PCMIN 10 12 1999 MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
October 12, 1999 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Robbins to lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler,
and Chairman Tom Kirk.
C. Staffpresent: Jerry Hermar~ Community Development Director, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Kirk asked if'there were any corrections to the Minutes of September 28,
1999. Commisfioner Tyler asked that the Minutes be amended on Page 1 to note that
Vice Chairman Robbins opened the meeting and asked for the approval of the
Minutes. Commissioner Robbins asked staff to verify who seconded the motion to
adjourn. There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously
B. Department Report: None.
A. Specific Plan 99-067. Amendment /ti; a request of Home Depot for a
recommendation of approval to amend the specific plan to allow 40 days of special
outdoor sales eventSper year at the northwest comer of Highway 111 and Jefferson
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler asked why this project was not restricted from using a public address
system like the Auto Mall. His concern was the use of music and the hours
of operation. Staff stated they would add a condition restricting the use of
public address systems.
3. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to define "special devices". Staff stated it
was the use of laser lights. Commissioner Tyler asked if the permit would
require them to submit a site plan. Staff stated they would be required to
submit a site plan prior to each event.
4. Commissioner Butler stated he too had a concern about the use of laser lights
and similar technology in that the City was allowing a light that would
violate the City's Dark Sky Ordinance. Staff stated the Dark Sky Ordinance
was changed to allow search light use. Commissioner Butler asked if lasers
had been used before. Staff stated no, but the Auto Dealers were required to
use lasers instead of searchlights. Commissioner Butler asked if the laser
lights became offensive could they be restricted. Staff stated they could.
5. Commissioner Robbins stated he had no objection to the use of a music -
during the daytime, but would not want them at night. Second, he questioned
the use of ten consecutive days and the' use of Christmas tree lots.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the Christmas tree
lots were 'covered under a different Code section.
6. Commissioner Abels stated he did not see any problem with the request and
supported the it.
7. Chairman Kirk as~ked how much land area would be involved. Staff stated
about three or four rows of the parking lot.
8. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any public comment. There being none,
he closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the issue
for Conimission discussion.
9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
99-068 approving Specific Plan 99-027, Amendment #1, subject to the
Findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
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Planning Commission Minutes
October 12, 1999
B. Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment #5 and Site Development Permit 99-660; a
request of Cenmry-Crowell Communities for a recommendation of approval to
increase the unit count, separate "the Seasons" from Specific Plan 83-001, add a new
grading/unit type along the south side of Calle Norte, allow a 1 O-foot rear setback,
and approval of development plans for two prototype residential condominium units
for constmctior) in Tract 20158 located along the south side of Calle Norte, east of
Avenida Las Verdes, within Duna La Quinta.
1. Commissioners Abels and Butler excused themselves due to a possible
conflict of interest.
2. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
3. Chairman Kirk asked if there .were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler asked on which lots on the south side of Calle Norte would they be
allowed to construct split level units. Staff noted they woulc} all be split level
homes (Lots 1-26). Commissioner Tyler asked if the top floor level of the
home would be at the top of the berm. Staff stated yes. Commissioner Tyler
stated the previous homes were constructed in a way that allowed a view
between the homes.
4. Chairman Kirk stated the prior condition did not require the entire project to
be split, level. Mr. Kent Armstrong, representing Century-Crowell
Communities. stated they designed two different styles of split level units.
The units at the west end will be at grade and as you transition to the east
there is a nine foot differential. One or two units across from the existing
community pool area will have a two foot retaining wall. The remainder of
the units will have a differential of zero to three feet.
5. Commissioner Tyler asked about the requirement for a perimeter wall on the
east side of the project where the City is required to build the wall as part of
the bridge construction. Stuff noted this was a requirement of the City and
not the applicant.
6. Commissioner Tyler stated that Condition #9 of the Specific Plan needs to
specify the total count. Condition #5 of the Site Development Permit needs
to have the word "rear" added.
7. Commissioner Robbins asked if the west end of the street elevation was
relatively close to 50 feet. His concern is that the minimum pad elevation for
the garage should be at least one foot above the top of the curb. There are
eight steps going up with a minimum of 4-5 feet plus the other foot resulting
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in at least six feet above the berm. This will raise the unit up higher than the
other units. Mr. Armstrong stated the elevations start at grade and transition
8. Chairman Kirk asked staff to explain Condition #5 in regard to where it
would apply. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that it will occur as you
move increasingly to the east. The upper portion of the pad will have a four
foot differential between the patio and berm and to keep the slope at a 3:1
maximum, staff is requesting a retaining wall.
