PCMIN 07 27 1999 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
July 27, 1999 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Kirk who asked for the roll call.
B. Chairman Kirk requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels,
Richard Butler, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler and Chairman Tom Kirk. Chairman
Kirk asked Commissioner Robbins to lead the flag salute
C. Staff present: City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio,
Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslie
Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Commissioner Butler passed out a bulletin from Guralnick & Gilliland, Attorneys at
Law, regarding "Notice to Homeowners and Residents". Discussion followed
regarding it content.
A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of June 22, 1999.
Commissioner Robbins asked that on Page 1 under Consent Items A, the spelling of
the word "the" should be corrected; Page 6, Item #3 correct the statement to read,
" .... 60,000 trips per day or 5,000 per hour at peak flow..."; Page 7, Item #13 corrected
to read, "Mr. Doctors stated that if there was heavy traffic in the right turn later on,
the exclusive fight mm lane would go away and they would flair it out more." Page
8, Item #21 change the word "experience" to "experiment". Commissioner Tyler
asked that on Page 1, under Roll Call, the words "unanimously approved" should be
removed. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Tyler to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously
B. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of July 13, 1999.
Commissioner Robbins asked that Page 1, under Roll call City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell was not listed as being present and she was present. Commissioner Tyler
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asked that on Page 1, under roll call, the words "unanimously approved" should be
removed; he asked that between Items B and C the statement he made concerning the
reappointment of Commissioners Butler and Robbins by the City Council should be
added; Page 2, Item 7, where it references Condition//44, it should state it was for
Tentative Tract 29306; Page 9, correct the numbering order; Page 11, Item//5 correct
it to read "Chairman Kirk". Commissioner' Abels asked that the lettering under "Call
to Order" be corrected. There being no further corrections, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Tyler to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved.
C. Department Report: None.
A. Environmental Assessment 99-384 and Conditional Use Permit 99-045; a request of
Nextel Communications for approval to install a 50 foot tall wireless radio
communications monopole with up to 15 panel antennas designed to resemble a palm
tree and related equipment shelter located at 47-950 Dune Palms Road.
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public heating and asked for the staff report.
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report, copies of which are on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler asked if Desert Sands Unified School District had approved the plan.
Staff stated a letter had been received from DSUSD approving the
3. Commissioner Robbins asked if there was a potential for one of the real palm
trees to interfere with the radio signals. Staff referred the question to the
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Barbara Saito,
representing Nextel Communications, stated that since this is such a new
product there is no history on how it will hold up. If, in the furore, they find
the trees do interfere with the transmission, they will remove them and
replace with smaller trees. They would not object to a condition being added
requiting them to do so.
5. Commissioner Butler stated he had been to their site on Cook Street and was
very impressed. His concern is who maintains the pole in perpetuity. Even
though he is very impressed with the example, he does not want a shabby
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tower in the furore. He asked if there was any type of a maintenance
agreement to maintain the structure. Ms. Saito stated they would accept a
condition requiring them to maintain it as it is when installed. As this is a
new product, there is no way of knowing the life span of the materials, but
they will accept a condition regarding the maintenance.
6. Commissioner Tyler asked the applicant about the operating frequency. Ms.
Saito stated it was an 850 band. Commissioner Tyler stated he had never
seen a square palm tree trunk and asked if' it could be rounded. Ms. Saito
stated the designers are working to round the edges. Their point is to make
it appear to be invisible, but if it can be rounded and not affect the structurally
capability, they have no objection.
7. Commissioner Abels asked if this tower was for Nextel customers only. Ms.
Saito stated yes, because of its design it lends itself to only one carder. They
would make their site available to other carders, but they would have to apply
to the City for a different design.
8. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to address the Commission on this project.
9. There being no further discussion, Chairman Kirk closed the public
participation of the hearing and opened the issue for Commission discussion.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
056 recommending certification of Environmental Assessment 99-384.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
11. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-057
recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 99-045, as modified:
a. Condition #5: The monopole shall be maintained to the design
standards as approved.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Environmental Assessment 99-385, Specific Plan 99-037 and Site Development
Permit 99-654; a request of The Spanos Corporation for certification of an Initial
Study/EIR Addendum for Environmental Assessment 99-385 and recommendation
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for approval of development standards and design guidelines for a 200 unit apartment
complex on 14.1 acres in the Regional Commercial Zoning District, and building
elevations and development plans located on the east side of Adams Street and north
of 48th Avenue.
