PCMIN 04 27 1999 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
April 27, 1999 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute.
B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk,
Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
C. Staff present: City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio,
Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary
Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of April 13, 1999.
There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner
Robbins/Abels to adopt the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None.
A. Environmental Assessment 98-375. Specific Plan 98-034. and Parcel Map 29052: a
request of Lundin Development for approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impact for development principles and design guidelines of a 111,000
square foot shopping center and subdivision of 12.5 acres into seven parcels and one
remainder parcel located on the northwest comer of Jefferson Street and 50th Avenue.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development. Staff
noted the Public Works Department requested a modification to the
condition: "In the event any of the above improvements are constructed by
te City prior to the applicant recording a final map pursuant to the phasing
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concept approved for this Specific Plan, the applicant shall reimburse the
City, at the time the final map is approved by the City Council, for the cost
of that portion of the improvements constructed by the City that are required
by these Conditions of Approval.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Abels asked staff why a supermarket was classified as a "big box". Staff
stated due to its size.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked staff how it was determined landscaping in the
parking lot was needed by eliminating 5% of the parking spaces. Staff stated
it was an arbitrary number to gain additional landscaping. Commissioner
Kirk asked what other projects had provided additional parking over that
required. Staff stated Home Depot was one example.
4. Commissioner Butler asked why staff was requesting to continue this item.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the project consisted of a commercial
and residential part. The Commercial portion was being presented to the
Commission first to allow them the opportunity to ask questions of staff
before the residential portion is presented at the next meeting and
recommended for Certification of the Mitigated Negative Declaration as a
complete package.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant could be required to supply
more and larger trees instead of additional landscaping areas. Staff stated this
was possible.
6. Chairman Tyler asked staffhow this project compared to the Lucky's Center
on Washington Street in relation to floor space. Staff stated their other
project was approved by Riverside County with the same parking
requirements as the City had previously had; that being one parking space for
every 400 feet for the market and the other retail should is one parking space
for every 300 square feet. Office uses were one per 250 square feet and
restaurants were one per 50 square feet.
7. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Mike Smith, Warner
Engineering representing the applicant, gave a description of the project. In
regard to the parking, the applicant believes the extra parking is needed and
does not agree with staffs request for additional landscaping. The applicant
would like to discuss the sign program at the next hearing. He then went on
to question Specific Plan Condition//24 under drainage as he would prefer
a landscaped retention basin. Parcel Map Condition//33 they would like to
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request the centerline to be their property only. Condition #36 they would
like to make sure they are not in a "no win" situation as the adjoining
property will be required to retain their own drainage.
8. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Abels clarified that the applicant wanted to keep the 530
parking spaces. Mr. Smith stated yes, and according to their calculations they
have provided double the landscaping that is required.
9. Chairman Tyler asked the size of the parking spaces. Mr. Smith stated the
parking lot in Palm Desert has stalls that are smaller than what is required by
the City. Chairman Tyler questioned Parcel Map Condition #36 as the
adjoining property is all residential. Mr. Smith stated they were. all
10. Commissioner Abels asked if Ralphs was intending to building on the
northeast comer in the City of Indio. Mr. Smith stated Ralphs was in the
process, but six or seven months behind this project.
11. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant would agree to larger trees and
more of them. Mr. Smith stated the client would not disagree to this.
12. Chairman Tyler stated he agreed large retention basins next to a thorouglffare
is unattractive and asked if it could be designed differently. Mr. Smith stated
the retention basin is placed where the water drains which is the front of the
building. Chairman Tyler asked where the residential retention basin would
be. Mr. Smith stated it would surround the CVWD site and would be a buffer
between the commercial and residential projects.
13. Commissioner Kirk stated he did not understand the reasons for the retention
basin being placed on the frontage. Then again on the residential it is behind
the supermarket. Mr. Smith stated each part had to retain its own drainage.
Discussion followed regarding drainage flow for the residential and
commercial projects.
14. Commissioner Kirk asked if'the applicant had discussed the difference in the
parking spaces with staff. Mr. Smith stated they did not have the oppommity
15. Chairman Tyler stated he had a problem with the circulatior~ as there was no
opportunity to exit and go north on Jefferson Street. Mr. Smith stated most
of the business would come from the south and they did not believe there was
a need for a northerly exit.
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16. Chairman Tyler stated the delivery trucks would have to snake through the
project. Mr. Smith stated they had a direct line off Jefferson Street exiting
onto 50th Avenue.
17. Commissioner Kirk asked Senior Engineer Steve Speer about the circulation
issues. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated Jefferson Street is a Major
Arterial and there was not enough frontage length to have a full turn
movement. Avenue 50 is a Primary Arterial and they do not have 1200 feet
of frontage for a full mm movement. The residential project does have a full
mm on 50th Avenue and staffhad asked the applicant to join the two and the
applicant did not want to do this.
