has placed limits
on recovery due to costs. Their plan is to recover those artifacts that are on
that portion of the site that is defined as significant. The 100% recovery is
on the entire sitefar beyond what CEQA requires as well as the financial
burden it places on the applicant. The second concern is that all excavation
be done by hand. As there are many recognized techniques available in the
process of recovery that allow the site to be excavated to show the layers as
they lay on the site. Ms. Leslie Irish's technique is an accepted technique that
can show the same results. The requirement that it be done by hand is not
supportable. The third issue is contained in the Historic preservation
Commission's recommendation that the bones found on the site be submitted
to a zooarchaeologist for further testing in order to make determination as to
what the bones are. According to the Health and Safety Code there are
stringent requirements placed on the site until the local Coroner can
determine whether or not they are human or belong to a Native American.
On this site there were very tiny bone fragments found. Work was stopped.
and the Coroner, and a representative from the Cabazon Indian Band did
come to the site. The Coroner was unable to make the determination. If they
submit the sample for testing the samples are so small they would be
destroyed during testing. In order to resolve this, they are willing to declare
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the bones as human and propose those remains be turned over to the Native
American Tribe with jurisdiction over the area and handled as the Tribe
determines. The changes they are suggesting should be a included in the
Conditions of Approval. She then gave the Commission copies of the
Coroner's report, letters from Mr. Benitez from the CabaZon Indian Band,
justifying the jurisdiction, and Appendix K to CEQA which described how
an archaeological site is to be handled.
5. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant had submitted an altemative condition
to those they were challenging. Ms. Hemphill stated it would be best if Ms.
Leslie Irish from L & L Environmental draft those changes.
6. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that the Historic Preservation
Commission is requesting 100% excavation for recovery of the potentially
significant sites only. If this needs to be better clarified, staff can do this. In
regards to the use of the backhoe, it been stated in the conditions, specifically
in that the first paragraPh, that it is acceptable to remove the culturally sterile
overburden. It is also acceptable to trench cross sections of the dunes for
determining the structure and chronology of the site. These items were
addressed in the conditions as recommended by the Historic Preservation
Commission. In regard to the human remains, the latest information received
at this meeting to allow the bones to be treated as human was not presented
to the Commission and they therefore, did not consider this option. Their
recommendation was that the bones be treated similar to the other faunal
remains found on the site and all be packaged together and given to a
zooarchaeologist for identification,
7. Ms. Leslie Irish, principal archaeologist for the project who meets the criteria
of Associate Archaeologist under the State Qualifications, working for L &
L Environmental, stated she has been working in the Valley for six years. As
a professional archaeologist, it is difficult when the City writes a staff report
as confining as this. She would like the Commission to consider putting the
responsibility of the ultimate mitigation and adjustment of the significant site
on the project archaeologist working in the field as they proceed. This would
allow them the ability to increase or decrease the work in the field based on
what is found. There are methods of using machinery in the field that are
more precise and economical for a site of this size. If they are held to the
staff's recommendation, it is economically prohibitive and perhaps excessive.
8. Mr. Oliphant stated that one of the questions raised at the Historic
Preservation Commission meeting was tribal jurisdiction. He then
introduced Mr. Mark Benetiz, second vice chairman of the Cabazon Band of
Indians and observer on archaeological finds for their reservation and
surrounding area of their reservation. Mr. Benetiz stated he has been doing
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this type of work for three years and went on to give the jurisdictions of the
different Indian Bands in the area. It has been his responsibility to be the
contact person for other remains discovered on different sites and he has held
ceremonies for reinternment of the remains.
9. Chairman Tyler stated the issue raised by the Historic Preservation
Commission was who had jurisdiction. Mr. Benetiz stated that for a number
of years the two bands shared an agreement that Washington Street was the
boundary. Everything east of Washington Street was Cabazon Band.