1. Commissioner Tyler stated that a project for this applicant across the street
from this project, had been approved by the Planning Commission a few
months ago and to date had not been approved by the City Council. To him
it seemed strange that the Commission would be reviewing this project when
the future of that project had not been resolved.
2. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that what is happening on an
alternative site is not before the Commission. This is a separate project and
is to be reviewed on its on merit. It has no bearing on what is happening
before the City Council.
3. Commissioner Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
4. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
5. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Abels asked if this was the same design as before. Staff stated the building
elevations are similar. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell pointed out the
density is 14 units per acre where the other project is 16 units per acre.
6. Commissioner Robbins asked if the open parking areas on the streets counted
as open space. Staff stated no, it is passive and active recreational open areas
only. It is not the drive aisles.
7. Commissioner Butler asked about the change from 160 units to 200 units, the
addition of 10 percent affordable units, and if it counted towards the City's
housing requirements. If so, why can't the condition be left at 10 percent for
additional credit. Staff stated the applicant has requested 10 percent and
there are covenants that will count toward the City's requirement. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the 20 traits will count toward the City's
requirement to provide affordable housing. To require additional units would
cost the City additional money.
8. Chairman Kirk asked if the previous application included a request to remove
the requirement for affordable units. Staff stated that was correct, the old
approval was prior to the City's Housing Element being adopted, there was
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a stipulation requiting a certain amount of affordable housing be provided
and the applicant was asking to have that stipulation removed as the Housing
Element had been adopted.
9. Commissioner Tyler asked if this project abuts the southerly border of the
Auto mall. Staff stated that is correct.
10. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Emily Hemphill,
attorney for the applicant, stated there was a project previously approved for
the other side of the street and as it was very a controversial, The Spanos.
Corporation is working with City staff attempting to move the project to this
new site. The project will be built at one of the two locations; it will be one
or the other; not two projects. She went on to state this project was structured
considering the concerns that had been raised by adjoining residents on the
previous project. They have met with residents from Lake La Quinta and
Rancho La Quinta to view this site plan and they offered comments which
were very favorable. It is also correct that the original project did not have
an affordable housing component. As this site is larger and less dense it will
allow them to build more units which gives the oppommity to provide
affordable units. She then raised their concerns regarding the Conditions of
Approval: Page #33, Exhibits 5 & 9 is not correct, the actual difference
between the grading of this site and what is projected on the auto mall site is
only a two foot difference. They would like to suggest that the developer be
required to work with staff so this site and the auto mall site are at compatible
grade. The wall will be either six or eight feet above grade and they would
deal with the differences in grade either by building a retaining wall of an
appropriate height, or a slope easement depending upon what the level of
difference is between the two sites. Condition #71, regarding the landscaping
planters, their concern is that in order to pull into the garage you have to enter
from the left of the planter which is the wrong side of the street. They would
suggest the developer be required to work with staff to design a planter that
is not going to cause a problem with the Fire Department, or tenant to drive
on left side of the road to get into their garage. Condition #73: regarding
them to build a bus turnout on Adams street, in their opinion this is
sandwiching too much activity into the area. They would suggest a mm out
further north on Adams Street. Condition #84: they meet this reqUirement
everywhere on the site except at the entrance when you drive in the gate at
the card reader where it is reduced to 15-feet. They would request the
developer be required to work with the Fire Department to locate the card key
in a location that works for the tenants and yet wide enough to allow the fire
tmcks to enter. For clarification, the apartment count is 200 units, 72 are one
bedrooms and 128 are two bedrooms.
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11. Chairman Kirk asked staff to address the concerns raised by the applicant.
Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that in regard to the elevation differential,
he had conferred with the engineer for the auto mall and they are expecting
to have a five foot differential at some points and a four to five foot elevation
differential in other areas, and a two foot difference at the rear.
12. Chairman Kirk asked staff to address Condition//71. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated she agreed with applicant.
13. Chairman Kirk asked staff to address Condition//49: Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated Sunline Transit had made a recommendation in their
letter for amenities for a future transit site. At the present time there is no
service being provided to this location.
14. Chairman Kirk asked staff to address Condition//84. Senior Engineer Steve
Speer stated that if the Fire Department concurred, staff has no objection.
15. Commissioner Tyler asked if the traffic around the driveway was one way or
two way. Ms. Hemphill stated it was two way. Commissioner Tyler asked
about the recreation area at the front of the project; who is it to be used by.
Ms. Hemphill stated it is for the residents of the facility and went on to
explain the amenities. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern was three
driveways on an Primary Arterial street. The General Plan encourages
minimizing the number of direct access driveways. The previous project had
only one driveway off Avenue 47. This project is suggesting three and one
is only for access to the sales and recreational building. He is going to
suggest eliminating the middle driveway to allow for a bus turnout. Ms.
