PCMIN 01 26 1999 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 26, 1999 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Consulting Planner Nicole Criste, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Staff requested the approval of the Minutes of January 12, 1999, be deleted from the
Agenda. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Buffer to approve the
Agenda as amended.
A. Department Report: Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the
Commission of the ground breaking ceremonies for the Miraflores project will be
held on Janum3r 27, 1999, at 10:30 a.m.
A. Continued - Envirox~mental Assessment 98-369, Tentative Tract Map 28982, Site
Development Permit 98-631, and Tract 24230-Amendment #1; a request of A. G.
Spanos, Inc. for Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact and approval of a 160 unit airspace condominium subdivision project on
10.17 acres and review of the building elevations and development plans, and the
elimination of Conditions #41 of Tract 24230 requiting affordable housing units
within the project for the property located at the southwest comer of Adams Street
and 47th Avenue.
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1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Butler asked if Oleanders on the south property line were to remain. Staff
stated they would remain but were the responsibility of the Lake La Quinta
Homeowners' Association. The landscaping proposed by Spanos is in
addition to the Oleanders.
3. Commissioner Robbins asked staff to identify whether the parking spaces had
been increased or decreased. Staff noted they were reduced from what is
required by City Code, but they were increasing the number of' spaces from
what was previously proposed.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to identify on the site plan which buildings
were proposed to be two story. Staff identified the units.
5. Chairman Tyler asked if the wall on the south boundary was a six foot wall.
Staff stated it was and it would go to Adams Street. Chairman Tyler asked
if the wall on 47th Avenue was block and wrought iron. Staff stated it was a
combination of block with a wrought iron trim Chairman Tyler asked what
the setback was on 47th Avenue. Staff stated 70 feet.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if the changes that were made by the applicant
changed the number of units or costs. Staff stated the trait number is 160
units as originally proposed. The changes that were made were due to the
issues raised by the residents at the last meeting.
7. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Emily Hemphill,
attorney for the A. G. Spanos project, stated there had been some
misconceptions made and she would like to correct them. First, this project
is not low income. It is a market rate project for condominiums of this type
and will be rented at that rate. Second, the Spanos Company was the original
developer of Lake La Quinta and was the first filer of the tract map on this
property. Within the context of that tract map they did reserve to themselves,
their successors, and assigns the fight to drain from this property into Lake
La Quinta. Point being the easement are there. Thirdly, they do not intend
to touch the Oleanders as they belong to the Lake La Quinta Homeowners'
Association. In regard to the request to increase the density, there have made
no such request. It has stayed as it was originally zoned. In addition, the
density of this site was revealed in the CC&R's and explained to each
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property owner of Lake La Quinta when they purchased their homes. Lastly,
there should be no concern to the Lake La Quinta homeowners that the
residents of this project will be able to utilize the amenities of Lake La
Quinta. They will have no access, fight, or ability to do so. In terms of
changes to the site plan, the original project had two story units at the
southwest comer of the project abutted Lake La Quinta. These units are now
one story. They modified the setbacks all along the property line to move
them back. The building along the southern boundary have been moved the
shortest distance of 56 feet and some buildings have been moved up to 82
feet. The building set back along the southern border ranges from a
minimum of 75 feet to as much as 94 feet. The pad height for the buildings
on the southern border have been reduced as far as the engineering would
allow for the site. On the boundary between the project and Dulce Del Mar
property owners, the Oleander hedge will stay. They are suggesting to build
a five foot masonry wall on top of a three foot berm. This raises the wall so
that the top of the wall will be eight feet above Dulce Del Mar's curb line.
This plus the Oleanders hedge, the landscaping on the median on the south
side of the property, and the setbacks of the buildings creates a significant ly
better arrangement for the property owners in Lake La Quinta with regard to
privacy and related issues. Carports on the western border are all now
garages. The carports on the southerly portion are now setback 20 feet and
are buffered by the hedge and wall. In regard to the condition requiring a
wall around the carports, they feel this will be less attractive. In regards to
the drainage issue, they have added three dry wells to the site that will take
care of the normal drain off of this site. The only time water will drain into
Lake La Quinta is if there is a large storm that completely fills up the dry
wells. They have changed the name by eliminating "at Lake La Quinta".
