Brhal• $64-2246 OLANMINO OIVIiION mmmnftphmf 1644► 418140 p. UX is" fif �N•- f=�1• it �T '_ ^ '`tea eecn Qonoaixan ilate0 ed Ups ra"relas sloe ot this om to #fit 06 Oropwed activity can Qaply with tha City'l 1lawe Oetvpatioa MAR 2 9 IgAmlatioas. $35.00 fat COPPER BIBLE BOOK COMPANY CITY OF LA Q IdAlzo FRIO Work_ ty64-6-116 PLANNING & D uELOPMENT OEPI. N :IpI Mattitl C. Brhsls Jr. � 564-6301 TYVe of residenrs (Bingle, Multiple, m*119 hese, etc.) SI MI# Type of business maul ncdel- A,amrS brief description of hov the bnsiAaea vil2 operate r—m-:.�...d.. • --v- — y_ pe -.+ • Nusbez of persons involved its busit*tf Z i.iat ' oars of Persons WWI*"*�.-- square footage of usable float area Lk AOu" (okelude garage) t o ym k. C. iAsia i 60 35.00 14 Location and square iaotape of area of Waimea activity isti hove (mmeles bsfd�roav i 12S aQuare fset� Oesesiption at naahLbary,. bed #MIMS being used in USIaseiases i have read a rst&M and ag�esr with the eeoditilms by Which a homes on is loved (Colwitiasa on re"rop ,aids). LlCA11'r iZ =U lle"t is other than p owner, autborisation at Omer of MAt rAttie !alae or Misleadieg infoMation shall be grounds for det�yitq Yrs itasse Occupation, or failure to oMly with conditIM listed on reverse shall be grounds for sevoeatioa of psrit. 5 Ytaitials vete =. Ci01mIlIOMlt �?T RGIrlA JJ ilLLtsila 3 30 `� Date