10. Mr. Oliphant stated Ms. Hemphill and Ms. Irish were working on rewriting
of the conditions as they believe would be fair. He introduced Mr. Bob Ross,
engineer for the project who stated they reviewed the conditions and would
like consideration on Condition #23 regarding 50% of the cost of the traffic
signal. This project is located on only one quadrant which should only
require a 25% contribution. Unfommately, the developer on the south sie of
50th Avenue built out before it was determined that a signal would be located
at this location. Rancho La Quinta is now paying 50% and they are being
required to pay the remaining 50%. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the
developer to the south did not contribute to the cost of a signal at the time of
construction of his project as there was no need at the time. The question
now is how to best distribute the cost. If they decrease this project's cost
participation, they would have to find the money from a different source.
11. Ms. Hemphill stated she had revised the conditions and submitted them to the
Commission for their consideration.
12. Mr. Joe Loya, Torres Martinez Indian Band, stated he has served as part of
the archaeological crew for this project and there were a number of issues he
finds to be in conflict in regard to preservation. He did not come to the
meeting to debate whose jurisdiction the site belongs to. He has been doing
a lot of research as to what is fight and wrong. First, in regard to the Historic
Preservation Commission for 100% mitigation, in CEQA there is a process
of digging for 20 centimeters beyond the findings. In regards to the bones
that were found they were determined to be human. In the report submitted
by L & L Environmental, they were classified as being laborers. They are
professional archaeologists and know what they are doing. He has put
together a report which contains findings and he will hold onto until the
completion of this meeting as them were a lot of holes or inconsistencies that
had to be filled by the Historic Preservation Commission. For professionals
in this line of work there should be no holes; it is cut and dry as to what
should be done. This lack of consistency brings questions as to the
professionalism and integrity of those working on the site. Human bones are
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not to be taken lightly. The area that was dug with a backhoe was
approximately five meters to 45 meters in length. They knew it was wrong
to use a backhoe especially when human remains were found and had been
identified as such by the Coroner. Approximately 10 bags of bones were
brought to the surface. He has not read in any report that the Coroner ever
saw these remains. In regard to who has territorial rights, Mr. Benetiz
pointed out that Washington Street was the designation point between the
east and west boundaries as Agua Caliente and Cabazon Band of Indians.
If this is the case, then the Palm Springs Cabazon Band of Indians should also
be represented. There is too much here to be arguing. He read a report
written in 1972, when the Thermal Airport was first built. In that report
Ruby Madesto was the tribal liaison on that project. In that report a lot of
things came to the surface in regard to cremations, old traditions, how the
Augustine Reservation was established, the height of the water table. This
report got him thinking about this site and what they found by this site, where
the cremations were found. In this report it stipulated that cremations were
being done above ground. If this area in discussion was leveled, according
to this report, they would find a large historical cultural influx at one level.
If you take where the cremation was found and where all the bowl and shells
that were layered, as if someone was in there cooking, you would find they
were at the same elevation. In his opinion, he is for progress, but he will not
turn his back on tradition, historical value, on things that have a life to them.
He may not have the level of understanding as L & L Environmental, but he
does know his tradition, his culture, and the background of the Torres
Martinez Tribe as he has been working on this for some time. He has worked
with the Morongo Indian Reservation as well as his own elders to make sure
that he knows his history. This City made a mandate that it would not set
aside the historical value that is found here. His recommendation would be.
that they look into what has been found and utilize all the power the
Commission has to make a just and moral decision. He will be following this
case closely.
13. Chairman Tyler asked if his report would help the Commission to arrive at
a just and moral decision. Mr. Loya stated no it would not.