This is a condominium map and is appropriately advertised as such. In
regard to density, again, they are within the fight of zone as the 160 units
were included in the original CC&R's for Lake La Quinta. Therefore, when
the Lake La Quinta lots were originally priced, they were priced with the
knowledge that this project was going to be there. To say they will have a
loss in value due to this project is not supported by any type of evidence. It
is merely speculation and probably not founded given the fact that this
disclosure was always a pan of Lake La Quinta. In reference to maintenance,
the drainage easement along the western side of the property, they would like
to request that this condition be implemented to a maintenance agreement
between the City and Spanos Company. Spanos already has such an
agreement with the City and it is Spanos Company that maintains the
landscape strip along Washington Street that fronts Lake La Quinta. In
summation, property fights belong to all property owners. They have tried
to do their due diligence to meet the concerns of the residents of Lake La
Quinta and have believe this is a project that will be an asset to the City of La
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8. Commissioner Butler asked the applicant to explain a dry well. Ms.
Hemphill stated she would explain it as it was explained to her. The water
goes into the dry well and percolates as much as possible. In extreme
conditions, the dry well has a reservoir that will fill up. Once the reservoirs
are filled they will then drain into the lake La Quinta basin. In addition, there
is a filtering system to keep any harmful objects from entering the lake.
9. Commissioner Kirk asked the applicant what efforts had been made to
resolve issues with the Lake La Quinta homeowners. Ms. Hemphill stated
they did met with the attorneys for the homeowners and reviewed the changes
with them. Mr. Lucas of the Spanos Company met with the Homeowners'
Association and explained the changes to them. It is her understanding the
homeowners are still not happy. Commissioner Kirk asked the applicant to
describe the condition regarding the low income housing that was deleted.
Ms. Hemphill stated the original project requires a certain number of units be
set aside for low income. As they did not intend for this to be a low income
project, they requested this condition be removed as the units would be
rented at market value.
10. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Tyler asked if -
anyone else would like to address the Commission on this project. Mr. Jay
Roberts, 47-790 Via Jardin, stated he was the President of the Lake La Quinta
Homeowners' Association and his remarks represented those of the
homeowners. After meeting with the developer they still have concerns
about the project as they still propose to construct 160 units, as well as
allowing the overflow from the drainage to go into their lake. There is some
legal disagreement as to whether or not the easements allowing this drainage
to exist. It is their understanding that the zoning was made ten years ago. It
is doubted this site would have that zoning if done today. The developer
should have the fight to develop his property if they observe all the other
requirements. Their proposal to relocate the buildings is a welcome attempt,
but falls short of reducing the density. Common sense states that these
apartments next to the Lake La Quinta homes will have an affect on the value
of their homes. They urge the Commission to reject this project.
11. Mr. Morris Richter, 47-320 Via Koron, stated he understood the tough job
before the Commission. He has lived at Lake La Quinta since 1994. The
zoning for this site happened before Lake La Quinta was built out and should
be changed to reflect what is there now.
12. Mr. Tom Oglesby, 78-855 Dulce Del Mar, stated he lives directly across the
street from the proposed one story building. He appreciates the changes
proposed, but the developer has not listened to their request for reduced
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density. The second story should be eliminated from all buildings. The
Commission should not approve the tract map if this is to be an apartment
project. Code violations are more likely to occur in a rental project. The
Commission should investigate to see what benefits Spanos is receiving by
removing the low income units. The developer should be notified that if the
density is not lowered, the project will be denied. They purchased their home
with the knowledge that this was a high density condominium project, not an
apartment project.
13. Ms. Geri Gouthier, 47-030 Via Lorca, stated her home backed up to 47th
Avenue which now views Eagle Hardware and McDonalds. With this project
the traffic will increase even more and their bedroom is just 27 feet from the
street. If this plan is allowed to proceed, the empty lots in Lake La Quinta
will never be built out.