Hemphill stated their ability to loop around is as much for fire safety as well
as convenience for tenants to have access to both sides of the project site.
This is a gated community therefore access to the sales office needs to be in
a manner that retains the security of the tenants.
16. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to speak on this issue. Ms. Christine Clarke,
representing Stamko Development, developer for the adjacent auto mall,
stated she had obtained the grading plan for this project and disagreed with
its design. As she did not agree with the drainage she refused to allow them
to do the grading they requested on her property. The drainage of the auto
mall is to the southeast comer into the commercial site of the property. Their
drainage is just the opposite because their retention is at the front of the
project. She does not see a two foot difference, but a four feet differential at
Adams Street. Their typical driveway cross section is confusing. There are
three Section A's. They are only showing the driveway, they are not showing
Section "A" running in from their property which, since she has told them
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they cannot grade on her property, she does not know how they are going to
get there, so they are not showing the surrounding property coming into the
driveway. It is not a compatible project. It is nice that they met with
residents from Lake La Quinta and Rancho La Quinta, but they did not meet
with her who directly abuts their property. The project setbacks are on
Adams Street and Highway 111. If the Auto Mall stores cars in the rear of
their property, they are going to be very concerned about this project's wall
as they do not want vandalism from this project. At the present time, she is
not comfortable with the submittal.
17. There being no further questions, Chairman Kirk closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened it to Commission discussion.
18. Commissioner Robbins stated there were several places where the Specific
Plan and conditions are in conflict. Page 13 of the Specific Plan, landscape
plans, one statement says, "any incremental increase in storm water will be
retained on the property" this is in conflict with the conditions that states all
100-year storm water will be retained on site. Page 17-flood control, states
-- "development of property will include provisions to conduct storm water to
these channels." This refers to moving storm water off-site where the next
paragraph states the water will be retained on site. Page 21, the last
paragraph refers to Palm Desert Waste and should be Waste Management of
the Desert. His biggest concern is access. He concurs that three driveways
are too many and something could be done to reconfigure this site and
eliminate one of the access points. His concern is the left turn in for those
going south on Adams Street. Most of the tenants will be coming from
Highway 111 and it does not appear there will be enough stacking space. In
Condition//28, why is phasing discussed as the project is to be built out with
no phasing. This needs to be deleted. Condition//52, the last sentence does
not make any sense and should be deleted. Condition//53, regarding access,
the second sentence should be changed to left in, fight in, fight out.
19. Commissioner Butler asked if the plan called for only one left mm lane.
Commissioner Robbins stated yes. Commissioner Butler asked if this was
increased to accommodate more cars would that be sufficient. Commissioner
Robbins stated it should be increased to accommodate the number of cars that
would be traveling through there at peak times.
20. Commissioner Butler stated that in regard to the elimination of the middle
driveway which gives access to the sales office and parking for the recreation
building, he presumes this will also provide guest parking, as there are only
two spaces per trait. He cannot see how it will work without creating a bigger
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problem. Commissioner Robbins stated guest parking is to be on-site. You
may have to move the remaining driveway(s) or the retention basin, but they
can retain the same amount of volume while deleting one driveway.
21. Commissioner Butler asked if the bus mmout could be moved if the applicant
paid for it. Staff stated it is written as a recommendation for amenities, it is
not a requirement as Sunline Transit has not identified a need for a bus
turnout to be installed at this time.
22. Commissioner Tyler stated that in regard to the third driveway, the
Commission is to uphold City documents that control development of the
City; one being the General Plan and it specifically states the City shall
restrict individual access on Major and Primary Arterials wherever possible.
This section of Adams Street is a Primary Arterial and if the Commission is
doing its job, he does not understand how they can approve three driveways
for this one tract. The same situation applies to the southern driveway. The
Circulation Plan states that for a Primary Arterial you will have a signalized
intersection or right in/fight out only. It does not give an option. There may
eliminate a signal, but can the Commission waive the General Plan
requirements without a General Plan Amendment. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated she was not sure they were asking for them to be waived.
There needs to be clarification as to what the General Plan requires. She
assumes the staff report makes a finding for consistency with the General
Plan requirements. Commissioner Tyler stated his position was that if they
are in direct opposition to the General Plan, how can it be in compliance.