14. Chairman Tyler then reviewed the suggested changes to the Conditions as
recommended by the applicant. Condition #85: "The archaeological data
recovery plan shall be required to consist of 100% hand excavation for total
recovery of a potentially significant site areas as identified in the Phase II
Report." Suggested changes are" .... 100% hand excavation or mechanical
'excavation to allow precise incremental removals up to 2-5 centimeters at a
time." "The use of the backhoe shall be limited to accepted uses 1) to remove
a culturally Sterile overburden; and 2) to trench the cross section of a dune
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for purposes of determining the geomorphical structures and potential
chronology of the archaeological site." "The data recovery plan shall clearly
state that the excavation will continue until the sterile levels are reached
regardless of depth and it shall be clearly stated that Phase III will consist of
a total recovery program." The suggested changes for this section are:" ..... a
total recovery program of areas with a final designation as significant by the
project archaeologist as a result of the on-going field work." Condition #86
in the second paragraph remove the word "entire" to only require
"archaeological monitoring of the project site shall be required as determined
by the project archeologist based on field results".
15. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any other public participation. There
being none, this portion of the public hearing was closed and opened for
Commission discussion.
16. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio commented on the suggested changes.
In regard to Condition #85 with the addition of mechanical excavation, staff
would like to have this qualified to state "in consultation with the
archaeological research unit at the University of California Riverside". They
are the ones staff consulted with in regards to the mechanical excavation.
Ms. Irish stated UCR has no Phase II or III experience in the Coachella
Valley. Their comments in regard to the backhoe are appropriate, but they
have done no work of this type, so consulting with them is inappropriate.
They would not mind polling a number of peers and presenting this in their
plan for discussion.
17. Planning Manager stated staff would like to qualify the second paragraph
"with final designation as significant by the project archaeologist as the result
of on going field work.", staff would like to add, "subject to approval of the
Community Development Department". In regard to Condition #86, the
second paragraph, the City's procedure for monitoring has always been that
the monitoring will be for the entire site and not based on the project
archaeologist'and field results. This has been a requirement for all projects
in the City. Staff is therefore requesting that the monitoring be remained as
written which is for the entire site.
18. Commissioner Abels stated this subject could be debated for a long time.
There needs to be give and take on both sides so a conclusion can be reached.
He stated he would agrees with the changes as submitted by the applicant on
Condition #85, and with staff's recommendation on Condition #86.
19. Commissioner Robbins asked Mr. Benetiz if the changes would be
acceptable to the Cabazon Indian Band. Mr. Benetiz stated they were
acceptable. Commissioner Robbins stated he agreed with the changes to
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Conditions #85 and #86. In regard to Condition #23, the City had a City fee
based on the TUMP process. He asked staff if there was any relief as a part
of the TUMP fee. Senior Engineer stated signals are paid for out of the
infrastructure fund. They have to be identified and the only ones they
identify are the intersections of arterial streets. This location is a
development driven signal location. The signal will only be installed if and
when it is warranted. Commissioner Robbins asked if Avenue 50 was an
arterial. Staff stated it is not an intersection of two arterials. The applicant
would have the same burden whether or signal is installed or not. The City
still has the same burden for the rest of the City. Therefore, they would have
no relief.
20. Chairman Tyler stated options had been given to the applicant if they wanted
to modify the center median at the other entry to the east to allow for a left
turn in. Staff stated this was tree.
21. Commissioner Abels suggested Condition 23.A. be changed to a 25% share
of signal improvements. Commissioner Robbins stated he concurred.
Chairman Tyler stated this would leave the City with a shortfall.
22. Chairman Tyler questioned Condition #61 and asked that the last sentence
be deleted from the conditions. He then went over the Architectural
Guidelines presented by Oliphant & Williams and noted corrections that
needed to be made. He then stated the Historic Preservation Commission had
spent a lot of time on this project as well as the applicant and City staff. As
an engineer he is concerned about 100% recovery, as you can never reach
23. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
99-001 recommending to the City Council Certification of Environmental
Assessment 98-365, subject to the Findings and Mitigation Monitoring
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES:
None. ABSENT: Commissioners Butler and Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
24. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Robbins to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 99-002 recommending to the City Council
approval of Tentative Tract Map 28964, subject to the Conditions of
Approval as modified:
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a. Condition #85: The Archaeological Data Recovery Plan shall be
required to consist of 100% hand excavation or mechanical
excavation to allow precise incremental removals up to two to five
centimeters subject to documentation from qualified archaeologists
(i.e., peer review) and acceptable to the Community Development
Director or his designee.