14. Mr. Ben Rosker, 47-675 Via Montessa, stated they were notified that high
density units would be constructed on this site through the CC&R's. Spanos,
however, told them this tract was going to be built with condominiums. Lake
La Quinta does not want rental properties next door. Spanos gave them the
assurance that this would be condominiums as stated in the CC&R's by
reference to the Civil Code section for condominiums. Apartments are not
15. Dr. James Calvin, 47-515 Via Florence, stated apartments are inappropriate
in this area. Renters are not as responsible as a vested owner. Two story
units would be out of place and would be an eyesore that would downgrade
their property. The proposed 160 units on this limited acreage is too many;
109 units would be better. The owners should be required to redesign the
project and bring it into conformity with what is existing.
16. Mr. James McCarthy, 78-790 Via Avante, stated his home was 75 yards from
the west wall of the project site and he had researched this project as to how
it was originally approved in 1989. At no time during the processing of this
site, was there ever any mention of what was to be built on this site. Council
approved the tract consistent with the zoning designations at that time as they
did not know what the owners were going to build. Now there is nothing but
single family residences in the whole community and this project is now
incompatible with the Lake La Quinta project.
17. Mr. Jay Badden, 47-415 Via Cordova, passed out a plan that he had drawn
that showed how the units would appear ifjammed into the Lake La Quinta
site and went on to explain how this project would not fit in this area that was
zoned for families.
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18. Mr. Dorrie Forstmann, 47-415 Via Florence, stated her concem was that she
would be looking at lights and hearing car alarms that will create a lot of
noise and would depreciate her property values. The site needs to be rezoned.
19. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any other public participation. There
being none, this portion of the public heating was closed and opened for
Commission discussion.
20. Commissioner Abels stated the fact is that the developer did meet all the
concerns raised at the last meeting and now additional concerns are being
21. Commissioner Kirk stated the issues are density, height, and use (apartments
rather than condominiums). The developer has done an excellent job
designing the project and trying to address the concerns of the residents of
Lake La Quinta. The CC&R's did note the existence of the zoning that
would allow this project. He would have envisioned condominiums being
condominiums and not apartments. He asked City Counsel if the
Commission could do anything in regard to the use of the property. City
Attomey Dawn Honeywell stated that under the City's designation, both uses
are allowed. Whether or not there was a misrepresentation is between the
developer and homeowners. Commissioner Kirk stated the developer has
reacted to many of the concerns raised at the last meeting. The density and
height issues have been addressed by the developer by placing them in the
middle of the project. With this change 15 of the buildings are placed very
close to each other with a moat-like affect. We now have a project that is not
as pleasant to live in. He then asked if the Commission had any authority to
even reduce the density. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated development
standards do not allow the Commission to make this change as long as the
developer is within what is allowed. This would require an amendment to the
zoning. Commissioner Kirk stated he is generally in favor of the project, but
not sure the changes are for the best of the community.
22. Commissioner Butler stated his concern was that the floor plans were
designed as condominiums and could become condominiums at any time in
the future. The developer has addressed most of the concerns raised and the
Commission does not have the right to change the zoning for a project that
has been designed to fit this zoning.
23. Commissioner Robbins stated he was not in favor of this type of density
anywhere in the City. The only issue the Commission had not asked was
whether or not the project could be denied on compatibility concerns. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated compatibility is not listed in the findings
as a reason to approve or deny a tract map or Site Development Permit. It is
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not a conditional use permit where the Commission would look at the
surrounding uses while evaluating the project. Commissioner Robbins stated
he did not feel this project was compatible, but agrees with the other
Commissioners that their hands are tied and it should be referred to the City
Council who may have more discretion to make changes.
24. Commissioner Abels stated that since the Commissioner's hands were tied
in regard to what they are allowed to change, he too would agree with the
other Commissioners. The issue of zoning should of been addressed a long
time ago by the Lake La Quinta homeowners who could of requested a zone
change during any of the General Plan Update meetings to prevent this.