9. Chairman Kirk stated the lots appear to have more than a 15-foot setback.
Mr. Armstrong stated the lots on the east end will be the worst and they can
transition up.
10. Chairman Kirk asked if staff felt comfortable with the elevation variations
given the number of units and the linear nature of the road. Will this create
a repetitive look? Staff stated the Architecture and Landscaping Review
Committee had no objections.
11. Commission Tyler asked if all the lots will be required to have a 10 foot
setback. Staff stated yes.
12. Mr. Ken Armstrong questioned the condition requiting the retaining wall to
be constructed at the end of the slab. 'His complaint was that this would
restrict him from placing the retaining wall at the property line. Senior
Engineer Steve Speer stated there was no reason it couldn't be at the property
line. If it gets to be too much of a differential, they will be required to install
handrails and the applicant does not want to do this, so it is in his best interest
to reach the differential required by the City.
13. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant could slope two feet and use
a two foot retaining wall at the property line. Staff WOuld not have any
objection. Condition #5 would be amended to allow either application.
14. There being no further discussion, Chairman Kirk closed the public hearing
and opened the issue for Commission discussion.
15. Commissioner Robbins questioned Condition #3 of the Specific Plan and that
it be amended to require the applicant obtain CVWD approval for any
drainage prior to installation.
16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
069 approving Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment #5, subject to the Findings
and Conditions of Approval as amended.
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a. Condition #3: CVWD approval shall be required for any drainage
into the Evacuation Channel.
b. Condition#9: The total unit count at build°ut shall not exceed 184
residential units, with 40 units permitted on Lots 1 and 2 of Parcel
Map 19730.
ROLL CALL:/~YES: Commissioners Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES:
None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Abels and
17. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Tyler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 99-070 approving Site Development
Permit 99-660, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as
a. Condition #5:" .... and with a 3:1 slope ratio or less, shall construct a
two foot high retaining wall/planter wall across the width of the patio
slab at the rear or at the edge of the slab."
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES:
None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Abels and
Commissioners Abels and Bmler rejoined the Commission.
C. FJnvirox~mental'Assessment 98-388. Specific Plan 99-038. and Site Development
Permit 99-658; a request of Eisenhower Medical Cemer/La Quinta Medical
Development, Inc. for review of the development principles and guidelines for a six
acre medical office complex (two buildings) and architectural and landscaping plans
for a two story high medical office building (Phase 1) consisting of 47,890+ square
feet of floor area to be located at the northeast comer of Washington Street and 48th
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Robbins asked staff to expand on the issue raised by the Architectural and
Landscaping Review Committee's (ALRC) concem regarding the use of Date
Palm and Ash trees. Staff stated the ALRC concern was that the Date Palm
crown has been known to fall off and this project is proposing to use a large
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number'of the Date Palms in the pedestrian area. The ALRC thought they
· should not be used in a high pedestrian area. In regard to the Ash trees
proposed to be in the parking lot, the ALRC concerned was that they have a
root system which can break up the parking lot. Commissioner Robbins
asked why was the condition required the applicant to otaly study them and
not replace them. Staff stated the condition could be either. Commissioner
Robbins asked if the Ash Tree was water efficient. Staff stated they are
appropriate. Commissioner Robbins stated he had a problem granting the
setback deviation within 150 feet of Washington Street.
3. Commissioner Tyler asked what the lighting was for the proposed parking
areas. Staff stated it would be 18-feet high within 100 feet of Caleo Bay
adjacent to Lake La Quinta and 24 feet high within the remainder of the
parking lot. Commissioner Tyler asked if the poles should be lowered and
required to be shielded with shoe-box lighting for the entire site. Staff stated
the condition is worded so that all the lighting is shoe-box and shielded.
Commissioner Tyler asked why staff was requiring this developer to pay fees
for a signal a block away. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the people
coming to this site will be using this signal. The condition is written that the
cost of the signal would be prorated depending upon the land mass.
Commissioner Tyler asked that Condition #5 of the Site Development Permit
be reworded. Staff suggested it read "...building shall be submitted to the
Planning Commission for review and approval."