The Data Recovery Plan shall clearly state that the excavation will
continue until sterile levels are reached, regardless of depth, and that
it shall be clearly stated that Phase II will consist of a total recovery
program of areas with a final designation as significant by the project
archaeologist as the result of on-going field work subject to approval
by the Community Development Director or his designee.
b. Condition #23.A.: 25% of the cost and design .to construct traffic
signal improvements.
c. Condition #61: delete, "...front yard lawns shall be discouraged".
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES: -
None. ABSENT: Commissioners Butler and Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
Chairman Tyler recessed at 8:1.7 p.m. and reconvened at 8:2 p.m. Commissioner Butler rejoined the
B. Site Development Permit 98-640; a request of Century-Crowell Communities for
approval of architectural and landscaping plans for seven new prototype residential
plans varying from 1,450 to 2,240 square feet to be constructed in Tract 23995-6
through 10 on the west side of Adams Street, north of the extension of Westward Ho
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the .staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Ed Knight, representing Century-Crowell Communities stated they had
reviewed the conditions and had no questions.
3. Commissioner Robbins asked how many units were to be built. Mr. Knight
stated 150. Commissioner Robbins asked how the prototypes would be split.
Mr. Knight estimated 60% would be Del Rey and 40% Marbella.
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4. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There
being none, this portion of the public hearing was closed and opened for
CommisSion discussion.
5. Commissioner Butler stated his only concern was that he was not seeing any
different elevations and he would like to see different elevations. Mr. Knight
stated this product has been very well received and they are hesitant to
change it. The Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee and staff
recommended a different color palette as well as some changes to the exterior
elevations. The roof lines are basically the same. They will remove the clips
on the gable, per staff's recommendation on one of the three elevations.
Commissioner Butler stated he wanted more severe changes on the roof
elevations to distinguish it from the other Century products in the area. Mr.
Knight stated he would look at the possibility of changing the roof lines.
6. Commissioner Robbins agreed with Commissioner Butler. He too wanted
to see a variety in the area without changing the floor plans. Mr. Knight
'stated their desire was to be compatible, therefore, they submitted the plans
that are existing. By changing the color palette they hoped to achieve
7. Commissioner Abels stated he too would like to see something different to
break up the streetscape.
8. Chairman Tyler stated he too concurred. The INCO homes do have a
variation in the roof lines. He would also like to see Condition//8 changed
to require rolled up sectional garage doors. Elevation "C". of the Marbella
series for each floor plan has a partial flat roof and is not compatible with
what is existing and he asked that this be changed. Mr. Knight stated he
would agree with a condition to remove the flat roof and the addition of
another elevation to be approved by staff. Chairman Tyler stated Plan 2 of
the Marbella series offers an option for a one car garage set off to the side; he
finds no compatibility with this option. Mr. Knight stated there are five or
six homes with this feature. Chairman Tyler stated he finds no basis for
compatibility. On the Del Rey Plan #5 they offer several options for adding
bedrooms and he is not clear as to what is the extra bedroom. Mr. Knight
stated that since the City requires a three car garage when a fourth bedroom
is added, they were trying to achieve this requirement and yet offer the home
buyer an option to provide a separate sleeping area for guests. If they opt for
the guest suite the bedroom adjacent to the master suite is changed to a
retreat. Chairman Tyler asked staff if a retreat was to be treated as a
bedroom. Staff stated they were and would require the three car garage.
Chairman Tyler stated his concern was that adequate parking be provided.
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9. Principal Planner Stan Sawa stated that in the previous Marbella unit this
retreat was considered as a non-sleeping room.