25. Chairman Tyler stated the CC&R's are an agreement between the
Homeowners' Association and developer. The City is not involved in the
interpretation or enforcement. Renting versus ownership could be an issue
even with your neighbor in Lake La Quinta. As to the zoning requirements,
they are the same for either apartment or condominium units. The applicant
has gone overboard to solve the issues raised at the last meeting by the Lake
La Quinta residents. He would recommend that for security reasons the
height of the wall on 47th Avenue should be increased from five feet to six
26. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
007 recommending to the City Council Certification of Environmental
Assessment 98-369, subject to the Findings and Mitigation Monitoring
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 99-008 recommending to the City Council approval
of Tentative Tract Map 28982, subject to the Conditions of Approval as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 99-009 recommending to the City Council approval
of Site Development Permit 98-631, subject to the Conditions of Approval
as modified:
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a. Condition 42: A six foot high wall, or five foot high wall on a three
foot berm shall be constructed along Dulce Del Mar to the north of
the existing Oleander hedge to the satisfaction of the Community
Development Department. The height of the six foot high wall is to
be measured from the top of curb height on the project's perimeter
street. The wall shall be constructed to match the existing Lake La
Quinta perimeter wall.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
29. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 99-010 recommending to the City Council approval
of Tentative Tract Map 24230, Amendment #1, subject to the Conditions of
Approval as recommended by staff.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at 8:43 p.m.
B. Site Development Permit 98-635; a request of The Woodard Group for approval of
building elevations, site, landscaping and lighting plans for a 24,000 square foot
medical office building located at 43-576 Washington Street.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Abels asked if this was the same project approved in 1996. Staff stated it was
the same project however, the applicants did not apply for an extension and
the project had to be resubmitted.
3. Commissioner Kirk stated the parking standards needed to be readdressed as
the 136 spaces did not make sense. He would like the applicant to explain
the landscape plan in regard to drought tolerant plant uses.
4. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Steward Woodard, representing the applicant Mr. Gondi, explained why
the applicant had missed his extension date and as such the new application
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required additional parking spaces. The applicant is trying to design a use
that has the feel of a home environment instead of a medical clinic. They did
reduce the number ofberms and sloped the building to get away from the two
story structure feeling.
5. Commissioner Abels stated that if the building turns out as it has been
designed, it would be a great asset to the gateway to the City.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if the addition of the 13 parking stalls caused any
compromise to the building. Mr. Woodard stated the project is more
expensive due to the parking requirement. It would be nice to reduce the
parking, but it is the fight amount of parking for this use. Commissioner Kirk
asked about the drought tolerant plants and if the pond would have a lot of
evaporation. Commissioner Robbins stated it would have no more than golf
courses and is more pleasing to the eye.
7. Commissioner Robbins complimented the applicant on his design of the
8. Chairman Tyler asked if the building design changed any from the previous
submittal. Mr. Woodard stated only where the additional parking had been
required in the rear.
9. Chairman Tyler expressed concerns about meeting the General Plan
Circulation Element requirements for Major Arterials and Washington Street
is a Major Arterial. That section of Washington Street that is in front of the
proposed project is currently one of the most heavily traveled streets in La
Quinta. The situation will become worse when the Southwest Community
Church campus at Washington Street and Fred Waxing Drive and the new
tennis venue at the comer of Miles Avenue and Washington Street are
completed. Plans for improving Washington Street to six lanes from Fred
Waring Drive north to Country Club Drive by the end of 1999, will
exacerbate the situation. Table CIR-2 of the General Plan requires that
property adjacent to a Major Arterial shall have "full access by a signalized
intersection only; avoid fight in/right out driveways where possible." Since
there is no intersection adjacent to this project, that type of access is not
possible. Chairman Tyler stated he had concerns about approving two fight
in/right out driveways, when the General Plan requires that this type of access
be avoided where possible.
10. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There
being none, this portion of the public hearing was closed and opened for
Commission discussion.
