PCMIN 03 09 1999 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA March 9, 1999 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Tyler who led the flag salute. B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to excuse Commissioner Kirk. Unanimously approved. C. Staff'present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di I°rio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS: A. Chairman Tyler presented Wayne Gardner with a Resolution of Appreciation. It was moved and seconded Abels/Butler by Commissioners to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-021 recognizing Mr. Gardner for his work on the Planning Commission. B. Chairman Tyler announced that a Resolution of Appreciation was also being adopted for Mr. Steward Woodard even though he was unable to attend the meeting. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission ResolutiOn 99-022 recognizing Mr. Woodard for his work on the Planning Commission. V. CONSENT ITEMS: -- A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of February 23, 1999. Commissioner Robbins asked that the Minutes be corrected on Page 2, Item 7 to change the word "develop" to "developed". Chairman Tyler asked that Page 2, Item 5 be corrected to state," .... south of Highway 111 is not in the same category." C:LMy Documents\WPDOCSXPC3-9-99.wpd 1 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 " There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Robbins to adopt the Minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Butler abstaining. B. Department Report: None. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 99-646: a request of a request of Centex Homes requesting approval of four new prototype residential units located along Columbine and Meadowbrook, west of Madison Street, southeast of PGA West Boulevard. 1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Forrest Haag, representing the -- applicant stated he was in attendance to answer any questions the Commission may have. 3. Commissioner Butler complimented the applicant on his presentation as it was one of the best presentations he had seen. 4. Commissioner Abels asked if the material used for the garage doors was fiberglass. Mr. Haag stated it is a fiberglass sandwich that can resist heat, bending, and the thermal elements of the desert. 5. Chairman Tyler asked if they were using a roll up or tilt door for the garages. Mr. Haag stated it was his understanding it would be the single panel roll up door. 6. Commissioner Butler asked about the entry gates as mentioned by the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee. Mr. Haag stated the question was whether there was a connection between this tract's product that is being reviewed and the entry gate. The fact is they are separate issues. KSL is intending to install three gates; two on Madison Street (one east on Madison Street and one heading west which would be on Weiskopf), and the gate that addresses the Centrex tract is at the terminus of PGA Boulevard at the Resort Clubhouse. This will be a residential gate just beyond the Nicklaus Gate. It is not part of this application. CSMy Documents\WPDOCSXPC3-9-99.wpd 2 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 7. Chairman Tyler asked if Meadowbrook does or does not join Madison Street. Mr. Haag stated Meadowbrook does not. There is a small tab of Winged Foot that extends down and hits Weiskopf and that is the point where the southern gate on the western side of Madison Street occurs. 8. There being no further discussion with the applicant, Chairman Tyler asked if there was any other public comment. There being none, the public participation portion of the public heating was closed and open for Commission discussion. 9. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-023 approving Site Development Permit 99-646, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins,. and Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN' None. _ B. Site Development Permit 99-647; a request of Cenmry-Crowell Communities for approval of architectural and landscaping plans for four new prototype residential condominium plans located in Tract 21846-3 and Tract 24317-1 in PGA West. 1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff rePort, a copy of which is on file in the Commtmity Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Kent Armstrong, representing Century-Crowell Communities, stated that due to discussions with the Homeowners' Association (HOA) they were adding two pools to the existing pool for a'total of three. In addition, they are in the process of purchasing the center peninsula on Riviera at Canterbury for the purpose of constructing the third pool. 3. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that what is before the Commission is architectural review of the residential prototypes for compatibility. The swimming pools are not an issue before the Commission. It is an issue between the developei' and HOA. 4. Chairman Tyler asked why the house at the northem-most comer was turned the other way. Mr. Armstrong explained it was to accommodate a house on an irregular lot. Chairman Tyler asked if the access gate was going to stay. Mr. Armstrong stated no, they do not know what will be happen at this location, but they intend to landscape that portion of the land they own. C:\My Documents\WPDOCSLPC3-9-99.wpd 3 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 5. Chairman Tyler asked staffifthis tract should have the same condition placed on them that was placed on the MSG tract regarding improving the condition of the temporary wall as it is the same wall. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated they are all paying their portion of the infrastructure which the wall is a part of. This is an old condominium map, therefore, the payments for this portion are a condition of the condominium map. 6. Ms. Maggie Headrick, 54-655 Riviera, stated she was concerned about the density of the properties both on Riviera and Tanglewood. She understood there would be 54 freestanding homes on Tanglewood and now they are hearing there will be 73 units with a minimum size of 2,000 square feet. She also understood there were to be 19 freestanding homes on Riviera and now she hears there will be 20. This is too many. It will cause overcrowding and not enough open space which are both issues. The homes across the street are larger. She did not understand why they are not discussing these issues at this meeting. How can they be freestanding units and condo lots and not have minimum frontage. It will lead to high density. Her concem is about density and aesthetics along Tanglewood and Riviera and the effect this will have on their property values. 7. Ms. Carolyn Hunt, 54-527 Riviera, stated they have been residents since 1990. At the time they bought their homes, the information told to them was that the site known as Canterbury Island was to be a pool site. She realizes the pools are not an issue, but it was their understanding that this area was a part of the land purchase by KSL and they expect a pool at that location. Currently, they have to go 22 units to use a pool and this is not acceptable. 8. Mr. Michael Walker, General Manager' for PGA West Residential Association, stated Mr. Armstrong has not, as of yet, provided the HOA and the Architectural Committee with a detailed set of plans for the appropriate review as to whether or not they comply with the governing documents or the architectural compatibility of the Association. Second, he has not provided a detailed landscaping design plan for the areas adjacent to the golf course. Third, he has not provided a detailed plan showing the exact location of swimming pools and spas and specific details as to whether the pools will be of equal to, or larger than the existing pools and spas throughout other locations at PGA West. Fourth, he has not obtained approval from HOA or Architectural Committee regarding the design and appearance of the chimney caps as requested by the ALRC. Mr. Armstrong has attended the last two meetings of the Board of the HOA and presented the same information as presented at this meeting, but they have not determined whether or not it will be approved by their Architectural Board. C:WIy Documents\WPDOCSLPC3-9-99.wpd 4 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 9. Mr. Dick Lutz, 54424 Tanglewood, stated the pictures that were distributed to them is different from those they received so he is confused as to what is being approved at this meeting. Staff stated they are approving the architectural elevations only. Mr. Lutz stated that since Canterbury Island is not under the ownership of the developer, it is not appropriate to show a pool when it is not known whether or not there will be a pool at this location. The developer should revise his submittal. Even though the Commission is only approving the architectural elevations, the pool issue needs to be addressed because the number of units placed on this land will be directly affected by the number of pools that will be installed. 10. Mr. Jay Kune, 55-435 Tanglewood, stated he has watched the quality of growth of this City since 1991. The additions that have occurred and are proposed shows a market feeling for an upgrading of what is now a "tickie- tackie" in many of the areas where he lives. He strongly opposes this kind of development that Mr. Armstrong is suggesting in which he places no architectural design; just a row of structures to desecrate what could be a wonderful piece of property. He requested the Commission require some type of architectural challenge, similar to those being proposed by Centex. 11. There being no further public comment, the public comment portion was closed and open to the Commission for discussion. 12. Chairman Tyler explained the Commission is representing the City and often in gated communities there are issues between the developers and the homeowners which are over and above what the City considers. We have heard the pools fall into that category. He can understand the residents concerns, but these issues are to be addressed between the HOA and developers. As to Canterbury Island, again, this is not an issue before the Commission. 13. Commissioner Robbins asked if density was an issue under a compatibility review. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it was not when you have an approved tract map. The unit count has been approved. Commissioner Robbins asked if this unit count was what was approved by the prior developer. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the unit count is approved under the Specific Plan for the whole development. PGA West is allowed 5,000 units and they have not developed that many units. Mr. Kent Armstrong stated this site was originally approved for condominium units that were four to six-plexes which is many more units than what they are proposing. C:WIy Documents\WPDOCSXPC3-9-99.wpd 5 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 14. Commissioner Robbins stated that the plans submitted for their approval are lacking in their ability to allow the Commission to make any decision on what is submitted. He asked staff if there were an guidelines for what is to be submitted for review.' Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the Commission requested reduced copies be submitted instead of the larger plans. 15. Commissioner Butler stated he concurred with Commission Robbins in regard to the plans that had been submitted for review, but asked staff if the Architectural Review Committee for PGA West have any serious input into modify the elevations to make them more compatible with their community without the Commission being involved in those choices. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that what is approved by the Commission is what the building permits wi'll be issued on. Commissioner Butler asked if they were still subject to the HOA review. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City does not have any way of knowing what their internal requirements are; they may or may not have more stringent, or not so stringent requirements. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City does not enforce the HOA or Architectural Committee requirements. Commissioner Butler stated that this is an approved project within an approved community and from the standpoint the Commission has any latitude if the developer believes the plans are adequate for what they were originally approved for, then the Commission is limited to what they can require. Staff pointed out that should the Commission approve these designs and the developer be required to change those approved drawings based on the HOA and/or their Architectural Committee, then the developer will have to return to the Planning Commission for approval of those changes. Normally, the developer has already obtained HOA approval prior to submittal to the Planning Commission, but that is not the case in this instance. 16. Chairman Tyler asked if this project was a compatibility review. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it was a review to see that it is compatible with other prototypes at PGA West, 17. Commissioner Abels stated that if there is a concern between the HOA and the developer, maybe the Commission should continue this request to allow the developer time to work out the differences with the HOA. 18. Chairman Tyler stated he had visited the site and the proposed homes on Canterbury that face the existing homes on Riviera, are a stretch of the imagination to say that what is proposed will be compatible with what is existing. Tanglewood is less of an issue because those units are the clustered multi-family units. He would like the developer to follow the routine that has been followed in the past to have the developer obtain HOA approval before C:\My Documents\WPDOCSXPC3-9-99.wpd 6 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 submitting to the Commission. 19. Mr. Armstrong stated the purpose of this review was to'give him direction on his working drawings and detailed plans. He has met with the Association and the Board of Directors during those meetings indicated to him that he was on the right track. The units from a preliminary point of view are fine. Where does he proceed from here. Should he prepare working drawings so he can be denied. Chairman Tyler stated the issue is not whether or not he should prepare working drawings. The issue is whether or not the elevations shown are compatible with the existing units that will be right across the street. 20. Commissioner Butler stated the question is whether the elevations and what is being presented as the facade for this development is what the HOA are concerned about. The square footage is within their range and not a question. 21. Commissioner Abels stated that the Commission woUld like to know is that the HOA and developer are in agreement with the plans. The Commission can approve the plans as submitted, but they would like to continue the project to allow the additional time to allow the developer time to resolve the elevation drawings with the HOA. 22. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to continue Site Development Permit 99-647 to April 13, 1999. Unanimously approved. VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Chairman Tyler informed the Commission of the invitation to attend the Second Annual Community Picnic on Saturday. May 15, 1999, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Chairman Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of March 2, 1999. B. Chairman Tyler reminded the Commissioners to get their Statement of Economic Interest returned to the City. C. Chairman Tyler reminded the Commissioners to have their travel arrangements completed for the League of California Cities Planner's Institute. C :~My Documents\WPDOCS~PC3-9-99.wpd 7 Planning Commission Minutes March 9, 1999 D. Staff distributed copies of the Revised Zoning Code to each of the Commissioners. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held April 13, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. on March 9, 1999. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Secretary City o~I~a Quinta, Califomia C:\My Documents\WPDOCSLPC3-9-99.wpd 8