10. Commissioner Robbins stated that on the Deane Homes where Century
Homes took over, the Commission had the same discussion. If they denied
it there, they cannot approve it here. Mr. Knight asked if they enlarged the
room to make it a master bedroom would it be allowed. They would remove
any walls between the two rooms to make one large master bedroom.
Commissioner Robbins stated he had no objection to this.
11. Commissioner Robbins asked about Condition//9 regarding side walls, as he
believed this could be monotonous if stuccoed. Block or slump stone
perimeter wall could be attractive. Staff stated this was a recommendation
of the ALRC and the applicant. Mr. Knight stated that on Adams Street they
would continue with the same streetscape, or with the split-face block
perimeter wall. On the interior they would propose masonry block wall with
the exception of anything that faces the street. Wherever the wall is seen
from the street, such as a comer lot, it would be stuccoed with the color that
matches the house.
12. Commissioner Butler stated his concern was that the stuccoed wall would be
ruined over time by the sprinklers. Commissioner Robbins asked that
Condition//9 be deleted.
13. Chairman Tyler stated his concern that streets change names in the middle of
an intersection. His second concern is that if the curb cuts do not match up,
they are to be returned to curb status.
14. Commissioner Robbins asked that a condition be added that where the third
garage is changed into the bedroom, they not leave the extra wide curb cut
but return it to the width of the driveway. Mr. Knight stated they have had
customers who want the third car driveway parking. Cc~mmissioner Robbins
stated they do not want to see a curb cut with lawn.
15. Commissioner Butler asked if staff could address the roof lines. Planning
Manager Christine di Iorio stated a condition could be added to state the
applicant shall introduce character defining features different than Del Rey
and Marbella, however compatibility with INCO, i.e., window shapes and
sizes, roof lines, and roof heights. The other existing Del Rey and Marbella
architectural plans shall be subject to Community Development approval.
16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
99-003 approving Site Development Permit 98-640, subject to the conditions
as modified:
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a. Condition #8: delete one piece sectional garage doors.
b. Condition #9: deleted.
c. Condition #17: Plan #2C of Marbella series shall delete the third car
garage option.
d. Condition #18: Del Rey Plan #5 options for bedrooms, the master
bedroom and adjacent retreat room the wall shall be deleted if the
guest suite option (5G) is used. Curb cuts shall be restored if guest
.... suite deletes the garage space.
e. Condition # 19: applicant shall introduce character defining features
different than Del Rey and .Marbella, however compatibility with
INCO, i.e., window shapes and sizes, roof lines, and roof heights.
The other revised Del Rey and Marbella architectural plans shall be
subject to Community Development approval.
f. Condition #20: Elevation "C", the flat roof shall be is deleted and
revised plans will be approved by Community Development
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
~.. C. Site Development Permit 98-641; a request of Southern Hills, LLC for compatibility
approval of architectural plans for three new prototype residential plans varying from
2,780 to 3,371 square feet to be constructed in Tracts 28776, 29004, and Parcel Map
28805_at PGA West.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report
Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. J. R. Morrow, representing the R. J. Hobbs Company, the builder, stated
they had read the staff report and would like to note a mistake in report, in
that they intend to use concrete roof tile rather than clay. Other than this
change, they have no objections.
3. Commissioner Abels commended the applicant on his presentation.
4. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There
being none, Chairman Tyler closed this portion of the public heating and
opened the hearing to Commission discussion.
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5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
004 approving Site Development Permit 98-641, subject to the Findings and
Conditions of Approval with the change in roof material to concrete.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN None.