4. Mr. James Cioffi, architect for the project, stated the project development
team had met with the Lake La Quinta homeowners and showed them their
plan and how they would mitigate any of their concerns, and in particular
their view to the west. In regard to the tree issues raised by the ALRC, they
had checked with their landscape architect and found that with the use of
transplanted, Older Date Palm trees there is a potential problem of crowns
dropping. They are proposing to use all new, young trees that are not known
to have the problem as well as being smaller. The issue of the root system of
the Ash tree will be solved by a single piece root barrier with a deep water
system. The Ash tree is one of the few trees that will allow them to meet the
City requirement for shade within five years. In regard to the intrusion into
the setback with the building, the intrusion affects only about half of the
building. If it is a major concern to the Commission they could push the
building, back. With regard to paying their fair share of the signal cost, it is
their belief the fee should not be based on land mass. It would be better for
them if the cost was based on the traffic use as they believe their traffic will
be minimal. He went on to review the grading plan.
5. Commissioner Tyler asked if the facility would be open till 10:00 p.m. Mr.
Cioffi stated it would depend on the doctors who would be using the
building. There would be no emergency room.
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6. Commissioner Bmler asked if they would be closing their facility on
Highway 111. Mr. Cioffi stated not to his knowledge, as it is a different type
of facility.
7. Chairman Kirk asked if the buildings were originally oriented this way. Mr.
Cioffi stated it had always been their intention to orientate the building as
they are proposed to minimize the affect on the Lake La Quinta homeowners.
They also stepped both ends of the building down to one story. Chairman
Kirk asked if a view analysis was done on both orientations. Mr. Cioffi
stated they were asking for the variance on the setback from Washington
Street to create less of a visual impact by moving the buildings back from
Caleo Bay.
8. Commissioner Tyler asked if the applicant had any concerns with the
architectural changes being recommended by staff. Mr. Cioffi stated they
had no objections.
9. Mr. David Notrica, 47-905 Via Finenze, stated his concerns were that the
lights be mined off by 9:00 p.m., how the hazardous waste would be handled,
and if the fence could be five feet or six feet in height around the entire site.
The grading is three to four feet above the street, so the building is 36 feet
plus the extra 5-6 feet. As their properties are significantly lower, he is
concerned about the drainage. Staff stated that in regard to the hazardous
waste material they will have to meet any health department requirements
that are imposed on them. It is therefore not an issue addressed by land uses.
10. There being no further discussion, Chairman Kirk closed the public hearing
and opened the issue for Commission discussion.
11. CommiSsioner Abels stated he had no issues or concerns.
12. Commissioner Robbins stated that due to the extreme setback from the
property line to the buildings, he is confident that if a single family home
were built behind Lake La Quinta it would impact the view of the
homeowners more than this building with its setback. Relative to the concern
raised regarding the parking lot lights, he can empathize, however, there are
_ some health and safety issues to be concerned with for those using the facility
therefore he agrees with the 10:00 p.m. The applicant has addressed the
concern regarding the trees so that is no longer an issue. He would like to
hear from the other commissioners as to whether or not to deviate on the
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13. Commissioner Butler stated he thought the setback was to accommodate the
residential concerns and even though they are going against what is in
required by the Code, due to the accommodations the applicant is putting in
place, he supports the project.
14. Commissioner Tyler stated he too agrees with the changes proposed and
moving the building as far away as possible does benefit the homeowners.
15. Chairman Kirk asked if Washington Street and 48t~ Avenue were both view
corridors. Staff stated they were. Chairman Kirk stated that in his opinion
the applicant has gone a long way to accommodate local concerns whether
or not he is considerate to City concerns by locating a loading zone in view
from Washington Street as well as deviating from the required setback. This
was done to be considerate to the residents and he congratulated the applicant
on the design and the efforts to favor the local concerns, but he is concerned
about the view impact from Washington Street.
16. Commissioner Abels stated that in regard to streetscapes, the design at the
comer will be very adequate to address those concerns.
17. There l~eing no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-
071 recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration
(Environmental Assessment 99-388) for Specific Plan 99-038 and Site
Development Permit 99-658, subject to all mitigation measures.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
18. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 99-072 approving Specific Plan 99-038, subject to
the Findings and Conditions of Approval as .submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Buffer, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
19. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 99-073 approving Site Development
Permit 99-658, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as
a. Condition #5: add the words "reviewed and approved".