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11. Chairman Tyler asked if staff had any concern about the elimination of one
of the driveways. Principal Planner Fred Baker stated the General Plan
requires a driveway where possible, but it is not mandated. Senior Engineer
Steve Speer stated that when large tracts of land are located on an Arterial
street, they want as few driveways as possible. This site is very constrained
and they are requesting two driveways and to reduce them to one may require
a reconfiguration of the site or an elimination of the pond. The second
driveway is not a safety problem.
12. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant intended to have an ingress and egress
on both driveways. Mr. Woodard stated they want egress and ingress at both
driveways. To require a single driveway would require a very restrictive
turning radius and stacking dimension. It could require an elimination of 10
to 15% of the site. Chairman Tyler stated his concern was with the amount
of traffic at this location. Mr. Woodard stated he would agree if there were
no median. Chairman Tyler asked if the width would accommodate a two car
stacking. Staff stated yes. Chairman Tyler asked that Condition #27 be
reworded to right-in right out only.
13. Commissioner Abels asked that the tree size should be noted in caliber size. -
In addition, the map legend specifies radiology and it was not noted in the
staff report and asked if the facility would have radiology. The applicant
stated it would.
14. Commissioner Robbins stated this project will require new water services and
he would hate to see the street dug up for the utility connections after the
streets were completed. Senior Engineer Steve Speer asked if the
Commission was requiring the applicant to install the underground utility
lines before grading the site. This street widening project will be funded by
government funds and would be completed within a year. The City can ask
the developer to do this, but he is unaware if this meets the applicants time
line for development. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated it could not be required.
15. Commissioner Kirk asked what sort of decision making goes into
determining which conditions are included and which are referred to by
reference in the Zoning Code. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it
is usually determined by the ones that need to be called out to the applicant.
16. Chairman Tyler asked that Condition # 10 be clarified to state the applicant
is only required to do A and B for that portion that fronts his project.
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17. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
011 approving Site Development Permit 98-635, subject to the conditions as
a. Condition # 10: specify within the applicant's property.
b. Condition #27 take out "or as approved by City Engineer".
c. Condition added that the tree size shall be as specified in Section
9.150.L.6. to show the caliper size.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Environmental Assessment 98-371 and Tentative Tract 25691; a request of World
Development for recommendation to the City Council for Certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration and approval of a ten acre subdivision in to.38 single family
_ 1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
~ Department. Staff noted the change for clarification to Condition #41 of the
tract map.
2. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated DSUSD was proposing to building a
school on the south side of Miles Avenue and their proposed fire access lane
lines up with the access point of this tract. Staff is proposing to use three
taming movements at this site. They are agreeable to the left turn in as long
as it agrees with the fire access across the street. In addition, it will require
the City of Indio to agree.
3. Commissioner Robbins asked if the school had been approved. Staff stated
the school site has been determined, but regardless the City controls half of
the median and it will require the cooperation of both cities to allow the left
mm lane.
4. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Mike Smith, Warner Engineering representing the applicant, stated they
had no problem with the mm radius. They did have a question on Condition
-- #14. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the Historic Preservation
Commission requires all sites to have a monitor when excavation goes below
the existing grade. Nicole Criste, consultant planner, stated the City's
General Plan indicated this was an area of high significance and the report
identifies it as being fully mitigated.
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5. Mr. Mike Smith questioned Condition #53 and ask for a 2:1 slope. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated there are a number of locations where the City
did allow the 2:1 slope; however, the City is trying to move away from this.
The idea is to create a wall that would serve as a sound mitigation. Mr.
Smith asked if Condition #65 was in regard to the Fringe-Toed Lizard fee.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated it was.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarify whether the monitoring was only for
the checklist; there was no condition imposed on the tract. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated a condition should be added to require monitoring for
the trenching.