D. Environmental Assessment 98-374 and Capital Improvement Project 98-09 for the
Washington Street Bridge Widening; a request of the City for Certification of a
Mitigated Negative Declaration of' Environmental Impact and approval of median'
and parkway landscaping plans.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Assistant Engineer Marcus Fuller presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Robbins asked if the artistic upgrading of the bridge railings was being
funded from the Art in Public Places Fund. Staff stated the portion of the
bridge that is artistic by design would be funded by the Art in Public Places
3. Commissioners Butler and Abels commended staff on their presentatiOn.
4. Chairman Tyler asked ifmost ofthe improvements would be on the west side
of the bridge and if so, what would happen on the east. Staff stated the east
side would have a curb and gutter, but no perimeter landsCaping would be
installed until the land owner developed the site. Chairman Tyler stated the
18-foot median seemed excessive. Staff stated it is in agreement with the
General Plan. Chairman Tyler asked staff to explain the difference between
an "Australian Roundabout" and an "English Roundabout". Senior Engineer
Steve Speer stated the idea was first presented at the ALRC by the nearby
residents. There are similar attributes to the design, but the basic difference
is size. Should the Commission concur with the residents, the
recommendation could be passed on to the City Council.
5. Commissioner Abels asked if there was room at the intersection for a "Round
about". Staff stated there was and cars would be negotiating the round about
at about 18 miles per hour.
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6. Commissioner Robbins asked if the only difference between the two was the
size. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated it was his original understanding the
only difference was the size, but recently he has learned that the Australian
round about has a different approach. The approach flares as you enter to
help the flow of traffic. Commissioner Robbins asked what the diameter was
of the circle. Staff stated it would be 50 to 60 feet.
7. Chairman Tyler stated he had driven down streets with a round about and he
did not see the practicality of having one at this location. Commissioner
Robbins concurred. Commissioner Abels stated he grew accustomed to them
while in France and had no objection.
8. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if anyone
else would like to speak regarding this project. There being no further public
'comment, the public participation portion was closed and open for
Commission discussion and Chairman Tyler commended staff on their
9. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-005
recommending to the City Council Certification of A Mitigated Negative
Declaration for Environmental Assessment 98-3.74.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
10. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 99-006 recommending to the City Council
approval of Capital Improvement Project 98-09, the Washington Street
Bridge Widening, as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES; None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Sign Application 98-441; a request of Starbucks Coffee/Promotional Signs for
approval of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit a corporate sign for
a new business within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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2. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone would like to speak on this application.
There being none, he asked staff if the west facing signs and two logos, the
one on the tower and the one on the window, were the only signs. There
would no signs on the east facing wall. Staff stated that was correct, however
the tower was at a slight angle and would be seen from the street to the east.
3. Commissioner Robbins asked if palm trees were to be planted to break up the
east elevation. Staff stated yes.
4. Mr. Jerry Murdock, Ultraneon Sign, stated he has discussed the 36 inch logo
with the owner and they have no objection.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 99-001 approving
Sign Application 98-441, subject to the conditions as recommended.
Unanimously approved.
B. Sign Application 98-447; a request of Quizno's Subs/Ultraneon Sign Company for
approval of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit a corporate sign for
a new business within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there would be an east facing sign. Staff stated there
would be.
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 99-002 approving Sign
Application 98-447, subject to the conditions as submitted. Unanimously
A. Commissioner Abels moved to recommend that the March 23rd meeting of the
Planning Commission be moved to March 22, 1999, if needed. Commissioner
Robbins seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
B. Chairman Tyler asked if any Commissioner intended to attend the Planning
Commissioner's Forum on Saturday, January 23 in Fontana, or the League of
California Cities Planning Commissioners Orientation Workshop on Friday January
22, 1999 in Escondido. If so, they would need to get their request in early.
C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC 1 - 12-99.wpd 14
Planning Commission Meeting
January 12, 1999
A. Chairman Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of January 5, 1999.
B. Commissioner Robbins asked why the Commission received the "Stand Up for
California. Staff stated all mail that is addressed to the Commission is forwarded to
C. Commissioner Abels asked if there was any further discussion regarding a joint
meeting of the Council and Commission. Staff stated no.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held January 26, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. on January 12, 1999.
C:LMy Documents\WPDOCSLPC 1 - 12-99.wpd 15