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
A. Commissioner Tyler asked Commissioner Robbins to explain the letter they received
from CVWD regarding fees. Commissioner Robbins stated most developers did not
know they were to be charged a fee for reviewing their projects and staff needs to
inform the developers of this fee.
A. Discussion of issues regarding side street access to arterial streets - Fred Waring ~
Drive and Miles Avenue - review and comment.
-- 1. Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Venice Drive at Fred Warini,: Commissioner Tyler stated that when the
development to the west is complete it will help alleviate the traffic problem
in this area. The construction entrance into Palm Royale is heavily used and
drivers are continually violating the taming movement. Will this entrance be
closed off or will they be allowed to continue to use it. Staff stated they were
Unsure. The problem results from the transition of the streets from a rural
environment to its ultimate urban configuration. It becomes a question of
.having the financial resources to make the system complete. In the near term
we have the issue of motorists seeing the opportunity to violate the pattern
and can i)ccasionally be ticketed. Commissioner Tyler stated the speed limit
is 50 mph and he was surprised to see a statement from the SheriWs
department stating the traffic is usually 60-65 mph. It seems they should
contain the speed.
3. Commissioner Robbins stated the residents living in this area need an
alternative way to get out to go eastbound on Fred Waring Drive. Staff stated
-- that when the subdivision is built out and tied into the project to the west they
will have a full turn movement out of the unbuilt portion of the project. Fred
Waring Drive is ultimately to be a six lane street which will make it very
dangerous to make a left mm at this street.
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4. Las Vistas Drive and Galaxy Drive at Fred Waring Drive: Complaints have
been received that the left turn pocket is too short mining left into Galaxy
Drive. A left mm pocket with an acceleration lane off of Las Vistas Drive
was provided as a result of the build out of the two subdivisions.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if this was the ultimate design. Staff stated not
according to the General Plan. Commissioner Robbins stated everyone that
wants to go north has to go through a residential streets that are not designed
to carry that amount of traffic. It is now a burden because these two streets
are not aligned. If you block the left mm out from Las Vistas Drive it will
create a lot more issues.
6. Commissioner Tyler stated that the only restriction placed on this mining
movement when Previously approved by the City Council on February 156,
1993, was that it be reviewed on year later. Las Vistas Drive is a unique
street because it is a collector street, as defined by the General Plan. It is the
only north/south street that directly (or indirectly) connects Fred Waring
Drive and Miles Avenue, between Washington Street and Adams Street.
There is no straight through collector street connecting Washington Street
and Adams Street, so if the left mm-out movement is prohibited from Las
Vistas Drive onto Fred Waring Drive, local residents would have no where
to go, except to divert to narrow, crowded residential streets. Thus, the
turning movements from Las Vistas Drive onto Fred Waxing Drive should
remain full access, as it has been for the past ten years or so..
7. Commissioner Abels complimented staff on their presentation.
8. Commissioner Robbins asked staff to consider painting the curb red due to
the number of parents dropping their children off for the school bus at about
7:30 a.m. as it creates a traffic problem. Commissioner Tyler stated the
problem-exists in the afternoon as well.
9. Chapelton Drive: This street which, is in the County, currently has full mm
movements as granted by the County.
10. Commissioner Tyler stated this is a very confusing left mm lane. Unless you
know it is there it comes and goes very quickly. Staff stated the City does not
supercede the County striping when it exists.
11. Chairman Kirk asked when the street would be upgraded. Staff stated it is
one of the streets that must be built to its ultimate configuration by the year
12. l,a Quinta Palms entrance:~The left mm out has been an issue as the concern
is that there is enough pavement for three lanes even though not stripped and
on the County side there is only one lane.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 12, 1999
13. Commissioner Tyler asked if Fred Waring DriVe will, at its ultimate buildout,
require the County to develop their side. Staff stated the County is a
participant of the Measure A funding and they will be required to do so
within the 20 year plan of which there are nine years remaining. It will be a
five lane street ultimately.
14. Old Harbor Drive: This street which is also in the County, currently has four
mining movements. Staff asked for Commission to comment on the' full
taming movements.
15. Commissioner Butler stated that Dune Palms Road to the west of this street
will be a. very popular street when the proposed schools are built; are there
plans for this intersection? Staff stated the signal is currently being
16. Commissioner Robbins stated he had no concerns as the signal being
constructed will assist the people getting out and in.