23. Commissioner Tyler stated that in the noise study it states mechanical
ventilation shall be installed on the units facing Adams Street to meet City
Noise Ordinance; what is a mechanical ventilation unit? Staff stated they
would have to talk with the noise consultant. Ms. Hemphill stated this was
written by a consultant and regardless of what it is, the units will all have
central air conditioning.
24. Commissioner Tyler stated the 'staff report refers to the developer as being
given relief from paying parkland fees and in the Specific Plan it states the
developer will pay the fees. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated she
assumes they are reading the City's Subdivision Ordinance which states that
if they are not subdividing the property into more than five parcels they are
not required to pay the fees. Commissioner Tyler stated it does not say this,
it states generally which gives the City latitude to impose or not impose fees.
Discussion followed regarding the parkland fees.
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25. Commissioner Tyler questioned Page 18 of the Specific Plan regarding a
statement that has to do .with the availability of electricity being run to
support the CVWD well site and asked what would happen if the timing is
such that this project needs electricity and CVWD has not gotten around to
developing that site. Commissioner Robbins stated CVWD will install the
power when a well is constructed. If the development goes first and CVWD
has not, they will have to put it in or wait for CVWD to install it. The
developer will work with power companies to meet the demand.
26. Commissioner Butler stated the property owner to the north has a valid point
in regard to the grade differential and it needs to be resolved by all three
parties: this applicant, the property owner to the north, and the City.
27. Chairman Kirk stated what may have been lost in the discussion so far, is that
this is a good project on a better site and he applauds the applicant on the
design. There are some significant issues to be resolved regarding traffic and
grading and asked staff about the stacking issues; what are projections for a
left mm in? Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated a traffic study has been
completed and staff has an anticipation of what the turning movements will
be going southbound and making the left mm in. There is enough .room to
create a significant left mm pocket. He then went on to explain the traffic
flow on Adams street. What staff is trying to do in the General Plan is to cut
down on the number of signals that cause delays on Arterial streets to allow
residents to get around in an efficient manner. The most dangerous
movement on a site is the left mm out lane. They have to cross two or three
lanes of traffic and enter the fast lane. By restricting the left mm out, you cut
out the need for a signal.
28. Commissioner Tyler asked if Lake La Quinta had a full mm access. Staff
stated it has. Commissioner Tyler asked if 47th Avenue will have a signal at
this location. Staff stated it is a "T" intersection fight now but when the auto
mall is built out it will extend the fourth leg to the intersection and it may be
signalized in the furore.
29. Chairman Kirk asked about the number of entrances into the site as it appears
to be an issue.
30. Commissioner Robbins stated it should be an easy design change for the
31. Commissioner Kirk noted the previous project on 47th Avenue had only one
entrance and they were able to accommodate multiple purposes. He asked
the applicant if staff were to eliminate the one entrance, would it cause them
a problem? Ms. Hemphill stated they would rather have it, but if that is a
concern of the Commission, they will accommodate it.
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32. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
058 certifying an Initial Study/EIR Addendum for Environmental
Assessment 99-385.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
43. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Tyler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-059
recommending approval of Specific Plan 99-037, as modified:
a. Specific Plan Text Amendment Conditions of Approval changes: 1. Parkland fee shall be required for this project (deleted staff's
2. Exhibits 5 and 9: If a grade differential between properties is
less, the developer shall work with City staff to reduce the
height of the retaining wall.
3. Page 13, Section 2.10.3: delete the second sentence.
4. Page 17, Section 2.40.3: delete the third sentence.
5. Page 21, Section 2.50.4: change Palm Desert Waste
Management to Waste Management of the Desert.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
060 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 99-654, as
a. Condition #28 deleted.
b. Condition #52 - delete the last sentence.
c. Condition #53 - change left out to right in.
d. Condition #71 - applicant to work with staff to provide appropriate
size of landscaping planters to not conflict with turning movements
into and out of garages at the northeast and southeast comers of the
e. Condition #84 - the street width is subject to Fire Department
f. Add new condition: requiring the middle driveway to be eliminated.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
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C. Specific Plan 94-026 - First Time Extension; a request of Travertine Corporation for
approval of a time extension of development standards and design guidelines for a
master planned community of 2,300 dwelling units, 500 room hotel and other
commercial uses oriented around two 18-hole golf courses on 909.2 acres for the
property located on the south side of 60th Avenue, north of 64th Avenue and west of
Madison Street.
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
reports, copies of which are on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff noted an additional condition was being recommended
regarding golf cart access across Jefferson Street.