7. Ms. Delores Lukina, 79-665 Star Flower Trail, stated her home backs up to
this project and she had submitted a letter to the City in 1996 regarding this
project, and one of the provisions at that time was that the developer would
honor building height limitations. Chairman Tyler stated the height was
governed by the Zoning Code. Her concern was that two story units could be
constructed on lots not directly adjacent to the Cactus Flower tract. They are
respectfully requesting that all units be required to be one story. Mr. Smith
stated no two story homes would be built.
8. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There
being none, Chairman Tyler closed this portion of the public hearing and
opened the hearing to Commission discussion.
9. Commissioner Butler asked if staff would make a presentation on what the
City's stance was on what is required of a developer in regard to
archaeological issues. Staff stated briefly that every developer is required to
provide the City with a report stating whether significant sites are found in
conformance with CEQA. The only change is that it is now required prior to
certification of the EA and not at the time of grading. Commissioner Butler
asked if there were any financial limitations. Staff stated that when there is
a potentially significant site, findings can be made if an EIR is done to
mitigate the concerns.
10. Commissioner Robbins stated he had a concern about the way the streets in
the tracts are connected together as they can create collector streets with high
traffic. He would prefer to see a map of the entire area to see the overall
affect of the streets.
11. Commissioner Kirk asked if the subdivision could be conditioned to allow
only one story. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City does not have
the right to place such a condition on the tract. If the developer has no
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objection, it could then be written into the conditions. Mr. Smith stated he
would be happy with a 22-foot height restriction. In addition, he agreed the
projects should not be forced to piece-meal their roads together.
12. Chairman Tyler thanked Mr. Smith for being acceptable to allowing only one
story units to be constructed. He does have serious concerns with the lots
only meeting the required minimum width. When he visualizes the tract he
sees nothing but garage doors. The developer stated they are trying to utilize
side-loaded garages.
13. Chairman Tyler asked if evel3rthing is going to be fill, and if so, why are the
pad elevations along the north boundary so much higher than the rest. Mr.
Smith stated they have to meet the CVWD requirements to connect to the
existing sewers. Chairman Tyler asked if Street Lot "B" will carry the same
name as the street to the north. Mr. Smith stated it would. Chairman Tyler
questioned the use of different slope examples and asked staff if there was
any latitude. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the wall would only be a
couple feet high if a 2:1 slope was used. Chairman Tyler asked that the
design of the setback and retaining wall be approved by staff.
14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
99-012 recommending to the City Council Certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental
Assessment 98-369.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN None.
15. Commissioner Robbins asked if it would cause any problems to make Lot C
a cul-de-sac. Senior Engineer stated circulation is based on the street
circulation pattern. The City is trying to get the homeowners to a street
where they can make a full mm, and for this tract it is to the east. It is
difficult to make the streets match up especially on a small tract of this
16. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Robbins/Kirk to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 99-013, recommending to the City Council
approval of Tentative Tract 25691, subject to the Conditions of Approval as
a. Condition 16.d.: Street Lot "B" shall be named Verbena Drive.
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January 26, 1999
b. Condition #53: Slopes generally shall not exceed 5:1 within public
rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way as
approved by the City Engineer.
b. Condition #67: All houses shall be one story and not exceed 22 feet
in height.
c. Condition #68: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant
shall provide a map of the nonfill areas, specifically those area that
require trenching below the existing grade. These areas shall be
monitored by a qualified archaeologist during grading.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN None.
A. Master Design Guidelines 99-002; a request of the Pacific Trades, Mr. David Miller
for approval of master design guidelines for construction of single family residences
throughout the Cove.
1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. There being none,
Chairman Tyler asked if a four bedroom unit is allowed without the third
garage. Staff stated if the lot is over 6,000 square feet they will be required
to have a third garage.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if anyone
else would like to speak regarding this project.
4. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion was
closed and open for Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if the trees noted on the plans were appropriate
for City standards. Staff stated they were.
6. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Rc~olution 99-003 approving
Master Design Gmdehnes 99-002, as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC1-26-99.wpd 14
Planning Commission Meeting
January 26, 1999
A. Chairman Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of January 19, 1999.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held February 9, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. on January 26, 1999.
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