18. Commissioner Robbins asked if the north access to the residential was a full
turn. Staff stated no, it was to provide residents with the. ability to mm left
into the'shopping center. Commissioner Robins stated his concern was that
the residents could not go north on Jefferson Street. Staff stated this was
true, they would have to exit on 50th Avenue and then go north on Jefferson
Street or make a U mm to go north on Jefferson Street.
19. Chairman Tyler asked how close they were to the required 2,600 feet before
a full access could be installed on Jefferson Street. Staff stated they only
have 1,600 feet of frontage.
20. Commissioner Kirk asked if the City of Indio's requirements for a full mm
access 'were the same. Staff stated it was unknown. The Rincon
development has a full mm. When Jefferson Street is widened, Rincon will
only have a left mm in. Commissioner Kirk asked if there had been any
discussion with the City of Indio regarding the proposed Ralphs shopping
center in regards to circulation. Staff stated a full turn intersection would
require a General Plan Amendment. Staff is trying to limit the number of
signals on this type of street.
21. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any further public comment. Ms. Barbara
Barba, 48-806 Andorra Street, stated she lives in the Rincon development and
it is a residential development with exclusive homes. There are empty store
sites at Ralphs shopping center on Washington Street and the store is never
busy; why are more grocery stores needed? She stated they had not received
any information on this project as they live more than 500 feet from the
development. She would like to know what type of residential housing is
planned for the adjacent tract. They would like it to be compatible with their
development. Also, what is the price range, house size, etc. The aesthetic
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value of their development will diminish. She then questioned the left mm
on Jefferson Street and asked if there was going to be a signal on 49th
Avenue. Chairman Tyler stated the ultimate development of Jefferson Street
is not an issue under discussion at this time. Ms. Barba stated she hoped the
drainage would not go into their development.
22. Commissioner Kirk stated that if this project were denied the area is still
zoned for 50 acres of commercial. The applicant is reducing the amount of
commercial to 12 acres.
23. There being no further public comment, Commissioners Abels/Robbins
moved to continue the public hearing to May 11, 1999. Unanimously
B. Continued - Site Development Permit 99-647; a request of Cenmry-Crowell
Communities for approval of architectural and landscaping plans for four new
prototype residences located on in Tract 21846-3 on Tanglewood in PGA West.
1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff noted a new plot plan had been received prior to the
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there had been any changes to the building
elevations. Staff stated no. Discussion followed regarding the Architectural
and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) recommendations.
3. 'Commissioner Butler asked staff about the letter received from the
homeowners' association (HOA). Staff stated the applicant should address
4. Mr. Kent Armstrong, representing Century-Crowell the applicant, stated he
had met with the HOA and they had reached an agreement on most of the
issues. He then went over the issues. He then stated he had a problem with
Condition #5 regarding the I-IVAC in the setback area.
5. Chairman Tyler asked Mr. Armstrong for a copy of the letter from the HOA.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if they could approve the project subject to HOA
approval. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it is not something that is
within the City's standard requirements and she would not recommend it.
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7. Commissioner Butler stated that if there is a five foot sideyard, there is no
issue with the HVAC's location.
8. Ms. Kelly McGilliard, Operations Manager for the Homeowners' Association
(HOA), stated she has been working with the applicant to obtain approval
from the HOA. The outstanding issues are the final landscaping and pool
plans. The objective is to have a plan that is compatible with the HOA. They.
would like to request the approval be contingent upon the remaining issues
being resolved with the HOA.
9. Chairman Tyler stated the required landscaping plans are limited to the front
yard and since this is a condo project the remaining landscaping is the
responsibility of the HOA. Ms. McGillard stated that as a condo project the
HOA will be maintaining the landscaping and therefore, is hoping for a good
working relationship.
10. Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant was required to have HOA
approval before proceeding. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the
CC&R's require it. Commissioner Kirk stated that if the Commission
approved the project, there is still a process whereby the applicant has to
obtain HOA approval. Staff stated yes that was true.
11. There being no further public comment, Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter for Commission
12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
029 approving Site Development Permit 99-647, subject to Findings and
Conditions of Approval as submitted/modified:
a. Condition #4 being deleted
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler.
NOES: Commissioner Abels. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment #5 and Site Development Permit 99-642; a
request of Century-Crowell Communities for approval of an amendment to allow ten
foot front yard setbacks where 20 feet is required, and to increase the trait count;
approval of development plans for three new prototype residential plans ranging in
size from 1,892 to 2,418 square feet.
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1. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staffnoted the applicant had submitted new plans regarding the
south side of Calle Norte today.