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler questioned the numbering on Condition #3 on Page 7 of the staff
report, Staff stated it would be corrected. Commissioner Tyler questioned
Item #7 on Page 7 of the staff report in that all the areas suggest an addition
of another condition for various types of homes and under the Villas
-- development standard, #15 is added which pertains to any residential
development shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission, but the
Villas permitted use includes some nonresidential uses and he is wondering
what review they will be' required to go through. Staff stated commercial
uses would be added. Commissioner Tyler questioned Page III-9 and asked
if the Villa development occurs only in the VR-1 and VR-2 areas. Staff
stated this is their proposal. Commissioner Tyler questioned Page Ill-212 of
the Specific Plan where it describes the permitted uses of the commercial
zones. It lists 65 potential uses and none of which are applicable to this type
of development and wouldn't it be better to delete this portion and refer only
to what the Zoning Codes allows for commercial development. Staff stated
this is recommended and contained in Condition #9,
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. John Shaw, Winchester
Development Company, representing the applicant, stated they had received
the proposed condition regarding the runnel and would like to request the
additional wording "as necessary" and then they would have no objection. If
a golf cart needs to cross Jefferson Street, they will provide the runnel; but,
if they reroute the golf paths so they did not have to cross Jefferson Street,
they do not want to be required to construct a runnel.
4. Mr. Shaw asked if the time extension was indefinite. Staff stated there is no
time limit on the Specific Plan.
5. Commissioners commended the applicant on the project and stated they
looked forward to seeing its development.
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6. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to speak on this issue.
7. There being no questions, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation
portion of the heating and opened it to Commission discussion.
8. Commissioner~ Tyler stated that by taking out the long list of permitted uses
and development standards for the commercial zones it alleviates most of his
9. Commissioner Robbins noted in the Specific Plan, Page 4-2 the first
paragraph regarding water, the last sentence should be changed to "...per
CVWD regulations and standards" not "City" for water lines and the same for
paragraph C, the next to the last sentence should be changed to CVWD.
Condition #46 is not necessary and should be deleted, but regardless the
correct name for the channel should be Coachella Valley Stormwater
Channel. Lastly, in the last sentence correct the wording to read: "...and
methods of treatment."
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
061 approving a one year time extension for Specific Plan 99-026 with the
following modifications:
a. Condition #7: add the word "nonresidential".
b. Changing the wording in the Specific Plan regarding water and sewer
service from City to CVWD.
c. Condition ~46: Delete or corrected to read Coachella Valley
Stormwater Channel.
c. Add condition: A recreational amenities pedestrian/golf cart
tunnel(s) shall be constructed under Jefferson Street to enhance
11. Commissioner Tyler asked legal counsel the difference between requiring a
tunnel on this tract map application before them at the last meeting and the
requirement for a runnel on this project. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell
stated the prior project was a tract map and this is a specific plan. In a
specific plan you are providing the basis for the development and can require
a runnel.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None.
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-- Planning Commission Minutes
July 27, 1999
A. Master Design Guidelines 99-007; a request of Jack Clark, Jr. for approval of Master
Design Guidelines.
1. Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Robbins asked what the sketch with the setbacks, contained
in the Guidelines, has to do with the project. Planning Manager Christine di
Iorio stated it shows the varying setbacks for the homes to be constructed.
3. Commissioner Butler asked why the laundry facility could not be in the
garage instead of on the back of the house. Mr. Jack Clark stated it was. The
closet on the outside of the house is not a laundry room, but the FAU closet.
4. Commissioner Tyler asked why the air conditioning unit is placed next to the
bedrooms. Mr. Clark stated it was the only place with enough space to allow
the construction of a screen wall.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if anyone else
would like to speak. There was no further public comment.
6. Chairman Kirk stated he was concerned about the quality of the Guidelines
being submitted. They appear to be one floor plan with three elevations and
he is not even sure there is anything that can be done regarding this. 'He
recommended staff prepare standards for the applicants to follow when
submitted their Guidlines.
7. Commissioner Robbins stated the Guidelines need some type of text to give
more information on what is being submitted.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Robbins to adopt Minute Motion 99-018 approving
Master Design Guidelines 99-007, subject to the Findings and Conditions of
Approval as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioners discussed the "Notice to Homeowners & Residents" distributed by
Commissioner Butler at the beginning of the meeting.
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B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report on the City Council meetings of July 20, 1999.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to
adjourn this r~gular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held August 24, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was
adjourned at 9:09 P.M. on July 27, 1999.
ctfully submitted,
J : ' ut~~ve Secretary
~ Ci~ fa~a~o Quinta, Califo'~Xmia .
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