17. Chairman Kirk stated that staff has indicated this could be a problem due to
the length of the left mm pockets. Staff stated that the City anticipates a
heavy flow of traffic and the left mm pocket will need to be extended to
accommodate the number of cars and some left mining movements could be
18. Commissioner Tyler asked if there was quantitative information to.prove that
u-roms were safer than a left turn movement. Staff stated that some accident
statistics were found, but nothing specific to the u-mm versus the left mm.
19. Port Maria Road: This street would probably be able to accommodate the left
mm in find the City needs to determine whether to leave the left mm in.
20. Commissioner Robbins stated that if the left turn out was restricted you
· would have to go to Avenue 42 to get out which would be a hardship on the
residents. Staff stated it would be better if they went down to Dune Palms
Road to make a u-mm.
21. Commissioner Tyler asked if there couldn't be an acceleration lane. Staff
stated the problem was with the painted lane and trying to move into the lane
with traffic traveling at 60 mph. The left merge lane can be effective
depending on the driving public. Staff went on to give statistics on lef~ mm
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22. Miles Avenue at North Harlan and Coldbrook l Jane: This intersection has
been approved with a right turn in and out with a raised median. Coldbrook
Lane nqw has a left turn in.
23. Vista Dimes Mobile. Home. Park: This area is now restriped to accommodate
the residents at the park. If they had the left mm in and restricted the left mm
out it would accommodate their needs.
24. Commissioner Tyler asked about the new entrance that would be created with
the development of World Development; what restrictions have been put on
it. Staff stated it would have a right in and out only and maybe a left mm in.
25. Commissioner Abels asked if when planning for furore developments, can the
intersections be lined up. Staff stated they wanted them staggered to keep
from having to install signals.
26. Commissioner Robbins stated he could.understand some of them, but Las
Vistas was not well thought out and has created situations that are worse than
having a signal.'
27. Commissioner Butler commended staff on their presentation and would
rather see more signals on Fred Waxing and Miles to slow the traffic down.
Staff stated Fred Waring needs more attention in engineering, but it is a street
that if properly stripped and lane width brought down so there is not the wide
open feeling, narrower lanes slow down traffic. It depends on what the City's
goal is.
28. Chairman Kirk stated he was more concerned with mobility and his
recommendation would be for more attention on mobility as it is easier to
change access points than change mobility. He agrees with staff's
recommendation on u-turns rather than left mm movements. He would
however, also like to see safety statistics on left mm outs.
29. Commissioner Butler stated that those who are traveling at high speeds on
these streets do not live in these neighborhoods.
30. Commissioner Tyler suggested staff not only consider looking at each
intersection, but look at the street system behind the intersections. He would
submit his written suggestions to staff.
31. CommiSsioner Abels stated he concurred with Chairman Kirk.
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32. Commissioner Robbins stated he concurred with most of the suggestions, but
believes you have to consider that if the traffic is being forced into the
residential neighborhoods it has an impact.
33. Mr. Jim Humbert 79409 Horizon Palms, stated he takes issue with Chairman
Kirk's comment not to bend to the will of the residents, when that is the
purpose of the Commission. He has been working on this problem for years.
From Washington Street to east of Dune Palms Road along Fred Waring
Drive, it is a residential street. Staggering the intersections does not make
any sense and it is impossible to stripe. The residents must take priority.
Taking the left turn movement away from Dune Palms Road will cause a
comic opera for u-turns. The mistakes were made in the design of the streets,
and the .City cannot now tell the residents too bad. The residents are the ones
that count.
34. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that Elkhorn Drive
in Palm Desert was a street that lined up and due to a fatal accident the street
was closed off so streets can be closed.
35. Senior Engineer Steve Speer thanked the Commission for their suggestions
and noted he would take them to the City Council.
36. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the Council/Commission needs to
determine whether the City will stay with the General Plan as it is, or revise
the General Plan to make specific exceptions, or do away with the current
distance requirements for traffic signals.
37. Chairman Kirk stated it is mostly a case by case issue.
B. Commissioner Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of October 5, 1999.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners to adjourn this
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission to be held October 26, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at P.M. on October 12, 1999.
Respectfully submitted,
BETTY J. SAWYER, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California