2. Chairman Tyler asked staff to identify the lots proposed and which homes
he was requesting the ten foot front setback on. Staff stated they have not
been identified by lots, but they are asking for the south side of Calle Norte
to have ten foot front setbacks.
Commissioner Robbins asked why they were requesting the short driveway.
In his opinion, there is already a problem with insufficient parking because
the street is only 32 feet wide and parking is allowed only on one side.
4. Commissioner Robbins asked how the developer could put a house on a pad
that is lower than the dike elevation. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the
dike elevation is 50 feet and that elevation will be maintained within the
CVWD right of way. The reduced house pad elevation will occur on private
property only.
$. Commissioner Abels stated it does not make sense to have a 20 foot long
driveway across the street and allow five foot long driveways here.
6. Chairman Tyler asked why the Plan 3 unit length is different on the drawing
than on the footprint of and Plan 37
7. There being no further questions, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant
would like to address the Commission. Mr. Kent Armstrong, representing
the applicant, stated the request'is null because the HOA would not approve
it. The idea is to reduce the front yard setback to get a usable rear yard. They
needs a variance to put the proposed plans on the lots.
8. Commissioner Butler stated the south side has a gradual grade and gets
higher as you go east. In order to maintain grades, some of the property
would be graded down to maintain it, then how can you keep the 50 foot
elevation required ~by CVWD. Mr. Armstrong explained.. If he could have
a ten foot rear yard instead of 20 feet he could meet the 20 foot front yard
9. Commissioner Robbins stated he has a problem because the applicant
purchased the lots knowing the problems and they are not designing a house
to meet the lot constraints, but asking the City to grant approval to put their
standard home on a lot that it will not fit on.
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10. Commissioner Butler stated that the Commission was looking for more hip
roofs and they are proposing gable roofs. Mr. Armstrong stated he was not
required to have a gable. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated they did
not pursue all hipped roof because the applicant proposed a mix of roof
styles. Instead staff requested a change in the roof material to be compatible
with the existing homes and provide a compatible color palette.
11. Chairman Tyler asked how high the retaining wall was on Exhibit "D". Mr.
Armstrong stated it was five feet and has a 3:1 slope that comes down to a
fiat area.
12. Commissioner Kirk asked if the unit length was different on the existing
units. They have a 17 foot setback and no restricted rear yard. Staff stated
they are adjacent to the golf course.
13. Commissioner Abels stated that as proposed he does not agree with the
14. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. Mr. -
Ken Landis, 78-020 Calle Norte, addressed Exhibit "A". He stated he bought
his home on the other side of the lake because of the view and now they are
proposing units that are packed next to each other and will resemble none of
the existing units. They need a green belt or separation between the
15. Mr. Wayne Nystrom, 78-094 Calle None, president of Duna HOA, originally
supported the project because the houses would be the same size and
detached. However he has not seen any landscaping plans or pool renderings.
The average setback for driveways is 20 feet and 15 feet for a rear yard. They
are afraid because this is the smallest street and parking is already limited.
At this comer 17 feet is unacceptable. Basically, they have no problem with
the project, but they do not want to sacrifice driveways for a two one story
16. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
hearing was closed and opened to Commission discussion.
17. Commissioner Abels stated the parking has not been addressed, but the
streetscape is not compatible.
18. Commissioner Kirk stated he is encouraged that the HOA is willing to work
with the applicant. He has a hard time understanding the request and when
the applicant submits a revision at the last minute before the Commission, he
has even more concerns. He is not against the request, but apprehensive.
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19. Commissioner Butler stated he agrees with what has been stated and agrees
with staff's recommendations as he believes it will address the neighboring
homeowners concerns.
20. Commissioner Robbins stated he was not in agreement with any deviations
to the setbacks.
21. Commissioner Abels stated he is not against development, but this project
should be revisited with the issues raised by staff.
22. Chairman Tyler stated he had a problem with Exhibit "B", but his main
concern is that if you stand on top of the berm and look south or southwest
with a view of the fairway and mountains, the developer stated they are down
in a hole and plans a retaining wall that is a travesity.
23. Commissioner Abels stated that due to the concems raised he would like to
move to continue this item.
24. Commissioner Butler stated that the project proposed for the south side is not
- in question. Staff stated the street proposed is 28 feet with 20 foot front yard
driveway setbacks.
25. Commissioner Abels stated he too felt there should be less units proposed.
26. Commissioner Butler asked if the Commission was asking the applicant to
redesign both sides of the fairway. Discussion followed as to the open space.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell clarified that the specific plan has not been
built out and they are allowed the number of units requested. However, as
the applicant has opened the specific plan to revisions the Commission has
the oppommity to make any modifications they deem necessary.
27. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to have a continuance. Mr.
Armstrong stated he would withdraw the request and redesign the houses.
28. There being no fimher discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Abels to continue Specific Plan 83-001,
Amendment #5, to May 25, 1999.
Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 9:13 p.m. and reconvened at 9:18 p.m.
D. Tentative Tract 29136; a request of KSL Land Corporation for approval to subdivide
286.6_+ acres into lots for future residential golf, course, private streets, and related
miscellaneous uses.
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1. Chairman Tyler opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Tyler asked if the letter from Coachella Valley Unified School
District should be of any concern. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it
was their standard letter requesting additional funds.
3. There being no further question, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would
like to address the Commission. Mr. Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting,
representing the applicant, stated they concurred with staff recommendation
and the conditions.
4. Chairman Tyler stated there were three prospective well sites and one was
right in the middle of the residential area and asked if they would have to
keep it there. Mr. Berg stated it was due to an existing private well site that
will be retained.
5. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There
being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the
hearing was closed and opened to Commission discussion.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
030 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 29136,
subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Continued - Site Development Permit 99-648; a request of Century-Crowell
Communities for approval of three new prototype residences and landscaping plans
located south of Desert Stream Drive on the west side of Dune Palms Road in Tract
27519 (Aliso Del Rey).
1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
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2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Kirk asked about Condition #11, what does staff want with Plan 2. Staff
stated they were looking for a new dimension to the rear elevation by asking
the applicant to include a front facing gable to stagger the roof line.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Kent Armstrong,
representing Century-Crowell Communities, stated they concurred with
staff's recommendation.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
99-031 approving Site Development Permit 99-648, subject to the Findings
and Conditions of approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman
Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Sign Application 94-257, Amendment #1; a request of Domino's Pizza for approval
of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit a new corporate sign for an
existing business located within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Kirk asked if the sign program allowed 50 square feet per sign as they are
going to a total of 104 square feet. Staff stated they are going larger on all the
signs, but they are within the allowable sqUare footage per sign.
3. Chairman Tyler stated there had been some recent court rulings regarding
what a city can do with national logos. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
there had been some with regard to allowing corporate signs.and the changing
of it, but the City can still control size and style of sign. The protection is in
regard to the logo, colors, and name.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Rick Zanini, Dominos
Pizza, stated last year Dominos changed their signs and all franchises were
being required to meet the demand of Dominos. In regard to staff's
suggestion to opaque the sign background on the south facing sign, it is his
opinion it will not last. Businesses in the shopping center already have
cannister illuminated signs.
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5. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if other businesses in the center had canister
signs. Staff stated they were approved as logo signs only as opposed to the
main identification sign that are all individually mounted channel letters.
6. Commissioner Robbins asked if the blue arch was back lit. Staff stated no,
it is internally illuminated. However, they can opaque the blue background
so the letters are only seen at night.
7. Commissioner Kirk stated he appreciated staff's recommendation, and asked
if they could give the applicant some latitude to work this out with his
corporate office.
8. Commissioner Robbins stated he may not be able to order their standard sign,
but he could have a custom sign built to meet their requirements and still
comply with their corporate demands.
9. Commissioner Abels suggested allowing the applicant to research that option
with his corporate office.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 99-004 approving
Sign Application 94-257, Amendment #1, subject to the Findings and
Conditions of approval as amended
a. The blue and red background shall be opaque.
The motion passed with Commissioner Abels voting no.
C. Capital Improvement Project 98-11; a request of the City for approval of parkway
landscaping on Calle Rondo, from Avenida Nuestra to Calle Tampico.
1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Senior Engineer Steve Speer
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Kirk questioned whether the plants proposed were native materials. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated they were a part of the City's approved
plant list.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked if this much turf was needed. Senior Engineer
Steve Speer stated yes, it is a 3:1 slope at many locations up and down the
Storm Channel to keep from eroding.
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4. Chairman Tyler stated drainage grades go through the golf course, and asked
w~t the slab of concrete was for. Staff stated it is at the east end of La
Fot~da for erosion control and water passes through the wall and the concrete
is there for erosion control.
5. Commissioner Kirk asked if there would be any discussion regarding public
area landscaping during the General Plan Update. Staff stated they would
note it.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
CommissionerS Abels/Robbins to adopt Minute Motion 99-005 approving
Capital Improvement Project 98-11. Motion passed with Commissioner Kirk
voting No.
A. Chairman Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of April 20, 1999.
B. Commissioner
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held May 11, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was
adjourned at 10:04 P.M. on April 27, 1999.
Respectfully submitted,
~PO, Executive
d~a~ Secretary
City }fi'La Quinta, California
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